Stiles' favorite place in the world is Laura's Bakery, especially now that he has an excuse to be there all the time. He'd managed to get a job there for the summer because Laura Hale was amazing and her part-timer had quit and he was home for the summer so she'd agreed to take him on. But, dude, money. And baked goods. That's what he was looking forward to all summer. The absolute best part was that Lydia was interning across the street and came in all the time for coffee and a muffin. But the second best part was that after close Laura had taken to showing him how to make a few of the delicacies offered by the bakery.

At least that's what he thought he'd spend all summer doing. Then Laura's brother showed up and Stiles saw the infamous Derek Hale for the first time since high school, when Derek would sometimes pick up his younger siblings from school. And wow, the years had been good to him. Well, physically at least. At the moment he seemed a little bit…grumpy.

"Is Laura in the back?" he demanded as soon as he walked in the door, almost causing Stiles to drop a tray of cookies in surprise. "She was supposed to meet me ten minutes ago," he continued without even apologizing for so obviously scaring the crap out of Stiles.

Of course, Stiles was more than willing to let it go, considering that this guy was one of the hottest humans he'd seen in like his entire life. He was really lucky that he'd managed to get over his need to babble during his first year of college.

"Yeah, we ran out of pumpkin muffins and she said she wanted to get some more in the oven before she left to meet her brother, who I'm guessing is you, because if we don't get them in the oven now then people will be complaining all day that we don't have any pumpkin muffins so she felt it was necessary and oh my god, I am babbling." Well, he'd thought he'd managed to get over it.

"Let me start over. Yes, Laura is in the back, she should be out in just a moment. Hi, by the way, I'm Stiles and you must be her brother, Derek," he said, trying to not feel like a total fool and fighting back his rising blush.

Derek just raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you always talk this much?"

And there was the blush. "Um, sometimes. I'm working on it."

"Needs some more work."

Thank god Laura chose that moment to appear because Stiles was sure that he was bright red. "Derek! Stop being so grumpy. I'm only a little late, don't take your temper out on Stiles. He's my best worker and I don't want you making him quit like you did the last one."

Laura was a goddess, Stiles was sure about that, because she grinned at Stiles and Derek rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything about Stiles babbling. "Let's go. Nice meeting you, Stiles," Derek says and tosses a smile Stiles' way as he walks out the door and Stiles' heart skips like five beats. He wasn't aware that it could do that until just now.

"I'll be back in about an hour Stiles, don't forget to pull the muffins out of the oven and call me if you have any problems. Thanks, bye!" Laura says and Stiles is pretty sure she's trying not to laugh at him but Stiles will forgive her because she's a goddess. A goddess with the hottest brother ever.

A/N: I've been posting this on tumblr, but decided to post it here too. This will probably just be a series of drabbles with a loose plot. Expect the next part sometime in the near future.