Dear Journal…

"Well, it's been almost two months and a half since the events with the NOVA Organization and things have been… quiet. Well, quiet as in there wasn't some Evil creature or some secret organization trying to take over this world and the Kaijin no Sekai again. But a lot has happened in these last two months though. Jamie and I are officially dating. And we're both for sure about it this time. The first time didn't really work but now we're in the clear and we're good; doing all of the lovey-dovey junk: Holding hands, going out to dinner, etc. And of course, tag dueling with other couples (I understand how cliché this is getting so I'll stop here). Well aside from that, we learned about Dr. Inoue's disappearance and Dr. Tachibana's death. It hit us pretty hard, but the paramedics, when they reached him found his dead body smiling; as if he knew that he was going to die. I wonder what he was smiling about…

Well finally, unlike last time when we were pulled into the Kaijin no Sekai the first time by the avatars for precautions about the impending future and such, everyone and everything, is perfectly fine. Honestly ever since I moved here back in march my life's been nowhere near than normal. So this period of peace is kinda weird. Holidays came and went, all celebrated epically mind you, especially Christmas. Jamie bought me a new Dueling Glove (Its silver and green with these red flame patterns that look so sick) and a stack of new Fire and Nature cards to experiment with; and a new cellphone. All I could afford was some necklace that I saved up for months to give her the moment I had the courage to ask her out. At least my saved money wasn't in vain. It was a pretty locket, silver in color with a silver flame on the end of it with her initials engraved in it. She found it sweet and made sure after that, mistletoes were close enough so the kiss would be extra special… yeah; sorry I know I promised to stay from the love stuff… Anyway, Jake, Karon and Dylan are their normal selves; nothing really changed with them so much. Jake trimmed his hair a bit, starting to look like a rocker at one point Ever since Tenshi (his Deck Avatar) was affected by the ARC program Alcadeias has served as nothing but Mana bait for his deck. Fortunately he's found alternatives to keep him up there on the leaderboards. Karon's still kicking butt DM-wise, not a surprise there, and Dylan's promised to lay off the sugar. As it turned out, his personality change while in the Kaijin no Sekai after we met up was because he was sneaking candy from his back pocket and getting mild sugar rushes. Although, 'Wacky Dylan' is pretty fun; definitely makes him more diverse of a character. Well, Journal, I guess that's it for now; It's December 31th, and 2016 is about three hours away so… yeah, see you next year I guess!

C.J. closed his journal and grabbed his black winter coat and threw the dark blue winter hat on his head.

"Ready to go Tsume, Flare?"

The Dolzark and Cocco Lupia materialized from his deck case and nodded in reply.

C.J. took the deck case and slid it into his pocket, racing out the door into the snowy winter night.

After a while C.J. finally arrived at TCG Towers where the store was personally holding their annual New Year's Eve tournament for the tourist visiting the city. It also served as the store's annual New Year's Eve party. It was family oriented so kids and parents, especially families of Team KG were there.

"Yo C.J.!" Dylan waved him over to where a duel was going on at. He was wearing a short-sleeved blue and white shirt, black jeans and white and blue Air Jordan sneakers; under the shirt were black thermals that went passed the short sleeves of it.

C.J. took off his jacket and his hat, showing that he was wearing a red shirt, dark green vest, blue jeans and black and red Nikes.

"Hey dude."

"You're late man, what happened?"

"Sorry, traffic wasn't all that grateful for us. I never liked traveling during New Year's Eve; it seems NYC is no different, if not worse."

"Haha, which is why, if you're traveling to the city: Take the ferry, don't drive. It's cheaper, and there's no traffic." Dylan recommended.

"Yeah, but my family wanted to drive, guess it was more convenient." C.J. shrugged his shoulders. "So where's everyone else?"

"Karon's on the counter over there, Jake's with his family and Jamie's dueling over there. I'm here supporting this 'traitor'…" Dylan pointed to the shorter pigtailed Hispanic girl next to him. She was wearing a black winter coat with a frilly cyan blue scarf around her neck.

"Hi C.J." She smiled.

"Hey Maria, what's up?"

"Nothing, just kicking my bro out of the tournament;" Maria said with a big grin on her face. She turned back to the duelist she was facing. "Shield trigger X: Octillion Force! I cross it onto Marshall Queen." Maria then drew and smiled. "I Triple break with Marshal Queen, Emeral Todomeda!"

Her opponent growled in disappointment at his loss.

"The winner is Maria Rodriguez; she will be facing Jamie Martin in the final match!" the judge deemed.

"Still abusing that Marshal Queen combo huh?"

"Still Abusing that Marshal Queen Combo… As an added bonus, she threw light into it." Dylan added.

"So it's a Light, Water, Nature deck?" C.J. asked.

"Yup, three civilizations…" Dylan nodded. "She based it on my deck a bit concerning the Light part and the rest was history. "I only made it to the quarter finals and she kicked my butt hard."

"What about Jamie?" C.J. asked curiously.

"Mrs. Henderson's been dominating like she normally would. The blue-flamed princess' been lighting up the K-Terminals tonight with that Bolshack of hers.

"Please dude, I wish you'd kill the 'Married Jokes'." C.J. told him. "Me and Jamie are dating, but we're obviously too young to even consider marriage."

"Oh relax, like you guys would ever tie the knot." Dylan replied. "Of course, the way you two act, I don't see what's stopping you."

C.J. rolled his eyes and then saw Maria and Jamie approach the K-terminal in the center of the shop. Jamie's black hair went midway down her back, not in a ponytail for once, and she was wearing a blue shirt and red and white Arm warmers, along with black jeans and sneakers. She looked over at C.J. and smiled, feeling reassured that he arrived. With the boosted confidence, she felt sure that she was going to win this match.

"And now, for the final duel of the evening, we have Jamie Martin, going up against Maria Rodriguez. So with that said, Girls, get ready, set and let's duel!"

The audience clapped as the two girls drew their hands and got ready to start the duel.

[Times Square; present time]

"Man it's freezing out here…" A young voice said through a red Bluetooth. "Jason, how much longer are we gonna be out here? Geno's freezing to death out here and I'm not faring any better."

The Brown-haired young man pressed the button on the device hanging from his ear. "Not much longer, I promise; we're late for the Party as it is, there's no sense for us to miss any more of it."

"It's about time you said something!" a female voice added. "Man, I don't know how much more I can hold out."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Fall Back." Jason said. "You too Inferno, let's head back down."

The red armored dragon nodded as they descended down from the sky.

Afar from a distance, a Japanese man in his late thirties to early forties, dressed in a suit covered by his dark trench coat looked through his binoculars, watching the teen head down. He pulled it from his eyes and adjusted his glasses, looking at his watch and reading 11:50pm.

"Get into position and await my signal." He spoke into the Bluetooth under his dark gray-streaked hair. "Let's end the year with a bang shall we…?"

"Bolshack Yamato Dragon, Todomeda!" Jamie called out as she tapped her creature.

"And there you have it folks, our winner is Jamie Martin!"

The audience clapped at the win with Jamie celebrating her victory. She ran over and hugged her boyfriend giving each other a quick kiss.

"Great job…!" C.J. told her. "I knew you could do it."

"Was there any doubt in your mind that I couldn't?" Jamie asked.

"No, not really; but if something could kick Dylan's analytical butt, then it must be something good."

Jamie giggled as Dylan rolled his eyes from the comment. Jake and Karon walked up to them making up the quintet of duelist known as Kaijudo Generation. Jake was wearing a green and white sweater with dark pants and shoes, and Karon was dressed in similar attire, his black tie, white shirt, pants and shoes as well. He was serving as one of the judges and had to dress as such.

"May I have your attention please?" Mr. Davidson, the shop owner called out. In one minute, the Ball will be dropping in Times Square so let's make this night as memorable as last year. As we leave 2015, with our various adventures, times of happiness, pain, and such, let's push all of it away and allow 2016 to help us give us a fresh start!"

"Hey C.J…" Jamie whispered to him.


"They say when two people kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, they'll be together forever."

"You really believe it?" C.J. raised his eyebrow.

"Wanna find out?" Jamie blushed slightly.

"10…9…8…7…6…" The crowd of people began to count down.

C.J. nodded. "For the record I'm only going along with it because you're asking me."

Jamie smiled. "I know."

The two of them turned and began to count down with the others.

"5…4…" they whispered to each other, approaching closer.

"Target locked…" the calm voice of a young woman said as its crosshairs were set on Jason and Inferno.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The ball dropped down welcoming 2016 to the world.

At the same time, Jason turned, seeing a bright blue beam engulf him and Inferno…

"Target Neutralized…" The same voice replied to the Japanese man.

"Good work, Kelly." He smiled. "You're move Roman… Try leading an army with your General dead…"

Chapter 1: The War of 2016

Jamie and C.J. broke from their kiss, smiling at each other.

"I love you…" C.J. told her.

"I love you too…" Jamie replied, just as sincere.

A large explosion suddenly erupted, shaking the building. Everyone turned to the television and saw the fireball hovering over Times Square.

"What was that…?" C.J. said surprised. "That didn't look like fireworks."

"The people of times square started to scramble, assuming right away that it was work of Terrorists. In a way, they weren't wrong.

Jamie looked on and saw something flying out of the explosion.

"It's Bolmeteus Samurai Dragon…" Jamie recognized. She then saw something else falling after it. "JASON!" she exclaimed.

Jamie without question bolted out into the cold weather outside.

"Jamie, wait up!" Jake called out.

"Follow her, there's no telling what's going on, but it's obviously not good." Karon suggested. Dylan and C.J. nodded in agreement, grabbing their stuff and racing after her.

The crowd of people, clueless of what was going on returned to the television to see what was happening over there.

Jason slowly opened his eyes, the pain surging through his freefalling body.

"In…ferno…" He turned his head seeing the dragon under him.

The dragon suddenly opened his eyes and regained its composure, with Jason safely landing on it.

"Just what was that…?" Inferno asked in pain.

"What we've been looking for the last two and a half months…" Jason replied. He drew a light card from his deck and held it, charging Kaijudo Energy into it. "Ulpheus, Dragonic Elemental!"

A gold colored Serpent-like creature with a white angelic mask materialized next to inferno. It held in its hand a pair of scales along with it.

"Master Jason, it has been a while." The Solar Dragon told him in a majestic Feminine voice.

"Nice to see you as well, Kaminari." Jason replied. "Alright you two; you know what to do."

Inferno and Kaminari nodded.

Jason took a deep breath and drew a card from his deck; "Vortex Evolution!"

He jumped off of inferno, but held the card up above him.

"Bolmeteus Samurai Dragon, Ulpheus Dragonic Spirit, Evolve into Bolpheus, Shining Blaze Dragon!"

Inferno and Kaminari turned into a Red and White Ball of energy respectively and fused together, exploding into a floating warrior encased in Golden Dragon-motif Armor. Its Dragon-shaped gauntlets had blades extended out of them, as its four wings extended; the top two being a flaming reddish-orange color, while it's lower wings being angelic and white. Twin scales hung from his gauntlets as well.

Bolpheus swooped down under Jason as he landed once again, standing up as the duo rose back up.

"Come on out, you can't hide forever!" Jason called out.

"Who's hiding…?" the voice of the girl asked, making Jason turn around.

The voice came from a young girl, around his age. She was a light blonde-haired girl with icy blue eyes. She was dressed in a NOVA Uniform, however it was unique as it was a deep purple and navy blue blazer with a black skirt and boots. She also had a gold medal on her Jacket, shaped like the Greek Symbol of Poseidon. She was also on the shoulder of a Valkyrie-like creature, dressed in silver armor and matching hair; around her waist extended pink and purple wing-like armaments with metallic-like serpent heads extending from the top over her head. The creature wielded a halberd-like weapon that was pouring raw Kaijudo Energy in a cyan-blue color that also illuminated the blade at that end.

"So… You're the Skyfire General huh…?" The girl asked. "You're cuter than I thought."

"And judging by your outfit and that creature… I can only assume that you're Neptune of the Legendary Quasar Six…"

"Kelly Winters, Pleased to meet you." The girl smiled. "I see you know about my beautiful partner, Neptune, the Tsunami Supernova…"

"Why are you here?" Jason got straight to the point. "What's Ryuusei planning that the first sign of the NOVA Organization pops up two months after his disappearance…?"

"My my, it's only our first date and you're already rushing things…" Kelly crossed her arms. "Actually he's not planning anything. He's just letting the DCA know that he's still here."

"So it's a warning?"

"In a way; more like it's a way to start off 2016."

"And how does he plan that…?"

"By making NYC under the suspicion that it's under another Terrorist Attack, throwing the city into another panic after six months without a hint of catastrophe. And also…"

"And also…?" Jason was becoming impatient.

"To announce that of January 1st, 2016: The beginning of the DCA/NOVA War!"

The three letter word hit Jason headfirst, taking him by surprise. "He can't be serious…"

Kelly smirked. "He's been planning this for over fifteen years; I can assure you that my Master is entirely serious about this. Yes the retrieval of the Gears was a minor setback, but like you said, it's been over two months… What's to say that he hasn't already broken Thanatos out of his prison…?"

"You're bluffing!"

"Can't be too sure can you…? Oh well. Neptune, waste him."

Neptune nodded and charged her weapon, sending a second blue beam of light towards Jason.

"Inferno…" Jason snapped his fingers. "Let's fly!"

Inferno nodded as the Bolpheus charged forward.

"Fire…" Kelly ordered, making Neptune unleash the energy within her weapon. It skidded towards Bolpheus like a sonic wave, but the Angelic Dragon slashed it with its swords and began to duke it out with the Supernova.

Back on the ground, the bundled up Team KG arrived at Times square, finding the hundreds of people and the various city officials flood the area. If this was another terrorist attack, they weren't prepared to take it lightly.

"Any sign of Jason?" C.J. asked as the teens split up amongst the crowd.

Each of them couldn't do much searching as the crowd of terrified tourist and the officials pushing everyone out the area contributed to being a major obstacle for them.

"We need to find him…" Jamie said worried.

"What could've sent him flying like that?" Dylan asked.

Jake flew into the sky on the back of his transformed El Kaiou, trying to get an aerial view of things.

"I don't see him on the ground…" Jake noted.

"So he didn't crash then… right?" Dylan asked.

"Inferno must've recovered… Woah!"

Jet made a sharp turn to avoid the blue wave that just barely grazed it.

"Dude, you ok?"

"I think I found Jason…" Jake replied. Jet shot forward in the direction of the blast until he got close enough to see it.

"There's no way…" Jake said with his eyes widened.

"What did you find up there…?"

"Jason… Fighting a Supernova…!"

The other four members of KG were thrown off by those words.

"That's impossible... We beat NOVA, and Ryuusei's gone. How…" C.J. tried to piece it together.

"Did you really think that I didn't have a backup plan…?"A familiar voice spoke through each of their devices, surprising all of them.

"Dr… Inoue…?" C.J. recognized instantly.

"It's been a while, my old friends. Hope you're enjoying the holidays."

"Where are you…?" C.J. snarled. "Come out here so I can get you back for killing Dr. Tachibana you snake!"

"Still headstrong as ever I see…" he replied. "Alright then; Turn around."

C.J. suddenly felt the stare of someone behind him. A chilling, familiar stare… In his mind he was praying that it wasn't who he thought it was. He was hoping to God, it wasn't him. He slowly turned… Unfortunately… his prayer wasn't answered in the way he hoped.

Behind him wasn't the silver armored machine he fought in the creature world… it was worse.

"Dr. Inoue…" C.J. made out.

"Correction… My real name is Shotaro Kurosaki: Founder, and Head General of the NOVA Organization. Pleased to meet you… Terra Knight."

"What are you doing back…?" C.J. asked.

"To pass on a message to my former colleague, Mitchell Roman… As of now, The NOVA Organization declares War against the DCA's Armed Forces."

"War…?" C.J.'s heart nearly froze in place.

"If he's going to stand in the way of my ambitions, I'm not going to hesitate to fight back…"

"Funny you mention that… I plan on taking him out too…"

The second voice rang in C.J.'s ear and its tone sounded all too familiar to him.

"Unfortunately, taking him out is one thing; Declaring War against the DCA is another story…"

"Well, well, well…; how was your trip to Hell…?" Shotaro asked the mysterious figure approaching.

The mysterious man walked up, revealing himself to be a silver haired boy with emerald colored eyes, wearing a black scarf and a navy blue coat.

"Nothing special; just came to pass along a message."

"And what might that be…?"

"I saved a spot for you there…"

"Dante… you're alive…?"

"It's been a while bro. Give me a few minutes while I take care of him; then afterward we can get reacquainted…" he opened his Jacket and drew a cyan blue gun, shaped like a Dragon's skull with a blade extending from it. He then drew a darkness spell from his pocket and charged his Kaijudo Energy with it.

"Spell Shot: Romanoff Strike!"

The card dispersed and was absorbed into the gun as it charged with the boost in power. Dante smirked and fired the shot; the scatter shots all homing in on the Japanese Man…