A/N: Thanks for all the awesome reviews on the last chapter. I still do not own Degrassi or anything affiliated with it.

Chapter 2- Weekend at the Goldsworthy's-Friday Night

Clare was excited to be spending the weekend with Eli, she was surprised how calmly he reacted when she told him about what Asher had done to her. They were now pulling the driveway and she was nervous about how she was going to keep herself pulled together all weekend, so Cece and Bullfrog would not find out what happened. Once again she was pulled from her thought by Eli opening the car door and reaching for her hand. "Come on Blue Eyes we are here." Eli said.

"Eli I am not so sure about this anymore… What if your parents find out what happened and they are disappointed in me?" Clare asked.

"They would never be disappointed in you, in fact I think if ever broke up my parents would disown me and keep you." Eli said with a laugh.

"Eli I don't think they love me that much." Clare said.

"Wanna bet?" Eli said as they were walking in the door.

"Clarebell! Bullfrog get in here Clarebell is here." Cece said excitedly as she ran up to hug Clare.

"Hi Clarebell. How are you doing?" Bullfrog asked.

"I am good. How are you guys? And thank you for letting me stay here this weekend." Clare said.

"Hi Eli how are you? Good thanks for asking Cece and Bullfrog…" Eli muttered sarcastically.

"Yes son we know you are there." Cece replied as she hugged Eli.

"See Clare I told you they like you better." Eli said as he pulled her back into his arms.

Clare and Eli walked into the house and went up to Eli's room so he could put her bags on the foot of the bed and then he laid on the bed. Clare walked around to the other side and laid down beside him and cuddled up to his chest. "Eli I want to ask you something." She says.

"What do you want to ask me Clare?" He said.

"Do you think any less of me after what happened with Asher? Are you disappointed? What do you think about it all?" Clare asked as she sat up on the bed.

"Clare, I am not disappointed in you at all I mean he took advantage of you and your caring nature. He knew how badly you wanted that internship. He took advantage of that thinking you would never tell anyone." Eli said as he sat up as well.

"People like him should not be allowed in positions like that." Clare said

"Are you going to be ok now Clare?" Eli asked after Clare had let all of that out of her system.

"In time I will be ok Eli, just promise to love me." Clare said.

"I am all in Blue Eyes remember?" He asked.

Eli leaned over and wrapped his arms around Clare, then pulled them both down so they were both lying down on the bed. Clare laid her head on Eli's chest and just listened to his heartbeat while it slowly lulled her to sleep. He looked down at her moments later and realized that she was asleep so he leaned down and kissed the top of her head and played with her curls. Not long after that Eli dozed off himself and did not wake anymore till he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in." He said softly in an attempt not to wake Clare.

"Hey Baby Boy, I just wanted to let you and Clare know that supper will soon be ready." She said.

"Ok mom, I will wake Clare and we will be down momentarily." He told her as she was walking back out of his room.

Eli looked down and kissed the top of her head once more before he attempted to wake her. "Hey Blue eyes you need to start waking up mom will soon have supper ready." He said softly.

"Ok." Clare said as she snuggled more into Eli's chest.

"Blue Eyes that does not mean get more comfortable that means get up. If you still want to cuddle after supper then we can come back up here, turn a movie on and cuddle then." Eli said.

"But I am so comfy and you make me feel so safe and loved." Clare said as she started to sit up.

"Well I am glad for that Clarebear, I would be disappointed if I did not make you feel that way." Eli said as he got up off the bed and he held his hand out for Clare.

She took his hand and they started down the stairs to the dining room where Cece was putting supper on the table. "Clare why don't you have a seat down on that end of the table beside me."

Cece said.

Clare suddenly did not feel safe being away from Eli and she grabbed his arm and clung to him like her life depended on it. "Mom is it okay if Dad sits down by you tonight and Clare sits beside me?" Eli asked.

"Of course baby boy." She said with concern in her voice.

Clare had always been so independent that seeing her clinging to her son like that was concerning to her. Sure she had seen them holding hand, cuddling, hugging, kissing and with Eli's arm around her but never to the point where Clare was clinging to Eli like he was her life support. As were eating supper she kept an eye on Clare who had moved her chair closer to Eli's. After they finished supper Bullfrog left to go work another shift at the radio station, so she called Clare and Eli into the kitchen she wanted to talk to them. "Eli, Clare can you guys come into the kitchen please."

They walked into the kitchen and Eli sat down on one of the Island stools while Clare stood beside him with his arms wrapped around her waist. "Clarebell, I am concerned about you. I have never seen you cling to Eli like he was your lifeline. You are usually so independent." Cece said.

"Mom… Please can we not talk about this?" Eli asked while giving his mom a look telling her to drop the topic.

"Eli if there is something wrong Clare should talk to someone." Cece said.

"Mom." Eli said.

"No it is fine Eli, I will tell her what is going on. My co-op boss sexually harassed me and then he told his boss that I was obsessed with him, so I got fired." Clare admitted with tears rolling down her cheek.

When Eli noticed that she was crying again he turned her, wiped her tears, gave her a kiss and pulled her into his chest so he could hold her close. Cece could not help but admire the way her son just wanted to take care of his girlfriend while she was going through this. "Oh Clarebell, I am so sorry… But you need to go and tell the police about what happened." She told Clare.

"But I have no evidence against him but he has all kinds of evidence against me. Please do not make me go to the police Cece." Clare begged.

"Ok Clare I will not force it on you tonight but you do need to go at some point." She told her.

"I will, I promise Cece." Clare said.

"Why don't you guys go back upstairs, watch some movies and relax for the rest of the night." She told them.

Eli got up off the stool and took Clare's hand as they were walking out of the kitchen and back up to his room. When they got back up to his room he took her into his arms and held her tight. "I am so proud of you for telling someone blue eyes." Eli told her.

"Thanks Eli, I just thought that if I was going to be here all weekend your mom may as well know why sometimes I momentarily freak out about being away from you." She said.

"Well how about you go into my bathroom and put your pajamas on and then we can pick out a movie to watch." Eli said as he handed her the overnight bag she had packed.

"Sound lovely." Clare said as she took her overnight bag and headed into Eli's bathroom.

Eli quickly put on a pair of pajama bottoms and took his shirt off while she was in the bathroom. When Clare came back out she stopped at the doorway and took in the sight of Eli topless. She could not believe that he had a six pac. He looked up at her and noticed that she was just staring at him. "Oh my goodness Clare I am so sorry I did not even think about putting a shirt on. I must be making you so uncomfortable." He said as he walked over to his drawer looking for wife beater to put on.

"No, no sorry Eli. I was just shocked to see you without a shirt on." Clare said as she walked towards Eli who was looking for a wife beater in his dresser.

"Oh?" Eli said as Clare pulled him away from the dresser and made him sit down on the bed while she sat in his lap.

"Yeah and I quite like what I see." She said as she ran her hand over his chest and then towards his abs.

Clare leaned in and started to kiss Eli's neck while she ran her hands over his upper body. She slowly kissed her way up his neck to behind his ear lobe where she nipped at the skin and Eli let out a moan. Then she kissed his lips and pushed him into a laying position while she got on top of him. They kept kissing like that for quite a while and when Clare's fingers started playing with his waistband Eli pulled back. "Blue eyes we can't do this tonight." He said as he pulled her hands away from his pants.

"Why not Eli? Am I not pretty enough, do I not live up to Julia, or are you repulsed by me because Asher ruined me." Clare asked as she started to cry again.

"No love it is none of those things. I want our first time to be special and you are not in a place emotionally for it to be special. Also I don't want you to regret anything afterwards." Eli said as he wiped her tears away.

"But Asher ruined my innocence; I am not completely pure anymore." She said.

"Blue eyes Asher did not ruin you at all ok? But I will make you a promise after all this is over, and you still want to have sex then, then we will discuss it." Eli told her.

"But I want you to make me forget about the things Asher did to me, make me completely yours so I can be yours completely. I want to forget how dirty Asher made me feel." Clare begged.

"Clare even if we do this tonight once it is over, nothing will have changed he still will have harassed you and it will still haunt you." He said.

"Eli you are far too sweet, any other guy would be taking advantage of my emotional train wreck state right now." Clare told him.

"I love you way too much to even think about doing something like that to you." He told her as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

After Clare took a moment to pull herself back together emotionally she got up out of Eli's lap and asked him. "So what movie do you want to watch Eli?"

"Well Clare if you look down at that bottom shelf I think you will find a movie there you may want to watch." Eli said.

Clare looked down at the bottom shelf and she saw 2 movies that she completely loved. "Oh my goodness Eli did you go buy The Notebook and A Walk To Remember?" Clare asked as she picked them up.

"I sure did Clarebear I want you to be comfortable here and have movie's that you want to watch here. So I went out and got those movies." Eli said.

"I want to watch A Walk To Remember." Clare said as she took the movie out of his case and put it in the DVD player.

After she put the DVD in the player she walked back over to the bed and sat down in front of Eli. He pulled her up to him and wrapped his arms around her waist as she leaned back onto his chest.

They stayed in that position until the movie was over. Then Eli asked "Do you want to watch The Notebook next or what would you like to watch."

"I want to watch The Notebook." Clare said as Eli got up off the bed to change the DVD over.

After Eli switched the disc over he went back to the bed noticed that Clare was lying down and she asked "Do you mind if we lie down and cuddle, I am starting to feel a bit tired."

"Of course we can." He said as he got back in the bed and pulled the blanket back on his side of bed.

Clare quickly got up and pulled the blankets back on her side of the bed and then got back into bed and cuddled up next to Eli with her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the top of her head. "I love you Blue Eyes." Eli said as leaned down to kiss her lips and noticed that she was falling asleep.

"Love you too, Eli." Clare said as she fell asleep.

A/N: Well that is it for Chapter 2. Please review and let me know what you thought, Personally I do not think it was as good as Chapter 1. I am hoping Chapter 3 will be better.