Time Warp
Chapter 1: Failure
Description: A normal night on patrol turned out disastrous. Dick winds up injured, causing Jason, Tim, and Damian to chew him out, resulting in a massive argument about his work ethic. The birds storm off, and fall into Slade's trap, sending them into another universe. Is this spikey haired standoffish Robin really the Dick Grayson they call their brother? Batman and Teen Titans crossover!
AN: So, this is kind of a request by Rikkamaru and sort of a colab fic? It was her idea, and we've been bouncing ideas off each other. This is going to be a two-part story. Don't worry! I'll let you guys know when it's the end of one and the beginning of the other, but it should be rather obvious as well.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing but the plot T.T Otherwise, there would be much more Dick wumpage ;)
Nightwing snaps his head to the side as another blast goes off. Bane had been tipped off that they were on to his drug trafficking operation and rigged the warehouse to blow. Jason dodges a devastating blow from the Venom dealer as Damian jumps onto Bane's back, trying to disconnect the Venom connector at the base of the villain's spine. Bane growls in annoyance, effortlessly tossing the bird off. Damian lands on his feet, whipping out a birdarang and tosses it at Bane. The drug dealer grins, easily catching the projectile, but fails to notice Red Robin sneaking up behind him with his bow staff, ready to strike. What Tim didn't see was the red light blinking on the pillar he was standing in front of. Nightwing's eyes widen, noticing the bomb.
"Red Robin!" Dick calls out, running towards his younger brother. Bane glances behind him and grins, about to grab Tim, but the bird flips out of the way. Tim glares at his brother in irritation for ruining his attack, about to call him out on it when gunshots draw his attention. Jason was shooting at Bane, trying to lead him away from the cornered bird. Once he was further away from Tim, Damian flies out from the shadows, launching a barrage of strikes with a bow staff on the villain. The pillar that Tim had previously been standing in front of explodes, which goes unnoticed by the fighting birds. Just as Dick was about to join in the fight, a flash of metal catches the corner of his eye and he quickly flips away just as a knife flies towards him from the cover of the darkness. His eyes narrow, seeing the orange and black mask that he knew so well be illuminated by the flames from the latest explosion. "Slade." Nightwing hisses, whipping out his Eskrima sticks. Slade grins, stepping out of the shadows ever so slightly and unsheathes his sword. Dick runs at the mercenary, blocking the swipe of his sword with one of his Eskrima sticks. With his other hand, he swings his other Eskrima stick around and tries to hit Slade in the ribs, but the mercenary block the attack. Dick ducks, dodging another slice and tries to sweep Slade's feet out from under him, but the villain sees the move coming, kicking the hero in the chest.
"You should worry less about me, and more about your family." Deathstroke states, nodding towards one of his minions that seemed to materialize out of the shadows, holding a rather large looking bazooka. The minion aims the weapon at the birds, who were still fighting Bane off. Dick's eyes widen in horror as the lackey pulls the trigger, sending a high current of electricity towards them. Without thinking, Dick dives in front of the current, crying out in pain when his body hits the ground, convulsing. The next thing the acrobat knew, Bane had him in his grasp and was slamming him into the ground, harder than he thought possible. He could hear his brothers calling out to him, but his body was numb from the electricity still coursing through his body. Dick weakly glances over to where Slade had been, only to see him slink back into the shadows. Bane grabs Nightwing by his head and was about to smash his face into the ground, when he grunts in pain, having a bullet pierce his arm. He drops the semi-conscious acrobat, who is quickly scooped up by Tim.
"We have to get him out of here! What the hell happened!" Tim yells, clearly panicked as Jason continues to bombard Bane with bullets, giving his brothers time to retreat.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" Jason growls, starting to retreat as well. "Just get the jet." Tim nods, pressing a button on his gauntlet. The Batwing appears and within seconds, the birds were safely on the jet and speeding back towards the Batcave. Jason throws his gun at the wall in aggravation before turning a glare on their oldest brother. "Just what the hell did you think you were doing? You need to get your head in the game before you wind up getting us all killed, Richard!" He seethes. Dick flinches from the tone. Jason never called him Richard.
"It w-was in the g-game." Dick croaks out as blood trickles from his mouth.
"You can't just throw your life away! Have some self worth for God's sake!" Tim hisses, looking away from his older brother, who was draped across his lap. Dick tries to protest weakly, but Damian's cold glare cuts him short.
"Because of your failure, Bane escaped and you nearly escaped with your life. No wonder Father stripped the cowl from you." Dick's eyes widen as his heart drops.
"Some older brother." Jason scoffs sarcastically, taking off his domino mask and lazily tosses it on the floor of the jet. "It seems like we're always the ones babysitting you." The jet lands, and he storms off with Damian following suit. Tim sighs heavily, dragging Dick out. Alfred and Bruce look over at them from the Batcomputer and quickly rush over to them. Bruce takes Dick from Tim, glaring at the bird.
"What happened?"
"Bane got a hold of him. He just spaced out and let Bane grab him. I don't know what happened. But now we have more work on our hands."
"S-Slade..." Dick chokes weakly before coughing. Bruce's gaze snaps back up to Tim, who looked shocked.
"I didn't see him there."
"Well apparently you overlooked things." With that, Bruce hauls Dick to the infirmary with Alfred following close behind. Tim stalks off to go meet with his brothers, who were likely off brooding somewhere.
"He just ruins everything sometimes!" Jason rages, throwing another knife at a tree. Damian nods in agreement, tossing a knife as well. Tim approaches them, crossing his arms.
"Thought I might find you two here."
"What now? Is Dick off crying or something?" Jason sneers, crossing his arms.
"No. But before Bruce carted him off, he said 'Slade'." Tim answers. "I've already tracked his location. We can finish this tonight, if you want." Jason smirks.
"Might as well. Figures that bastard would have something to do with this. Bane was way too prepared."
"We should have suspected him from the beginning. Father would have." Damian growls, his eyes narrowing.
"So, I take it that we're all in?" Tim asks, raising an eyebrow. The remaining birds nod.
"I want to finish this." Damian responds, pulling his hood over his head. "As much as I hate to say it; lead the way, Drake." Tim smirks, pressing another button on his gauntlet. Three motorcycles suddenly drive up to their location.
"You wired our bikes too?" Jason glares slightly. Tim merely shrugs, walking over to his bike.
"It comes in handy."
The three birds arrive at the location Slade had turned into his hideout and start scoping out the area. They expected more guards, but perhaps Slade was just overconfident. They didn't think anything of it.
"Alright. We can't take Slade on by ourselves. It's probably best if we stick together." Tim states, looking for an entrance.
"What, just because you found Slade, you think you're the leader? I think not, Replacement." Jason scoffs. "First one to kick this bastard's ass gets free passes on cleaning the Cave for a week!" Damian smirks at the challenge, disappearing. Tim frowns, about to argue, but Jason was gone as well.
"What ever happened to team work?" He grumbles, taking off towards the building.
Slade quickly spins around from typing on his computer and catches the birdarang that was aimed at his head. He tosses it off to the side lazily, smirking.
"You're right on time."
"For what?" Damian hisses, emerging from the darkness. A bright light suddenly illuminates the room, and a strange portal appears just to the right of the bird. His eyes widen, recognizing it as a Boom Tube. "Shit!"
"Yes. You three walked right into a trap. Why else would I have revealed myself to Richard?" Slade chuckles darkly as Damian starts getting sucked into the tunnel. Tim and Jason spring out of the shadows, trying to grab him, but they get sucked in as well. "Too easy." Slade snickers, turning back towards his computer.
Tim groans, rubbing his head in pain as he looks around, trying to gather his bearings. Damian and Jason start slowly picking themselves off the ground, frowning. Tim's eyes widen at the unfamiliar skyline.
"Um. Guys. This isn't good?" The two glance over at him before following his gaze. Their eyes widen, realizing the predicament they were in.
"Shit." Damian and Jason grumble in unison. Before they could say anymore, a black shadow suddenly wraps around their limps, restraining them. A group of costumed teens approach, not looking pleased to see them.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" A teen snaps, stepping forward. He was wearing green tights and gloves, a red tunic, and a black cape, with yellow underneath. The teen assesses them; frowning at the colors Damian and Tim were wearing.
"Slade set a trap and we fell right into it." Tim states, trying to ease the tension.
"Friend, Robin. Why are they wearing colors like yours?" A tan girl asks. She was wearing a purple, cut-off shirt, purple skirt, and purple boots to match. The most noticeable was the fact that she was floating and had green eyes and fiery red hair.
"I have a feeling they aren't from around here. Let's interrogate them back at the tower." The traffic-light dressed teen states, nodding to a sickly pale girl in a dark purple cloak. The black shadows around Tim, Jason, and Damian tighten, starting to drag them away.
"Well. This night just got needlessly long." Jason mumbles, sending Tim a glare.
"Don't blame me for this! I wanted to take him out strategically, but you just HAD to barge in!" Tim hisses, glaring right back at his older brother.
"Stop bickering like children. The freaks are staring." Damian mutters, glancing around at the other teens surrounding them lazily.
"Shut up!" Tim and Jason shout. Before they could say anymore, a shadow covers their mouths, preventing them from talking. The teens share a smirk before carting the three birds back to their hideout.
Alfred frowns, noticing just how injured the acrobat was. His torso was covered in bruises with some of his ribs sticking out at strange angles. "I am going to have to reset the bones." He states solemnly, earning a sad nod from the first bird. Dick cries out in agony as the butler resets the bones. Alfred then starts bandaging up the wounds, not missing the fact that Dick was now staring at the ceiling, glassy-eyed. "Master Dick?"
"I'm a horrible older brother...I'm just a burden on everyone..." Dick mumbles, tears starting to spill from his eyes. "I'm not worthy of being called a hero."
"How ever did you get that idea, Master Dick? You are a wonderful brother and a great hero. You are the leader of the Justice League. Do not ever think otherwise." Dick suddenly sits up, hugging the butler tightly as he sobs into his pristine suit. Alfred blinks in shock, before quickly hugging the broken bird back.
"Jay, Dami, and Timmy...they think I'm a total failure! That they constantly have to babysit me! And now look at me? I'm crying!" Dick sobs heartbrokenly, clutching the front of Alfred's jacket. A clattering noise from behind him causes the loyal butler to glance behind him. A tray full of medication was now lying carelessly on the ground, the contents scattered, as Bruce stands in the doorway, looking as though someone had just ripped his heart and soul out. The expression suddenly turns deadly as the Bat clenches a fist.
"I'm going to murder them." He hisses viciously before storming off. Instead of protesting, as per usual, Alfred merely turns his attention back towards the sobbing bird in his arms, trying to comfort him.
FN: Well, that's it for now~! Poor Dick T.T the birdies are SO dead when Bruce finds them lol