Dean swayed and almost fell down but someone's strong hand grabbed him. The hunter opened his eyes and yelped from unexpectedness.
"Crap, Cas don't scare me like that!"
"My apologies, I did not intend to frighten you," the ex angel said apologetically.
Castiel cleaned his dress from straws and looked around. "I assume this is for us?" he pointed at a black horse that was tied to a tree. Dean turned his head towards the direction Castiel was showing and frowned.
"Not sure, let's check." He walked towards the horse. Castiel held his dress hems and muttering something under his breath followed the hunter.
"There is a note under the saddle." Dean pulled a small paper out and read:
"Yes, this horse is for you, dumbasses. Now, get your asses on it. He knows where to go."
"We need a plan, Dean," Castiel sighed.
"Why don't we just go in to the saloon and pretend everything is peachy. You serve drinks and strain your ears. I'll sit nearby and watch over you. If you hear anything important touch your necklace and I will call you to bring me 'another drink'. And for God's sake don't talk! Do not forget that you are mute, ok?" Dean finished his monologue.
"What if Baal comes to saloon? Then what? How are we going to get his amulet?" Castiel asked doubtfully. He had some bad feelings.
"Honestly? I have no idea, Cas. Let him come and we will think of something. Come on, get on the horse, wench." Dean chuckled as Castiel mounted the horse. The ex angel just growled in response. Dean slightly kicked the horse and they moved from the place.
The animal perfectly knew where to go. Dean wondered what more surprises to expect. Meanwhile they entered the town and the horse turned right to walk into a narrow, dusty street. He snorted and stopped in front of a saloon. As the angels said it had a curious name 'Come in or fuck off'.
Instantly the batwing doors of the saloon swung open and someone literally flew out of there.
"And don't come back without actual*, ya hear me?" someone yelled from inside.
"Damn chucklehead," muttered a drunk man and crawled towards the shadows.
"Lydia, where the hell did ya go?" the same voice yelled enraged.
"Oh, boy, so your name is Lydia?" Dean threw his head back and cackled.
"Not funny, Dean." Castiel turned his head to scowl at the hunter.
"Ok. Now shut up, mute lady," Dean grinned at him.
The batwing doors creaked again and a man with a white apron stepped outside. When he saw the horse and the riders, his angry face turned scarlet red and he roared:
"So, that's where you are! I've been searching for ya for one damn hour and you've been pirooting* with this man? Get your ass over here right now, you painted cat*!"
Castiel startled at hearing unfamiliar words. He did not understand the slangs and his confusion got worse when he felt Dean press his face against his shoulder blades in a silent but violent laughter.
"He just called you a prostitute, Cas," he moaned quietly, still shaking from laughter.
Dean dismounted the horse and helped Castiel get down. "Relax. No need to yell at her," he turned to the saloon owner.
"You must be new here," the man eyed Dean curiously.
"Yeah, and I'm trying to find a good place where I can have couple of drinks." The hunter tried to peek inside the saloon.
"Well, come on in then. I've got the best drinks in the whole area. I'm Charles." The owner opened the doors for Dean.
Dean looked at Castiel before stepping inside. The ex angel looked worried and the hunter felt bad for him. It was like to throw a little lamb in the cage full of lions. He gave Castiel an encouraging smile and they stepped in.
There were twelve tables and eleven were already occupied. Tobacco smoke was mixed with sweat and alcohol smell. The room was full of loud and noisy drunk men, who were laughing, gambling and drinking.
Dean saw a vacant table nearby and immediately occupied the seat. He pulled the hat down to hide his face and started to study the place.
As soon as Castiel walked in, all buzzing and rumbling stopped. A few men whistled deafeningly and shouted some bawdy phrases. Castiel's face turned even paler and he gulped nervously while walking towards the bar counter where pissed off Charles was standing.
The ex angel jumped terrified when someone pinched his ass and turned around to punch the bastard in the face but in the last seconds he remembered that he was playing a woman.
"Hey babe, wanna ride my horse?" a man laughed at him and swayed on his chair. He was drunk beyond belief. His friends joined him and three men were snickering and licking their lips while devouring Castiel with their eyes.
"Go and take the order from that man," Charles told Castiel and pointed at Dean who was tapping his fingers on the table: a sign that his patience was about to shatter into pieces.
Castiel nodded quickly and went to Dean. Lot of greedy eyes followed him. Castiel stopped at Dean's table staring at him.
"Cas, get me a bottle of Whiskey. How are you hangin on? Alright?" the hunter whispered.
The ex angel nodded and huffed exasperated.
"Remember, if you notice or hear anything important touch the necklace," the hunter reminded him.
Castiel went to the bar counter to get Dean's drink.
"So, what does he want? Beer? Liquor? Wine? Whiskey?" Charles asked. At the word 'Whiskey' Castiel nodded and gestured that Dean wanted the whole bottle.
"Wow, poor bastard probably does not know that it's made by my special recipe and is strong like hell!" Charles gave Castiel a bottle and a glass. The ex-angel went to his friend immediately.
"Whoa, this looks strong." Dean looked at the amber colored liquid. "Well, to you my pretty," he snickered and emptied the glass in one gulp. Instantly his eyes watered and he felt his stomach was on fire. "Holly shit!" he almost choked in coughing. "It's damn strong. Not like the crap we usually drink."
The saloon clients started to order more drinks and Charles had to call Castiel. And thus the nightmare for the ex angel of the Lord began….
After almost of four hour working, Castiel was exhausted and he had nothing: no one talked about Baal or even mentioned his name. Dean had drunk half of the bottle and was looking pretty smashed.
Castiel was cleaning one of the tables off spilled tequila, when the planks of the porch creaked under heavy boots and someone panted. A huge shadow stretched under the batwing doors. Dead silence fell and everyone froze in anticipation. Dean who had dozed off instinctively woke up and looked towards the entrance.
Instantly the doors flung open and a giant walked in. He was taller than Sam and much more bulkier. Damn, he just looked like a mountain! With his hand he probably could crush a human skull. The man was wearing all black except the brown, cowboy boots. He had a beard and a spider tattoo on his cheek. Sure thing, it was Baal.
He stopped chewing a straw and with a smug smile looked down at the table where Castiel was frozen to a place with a rug in his hand.
"Hello there, pretty," Baal growled and stepped forward. Castiel winced but did not retreat. The demon towered above him and grinned.
"Get me a bottle of tequila!" he grabbed Castiel's arm while looking him in the eyes. With another hand the demon grabbed a man snoring at the table and sent him into a flight.
"What's your name? I have not seen you here before." Baal's hand travelled from the nervous ex-angel's arm down to his hip, squeezing it slightly.
Castiel gulped worriedly and gestured that he could not speak.
"What a pity, I would've loved to hear you moaning my name," Baal gave him a wry smile. "Go and get my booze."
Castiel gladly obeyed and almost ran with a break-neck speed. After he provided the demon with tequila, he returned to Dean's table with a rug in his hand.
"Dean, what are we going to do?" he whispered when no one was staring at him.
"We need to get his amulet at any cost," the hunter mumbled quietly.
"And how?" Castiel asked as he cleaned the table.
"I don't know, Cas. Maybe you should flirt with him? I saw him talking to you. And I assume he likes you. I don't know, do whatever you want, hug him, kiss him , whatever just get the damn amulet. We must get it at any cost. And when you get that thing give me a sign, raise your left hand." The hunter filled his glass once more.
"Kiss him?" Castiel hissed. "He already wants to have an intercourse me!"
Dean spluttered his drink all over himself and turned red as he could not inhale from coughing. Castiel started to smack his back. Finally Dean breathed in.
"If things get worse, I promise I will come to the rescue and beat the shit out of him," Dean assured Castiel.
"Fine," Castiel growled under his breath and returned to the bar counter thinking feverishly what to do.
Baal was eating him with his eyes while drinking tequila. Castiel could see the golden amulet around his neck from two undone buttons. The demon gestured him to get another glass and approach him.
"Sit down," he smirked at Castiel, as the ex angel came to him with a glass. Baal filled Castiel's glass. "Drink!" he ordered shortly.
Castiel did and he squeezed his eyes shut. He made some choking sounds and Baal smirked. "Yeah, it's a strong shit. You need to relax. I'm not gonna bite ya." He filled Castiel's glass once again.
Meanwhile Dean was watching the scene and trying his best not to pull the gun out and blow the bastard's head off. But he knew it would not kill the demon. So he could not do much.
Castiel had four shots of tequila and everything started to get blurry. He hiccupped and stared at the demon innocently. Baal was not drunk a bit. Damn demon stamina!
"That's better," the demon announced contentedly as drunk Castiel made some incoherent sounds. "Let's have some fun. What d'ya say?" Baal grabbed Castiel's arm and pulled him towards himself. The ex-angel was pretty smashed but he still remembered two things clearly: 1. to get the amulet and 2. that he was mute.
In the next few seconds Castiel found himself sitting in the demon's lap. He tensed and squirmed.
"Now, now stop wriggling, little bird," Baal smirked and cupped the ex-angel's cheek.
"Mmpph…" Castiel gasped into the demon's mouth when Baal attacked his lips and struggled to break free from his deathly grip.
Dean could see everything from his place and was shaking from rage. His knuckles turned white and he rose from the chair. Gut wrenching feelings including jealousy seized him and the hunter made a step forward.
Meanwhile Castiel was fighting with the urge to vomit as the demon was kissing and groping him.
"We must get it at any cost." Dean's words rang in his mind and Castiel whimpered. He wrapped his arms around Baal's neck and tried his best to show that he was enjoying the process too.
Slowly and very carefully Castiel unlocked the golden chain and slid the amulet into his bra. Then he raised his left hand giving a sign to Dean. He barely managed to do it in time as Baal stood up and sat him on the table. Castiel's eyes widened in fear as the demon slid his hand under his dress pulling it up.
"Mhmm nice little buttocks you've got there," growled the demon and was about to attack the ex angel's mouth again when Dean approached their table.
"Problems, pal?" he asked sharply. The hunter's fingers were dancing on the holster ready to pull the gun out in any second.
"Who the hell are you?" the demon gritted his teeth as Dean interrupted his fun.
"Let her go, now. I will not repeat!" the hunter growled low.
"Or what?" Baal's eyes turned black.
"This!" Dean grabbed the bottle of tequila and smashed it over the demon's head. He had few seconds before dazed demon came round and kicked him real hard few times. Baal fell over the chair. Castiel jumped from the table and swayed.
"We gotta run, now." Dean was pulling the paper out of his pocket.
"I…I…hic…ca….hic….ant," Castiel slurred and staggered.
"Dammit, Cas." Dean cursed and grabbed the ex-angel. He slung him over the shoulder and ran towards the door. "Read the fucking summoning spell before he killed us!" Dean shouted as he was running towards their horse. Inside the saloon Baal's deafening roar sounded and then heavy boots thudded against the floor.
Castiel moaned bitterly as the urge to vomit attacked him again. He held the paper and started to read. The last word of the incantation sounded and Gabriel with Balthazar appeared right in front of the horse.
"Aw, kidnapping your bride, Dean-o?" Gabriel waggled his eyebrows.
"You dickheads, he's right after us!" Dean yelled at them when he saw the demon behind his back. Baal almost grabbed his duster but the angels were faster.
"Not so fast, honey!" Gabriel flashed thunder from his eyes as he and Balthazar grabbed the demon by the arms.
Baal howled from pain as the sigils appeared on his forehead, which prevented him from vanishing. "How could I not recognize you from the start? I will find and tear you into shreds Dean Winchester!" he roared.
"Go to the field and wait for us. We will be back shortly," Balthazar told the hunter before he and other two disappeared.
Dean hurriedly laid Castiel across the saddle and mounted the horse. He kicked slightly kicked it in the sides and the horse galloped, neighing happily.
"Dean, stop the horse," Castiel croaked as they entered the field and left the saloon behind. "I am not feeling well."
The hunter obeyed and Castiel jumped on the ground. He fell to his knees breathing heavily and loud. "I hate you…Gabriel…Balthazar…you assholes…" he whimpered and choked a sob.
"Cas?" Dean's eyes widened and he bent down. "Come here," he turned the ex-angel around and wiped some stray tears that had rolled down his cheeks, smearing the make-up. Dean knew it was alcohol to blame that Castiel was like crap.
"Look at me. Everything is over. We're fine." He rubbed his thumb against Castiel's cheek and leaned forward. He locked his mouth with Castiel's. The ex-angel grabbed the lapels of the hunter's duster, pulling him even closer.
"Aaaw is not it sweet?" a familiar voice crooned and the camera flashed.
"Get us out here, before I fry you extra crispy, sons of bitches!" Dean's nostrils flared.
"Calm down, lover boy," Gabriel chuckled and put two fingers on their foreheads….
As soon as they materialized in Bobby's living room and scared the living hell out of the younger Winchester and the old hunter, Castiel ran to the bathroom with Dean following him.
"What the hell?" Bobby stared at the shut door. As an answer, typical retching sounds came out from the bathroom that made everything clear.
"So, how did it go? Did you get him?" Sam fidgeted on the couch.
"Yep, we got him and he's being interrogated right now," answered the archangel.
"Oh, it was a very nice and a surprising day indeed," Balthazar added with a mischievous tone.
"Surprising? What d'ya mean?" Bobby arched his brow.
Gabriel cleared his throat and handed the camera to the hunter. Sam gasped but Bobby kept quiet.
After awhile he went to the fridge taking a beer out. "I knew it," he muttered under his breath and took a swig.
Slowly the old hunter smirked and added, "Idjits!"
The End
Slangs of Wild West:
Actual – money
Pirooting – to have sex, intercourse
Painted cat – prostitute