AN: Because there is a lot of school work and I refuse to do them, I am updating this early :D Notice how I changed the summary? I have to hide the real summary 'coz I don't want the plot to be revealed way early. Oh! And can anybody guess who aunt MJ is? BTW, anything that goes on this story is just a figment of my imagination, everything is owned by their respective owner :D Thanks for the lovely reviews! 3

Fata Transverse

by: lookingthrualice

Chapter 5: In Blood

Peeta's POV

Everything is so dark and I felt a massive weight on my body, restricting me. I tried moving my hands to no avail. It felt like lead, so light yet so heavy at the same time. What had happened? I tried to recall something, anything that led me to this situation. Flashes of images flew, some of men in black, racks of clothes. The sound of screaming entered my system, gunshots, blood wafted to my nose. And then it hit me. CATO!

Third Person's POV

It has been a week since the robbery where Peeta's powers were revealed to Cato. Seven days since Cato sent a distress call to Marvel, who practically flew on Elisse Boutique with Clove, who both saw the bleeding Thresh, a passed out Glimmer and an almost dead Peeta. One hundred and sixty seven hours since Scarlette practically trashed the whole academy due to worry and anger upon the arrival of the pale and cold Peeta at the academy's infirmary.

After the nurse cleared Glimmer, and forced valium on to her system so that she could relax, Cato insisted that the whole infirmary wing is to be closed, and to leave Peeta, Thresh and him alone for a couple of hours. After the gruelling wait, Thresh opened the door, his leg perfectly healed. Scarlette didn't seem to question what had happened or didn't seem to care as she ran to his brother's side. The colour on the male Mellark's face has returned and so as his warmth, however he has yet to wake up. The other blond was on one of the beds at the far end of the wing asleep. Marvel had gotten to his side immediately and found that Cato was asleep, his body covered with tattoos, markings that no one knows the meaning.

When Glimmer woke up two days after the incident, she immediately looked for Peeta. Finding that her saviour was on a coma, she burst into tears. Scarlette comforted the girl, telling her it was not her fault but the robbers'. Every day for the past week, Clove has been visiting along with Thresh. Clove will just go to Cato's bed and sit on a chair and read her book, as if waiting for something to happen. Marvel lays beside the sleeping boy and strokes Cato's hair, and sometimes he goes to Peeta's bed, as if he wants to do what he does with Cato, but the look of worry on Scarlette's face makes him stop; opting to sit beside the dark haired twin and look, wait for a muscle to twitch.

School has begun two days prior, and on a Wednesday afternoon, Peeta finally wakes up with a scream.

"CATO!" the blond boy started, his eyes wide

Unfortunately, no one was there to help him. Panic rises and the IV needle stuck on his arm was ripped off as the blond practically run to the far end of the wing, hoping and praying that his intuition was right, and that Cato was there safe. He thank the gods when he reached the other blonds' bed, finding him to be asleep. Mellark smiled when he saw the sleeping boy. Disregarding the fact that said boy was almost non-moving and body is filled with markings, he moved a nearby bed to the one being occupied by Cato. When he was done, he promptly lay down beside the sleeping boy and he himself fell asleep beside him. That's how Marvel saw them when he arrived from his class.

The other blond smiled at what he saw. Somehow, Peeta manage to snuggle on the non-moving Cato, leaving enough space for one person to lay down beside them. And that's what Marvel just did. He didn't care if Professor Barton kicks his ass for missing his afternoon class. Nor did he care if Madame Noir finds him on this infirmary during class hours. All that he cares about is the two boys sleeping, and that he wants to be with them. Placing his bag carefully on the spare chair and removing his shoes, he hoisted himself to the bed and laid beside Peeta. The younger boy felt the heat radiating from Marvel and came close to it. Marvel spooned Mellark and promptly fallen asleep.

Hours passed, and when the head nurse saw the three, she just left them as is, hoping that this might help for her patient's recovery. She opted to close the whole wing to all visitors, including the female Mellark, thinking that anytime this day, the three will wake up, healed and good as rain. And that's what happened. Little by little, the markings on Cato vanish, a small twitch was all it needed and Cato turned to Peeta, unconsciously their hands link, as what Peeta and Marvel had.

That evening, Peeta was awakened by too much heat. He tried to get up but there is too much weight restricting him. The blond haired boy felt déjà vu on the situation, when he opened his eyes and found Blond A and Blond B sleeping beside him. But what's different this time is that instead of panic, fear and worry wash over him. Sitting up, he carefully removed Marvel's hand on his waist and looked at Cato, checking for any visible injuries. Finding none, he sighed in relief and closed his eyes.

"You made me so worried." the male Mellark murmured

"And I to you."

Peeta jumped and looked at the source of the voice. It was Marvel, waking up from his slumber rubbing his eyes to remove any sign of sleep. The older blond stretched, his shirt riding up to reveal some of his six pack, making Peeta blush. The other boy noticed as Peeta practically zoned on the revealed flesh, a smirk forming on his face. Before Peeta could react, Marvel swooped down and kissed the stunned boy. Marvel gave an experimental lick and the shock made Peeta open his mouth. The older blond used it as leverage and plunged his wet muscle, coaxing Peeta's tongue to play.

Peeta seems to get a hold of himself. But instead of freaking out like the last time, this time, he responded. Their teeth clashed as the younger blond responded on Marvels attack. Everything felt so right for Peeta, no confusion, no hesitation.

'As if we are meant to be together.' he though

"If you guys want to make out like there's no tomorrow, please do include me."

Peeta broke the kiss, wiping out the saliva that dripped on his chin. The boy was blushing so hard, his face even redder than before. Cato was already awake, stretching and cracking his neck. He looked at Peeta, and smiled.

"Come here baby."

Peeta crawled to Cato's lap, as if on a trance, and when he's near enough, Cato gave him a small peck on the lips.

"Hey baby, how are you?"

"I'm good, I think." Peeta replied ducking his head

The male Mellark was confused. About a week ago, he cringes and hides whenever Marvel or Cato touches or sees him. But now, everything seems to be normal, like they were lovers for years. The calm that the two older blond emitted made Peeta confused, as if their presence is normal, that the hugs and the kisses were no strangers at all.

'What's happening? My body needs them, my soul sings for them? What is wrong with me?'

A sudden vertigo hit Peeta and the world in front of him blurred.

The blond Mellark saw flashes of images, a boy who looks like Marvel, but with Cato's eyes stood before a clearing. His smile was blinding, hand reaching for him to come. And then he saw himself, or what looked to be him but with auburn hair, running to the other boy, and when he reached him, he gave him a kiss. A hand grasped to his hair and there he saw a ring. The ring screamed familiarity to him but he can't place where he saw it. And as fast the images flew to him it disappeared.

"Peeta! Peeta!" Cato screamed shaking the younger blond

As Peeta's eyes returned to focus, he saw two pair of worried eyes.

"Are you okay?" Marvel asked, worry evident on his voice

Peeta just nodded, not trusting his voice.

"What did you see?"

"I saw you." Peeta responded to Marvel before looking at Cato "And you, in one body."

"Oh... boy."


Marvel went to Madame Noir's office to ask for Cato and Peeta to be discharged, insisting that the two are right as rain, are good to go back to the dormitories and are ready for their classes the next day.

"Master Declaur, I believe that I can't do that. Master Mellark has almost died..."

"Cato is awake." Marvel said, cutting the rant of the old nurse

With those three words, Madame Noir signed release forms for the two.

"Remind Master Mellark that he will have to visit me tomorrow for a check-up, just to make sure that there are no complications."

"Yes Madame." Marvel replied taking the signed form "Thank You."

The nurse just sighed and waved Marvel to leave, on which the student just did. On his way out, he pulled out his iPhone and dialled his sister's number.

"Hey Glim, call the others. Meet us at 'The room', bring Lady Mellark if possible."

The young Declaur breezed to the infirmary and to the mashed up bed of Peeta and Cato. The two were already on their regular clothes, waiting for the news that Marvel had.

"You're all clear."

Peeta immediately stood up and made his way to the infirmary door, not wanting to be at the presence of the two. But he was not fast enough. Marvel grabbed him, and hoisted the boy to himself.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Marvel

"To my dorm room." Peeta replied, pushing Marvel off

"Oh no no no, bien-aimé, we are going somewhere."

Cato got close to the two and grabbed Marvel's arm.

"Ready Marvie?" the older blond asked

Marvel nodded and pulled Peeta closer, the youngest blond struggling. Marvel rubbed Peeta's back in order for him to relax, which seemed to have the desire effect to Peeta.

"Make it quick Marvie." Cato said closing his eyes

Marvel smiled and gave Cato a peck on the lips.

"Okay lover."

And with that, the three vanished into thin air, leaving no evidence that they were in the infirmary just a few seconds ago.


The moment their feet landed on solid ground, Cato fell on his knees, while Peeta who almost followed the older blond was saved because Marvel was holding him tightly on his chest.

"Fuck, I'm gonna hurl."

The blond Mellark unconsciously waved his hand but nothing came.

"Wha.." Peeta drowsily mumbled while looking at his hand

"You can't use your powers yet love, you're still recuperating from magic depletion." Marvel said, and as lean as he is, he hoisted Peeta to his arm and carried him bridal style to a nearby couch "Rest for a bit mon amour, while I take care of my little Cat okay?"

Mellark just nodded, not trusting his voice. Marvel took this as a sign of approval and made his way to Cato, who is now vomiting on the trash can that he found, rubbing his back. Peeta is really concerned about Cato, hearing the continuous hurl of the said boy. Fighting the feign that he is feeling he tried to relax his body while maintaining consciousness, trying to hear what Marvel was saying, as he soothe the other blond.

"Sorry baby, I know that you're still under the weather, but I have to orb us here." Marvel murmured

"Its okay, his memory is coming back." Cato replied before giving one last hurl

'Memory? What memory?' Peeta asked to himself as he tried to sit 'I can clearly remember everything since I was five'

Taking a look on their current location, Peeta concluded that they are in a sort of room on the academy. The room is designed much like his current dorm room, yet bigger and fancier. There is a chandelier that lights up the place, and an unused fireplace on the corner, and judging by the state of it, it is often used on winter as it's still covered in sooth. Except for the sofa that he was sitting on to, there is no other furniture on the room, except for the twelve chairs, arranged into a circle, while a book rested on a stand in the middle. The thing that confuses Peeta is that there is no door that people can enter or exit to, except for a single French window.

Questions formed onto the boy's mind, questions that needed answer now. Like how Marvel knows that he has powers, and even referred to it as magic. And why is Cato sick when he didn't have any injuries on him. Plus the fact that Marvel just teleported them into a unknown place in a blink of an eye, and that Cato was not even surprised.

His reverie was cut short when a flash of light flooded the whole room, followed by several thuds. When the light diminished, he saw Glimmer, along with Thresh and another girl, with black hair, and standing with them is a familiar face, the one that is almost identical to his.

"Scar..." Peeta murmured

Scarlette saw Peeta and immediately run into him, scooping him into a hug.

"Oh Mi Peeta, I am so worried about you."

Peeta just sighed, relishing the familiar arms around him. He was safe, and nothing could hurt him, Scarlette would not let anyone live if she found out that someone has hurt his brother.


The twins broke up their hug and looked at their audience. Cato was already standing up, although his face is still pale, Marvel is by his side, supporting him. Thresh, Glimmer and the other girl were standing in front of them. Scarlette opted to sit beside her brother, taking a sweaty hand, holding it tightly. It was quiet for a while, each side, sizing each other up. A few seconds passed, which ticked Scarlette of.

"Well, you guys told me that you're going to tell us something." Scarlette started "So talk."

The youngest looking girl looked at her peers before looking back at the twins.

"Well to start off, I am Clove and you guys probably know Thresh, Glimmer and her cousin Marvel." the three gave a nod "and the sickly pale bastard is Cato."

Cato just gave them a smile which really looked more of a grimace.

"We are some of the members of the coven for this generation's witches." Clove finished "I am currently heading the coven because I am the oldest, but we have been waiting for your arrival so that I can pass my current shits to you, as the head of the Panem witches."

The twin Mellarks looked at the young girl as if she had grew two heads.

"You're older?!"

"You're witches?!"

Scarlette looked at his brother. Seriously, after the long speech, all that retained to his brain is that Clove was the oldest one.

"Seriously blondie?" the female Mellark looked at her brother, baffled at the stupid question

Peeta just shrugged, and looked back at the so called 'head of coven', waiting for an answer.

"Yes, of course Peeta, I am older than Thresh even though I may not look like it." replied Clove, rolling her eyes "And yes Scarlette, witch. Just like you, we have magic that can make objects levitate or do any unexplainable things."

"I'm not a witch!" Peeta screamed suddenly standing up

'Yes you are.' Marvel thought and Peeta caught on this. Fixing a glare, he strode to Marvel, the other boy looked relax while still holding Cato by the waist.


"I am not a fucking witch!" the male Mellark repeated "We are no witch!"

Scarlette tried to coax his brother to sit down, worried that he will make him ill once again. The male twin complied and sat back, breathing deeply. Marvel scoffed at the outburst, making two pair of azure eyes focus on him. He waved his hand making a chair from the perfect circle come to him. He helped Cato sit down, who murmured his thanks. Marvel then looked at the Mellarks, an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, you're not a witch. You can just randomly open the doors with a wave of your hand, read what I was thinking, and you woman!" Marvel pointed at the female Mellark "Almost blew up the whole school last week because of your uncontrolled emotions. Oh yes, I agree Peeta, everything is just coincidence. Don't go "just Peeta" on me blondie, or I will fuck you senseless."

Peeta blushed on the last part but refuses to break eye contact.

"You dumb ass didn't arrive at the academy just because of luck." Thresh finally talked "You guys are here for protection, the academy didn't just picked you up because you are gifted children, but rather because you are THE gifted children. It's in your blood, and you guys screamed magic the moment you set foot on the academy."

"Protection, from what?" asked Peeta "Don't go all cryptic on me man. And dude, your seriously believing this shit?!"

Thresh sighed, before pulling up his shirt revealing a birthmark, just like Peeta. Only that instead of a half a start, it's a full star.

"Why yes Peeta, of course." the dark skinned boy answered "We are here on the Academy because we are being hunted."

"Did you ever think that the fire that killed is a coincidence?" Glimmer said "Of course not, there are no coincidence or accidents in our life."

"Just like why you Peeta." Clove pointed at the blond Mellark "Is in love with Cato and Marvel from the moment you saw them"

Marvel and Cato looked smug, while Peeta was gobsmacked at the revelation.

"Wha... no!"

Peeta's face is as red as a tomato by now, and when he looked at the two other male blonds, he could swear that his face just turned a deeper shade of red.

"Why of course baby." Cato said, licking his lips while looking at Peeta, his sickness was even forgotten "We have been married for the past century."

"We are soul mates, no escaping us love." Marvel agreed

And with that, the beautiful chandelier exploded into million pieces.