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Chapter One - A Scarlet Autumn

Natsu stared rather mournfully into her dying orbs, his frantic eyes scanning the little traces of light left in her clear blue ones. His hands shook uncontrollably as they cradled her head in a gentle embrace. She felt so fragile, as if she would break if he held her too tightly.

Tears threatened to fall. Gritting his teeth, he stared determinedly into her dulling eyes, some part of him afraid to lose sight of them. His own pain buzzed numbly at him, his own injuries protesting for treatment. But he didn't care. He only cared about the dying girl in his arms, who he was proud enough to call his best friend.

As if handling a china doll, he brushed aside the white strands of hair that lay matted on her sweaty forehead. His eyes narrowed, glaring childishly at the thin trail of scarlet that dripped slowly from her temple, stopping it with one finger when the red stream dipped into her eyelashes. He couldn't bring himself to stare at the dagger that protruded from her stomach, where the blood gushed, staining her clothes and painting her fair complexion scarlet.

The dying girl only smiled sadly, her heart clenching painfully as she stared up at the rose-haired teenager. The pain was biting at her from all sides, the main focus being her stomach. But she ignored it all, focusing her attentions on her shaky breaths and the glowing boy who she loved. Through the strange buzzing of her mind, she struggled to remain conscious.

She knew. She would never see him again. This was the last time. The final. With half-lidded eyes, she raised her arms achingly towards his gentle hand, and clasped it shakily, It was painful to move, but she held on, holding the boy's hand to her bloodied chest. Her eyes crinkled in silent laughter at the expressions on his face as she continued to hold on, her limbs dead and unfeeling.

"No!" Natsu cried, his voice breaking out on his last word. "You can't leave me. You promised me that you would live. You promised me that you would stay with me. "Please, stay with me." Natsu's desperate tone broke out at the end of his speech. His eyes were wild, backed by un-shed tears. "You can't leave me… just not yet…"

"No." Her lips parted weakly as she rasped," Natsu, calm down."

"No! I will not calm down." Natsu stared fiercely into her blue orbs. "Just wait. Wendy will be here soon. I swear she will heal you."

The sad smile spread wider across her face, an inward part of her wincing at the pain that it brought. She smiled at him in admiration, awed by his determination and spirit. The pain continued to stab at her as she sacrificed her smile to shake her head slowly. Her loose white hair swayed gently in the non-existent wind. Tears pricked the back of her eyes, the traitorous liquid welling up without her permission. "Natsu." She grasped his hand tenderly in hers, nursing his scars with her bloodied hands. An affectionate smile crossed her face once more as she gazed at his familiar coal eyes.

Natsu rambled on, ignoring her attempts to talk. His hands fiddled unconsciously with her short strands of white hair. "No, she will definitely heal you. If she doesn't then I'll carry you to another doctor. If the doctor there can't heal you I'll…"

"Natsu." A stronger buzzing made itself known at the back of her mind. She had little time left. "Natsu. NATSU!"

Natsu froze as her sweet voice echoed throughout the wide fields of grass and autumn leaves. Tall tufts of blood soaked grasses bowed their head to the wrath of a sudden wind. Red and yellow leaves blew along with it in a furious dance. "Natsu." She whispered. "Please." Her voice grew fainter as a visible shudder ran up her spine. "Listen to me."

There was then silence. Even the wind had stopped howling to hear the last words of his best friend. Gradually, Natsu lowered his head in consent, his pink hair close enough to brush against her skin. .

"Natsu." She croaked out. "Please remember. I will never leave you. So please don't forget me. I-" A sudden coughing fit took over her as blood, mixed with saliva fell in large droplets onto the grassy field, splattering her hand with the scarlet liquid.

At once, Natsu's stomach sank heavily, his heart compacting with an undefinable blend of emotions. He rushed to comfort her in some way, adjusting his lap and smoothing down her strands of white hair.

"I wish for one thing." She rasped. "Remember, Natsu. You promised to marry me."

He nodded.

"Would you really have married me if this didn't happen?" She gestured weakly with a shallow giggle.

"Yes." Natsu didn't hesitate to answer.

The girl smiled. "Really...? That makes me so happy." Her eyes fluttered shut for the briefest moment. "But it looks like it will never happen now. So-"

"No!" Natsu cried out, cutting her words off.

"So," She rasped firmly over his loudness. "I want you to marry someone else. I want you to be happy. So I, knowing how dense you are, want you to find the most beautiful woman in this world. It can be of your opinion."

Natsu stared confusedly at her expectant eyes, the eyes that were brimming with tears of regret and sorrow. Her radiant smile however, was a stark contrast.

"Natsu." The girl continued. "I want you to marry her and live the rest of your life with her." She smiled sadly once more. "It's a selfish request, but I hope you'll agree."

There was a silence where her voice lingered. Natsu hesitated in confusion, a question hanging limply at the tip of his tongue. But his sorrow overcame his curiosity. A simple sigh of consent echoed from his lips. It was in that silence, that a stream of blood flowed slowly down from her temple, staining the long strands of natural white hair that covered her forehead. Natsu only stopped it carefully with the tips of his scarf.

"Yes, yes" He murmured, and stared down to her radiant face. She was so beautiful. Even with her face marred with bloody scars, she truly looked like an angel, with her white locks of hair splayed out around her. Like a pure halo tainted with crimson.

"Natsu?" She asked, her voice cut through the silence like knife on butter. Raising her head slightly, she asked in a soft voice, "Will you sing me a song?"

She felt his head nod to her request and felt the low vibrations of a familiar song wash over her. Her smile grew wider. His singing was just as tuneless as she'd remembered.

Following the moonlight

Brushing through trees

The road is lit up bright

To lead me to you

Crawling by twilight

Humming with joy

To see you're alright

The joy of my life

The dying girl refused to cry, especially not in the presence of boy she loved. She knew this was probably the last time she would see him, the last time she will hear his voice. She knew they would never meet again. Yet she refused to cry and instead supported a radiant smile as she let the tuneless singing wash over her.

All of a sudden, her eyes fluttered open at the first pelt of a stray rain drop. A second one followed, then a third. The sky split to reveal a down pour, washing away the blood that tainted her blouse, stinging her wounds. A genuine giggle was caught in her throat as she smiled, the rain washing away her regrets.

It was then that the dam broke. Her tears flooded free, mixing in with the pouring rain that pelted onto the face. A beaming smile lit up her face of tears and rain as her eyelids slid slowly over her glassy eyes. There was nothing left to regret as Natsu's low singing and her numbing pain lured her into a warm blackness. A blackness she knew that she'll never wake from again.

"Natsu. I love you. I always have, always will." Her whisper was carried into the sounds of the pouring rain and wind, its echo like a fading shine.

Natsu startled as if woken from a deep sleep. His singing stopped abruptly. He didn't care that rain was seeping into his hair. He didn't care about the pain that was stinging at him. Only sorrow and that lump of tangled emotions remained, where they lodged deeply into his heart. It was only when her hand became limp that his tears fell. They fell in torrents, blending into the rain that streamed down his face. In his brief moment of insanity, he let out a loud scream of frustration, hate and sorrow. Frustration for not being able to save her. Hate for the people who killed her and sorrow for the irreplaceable loss of his best friend. She was dead. There was nothing he could do anymore.

Nothing. There was nothing.

"Goodbye…" His whisper was choked with uncontrollable sobs as it floated into the wind, echoing. "Lisanna."

Thank you so much for reading!

Ok. I know the first chapter was rather cliché. No, scratch that, it was VERY cliché. But regardless of its cliché-ness, I really hope you'll continue reading, cause a LOT of people usually drop after reading the first chapter.

Now click onto the next chapter please!