Letting out a long yawn the Reaper stretched out his arms, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes as he sat up, taking a lazy look around the room—Oh yeah, he'd stayed the night with Soul. A sheepish smiled tugged at his lips as he remembered the nights events, yellowed orbs trailing down and then to the side, seeing where the weapon wasn't, though, the sounds of pots clanging out near the front room told him where he had run off to. The kitchen, of course.

Throwing off the covers he slung his feet over the bed and scanned the floor—spotting his clothes, but just shrugged as he picked up the familiar black and yellow coat. He threw the item over his shoulders and shoved his arms into the sleeves, obviously a bit too long for him, but oh well. Zipping up the jacket he picked up his boxers next and slipped those on, though, didn't care to put on an actual pair of pants.

Not like it mattered, obviously. On nights like that, Maka was out until evening the next day, normally staying with Tsubaki and Black Star, giving the boys some alone time. So if he really felt the need, he could walk around naked for all it really mattered.

He wouldn't—But that's not the point.

Running a hand through his hair he stumbled out of the bedroom, eyes scanning the hallway as he shuffled his way into the kitchen, pausing to peer around the corner as a soft smile came to his features.

"What're you cooking?"

He asked, standing now at the entry way of the kitchen area, head tilted to the side just slightly as he tugged down at the bottom of the already too large for him jacket.

"Oh—you're up. Making French toast."

Looking over his shoulder the weapon flashed a grin, cocking an eyebrow as he noticed the Reaper in his coat—That almost always happened. If it was near, Kid always seemed to slip it on and mosey his way out with it.

He had to admit, it was adorable.

"I don't see why you like that coat so much."

He commented after a moment or two, chuckling as he turned his head back and worked on the meal, rolling his shoulders slightly along with.

"It's comfortable, plus it smells like you…"

He murmured the last part of his sentence, golden hues drifting off to the side as a sheepish smile took over, a light tint of pink spreading across his cheeks. His hands went back to tug at the jacket, a small, content sigh passing his lips.

He really did like wearing the jacket—He didn't get why, besides what he'd already stated. But still.

"Well, alright."

Soul just chuckled, shaking his head as his smile grew slightly—Just made the other cuter, especially how flustered he got over it.

Finishing up his cooking he placed everything that was needed onto two plates and brought them out into the dining around—One on each end of the table. To preserve the symmetry, of course, considering he knew that's how the other boy liked it.

"Well, breakfasts done so come on and eat."

Nodding his head the Meister moved out into the dining area, glancing his eyes over the table before frowning slightly—It was nice Soul kept him in mind, how to set things up and such, but at the moment…He didn't care.

Picking up his plate he moved it over to the seat beside the weapon's own and sat down, flashing a warmed smile before leaning over slightly, leaving a kiss against the larger boy's cheek.

"I love you, Soul."