Disclaimer: I do not own anything of the Supernatural franchise. This is merely for amusement and no money is being made for having written this piece.

Here we go again everyone. I meant to get this up and posted yesterday but unfortunately my computer was acting all crazy and not connecting to the internet so I'm posting it today instead. Here is my next long-term story and I really hope you'll enjoy it. Just the prologue to set things up in the new universe I'm creating.


The "End of Days" was not at all as glamorous as the movies and literature made it out to be, with the sides of good and evil fighting until one side was victorious and the other ceased to be.

The battle for earth was won by the monster creator, cunning Eve. Working unopposed, she turned the bodies and souls of almost each and every human who walked on the planet to become her new "children". They would then one day upon their deaths join her in her beloved Purgatory rather than find peace or pain elsewhere. Others, those who retained their souls and were therefore totally human, were placed in quarters. Unwilling sacrifices, handled as livestock. Trapped without any hope.

On Heaven's side of things, their great civil war ended and the archangel Raphael was victorious in his battle against his weak and undermanned younger brother, Castiel. Castiel disappeared from Paradise in a blazing ball of pure white light, shortly before earth was known to be lost. However, there was a problem with the archangel's and his followers plot - even though the cage could be opened to release his lost brothers and to finish with the unworthy humans left, their true vessels were nowhere to be found. No, the Winchester brothers vanished one day and were not heard from again.

Now, on Hell's side not much changed. Crowley, King of the Crossroads was still in charge, still the head-honcho. Hell however now plays very little part in the goings on of earth because "meatsuits" were getting harder and harder to come by. The earth was no longer the playground it once was for demons where monsters now ran amok.

However, not everyone was willing to lie down and die or turn. No, there was talk in reverent tones of a secret Human Resistance. If asked by the common folks, no one knew exactly who was behind it or how many were actively involved in the fight for freedom. Some days there was only silence and despair while on others an entire facility was knocked over and every man, woman and child was set free and sent off into the wind until the few were caught again or turned.

This is the way the world is now. This is the new End of Days.

Think of this story as an altered End verse, though it isn't exactly going to be the same thing. So, who's leading the resistance? You'll find out in the next chapter. Leave me a review to let me know if you're interested in more. Have a good weekend everyone.