Hello everybody! Well I saw a lot of people liked the first chapter and I'm really glad you did:) Anyways I wanted to put the second part up because I'm going out of town for the weekend so I knew I had to update today. And don't worry I'll update Runaway Star soon. There is a lemon scene and it was my first time writing it so sorry if that scene sucks. Hope you enjoy part two

Clare's POV: (On her way to Fiona's loft)

I was on my way up to Fiona's loft for a sleepover with her and Ali. But for some reason, Adam wanted to tag along with me which was weird but I don't mind. I was kind of bumped out that I was going to spend the night with Eli like we planned but I can't blame him for getting the flu.

As we were waiting in the elevator to Fiona's floor, I notice Adam was texting someone really fast.

'Who are you texting?" I asked sort of being nosey.

"Drew. He was asking me I've been talking to Dallas lately?" he answered.

"Oh. How is Drew been? You know with the concussion and everything?"

"He's told me living with Fiona has been okay but don't worry I made sure he left so he won't bother you girls during your sleepover."

I smiled at him and stepped out when we stopped on Fiona's floor. As we stood in front of Fiona's door, when I was about to knock Adam just opened the door and let me in first. As I walked in with him behind me, I noticed it was dark in the living room.

"Adam you didn't have-"


I was cut off when I noticed the lights turned on and I saw everyone jumping up from hiding spots. I was so shocked but I still smiled and walked in further in the living room.

"Oh my gosh! I wasn't expecting a party."

"Well it was all Eli's idea," Ali said while running up to me.

I hugged her then separated while looking around the room at the decorations until my blue eyes found familiar green ones. I smiled and excused myself from Ali and walked over to Eli.

When I reached him, I noticed he was wearing a simple black t-shirt with a black jacket on him and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans.

"Hi," I said quietly.

"Hey," he smirked, "happy birthday, blue eyes."

He opened his arms up and I walked into them while wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Thank you, Eli," I said looking up at him, "you didn't have to do this you know?"

"I know but I wanted you to have an awesome birthday," he said while smiling.

"I love it when you smile."


"Because it rarely comes and I notice the only times it comes out is when we're together."

"Well, you are just worth smiling about," he said in a whisper before catching my lips in a kiss.

This wasn't like our other kisses. This one kiss was filled with every feeling I have for Eli; love, passion, and care. I always loved kissing Eli because his lips always send me to our own private little world that only me and Eli can only go to.

As we separated we looked into each others lovingly.

"You know you are the world's best boyfriend," I commented while blushing.

"Wrong, I'm the greatest boyfriend of the universe," he said smugly.

"Could you be anymore smugger?"

"Only for you babe," he stated while pecking my lips.

As I was about to speak, Ali came up to us.

"Sorry to ruin the love fest but Eli I need to borrow your girlfriend," she said while pointing to me.

"I guess I can let you borrow Clare," he stated while rolling his eyes playfully.

I slapped his chest playfully then gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking away with Ali into Fiona's bedroom. As soon as I entered I saw a beautiful dress with shoes next to it on the bed.

The dress was a light peach floral dress that had thin straps and the shoes were small black wedges that'll make me two inches taller.

"Ali this dress is-"

"Amazing? Gorgeous? You? I know," she said while flipping her hair.

"Yes Ali, all of the above," I joked while hugging her.

"Now hurry up and get dressed. You're starting to miss your own party."

I ran over to the other side of the bed and took off my jeans and plain white shirt then slipped the dress on. As soon as the dress was on, I walked over to the full length mirror and looked at myself. The dress was, of course, a little short for my liking but I shaked off the feeling and walked over to the shoes.

As soon as I had everything on, Ali forced me to sit on a stool while she did my make-up. While she was about to finish, we heard a knock on the door and Ali walked over to it.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"It's Fiona and Imogen."

Ali smiled and opens the door to reveal Fiona in a all black dress that was mid-thigh while Imogen had on a light purple dress that was poofy on the bottom and both of them had one black lace glove on one hand.

"Hello ladies," Imogen said while taking a seat on the bed.

"Hey," me and Ali said in unison.

"Wow Clare, you look so beautiful right now," Fiona commented.

"It's all thanks to me," Ali said while smiling and crossing her arms across her chest.

"Really? I haven't seen myself yet," I said while standing up and walking to the mirror.

Ali put some peach and gold eye shadow on with black eyeliner on both lids and some dark brown massacre. Then she put some red lipstick on my lips and some pink blush on my cheeks. As if I need blush on when I already blush pretty bright.

"Ali you did an amazing job with Clare," Imogen complemented.

"Yeah she did," I said while looking at her.

"What are we standing around for? We have party going on out there," Fiona said while grabbing Imogen's hand.

We all left Fiona's room and joined the party. As I was looking for Eli, a lot people came up to me saying 'happy birthday' and they would also say I looking amazing for "Saint Clare".

While making my way to the kitchen, I saw Eli leaning against the wall talking to Adam. I think he must have felt my stare because he looked over in my direction and smiled.

Eli's POV:

I still can't handle the fact that Clare would hide this secret from me. I mean I've told her everything that's been going ever since we got back together so I don't know why she would want to keep this secret from me. But I'm gonna try and forget it tonight since it is Clare's night.

As I was talking to Adam about the play, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. So I looked around the room until I saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes looking into mine. I smiled at her and motion for her to come over. As she was walking towards me, I got a good luck at her new outfit.

She looked so cute and hot at the same time, I didn't think it was possible to look like both at the same time. I noticed she was teasing me by swaying her hips slowly as she walked over to me. As soon as she was in font of me, Adam left knowing to give us alone time.

"Wow," I said looking down at her.

"What?" she asked so clueless.

"You look amazing in that dress," I grabbed her right hand and kissed it gently.

"Ali got it for me."

"Well remind me to give her a 'thank you' later," I stated while pulling her closer and placing my hands on her hips.

She put her arms around my neck and connected her hands behind. She was still three inches shorter then me, even in those shoes. She got on her tip-toes and whispered in my ear, "Dance with me, Goldsworthy."

God the way Clare said it made me want to grab her and carry her to the bedroom to fuck her but I must be patient. I looked into her eyes and nodded my head. She grabbed my hand and led me to the middle of the living room.

As soon as we got to a spot, the song What Makes You Beautiful from that boy band One Direction came on. I only know the name of the song and group band because Clare loves them and this specific song. As song continued to play, Clare would grind on me. Weird how this song is not really meant for grinding but Clare knows how to grind so I'm not complaining.

She was turning me on so much when she is grinding her ass all over my dick. I'm still surprise that I'm not as hard as a rock. As we continued to dance, the memory of what Ali said about Asher and Clare came up. I decided to just discuss it right now with Clare instead of waiting for tomorrow because otherwise, it's gonna bug me all night.

I leaned down to her ear and yelled, over the music, "Can we go talk somewhere quiet?"

She looked at me and nodded before pulling me to Fiona's bedroom. Once we stepped in, I closed the door behind me and locked the door.

"What's wrong Eli?" she asked while walking up to me.

I took a deep breath and stepped a couple feet past her before speaking, "Clare, what happened between you and Asher?"

I turned around to face her and she had wide eyes. She looked down and started talking again, "What do you mean?"

"Ali….she told me you were sexually harassed by Asher. Is it true?" I asked with concerned.

She just continued to look at the floor and didn't move at all. So I walked up to her and tilted her head up so she would be looking into my eyes.

"Is it true?" I asked again.

She had tears started to form in her eyes and nodded 'yes'. I backed away from her and turned around while running my right hand through my hair.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked a little pissed while facing her.

"Because Eli, you were…you are so happy right now. I didn't want to drag you down."

"But Clare….he sexually harassed you!" I yelled a little too loud. I could feel the tears streaming down my face, "You not telling me this is like saying you don't trust me."

"Eli! I do trust you though, okay?! I just didn't want you to get hurt," she had tears coming out.

I walked over to the edge of the bed and put my head in-between my hands while sobbing. I felt Clare walk over to me and took a seat next to me. She started rubbing my back and leaned her head against my shoulder.

"I just wanted us to continue being happy and not worry about anything. I guess I should have told you sooner then later on. Okay? I'm sorry Eli. I fucked everything up again. This is all my fault."

I felt her tears hit my shoulder and getting my shirt wet. I reached up and cupped her face so she would be facing me.

"Clare?" I said calmly.

She looked up and her eyes were a little red from crying but mine were also probably the same.

"This isn't your fault. This is all Asher's fault. You didn't ask him to do those things to you. And he is such a dick for saying you did those things when it was the other way around. I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier. I was just pissed you didn't tell me sooner. I just need to know that you can trust me with anything. You can trust me because I love you and I'm not going to leave you."

She smiled at me then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her waist while leaning her back on the bed. We continued to fight each other's tongue as my hand started pushing her dress up.

As I did this, Clare pushed my jacket off and was now trying to pull my shirt off. I pulled my lips away from her and took it off. As soon as my shirt was off, Clare was looking at my upper body. I wasn't like really built but I sort if had a two pack showing.

"Like what you see Edwards?" I asked.

"Shut up and kiss me."

I leaned down and kissed her while making my way down her neck. I slowly continued to leave little butterfly kisses and biting a couple time. While doing this, I started pulling the straps of her dress down. Once I got them passed her shoulder, I stopped everything and looked into her lust filled eyes.

"Can I take your dress off?" I asked her.

"I can take it off," she said seductively and got up.

She stand in front of me and started pulling the straps down and once they were off her arms, she slowly started pushing her entire dress down her body. Just by watching her do this, a friend of mine was getting excited under my pants and came up.

She giggled and tossed her dress to the side, along with her shoes, and just stood in her lacy red bra and lacy boy shorts. The best part was the bra because it was push up and her boobs were practically out there.

"Wow you look…..sexy," I whispered to her.

She smiled and started walking towards me until she was on top of me and I was the one leaning back on the bed. She kissed down my neck and all around my chest leaving little red lipstick spots all over. When she reached my nipple, she kissed both then continued her way down until she reached the top of my pants.

"I think we need to get rid of these," she said while unbuttoning my pants and bring the zipper down.

Once she got them done, I stood up and pulled my jeans down, just leaving me in my boxers. She squealed when I picked her up and placed her back down on the bed. She started moaning when I kissed all around her neck and made my way to her chest.

Once I reached her chest, I kissed the top of each one and she started moaning like really loud.

"Touch me," she whispered while closing her eyes.

"What do you want me to touch Clare?" I teased her.

She grabbed my right hand and placed it on her right boob. I brought my other hand up to her straps and brought it down to her elbows. Luckily the clasp was in the front so I unclasped it with my teeth and threw her bra to the other side of the room.

I looked down at her two perfect breasts and immediately went into a frenzy. I attached my mouth to her left nipple and started biting. Clare threw her head back and started moaning my name over and over. I stopped and went to the other and did the same treatment.

As soon as I was done, I kissed all the way to the top of her boy shorts.

"Do you want to do foreplay or get to the business?" I asked her.

"No foreplay. I need you now," she said while looking down at me.

"Okay give me a second."

I ran over to where my jeans were and pulled out a condom out of my wallet. I walked back over and hovered over her.

"Eli why did you get a condom? I'm on the pill remember?" she stated.

"There is nothing wrong with being extra safe," I said while smirking.

She shook her head and looked up at me. I kissed her and brought my fingers to the top of her boy shorts. I started pulling them down until they were at her ankles. I stopped kissing her and threw her underwear on the side. I looked down at her pussy and noticed she was already dripping.

"Already wet Clare?" I smirked.

"Can you blame me? I have a sexy boyfriend."

I smiled and saw her hands reach the top of my boxers, while tugging on them. I got the hint and stood up to take them off. Once they were off, I crawled back over Clare and stood above her. As I was about to open the condom, Clare stopped me.

"Can I…..I maybe put it on you?" she asked while blushing.


I handed her the condom and she ripped the foil off with her teeth which made me even harder. She giggled and started slipping it on my penis. Once it was on she laid back down, I positioned myself at her entrance.

"Clare this going to hurt at first but at anytime, if you want to stop just tell me."


I slowly pushed into her and holy crap, she was so tight. It felt good around my dick. I looked down at Clare because I started to hear her whimper. I stopped moving once I noticed she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Clare I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked softly while pushing a curl behind her ear.

"No I'm fine just give me a minute."

I stayed still in her until she said, "Okay you can move again."

I started moving in and out slowly with her walls clenching around my dick. I did this very slowly until Clare said, "Faster Eli."

I grabbed her hips and picked up the pace. God the way her walls clench and unclench around my dick made me want to cum but I'm gonna wait. Clare started chanting my name like I was playing a sport.

"Eli! Eli! Oh right there! Mmmm….ugh!"

She kept screaming for about another minute until she said, "Eli….I-I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum for me baby."

I started rubbing her clit while pounding into her harder. She came long and good a couple seconds later. I soon followed and stopped moving then slipped out.

She whined meaning she missed me already. I carefully took the condom off and threw it in the trashcan. I pulled my boxers back on and climbed into bed with Clare.

"Are you okay?" I asked while rubbing her arm up and down.

"I'm better then okay. I feel amazing," she said while smiling.

"You know we should probably get back to the party because we've been gone for twenty minutes.

"Yeah we should."

We both got up and got dressed again. I looked back at the bed and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Clare asked while walking over to the door.

"Fiona is so going to kill me once she finds out we had sex on her bed."

Clare rolled her eyes and walked over to me. She grabbed my hand and open it before slipping her purity ring off and placing it in my palm.

"Now you have proof to remember you gave me the best present ever," she smiled and pecked my lips.

~*~*~Later at the Party~*~*~

"Happy Birthday Clare! Make a wish," Ali said standing next to Clare who blew out her candle. Everyone started clapping and Clare hugged Ali.

"So what did you wish for?" Ali asked her.

Clare looked over at me and simply said, "I didn't wish for anything. Because I have everything I ever wished for."

So how did you guys like part two? Well I hoped you enjoyed this two-shot and I'll be sure to update Runaway Star before next Friday. Thank you to those who read this story and again sorry if my lemon scene sucked! please review and let me know what you thought:) Until then-Nami3