A/N: So idiot computer that I really want to kill, decided to delete 4 000+ of this chapter that I wrote. And I had no copy. (Really wanted to punch a dog or something at the moment.) Life sucks.

But I got through my...rage. (ME ANGRY! Yeah, I was like the Hulk.) And I wrote it again…and I hate rewriting stuff...I think it's pointless...Editing=Smiley face. But rewriting...blah...just my opinion. Moral of the story: Life sucks (sometimes), don't kill yourself and don't punch dogs...And save your work…


Alpha: FieryIce107

Beta: SparrowsMagician

Gamma: Josh4eva3

Thanks for reviewing and favouring and following!

Merlin stands in front of the door to Merlin's chamber, Gaius had happily informed him of her requesting his presence. He knocks on the door wondering what Morgana could want with him.

"Enter." Morgana's voice filtered into his ears.

He opened the door. Morgana sat in front of her mirror while Gwen brushed her hair. Not even ready for the day, Merlin can't help but think that she looks beautiful. He slightly shakes his head. He should not be lusting after Morgana. Not that I was...Or ever will…

He shuffles. "You requested me, My Lady…"


"What do you need?"

"I wish to teach you how to fight." Morgana states simply.


"Have you some sort of mental deflect?" Morgana asks with a sarcastic edge.

"You want to teach me how to fight?" Merlin asks. This is ridiculous. I beat her. Okay, yes I used magic but I won. I don't have time for this.

"Yes, you are my bodyguard, you should know how to handle a sword." She explains.

"I beat you, remember?" Merlin says smugly.

She gives a small snort. "That was luck."

"So you do admit I beat you?" He smiles to himself.

"With luck. That doesn't mean you have any skills with a sword or fighting in any shape or form." Morgana tells him coldly.

"You haven't told Uther have you?"

"That doesn't matter-"

"He would not want you to teach me anything. You are a women-"

"So, I'm not allowed to fight or protect myself?" She tilts her head staring at him in the mirror.

"That's not what I'm saying! I could hurt you! And you shouldn't be fighting, it's not proper."

"I'll have you know that Uther has given me permission to do what I want when it come to fighting. He's very tolerant about that. He's not that bad all that time only-"

"Only when it things don't go your way." Merlin mumbles.

"Merlin!" She turns to glare at him, startling poor Gwen in the process. "Gwen you may leave." The maid scurries away not wanting to see her two friends blow each other up. If only they knew how similar they were. Not that'd they'd admit it.

She stands from the chair she was sitting in and waltzes up to Merlin and he inwardly gulps at the way her dress hugs her figure perfectly and how low the cut is.

She stands in front him. "You are my bodyguard-"

"Getting possessive are we?" He snaps.

"And will do as you say." She continues. "Tell Arthur that I have requested you in an hour at my stables and don't tell him what we're doing." He turns to leave but her hand grips his wrist and pulls him back. She's stronger than he imagined and can't help but realize how soft her hands are.

She places a hand on his chest. "Oh and Merlin," She continues in a deadly whispers, eyes murderous. "Say something like that again and I will throw you in the stocks and make your life a living hell." She steps away. "Leave."

He arrives at her stables after avoiding questions from Arthur about what he was doing with Morgana. If you are caught fraternizing in the woods… He hears Arthur voice in his head. As if he would do anything like that with Morgana. The women drove him mad.

They ride out to a grove in the forest surrounded by trees with a cave nearby, Merlin on Morgana's new horse, Joe and her on Isis, her favourite horse. She gives him a chain mail shirt to wear. As he turns his back, to get the sword that she brought, she can't help but realize how much more muscular the lanky boy was then he looked in his baggy clothes. He grabs two swords, from the saddle bags, one for her and one for him. She looks amazing in her own armor. The pants hugging her long legs, and the shirt perfectly fitted to her body.

"Do we have to do this?" Merlin complains.

"Yes." Morgana snaps. "I don't want my bodyguard unable to protect me, if I need protecting…"

She explains the basics of sword-fighting. Start positions, stabbing, slashing, parrying, blocks and dodges.

"Attack me."


"Didn't you hear me, I said, 'Attack me.'" Morgana questions.

"I always hear 'Attack me' when you're talking but most of the time it's context." Merlin gives her a grin before half heartedly jabbing at her middle. She parries his sword and slashes at his left.

He decides not to use magic this time. A small part of him actually wants to know how good he really his.

She slashes at his left and quickly swipes at his head. He ducks. So he has good reflects. She's testing him not that he knows. He makes an upper cut and she jumps out of the way. His face his a hard mask of determination. He's not a natural like her but with some work he could be good at this. He acts instinctively to her blows. She's never seen him like this. Determined, sweaty, and dare she say...handsome. His chain mail his tight against his chest, his hair tousled from the fight and eyes burning blue. But she stops these thoughts because he is a servant and she is a Lady. Nothing can happen between them.

They fight for a long time exchanging blows, bodies become too close than normal, pushing against each other eager to dominate. It ends when their swords lock for a final time and she brings her knee up to his gut with all her strength. He gasps in surprise, she pushes him back with a smirk and points the sword at his throat.

"Do you submit?" She asks with a smile.

"Yes, My Lady." She offers him her hand. He looks at her in confusion. She's so hot and so cold at the same time. She's gorgeous. But she can be unkind and cold. The first time he met her, all he thought was that she was a bully. Now...maybe there's more to her than he thought. He grips her hand she pulls him up.

"I'll get water." He says and goes to the horses. He turns to see her sitting on a log, her sword in the ground. He hands her a water skin and sits beside her. "So...where did you learn to fight? You're aren't that bad well compared to me, you're terrible." He grins.

She smiles. "Right." She takes a gulp of water. "Arthur taught me when we were very young. He hated me then all the other knights always let me win because I was a women. My father taught me a bit before he died…" Her eyes lower in sadness.

"I'm sorry." Merlin says sincerely, resisting putting an arm around her.

"Well...Arthur taught me and I read a lot of books. Uther was very tolerable of it. He seemed to think that I should know how to fight. I'm blessed he didn't ban it. Then Arthur grew up and he was far to honourable to fight me. So...I began to challenge people...Uther wasn't to pleased but he knew I hate to let out my feelings somewhere...It took my a long time to get over my father's and mother's death...I stopped grieving only a year ago…" She refuses to cry. "But what about you? You're stronger than you look."

"I haven't told you about my six-pack have I?" Merlin smiles.


"I have a six-pack...All these muscles…"

"That's a lie."

"Should I prove it?" He moves his hand to the edge of his shirt.

"No!" She laughs. "But tell me, you're not that bad with a blade as I thought."

"I used to have sword fights with my friend, Will, when I was young." He explained.

"Where are you from?"

"Ealdor, small village in Cenred's kingdom."

"What's it like to live in a village?" She asks, genuinely curious.

"Winters are harsh, summer's are warm. You work dawn to dusk. As long as you have food on the table and a roof over your head, you're happy."

"Sounds...nice…" Morgana tries to make it sound like it would be fun to live there.

"You'd hate it. No doubt." There was a awkward silence. "So," Merlin continues. "I am a suitable bodyguard?"

"Well, when you imagine a bodyguard...Well...there more buff and tough looking…" Morgana teases.

"My six-pack…"

"No, Merlin, I don't want to see."

"You sure-"


Lightning claps and rain pours down. Both looked up in surprise. Merlin grabs Morgana's hand and tugs her to the horses, scooping up their swords. He instinctively lifts Morgan onto her horse. Get Morgana safe. The thought dominates his mind as he jumps on his horse. "To the cave." They gallop to the cave reigning the horses in and getting off.

"Here." He wraps his jacket around Morgana, despite her protests.

"I don't-"

"It's raining, you're wet. Uther will kill me if you get sick." That was the end of that conversation. "We should probably stay close together, share body heat." Merlin suddenly says awkwardly knowing that he just crossed every line that he could break. When he see Morgana incredulous face he tries to desperately save himself, "I mean...I don't want you cold. I'm suppose to protect you, from that stuff…"

"Just get on with it." She says coldly. Why? She should have blow him off. Should have insulted him...Why did she agree?

Merlin's mouth opens slightly. She did not just agree...He gently pulled her down so that he was leaning against the wall of the cave with Morgana basically in his lap. Her face was a mask. "Cold?" He ask uncertainly.

"I'm fine."

"Merlin? Morgana?" It was Arthur.

They had separated themselves before Arthur had found him. The rode back on to the castle in silence except Arthur who was whispering to Merlin about his affections for Lady Morgana. As if. He just hoped that Morgana hadn't heard though she probably had.

They stood in front of Uther as he angrily demanded where they had been and threatened to sack Merlin. And for some reason, Morgana had stuck up for him and he still had his jobs. They were dismissed to get ready for the feast tonight for the alliance between Camelot and Mercia and Arthur's crowning as Crown Prince of Camelot.

"Nice hat." Gwen compliments as she and Merlin stand in the back. Merlin glaring at Arthur's back in his "Official" Servant attire.

"Thanks." Merlin replies, rolling his eyes. Arthur shot him a grin before turning serious and looking at his father.

Arthur kneels at his father feet, his father holding a ceremonial staff.

"Being of age now, I crown you, Arthur, Crowned Prince of Camelot...my son…" He lightly taps Arthurs shoulders. "Rise, Prince of Camelot!" He rises as the crowd cheers. They know he is a good man. Uther smiles. "And we have more to celebrate...King Bayard and I am to sign a peace treaty!" Uther and Arthur go to sit in their sits by Morgana who is wearing a beautiful purple and blue dress.

Bayard stands, wearing a blue tunic with his crest on it. "I present these ceremonially goblets to the Lady Morgana, Prince Arthur and Uther." Servants give the tree the goblets. They are quite beautiful with carvings on the top and shaped perfectly.

Bayard raises his goblet to Morgana. "To Lady Morgana." She inclines her head at him. "To Prince Arthur." Bayard gives and receives a nod. "To Uther Pendragon." Uther gives him a slight smile and nod of head. "To Camelot." There's a chorus of "Aye"s from the crowd. "To Mercia." His soldiers give a cheer. "To peace and prosperity!" He says loudly. They all start to bring their goblets to their mouths, tilting their heads.

"STOP! Morgana, don't drink that!" A voice screams. Merlin runs in and grabs the goblet from Morgana.

"MERLIN!" Morgana and Arthur exclaim at once.

"Merlin, you've had too much to drink-" Arthur steps in to defend is servant. He knows how Merlin acts when he's drunk.

"I'm not drunk." Merlin shakes is head.

"The boy doesn't know what he's saying-" Morgana protests.

"Silence!" Uther roars. "What are you talking about, boy?"

Merlin gulps then turned to Bayard. "Bayard laced Morgana's goblet with wine." He tells the crowd, getting a gasp in response.

"On what grounds? Who told you this?"

"I can't say who." Merlin replies, looking down.


"This is preposterous! This boy has some sort of mental affliction…" Bayard accuses.

"He does." Gaius points out. "The boy doesn't know what he's saying-"

"I do!" Merlin says coldly, why doesn't any believe him…

"Give me the goblet." Uther grabs the goblet from Merlin. Uther turns to the visiting king. "Do you firmly believe you are innocent?"

"Give me the goblet and I will drink it." Bayard scoffs.

"No, if Merlin is right, then I want the pleasure of killing you myself." He turns to Merlin. "He'll drink it and if he is wrong, he's all yours, Bayard."

"But if it's poisoned he'll die!" Morgana cries.

"Father, you can't be serious!" Arthur tries to talk sense into his father. As clumsy, annoying, and incompetent as Merlin is, he's a good man. Arthur does not want to see him die.

"Here, I'll drink it!" Morgana steps forward for the goblet.

"No! No!" Merlin pulls away. "It's okay."

"Merlin, you might die!" Morgana protests.

Then he turns to her and looks her dead in the eye, his cobalt eyes piercing her light jade eyes. "Then I die. You're life is more important than mine." He gives her a slight nod. He tips his head back, the goblet coming in contact with his lips. The wine runs down his throat. He swallows. Everyone is holding their breaths. Merlin looks down in confusion, he should be dying. "It's fine." Merlin admits.

"He's all yours." Uther tells Bayard. Bayard's men go to Merlin to drag him out.

A strange feeling starts in Merlin's throat. An inching, a tickling. He gives a cough. It's like something's stuck in his throat, stopping his breath. He coughs again. He feels himself grow tired and weary. His muscles collapse and his knees buckle, dragging him to the ground. His eyes blur and he see black spots. Finally, his mind goes blank.

It's chaos from then.

Morgana, Arthur, Gaius, and Gwen had scampered to get Merlin back to Gaius' chambers despite Uther's protest of He's just a servant. Arthur had given him a reply back. Best servant I've ever had. Morgana had gone to see about this handmaiden Gaius and Gwen suspected. Camelot's knights rounded up the people who had come from Mercia, leading them down to the dungeons. Only five remained. Then, a black horse and a rider clad in ebony armor, rode through a glass window. He carried a scratched broadsword as was his armor. He threw his gauntlet down. Sir Owain, a young and brave man, but with a big ego, had accepted the challenge.

"Tomorrow, midday, single combat, to the death." The knight says, his deep, raspy voice ringing through the hall.

Arthur is pacing. He hardly ever paces, most of the time Merlin is doing the pacing. But Merlin is lying on a bed, his fever rising every second, and his breathing slowing. Gwen sits next to him, mopping his brow with a cold rag.

"Ah!" Gaius exclaims.

"What is it?" Arthur demands walking to Gaius.

"I found a petal at the bottom of the goblet. Merlin's been poisoned with the petal Morteus plant and the only way to cure him is to make a potion with the leaf of the plant. It can only be found in the caves under the Forest of Balor. Few have made it there and out alive. A monster guards the caves. Merlin has 4 days." Gaius explained.

Morgana bursts into the room, heels clanking. "How is he?"

"His brow's on fire." Gwen informs.

"I couldn't find the maid." Morgana turns to Gaius. "That says something, right?" Gaius gives a slight nod.

Arthur approaches her. "Merlin's poisoned with the Morteus plant's petal, we need a potion from the leaf of the plant. It grows in caves under the Forests of Balor." He looks at Merlin for a second in worry. "He has four days. I'm taking my horse and finding the remedy." He turns to go but Morgana pulls him back.

"You are the only heir to Camelot. Don't go, I'll go."

"Morgana-" Arthur began to protest but she was already gone.

Arthur slowly opens his eyes, he turns his head looking for that idiot manservant but then remembers he's lying on a cot almost dead. He blinks.

"Good morning." A soft voices says.

Arthur sits up in bed to see Guinevere standing just a few meters from the door, her hands clasped together. "Guinevere, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay, with Merlin and everything…" Gwen trails off.

Arthur gets out of bed, goes behind the changing screen, throws a top on and goes back out. "Uh...I hope Morgana's okay…"

"I'm sure she will be. She can protect herself." Gwen blinks. "I'm mean, not that you can't. You can protect yourself, of course. What I meant-" She stops as Arthur's lips meet hers. She throws her hands around his neck as he wraps his arms around her waist. She lets go. "Now, let's get you changed and ready and put your shirt on properly."

"What's wrong with my shirt?" Arthur asks incredulous.

"It's backward and inside out." Gwen responds.


Gwen steps into Gaius chambers.

"Gwen!" The old man exclaims while sitting next to Merlin.

"How's Merlin?" Gwen asks worriedly.

Gaius pursed his lips. "He has mark. He has only until tomorrow night." Gaius ends in a whisper.

Gwen drops in a chair. "I thought he had four…"

"Magic has sped up the process." Gaius says monotonously.

"Merlin please wake up."

"How dare you!" Uther rages at his son who stand across from him.

"Father-" Arthur begins.

"She is risking her life for a servant!" Uther yells. "He is nothing but a servant! She rode out to get this remedy and she may never come back! What were you thinking?!" His face is beet red now.

"Morgana's a grown women!" Arthur protests. "She can take care of herself. She's beat me in a sword-fight once. I'm almost unbeatable." He says with pride. "She can protect herself!"

"What the point of her having a bodyguard when she'll just get herself killed?" Uther continues in a deadly whisper.

"Have you see Morgana recently?" Arthur demands, angry that his father has just basically insulted Morgana and called Merlin nothing. He's not even as good as fighting as her.He thinks.

"I'm ordering her arrest." Uther declares.

"She's your ward!" Arthur nearly yells. How dare he?! She's your ward! How can you do this?! You are to protect her! He rages in his mind.

"She's has disobeyed me! She has put herself at risk for a mere servant! She needs to learn there's a right and wrong way of doing things." Uther tells his son.

"And what kind of Queen would Camelot want?" Arthur steps forward. "If the rumors are true, that she is to be Queen and I am to be King, would Camelot want a leader who stands aside and lets an innocent and good man die or one that would risk their life for one, a servant even?" With that, Arthur spun around and left the King to himself.


Morgana stands 100 meters from the cave. The cave where the Morteus plant grows. She grips the hilt of her sword. She will save Merlin.

Since when has she even cared? The boy's a total buffoon. He's mostly late, he's clumsy, he's disrespectful. Never listens to her. She shouldn't care. He is only a servant and to Uther, nothing.

I'm not Uther. Morgana tells herself.

No life his worthless even Merlin's. There was a time when she wouldn't have given a second thought to the boy. But he came into her life, challenging her authority and everything she stood for.

And she couldn't bring herself to admit that she enjoyed...whatever Merlin and her were doing together in that cave. She wouldn't let the boy into her heart. No, she wouldn't put herself at risk of doing that, not again…

She steels herself. She has been so distracted in her thoughts, she didn't notice a girl running into her.

"Oh!" The girl exclaims.

Morgana has half the mind to scold her. She stands up. The girl wears a tattered red dress and a bruise is prominent on her shoulder. "What happened?" Morgana holds out her hand. The girl takes it.

"I ran away from my master and now I'm lost." She explains with a slight whimper.

"Did he do that?" Morgana points to the bruise.

"Yes." She looks up at her with her piercing blue eyes.

Like Merlin's. Morgana muses. Except for...less...striking…

"Will you take me away from here?" The girl asks.

"What's your name?"

"Nimueh." She replies. The name sounds familiar but Morgana just can't place it.

"Don't worry. I'll get you out of here but first I need to get something." Morgana turns to the caves.

A huge beast charges up. Morgana's eye widen. The beast is huge and has brown skin and looks pretty ugly. She draws her sword. The beast roars, charges towards her and jumps. She rolls under the beast and throw her sword at it, embedding his stomach. She throws the other sword at where she thinks the beast heart is. The beast falls over dead. She pulls her swords free with a grunt.

"Well, that wasn't boring." Morgana mumbles.

"What are you looking for?" Nimueh asks. "I know this place, maybe I can help."

"I'm looking for a plant, the Morteus plant…heard of it?" Morgana replies.

"I've heard of it! Follow me!" The girl shows her into the cave, she points to a far wall. Morgana see the yellow plant close to top and light streaming from behind. She sheaths her sword. There's a stretch of rock reaching to the wall, she'll just have to jump. She slowly creeps along the stretch making sure it won't collapse. When she reaches the middle she hears a slight whisper. She looks at Nimueh.

"What are you doing?!" She yells. She sprints to the edge of the stretch and jumps, the stretch collapses just as she grabs onto a ledge.

"You won't die at my hand." Nimueh says from behind. Morgana looks up to see spider- like things coming towards her. "I'll just let my friends finish you that." With a laugh that was slightly akin to a cackle she turns and leaves.

Morgana pants. Great. Well, done there, Morgana. She rolls her eyes. She hoists herself higher and climbs as high as she can before she has to confront the spider-like beast. She draws her sword and tries to hack apart the beast. But they're overwhelming her and her muscles are tiring. Just when she's about to drop to her death, the beast squeals. She sees a ball of glowing light, apparently scaring of the spiders. She see them retreat and she drags herself up to the top of the cliff with a heave. She plucks a Morteus flower.

I've done it. Now to get it to Merlin. She thinks and makes her way out of the cave.

It's midday. Arthur sits in a chair next his father where the tournaments are usually held. But to day it's single combat to the death this time.

Sir Owain and the Black Knight as peasant have named him once word at spread, stand opposites of each other, helmets in their hands. They put them on and the gong rings. The hiss of metal against metal sounds as they both draw their swords. The Black Knight with just a broadsword and Sir Owain with a shield and sword.

The Black Knight moves forward and strikes at Sir Owain's left side, which Owain dodges. The Black Knight moves into a fast and heavy assault. Owain blocks all blows but clumsily and without much finesse.

One good well aimed blow. Arthur voice rings in Owain's mind. He goes for it when the Black Knight has raised his arms for a deadly blow. It goes through his armor right where his heart is.

He doesn't fall.

Owain's eyes widen in shock. I stabbed him, why isn't he dead? He opens to yell something but his fear and shock has paralyzed him. He's silenced when the Black Knight stabs him.

Then it's over.

The Black Knight moves swiftly to the stands, in front of Arthur and King Uther. He throws his gauntlet down. "Who will accept my challenge?" He asks gruffly.

A black skinned knight picks it up before Arthur can, being held back by Uther. "I, Sir Pellinor, accept your challenge."

"So be it. Midday, single combat to the death."

Morgana bolts to the castle, Morteus plant in a sack at her waist. She see the guards and the gate in the distance. They stop her with their sharp spears.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She demands from on top of Isis. "I am the King's ward-"

"The King has ordered your arrest." The guards states.


"You risked your life for that of a servant!" Uther yells at her.

"He was dying!" Morgana protest angrily. "It doesn't even matter! He will live and I am alive too! He can still protect me." Not that I need it. Morgana thinks. She pulls the plant from her sack. "Just get this to Gaius, he knows what to do with it." She sighs. "Please."

Uther takes it from her, walks out of the cell. He squeezes his hand and dumps the wrinkled flower on the ground. "There's a right and wrong way to do things."

"NO!" Morgana grounds her teeth together trying desperately not to swear and curse Uther. "You will go to hell for this Uther Pendragon!" She calls out.

"Say something like that again and I will break my promise to your father. I will not tolerate a ward who does not listen to me." And then he's gone.

Merlin's going to die.

She rushes to the barred door and gets on her stomach. The plant is just out of reach. She stretches is father, her finger tips touching the flower. A bit more…She lunges at it and grabs it. Yes!

Arthur burst into Gaius chambers.

"Does Morgana have the plant?" Gwen asks.

Arthur has his hands on his hips. "She's imprisoned. My Father ordered her arrest."

"What?!" Gaius and Gwen exclaim.

"I know. I'm going to go talk to her. I am the crown prince." With that, he left.


"Arthur!" She rushed to the door. "How's Merlin?" She placed her hand on his.

"He'll last until tonight then…" Arthur trails off biting his lips.

"He'll be gone." Morgana says dryly. She pulls away.

Arthur looks down at his hands. "Morgana you're a genius." He sprints out calling out, "I make sure Uther releases you tomorrow."

"Where's the plant?" Gaius demands as Arthur runs into his chambers.

Arthur bites his lips, holding a frown. He walks solemnly to Gaius. "Morgana…" He gives him a look of despair. "Found it!" His face widens into a smile as he puts the plant in Gaius' hands.

"Arthur!" Gaius scolds. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He starts mixing the potion.

Arthur goes over to Merlin and Gwen. "He's going live." He is grinning and pecks Gwen on the mouth. He looks back at Gaius who has stopped working. "What's wrong?"

"Can you and Gwen get me some water?" Gaius asks. They nod and go out the door. Gaius holds the potion in his hands. He murmurs some words, magical words. The couple comes in the door again. This has to work. Gaius thinks. He puts the potion down Merlin's throat.

They wait with baited breaths.

Merlin's breath slows.

"What's happening?" Arthur demands.

"He's dying!" Gwen exclaims.

And then it's over.

Gaius presses his head against Merlin's chest. "No…" Tears form in his eyes. "He can't be dead."

Then a cough, and a gasp. Merlin's eyes open and he bolts up.

"Merlin!" Arthur, Gwen, and Gaius exclaim at the same time in relief.

"What happened?"

"You died, and then you came back to life." Gwen exclaims, hand over her mouth as Arthur hugs her from behind.

"How do you know I'm not a ghost?" Merlin grins. "How did you heal me?"

"Morgana got the plant to save you." Gaius explains.


"Told you she wasn't all that bad." Gaius says smugly.

"Oh, gods," Merlin moans. "She's going to hold this over my head forever. 'I saved you Merlin!'" He imitates in a very high pitched voice.

"Stop worrying Merlin." Arthur grins. "You're alive that's all that matters."

"Never knew you cared." Merlin shot back.

"Well, you are the best manservant I've ever had."

"Please father, I promise she's learnt her lesson." Arthur protests as the sun starts to set for that day. "Release her, she's your ward."

"If she does anything like that again…"

"She won't I promise."

Morgana had been released, warned by Arthur not to pull a stunt like that again, and went to bed, tired from riding and fighting spider-like creatures. She fell asleep instantly.

She woke up to a bright sunny day. She stretched and yawned and turned onto her other side.

"My Lady." A voice spoke from a chair next to her bed.

Morgana's eyes burst open. "Merlin!" She jumped out of bed and kissed him then pulled back. "I was in shock! You were almost dead! It doesn't mean anything!" She starts rambling. Oh come on, you enjoyed it. Part of her mind coaxed. His lips were soft, inviting, firm, loving-Shut up!

"It's fine." Merlin sputtered. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, she kissed me… And suddenly he had an image of her underneath him, her arms thrown over his neck as he peppered her with kisses down her long, pale neck. I've got to stop doing that. "I suppose I owe you my life then…" He said timidly.

"Don't you forget it." Morgana teased.

"I don't understand. I thought you hated me…"

"If you're going to be my bodyguard shouldn't I at least like you?" Morgana counters.

"But you saved my life…?"

"Because it was the right thing to do, you may be a complete idiot but I don't want you dead." Morgana admits.

And that's when Merlin say a different side of her. Not the mean, bullying part of her but the noble side of her. She had risked her life for him. And that says something. Maybe she's not has bad as I thought.

Merlin sits beside Morgana in the stands watching as Sir Pellinor and the Black Knight face off.

"Gaius was talking to me…" Merlin whispers to Morgana. She gives him a go-on look. "He says that the crest the Black Knight wears is the one of Tristan du Bois who was a dead knight. We looked in his tomb. It was empty."

"What are you implying? That he's a zombie." Morgana snorts.

"I don't know."

The gong rings. And the two knights put down their visors and circle each other. Sir Pellinor slashes at the Black Knight's left side which he easily blocks with his broadsword. He returns a blow of his own, colliding with Pellinor's shield. He strikes at his body, head, left, right, left again in a heavy assault. Pellinor manages to block all the blows. He's better than Owain. He goes for it. It's a fast blow but it's true.

The sword goes through his heart and out.

Pellinor's eyes widen in shock then they close in agony as the heavy broadsword enters his body.

He falls to the ground dead.

The Knight stomps to the stands, he pushes his sword into the ground before he can throw his gauntlet another gauntlet lands in front of him. He picks it up.

"Midday tomorrow, single combat to the death." Arthur announces.

She basically drags him out of the tournament area by his wrist despite his complaining and whining. She drags him through the castle, avoiding guards and slams him into an alcove.

"OW!" Merlin exclaims.

"Did you see that?" Morgana hisses.


"Pellinor's sword go into and out the Black Knight's body?" She replies urgently.

"I did."

Her voice softens. "Merlin, he should be dead. Not Pellinor…" She bites her lip.

She's adorable when she does that and-What am I thinking?! He scolds himself. "Arthur's suppose to fight him tomorrow…" He sighs. "He's going to die too."

"I'm not going to let that happen." She replies with determination. "As annoying as that prat is, I don't wish to see him dead."

"Here you go saving another life." Merlin rolls his eyes.

"Merlin!" Morgana says sharply then pulls him down as a guard walks by.

"This is something out of a romance novel." Merlin mutters, not knowing why he bothers saying it. "You dragging me into an alcove and stuff…" He see her glare at him warningly. "I'll shut up now."

She gives him a nod and a smirk. "I need you to drug Arthur."

"What?! Why me?!"

"No, you idiot. I'll ask Arthur to come in to my chambers for a glass of wine. Get some of Gaius' strongest sleeping potions and we'll put him to sleep so he'll miss the fight, and I'll take his place."

"Why do I have to be involved?" Merlin demands.

"Unless you want to see Arthur dead, I suggest you help me." Morgana says, knowing she has him cornered.

"Fine, but how are you going to defeat this zombie?" He questions.

Her face goes blank. "I don't know."

"Wonderful." He looks at her. "You're going to die."

She looks him in the eye. "Then I die. Arthur life is more important than mine."

"Morgana...You can't do this-"

"So you want me to let Arthur die?" She asks harshly.

"I don't want neither of you dead!" He exclaims. "But it doesn't have to go like this...We can expose the Black Knight or something…" But she's already gone. "Morgana! Morgana…" He shakes his head.

Morgana, is the once and future Queen of Camelot who will unite the land of Albion. Yet, she faces many threats from friend and foe alike. The dragons voice rings in his head.

I will not let Morgana die.

"Where are you? I need you! It's important!" Merlin calls to the dragon. The huge dragon flies down and lands on the rock in front of him .

"What is it young warlock?" His voice rumbles.

"Arthur is to fight the Black Knight tomorrow but I have reason to believe that the knight can't be killed by a normal blade. Gaius and I looked in the tomb of Tristan du Bois and it was empty. The Black Knight wears the crest of Tristan du Bois. Morgana plans to fight in Arthur's place! She's going to die if you don't help me!" He explains urgently.

"Do not let Morgana fight! Let Arthur die." The dragon hisses.

"What?!" Merlin yells. "Why? Arthur's my friend. He has a good heart. I know him!"

"You and Morgana are two sides of the same coin. Arthur threatens to overturn everything you and Morgana will work for." The dragon snaps.

"He's not evil! Please...How can I defeat the knight?"

"What you need is a blade that can kill the dead forged and burnished by a dragon's breath. A blade like that, will have tremendous power and in the wrong hands can cause such damage you can't even imagine."

"I promise that it will never land in the wrong hands." Merlin assures the dragon.

"After you have used it to kill the wraith you must cast it away." The dragon tells him.

"I will, I promise."

"Very well, I will grant you this favor."

"Gwen!" Merlin bangs on Gwen's door. "Gwen, I need your best sword you can give me, please!"

"Merlin why-"

"Please Gwen!"

"Whatever you're planning I hope it works." She mutters and goes into her house to get a sword. She comes back with a long sword wrapped in a scarlet sheet. "Here."

Merlin takes it from her gently. "Thank Gwen! I won't forget this!" And he runs off.

"Be careful!" She calls.

"Always am!" Merlin calls back.

Gwen rolls her eyes.

It's a fine blade with a beautiful golden, straight crosspiece. The hilt is wrapped in fine leather and the pommel is shinny and a flame is carved into it. Merlin draws it from the sturdy sheath and magically makes it float in front of the dragon.

The dragons draws in a breath, then breathes out a huge flame of fire. It quite beautiful actually as the fire engulfs the sword. When it's finish the sword clatters on to the rock floor.

"Thank you!" Merlin exclaims and turns to leave. "Wait, at least tell me your name, please."

"Kilgharrah." The dragon replies.

The next morning, Morgana and Arthur are sleeping soundly and deeply. The King hears about this and leaves them, going himself to the place where the tournament will be held, holding his head proudly and his helmet under his arm.

"You can take what-" He starts to say but stops and stare. The Black Knight stands with his sword by his side across from another man dressed in chain-mail.

Merlin stands across from the Black Knight, wearing chain mail that he stole from Arthur despite the fact that it was huge on him. He wears no crest but he does have a fitted helmet under his arm. His eyes are focused and determined. His hands flex.

Gaius approaches the King cautiously as he stands staring, his eyes narrowing in anger. Gaius puts a hand on the King's shoulder. "Morgana had plans to take Arthur's place. Merlin heard of them and took her place and I have reason to believe that..." Gaius takes a breath. "That this knight is actually already dead."

"The Knight came for me, Nimueh and I talked..." Uther replies softly.

"Exactly, you cannot fight this or you will surely die. You are the King." Gaius says sternly. "And besides, as Morgana's bodyguard, isn't this what Merlin should be doing? In all sense, he is protecting Morgana."

The King is shocked. This commoner has the guts, the courage, the gall to fight a fully trained knight that may be invulnerable. He is willing to risk his life to save others. I made a good choice by choosing him. He's breaking every rule in the knight's code by doing this but Uther has to admit, the man is doing something above and beyond the call of duty.

Uther takes his seat, he finds it odd that Morgana and Arthur are not beside him. But right, now it's for the best. The gong sounds.

The two men on the field draw their swords. The Black Knight with his trademark dark broadsword. Merlin draws a stunning longsword, the blade has words etched into it. It's a stunning and beautiful piece of art. Where he got it and how he could pay for it a mystery.

The circle each other. Merlin makes the first move.

I've fought Morgana and could hold her off, this can't be that hard. Merlin tries to reassure himself. He's opponent is fast and strong. But I have magic. Merlin smiles to himself. He strikes at the Black Knights head. Let's see what's under that helmet you never take off. The Black Knight ducks spins around and slashes at the Merlin but Merlin manages to leap out of the way. The crowd is shocked and confused but this promises to be an interesting match.

Merlin returns a heavy blow but the knight easily blocks it and Merlin's sword glances of the broadsword and he strikes at the helmet, effectively knocking it off.

The crowd gasps.

The Black Knight as a head wrapped in what looks like moldy linens. He has black beetle eyes and no mouth. He roars and begins a heavy assault, smashing into Merlin's sword and shield. Each blow jars Merlin's arms as he begins to tire. Just one blow… As the Black Knight raises his arms for a deathly strong blow Merlin deftly slips his sword into the Black Knight's chest, piercing his heart.

The Black Knight emits a scratchy scream of agony as he twist and turns in the air before turning in dust and ribbons of linens.

There's silence.

"Seize him!" Uther orders as soldiers grab at Merlin who lets them drag him to the dungeons. I saved Morgana's and Arthur life, that's all that matters.

"What were you thinking?" Arthur demands at Morgana. Morgana and him are standing around a table along with Uther and Gaius.

"I saw that sword pierce the Black Knight. Merlin did too! If you fought him, you would die!" Morgana protests angrily.

"So you were going to fight and die instead!" Arthur yells.

"You are crown prince and only heir to the throne!" Morgana yells back.

"It's my duty!"

"What's this about?! You just don't want to see me take your place because I am a women! That has nothing to do with this! You were going to die, and I was willing to sacrifice my life for yours because it matters more than mine." Morgana grinds her teeth. "Arthur Pendragon, you are an arrogant prat!" She yells.

"Enough!" Uther slams his fist down. He nods to the guards. Merlin is pushed into the room, hands bound. "Merlin, you fought a fight that you, a commoner, are not suppose to fight. You are no knight and you should not have take Arthur's place. What do you say in your defense?"

"My Lord." Merlin begins, avoiding Morgana's and Arthur's eyes. Morgana is glaring at him and Arthur is giving him an angry and confused look. "As Lady Morgana said, I knew that there was something that was very wrong about the Black Knight. He wouldn't die when he was stabbed or even be wounded. Arthur would surely die if he were to fight. Lady Morgana, told me of her plan to take Arthur's place. My job was to make sure Arthur slept in. So I agreed but I knew that if Morgana would fight she would die. It is my job to protect her. Therefore, I did. My word is nothing against the word of a knight." Merlin breathes. That part was true. "I looked in some of Gaius' books. A wraith such of the Black Knight could only be killed with a stab to the heart at a certain angle that is why Sir Pellinor and Sir Owain could not kill the knight. I slipped Morgana something that would make her sleep in as well and I took Arthur's place against the Black Knight and killed it."

"Could you not have told Morgana about the angle?" Uther narrows his eyes.

"I had already administered the potions." Merlin says.

"I see…" Uther purses his lips. "You are pardoned." Everyone gasps. Uther continues. "You have show a great deal of courage and bravery and you are perfect bodyguard for Morgana. And my son and ward seem to like you."

"Less and less by the second…" Morgana mutters.

"This matter is closed."

"I can not believe you." Arthur says to Merlin as they along with Morgana stand outside the throne room.

"I had to save you." Merlin replies nonchalantly. He grins at Morgana. "This makes us even."


"You saved me and I saved you." Merlin slightly gloats.

"True however you will always be indebted to me." Morgana smirks.

"What do you mean?"

"You're alive. With all the stunts you pull, I'm surprised that I haven't killed you yet." Morgana replies promptly and walks away.

"Now Merlin," Arthur continues. "I need you to muck out my stables, polish my armor, sharpen my sword and polish it, dust my room, sweep my room, draw me a bath, clean my clothes, get rid of a rat, groom my horses and after that serve Morgana you may be a hero but you can't ignore your duties."

He smiles and walks off.

Merlin snorts. What a reward…

A/N: I don't know if me and Sparrow will be continuing this because I haven't heard from her but it may continue. I just really wanted to post this. Oh, go ahead and check out some of our other Fanfics. Sparrows, "Unwelcome Arrangements" is brillant and sexy. And I've recently posted a 5x13 one-shot, I've finished "At Her Mercy" and I'm rewriting Season 5 my way (Destiny's Trial, Fate's Game).

Remember Review = Cookies= Happiness.