It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.
~Charles Baudelaire
Rarity doesn't believe anything we tell her even though she doesn't have any reason to think we would lie.
Sweetie Belle's Diary
August 1st 2011.
The warm summer month of July was ending and August was rolling in, a bit cooler, though still leaving Ponyville in a heat wave that had swept across all of Equstria. The heat wave was not good news for anypony. Many questioned Cloudsdale for not providing rain, but they continued to claim that there was simply not enough water anywhere to provide rain to every part of the land. Of course, this left the bitter idea in each ponies' mind that they seemed to be the only ones not receiving water.
Rainbow Dash was starting a campaign to collect water from anywhere that could supply it, but even ponies in the city refused to share their water. Celestia had not made a ruling on any of this as of yet. Everypony- even her royal guards- were pressing her to give them orders, but she insisted that she had not yet come to a decision as to how the water should be distributed.
In the meantime, Sweet Apple Acres had dried up. The trees no longer bore any fruit and the family- who survived on very little to begin with- was losing the money they'd not spent during the winter, fast. Of all the times to run into hardships, this was definitely the worst. Having no money now, meant they could not begin saving for the winter when times would be tough. None of them frankly knew what they were going to do when winter came.
The only idea they'd had was to find water in the Everfree forest. However, neither Big Macintosh, nor Applejack would let each other take the risk, so the past few days had been spent with much debating and not much getting done. This was where Apple Bloom came in.
She was confident that she could find water among the forest, and perhaps gain a Cutie Mark for whatever skill she had to use to find it. Confident enough, that she was sure she could find it on her own; the first day. She did not feel right in asking Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to tag along. Sweetie was being worked to death by Rarity and didn't need the extra stress and strain, and Scootaloo was campaigning to help Rainbow Dash, which left little room for anything else in her mind.
So as she entered the forest at noon, Apple Bloom was alone among the trees. Thankfully, the foliage shielded her from the afternoon sun but as time drug by and eventually became three'o'clock (the hottest time of day) it seemed not even the shade could provide any protection from the heat baring down from Celestia's sun.
Most all ponies, Apple Bloom observed, preferred Celestia day time. But as of late, they'd worked and done things under the cover of Luna's night, often too lethargic and dehydrated to work during the day. Seemingly, the only one who worked day and most of the night was Big Macintosh, who refused to stop plowing the fields and turning the dried soil, even if it was futile.
Apple Bloom suddenly came back into thoughts of the forest around her, and became fearful. It was much, much darker here and it was strangely cooler. Could this mean there was water nearby? Her fear was pushed away slightly by this thought of hope. But her fear did not disappear completely as she continued through the dark woods, glancing around and jumping at every slight sound. Now that she thought about it, she really wasn't sure she'd ever been this deep in the forest.
"Hey Apple Bloom!" A voice rang behind her.
Apple Bloom squealed and dove behind a tree, peaking around a few moments later, and squinting as a light shown in her eyes. As the light drew away from her face, she could see Pipsqueak holding a flashlight that attached to his shoulder from a sling connected to the saddle bags he had on. Apple Bloom was naturally curious of the flashlight. Most of the Apple Family insisted upon working with their old technology and such things as this were not commonly used among them.
"Pipsqueak, what are you doin' here?" Apple Bloom sighed, looking down at the small colt as she stepped out from behind the tree.
"I'm looking for water to fill these bags with," He said cheerfully.
"Who sent y'all to do that?" Apple Bloom asked suspiciously. Who else could have had this idea?
"Nopony. I know my Mommy needs the water for her plants, so I'm getting it for her," He replied, simply. "I don't want my second summer to be spent without beautiful flowers."
Apple Bloom stared at him for a moment, stunned that he might have thought of this himself, and a bit embarrassed that she hadn't thought to bring some saddle bags to fill with water as well (though her main goal was simply to locate it).
"Alright then," She sighed, continuing down the path. "Y'all can help me find some."
Pipsqueak made some sort of happy explanation before following after her.
However, Apple Bloom was not thrilled to have him as a companion and kept a few paces ahead of him. She was sure he was behind her because the flashlight shown over her shoulder and lit the path for her. It came to her attention that he also had some sort of camera that he was snapping pictures of everything with (despite that very little was visible). When asked why, he said he wanted to remember it. This made no sense to Apple Bloom but she didn't question it.
Pipsqueak talked and talked and talked. Apple Bloom wished that he would be quiet so she could listen for running water (at least, she tired to tell herself that was the reason and not because she wished for him to plainly shut up).
His voice did die down, but she didn't notice it at first. In fact, she didn't notice he was quiet until the flashlight began flickering. She took note of that but didn't glance back.
"Seems the batteries are dyin' in your thingy," Apple Bloom commented.
Pipsqueak didn't say anything but a white flash behind her back told her that he was still there. Apple Bloom continued on until she noticed that she was moving out of the radius of the light. This could only be possible if the light was not moving. She turned her head, but the light went out at this point, concealing everything from her view. The obfuscous atmosphere kept her from seeing anything, and suddenly the cold was more heavily present, hanging on to her coat.
"Pipsqueak?" She called into the dark in the direction she was facing.
No voice answered her and the dark was not becoming any less dense. The flashlight came back on after a moment, and she was blinded temporarily by the beam of light. She trotted to where the light was coming from and picked the light up off the ground. Holding it in her mouth and shining the light around her, her nervous eyes searched for Pipsqueak. There was no sign of him among the trees. She glanced around for a few more seconds before something reflected the light back at her from the ground. She came closer and found Pipsqueak's camera sitting on the ground.