
I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn nor do I gain any money by doing this. KHR and its characters belong to Amano Akira. Please do not sue me because I'm just a rabid fanboy who is currently unemployed and just suddenly got addicted with KHR fandom and the smexy yaoi of the characters.


It's Yaoi 8027 (Yamamoto / Tsuna) pairing, as in male x male loves each other or doing sex together. Alright, you have been warned! I don't want any complaints, reports or flames about this story since I don't think I do you any harms by uploading this story to the net.

Beta-ed by KHFFMEE-8027. Thanks again for that!

You Really Are No Good Tsuna! ─ Chapter 7

'I Kissed Him but then I Ran Away?'

Pain. A sharp, stabbing, cruel pain and lingering hurt was the only thing that the young Decimo saw or even read from his Rain Guardian's crushed expression. Severely and untimely different than what the usual happy-go-lucky smile that Yamamoto Takeshi would always have whenever he's in a harsh situation. It was unbefitting of him. Nevertheless, even Yamamoto was only human.

The young sportsman might seem oblivious, naïve and sometimes idiotic but, deep down, he's the type that would always keep his emotions to himself. No matter how hurtful or painful that was, Yamamoto would lock it deeply inside of him, stored it so that nobody could notice it, then throw the key away in order to keep it all in. He never wanted to let his pain be shown to other people, thinking that it would only bring trouble to other people. Still, there's only so much that he could take. And, Tsuna knew that Yamamoto was already on his limit.

'Ya-Yamamoto… is c-crying?' Tsuna cried silently in his thoughts. His mind was still shocked, unable to cope up. His face was hurt, feeling guilty to see his best friend looking incredibly sad like that. And, on top of that, he was pretty much the one to blame. At least he thought it that way.

'I… m-made him cry…' the young Decimo felt dejected as a sudden tears of remorse came clinging, embracing him with the darkest compunction possible, putting him on blame.

'B-but I never i-intended t-to hurt y-you… Ya-Yamamoto… S-sorry… I'm so v-very sorry…'

And there Tsuna could see. The raven haired boy was crying subtly, with a couple of tears tracing down his cheek. Yamamoto's voice was slightly breaking, making it sounded even more poignant when he's saying his confession, with tears streaming down his face and pain lingering in his voice.

His heart clenched, controlled by the inextinguishable anguish that came to hit him straight in his face, suffocating him completely 'til even taking a single gasp of breath could really hurt him. The Rain Guardian was shaking terribly, shivering by his pain, scared to even breathe.

'Ahh,' Tsuna came to a realization, 'This isn't right…' he paused, his breathing became slightly erratic.

'I can't just watch Yamamoto acting all sad like this. There must be something that I can do. Something that even a Dame person like me can do. Something that can snap Yamamoto back from all his sadness…' the young Decimo debated in his mind, trying to find the right way to make Yamamoto stop being entangled by his aching pain.

'B-but what c-can I do? What is there left for me to do, if everything that I do will always be messed up and hurting the one that I really care about? The one that I really love…?' Tsuna was lost in thoughts.

He was unsure of what he should do. Deep inside his heart, he really wanted to help Yamamoto and just hold him tight to chase away all the baseball jock's pain. But he was also afraid that he would end up messing up again, hurting Yamamoto even more in the process as if it weren't enough already, because of the Dame self he really was.

"Ya-Ya-Yamamoto…" Tsuna beckoned, stuttering miserably in the process. Previously, he had warned himself to not stutter like this but still, it seemed that he failed perfectly at it, something that his Dame self was pretty good at, of course.

"A-a-are y-you… c-c-crying…?" he asked, still unable to control his involuntary stutters, a gesture that he would always do whenever he felt nervous.

Even though he was stuttering back then, he was actually able to catch Yamamoto's attention. Just when Yamamoto exchanged his contact with the smaller brunette, he decided to move his hand to wipe his tears off.

The last thing that he would want to happen was making Tsuna worried because of his unrequited feelings. He didn't want Tsuna to feel guilty about it if the brunette didn't love him back. And certainly, he didn't want this love problem to stand in between their friendship let alone ruining it.

Though his breathing was still fast-paced and hard, Takeshi decided to adjust it. He took a deep breath once, twice, maintaining his erratic breathing. He suppressed all the stinging in his chest that made his heart clench, trying to shake away his pain with all the strength that he had. Or at least with what's left inside of him.

To all Tsuna's surprise, Yamamoto answered,

"C-crying? N-no, Tsuna. I w-wasn't crying," Takeshi denied, giving a fake sad smile to prove his statement, "It must have been the rain. Y-you probably mistook it with it." Yamamoto ensured, giving his best lie to the brunette as he threw another sad smile to his best friend.

"Oh? If you're talking about my confession, j-just forget about that. I wasn't in my right mind when I said it..." Yamamoto said, giving a lie in order to make Tsuna feel okay about it.

But of course, Tsuna didn't believe him. He knew Yamamoto, long enough to know whether his best friend lied to him or not.

The brunette then looked deeply at Yamamoto's face, looking at the hints of sadness from Yamamoto's fake smile. Fortunately, Tsuna could see it through Yamamoto's façade. He could notice how the young swordsman was hiding a sad frown, lying deep beneath the fake smile that Yamamoto gave him.

It made Tsuna to wonder how Yamamoto could keep holding up his composure and gave him a fake soothing smile while deep down, his own heart was broken to pieces? How hurtful it would feel to act like nothing's happened when he himself was in the verge of breaking down?

"Yamamoto," Tsuna called, his tone was gentle but a huge guilt was in his voice, "You don't have to do that anymore, you know. You don't have to lie, especially not to me. I don't want to make you feel hurt more than that." The brunette paused, a huge trace of remorse stirring in his chest.

"Lie? What lie? I'm not lying to you Tsuna. Why would you think that way?" Yamamoto asked, still trying the best he could to deny the fact.

He could deny all he fact he wanted but who was he fooling? Tsuna was not a fool. He might be Dame but it didn't necessarily mean that he was that stupid to believe such plain lie.

"Yamamoto," Tsuna called again, feeling even guiltier when he found out that Yamamoto was still lying to him.

"Please, Yamamoto, stop it. I don't want you to lie and hold all your feelings inside your heart anymore. There's just so much that you can take, Yamamoto. Please, for my sake, stop doing it. Stop hurting yourself like this." Tsuna begged, his eyes were almost teary. Now, in moments, Tsuna could feel like he was about to cry, yet again.

Such statement made the raven haired boy to be slightly startled about it. He could feel so much anguish and guilt voiced in Tsuna's voice and it made him feel like it's all wrong.

"Hahaha," Yamamoto decided to just laugh it off, though it somehow sounded so sad, "But I'd look pathetic if I cried because of it Tsuna…" he gave a silent whisper as his voice was trailing off, as if he was thinking out loud. Little that he knew, his slight voiceless whisper made the brunette to feel guiltier than the sin itself.

"I know," Tsuna sighed, his heart was crushed when he heard what Yamamoto said to him, "I mean, it's all my fault, isn't it? I never wanted to hurt you but here I am, hurting you and making you cry like that. It's really all my fault. If only I wasn't that Dame…" Oh great. Now Tsuna was blaming himself for all what he caused to Yamamoto.

This was just great. Of course, Yamamoto wouldn't accept it. It was the last thing that Yamamoto wanted to happen.

"No, Tsuna! It's not true! Don't say it like that!" Yamamoto exclaimed. His face looked quite hurt to know that the brunette blamed himself. His knuckles turned white, he gritted his teeth, not wanting for Tsuna to take all the blame. Takeshi knew that he was the one to blame and not his best friend.

"It was all my fault, not yours! If I hadn't driven you to the walls like that with my stupid confession, all these things wouldn't have happened!" the baseball jock convinced, wincing his face in hurt after calling his sincere confession as stupid.

It's a price that Yamamoto wanted to pay. He didn't want Tsuna to feel sad or guilty because of him. Or because of his love. No matter how hurt it would be for him, hurting the one that he loved was just not an option he would ever take.

"Yes, it's true! I was the one to blame!" Tsuna protested back, tears of regret were starting to form near the edge of his eyes, "If I weren't that Dame, I wouldn't have hurt you. Or let Gokudera kissed me and let you watched everything."

There he could feel it again; the traitor that always came back and hit him right in his face. His breathing started to go erratic, uncontrolled and fast-paced. His heart was pounding yet at the same time it's clenching as if the pieces of his heart were churning inside him. His eyes were as if it's on fire, burning badly and stinging.

"O-or to even used you just for the stupid sex challenge that Reborn had!" Tsuna explained again as he managed to look at Yamamoto's face from his teary eyes.

He could notice that Yamamoto's face went unreadable from the sad smile. That's when Tsuna started to say his apology. He didn't care if he had to beg on his knees just for that or even to accept all the harsh words that Yamamoto would probably launch at him.

"Sorry, Yamamoto." Tsuna closed his eyes, averting his tears away from his eyes, "I'm sorry that I used you back then. I'm really sorry to have hurt you like that…"

To his surprise, Yamamoto only replied simply,

"I already know that." His gentle voice somehow shocked Tsuna deeply. It seemed the young Decimo didn't think that Yamamoto would have already known about it.

"I overheard you talking with the kid about it. It was not my intention to eavesdrop on you but I did hear the part when you said that you didn't love me," the baseball jock explained, putting his best poker face to hide his real feelings from Tsuna, "Or the part when you regretted doing it with me."

"No, Yamamoto! A-about that! I c-can explain!" Tsuna said, wishing that the baseball jock would give him at least a chance to let him explain about the whole things or about his own feelings that he realized just then.

Unfortunately, Yamamoto only gave a simple longing sigh to the Decimo and replied,

"There's no need to. I already knew it wouldn't end so well anyway. I knew that it was too good to be true." the Rain Guardian said it simply, although his heart was burnt in pain. And Tsuna couldn't help but to notice how Yamamoto's eyes saying something like, 'It's all over now.'

"But don't mind me, Tsuna. I'm fine." he said. His face was solemn, slightly traced with pain adorning his sad smile.

"Well, it's not fine now. I mean, I'm making a face that looks like I want to die here but eventually, it will be fine. You don't have to worry about that." Despite saying all that, Yamamoto felt like he finally came to an end of something that he wished he could have.

"Ya-Yamamoto… It's really not like that…" Tsuna tried to explain, though it was no prevail at all. Yamamoto didn't seem to listen of what he would say.

"Don't worry Tsuna. I love you enough… to let you go." Yamamoto smiled again, making Tsuna to feel a lot of mixed feelings inside of his chest.

He knew that he didn't want to see Yamamoto making this fake smile again. That's the main reason why he felt so wrong to see Yamamoto doing things like that just for his sake.

Stop it…

"No… please… Yamamoto…" Tsuna begged but how unfortunate for him that Yamamoto wouldn't listen to what he said.

The baseball jock kept doing the same things ever again, promising Tsuna a happy smile even though his heart was severely crushed, burnt out, felt like salts were pouring down on his cuts.

Please stop it...

"There's no need too. I understand, Tsuna. I'll be fine. Love doesn't have to be together." Yamamoto said, giving a warm smile as he told Tsuna about it.

Though he sounded like he didn't care, Yamamoto actually had come to a realization that Tsuna loving him back was something that wouldn't ever be happened.

How can you still be smiling like that…?

"No, Yamamoto… Don't say it like that… Please… Listen to me…" he begged again, wishing that this time Yamamoto would listen to what he would say.

Please… Don't do this to me… I didn't want to make you do things like this… Don't smile like that… It's okay to cry when you're hurt, Yamamoto… Just don't hold it all in again…

"It never would have worked anyway. We are never meant to be together. Tsuna will be better off with Gokudera or Sasagawa. You like them better, don't you?"

I didn't come here to hurt you… Now I seem like I can't stop… I can't stop hurting the one that I really love…

That was when everything seemed so fast to Tsuna. He didn't know what happened. His body just moved on his own as if he was hypnotized or controlled by imaginary force. It was all so sudden, not even seconds.

His chest was bursting with all the urges to stop Yamamoto from blaming himself, giving a fake smile, acting like nothing's happened while his own heart was severed and most importantly, giving up on his love. Tsuna didn't want it. Just like what Reborn said to him, if a person gave up on love, love would give up on him too. And no, Tsuna couldn't take that anymore.

And what made Tsuna realized what was happening was the audible smack sound that came from Yamamoto's cheek. That was when Tsuna noticed that his hand just moved on his own and hit the gloomy raven haired boy right in his cheek, giving a nice explosive slapping sound throughout them.

"Ahh," Yamamoto exclaimed in a low, knowing voice, "I deserved that." He added again, still wincing up his face because of the throbbing ache on his cheek.

It was all so sudden and now, that slapping sound was then followed by the sound of Tsuna's sobbing. It was now clear to him. Tsuna just slapped him in order to give back his sense, But still, Yamamoto couldn't help to wonder… Why Tsuna was crying again? What did he do again this time? He didn't need to wonder that long though, since Tsuna decided to enlighten him.

"Why is Yamamoto always like that…? Thinking that it's for the best and judging everything on your own…?" Tsuna asked rhetorically.

His face was unreadable to Yamamoto because the brunette was slightly tilting his head down, so Yamamoto could barely see Tsuna's face expression.

"And you think that you can get away with that…? That it's okay for you to hurt like hell as long as someone you love is happy…?" His voice was breaking but he was sure enough to raise his tone as he said that, slightly feeling upset.

"What kind of logic is that?!" he shouted in disregard which made Yamamoto to be stunned, then Tsuna added again, "Before saying that you love me, think again to yourself whether you really love me or not!"

"Tsuna…" was the only word that Yamamoto could say as his reply. Now, Yamamoto's face looked like he was being burned alive. Even saying that he looked guilty was quite an understatement.

But Tsuna was still unrelenting, he replied again to Yamamoto, this time, with more determination than before.

"Because, you know what? Love is strong! It isn't that weak!"

"Well, what else can I do, Tsuna? What do I do when I just found out that the one I really love doesn't love me back? Be selfish? Crying and acting all pathetic? Or should I just blame you for not loving me back? Either way, I can't do any of that! It's not me." Yamamoto explained gently, although there's a slight hint of restlessness in his voice tone.

The young swordsman looked deeply at the brunette with his eyes filled with sorrow. Lots of unimaginable pain made him looked like that. There's just so much emotion written on those hazel eyes.

"There's nothing that I can do about it when love has given up on me." Yamamoto added again, his tone sounded like he's hopeless, entangled by his solemn wishes.

But to his surprise, Tsuna replied sharply,

"You're wrong!" His voice wasn't breaking again. It somehow turned more vibrant than the previous one. Tsuna seemed like he was somehow angered by what Yamamoto was saying.

"No, I'm not. Love has given up on me. It's true. That's why I started to give up on my love. That's why I'm letting you go." Yamamoto voice might sound so gentle, but there's just so much pain voiced in his voice.

"I said you're wrong Yamamoto!" the brunette shouted again.

It made Yamamoto to wonder what triggered Tsuna to shout like that. He could only wonder that while he was taken aback by the fire on Tsuna's determined eyes.

"Why?" the baseball jock asked, still feeling confused of why Tsuna was so unrelenting to convince that he was wrong.

And Tsuna's reply was only…

"Because this!"

It was like a slow motion to him. Yamamoto couldn't even notice it at first. His mind was still fuzzy to follow the whole event. He didn't even cope with it at first. All that he could know was that his lips were suddenly pressed gently with another's soft lips.

The kiss itself was chaste, slightly sloppy and slobbery but there's a glimpse of longing, caring and most importantly, love. It was a type of kiss that would only be given by someone who truly cared the other person, more than just a simple best friend. It was like a lover's kiss. And Yamamoto was only frozen, letting the smaller teen to control the kiss. All that he could feel was how close his face with Tsuna's, the erratic panting and the sweet, honeysuckle taste that came from Tsuna's soft lips.

After that sudden kiss, Tsuna backed away and parted his lips away from Yamamoto. He looked at the stunned face in front of him, then with a huge blush forming on his cheeks, Tsuna said,

"I-if y-you say that I d-don't l-love you back, I d-don't know w-what else that is…"

And with that, Tsuna took his leave and ran away as fast as he could, leaving Yamamoto in an instant. It couldn't be helped though. It was definitely the first time he ever did such things to someone else. It was the first time he took the lead and kissed his best friend, Yamamoto. That's why he was very embarrassed. Heck, his heart seemed like it stopped for a while after the kiss!

After watching Tsuna left, still feeling confused and surprised of what just happened to him. Yamamoto could only wonder one thing in his mind as the sweet honeysuckle taste coming from Tsuna's lips was still lingering on his lips.

"Tsuna kissed me…? Why?"

A moment after that, Tsuna finally back to his house with a huge blush hovering on his cheek. He ran straight to his room and jumped to his bed in an instant, covering his face while mumbling and grumbling to himself, cursing how stupid and Dame he was.

That was when the yellow pacifier holder started to add a conversation.

"And you ran away after you kissed Yamamoto? Without confessing?" Reborn asked, confirming Tsuna's story with a slight judgmental voice tone.

"Y-yeah…" Tsuna answered, his voice was muffled with his pillow because he'd been busy stuffing his face with his pillow, feeling embarrassed of what he just did to a certain raven haired boy.

"Gee, you're really something, aren't you, Dame-Tsuna?" Reborn retorted sarcastically, "I heard a lot about Hit & Run technique in fighting. But Kiss & Run? That's definitely the first time I ever heard it."

"Say whatever you want. It's not like I have any pride left in me after all." Tsuna grumbled, feeling not only embarrassed because of the whole event but also irritated of Reborn keep mocking on him.

"You're right," Reborn confirmed, "You don't."

Tsuna could feel the urge to facepalm because of what his tutor replied to him. But he decided to just let it slid. He was not in the mood of debating with his home tutor, right now.

"And you keep on messing and failing with almost everything, don't you?" the cursed Arcobaleno asked rhetorically, giving a slight annoyance to the grumbling brunette.

Still covering his face with his pillow and lying on his bed, Tsuna decided to reply,

"Yes, I am. You may ask why? Well, that's because I am the one and only Dame-Tsuna. And now, are you going to stop and be quiet or are you going to keep on stepping the little pride I still have?"

The skilled hitman just smirked a playful grin and said,

"As much as I'd like to choose option B because it sounds like it's fun, you're contradicting yourself again Dame-Tsuna. You said that you didn't have any pride left." Reborn reminded Tsuna again, emphasizing that the boy had no pride at all.

Slowly and secretly, Tsuna whispered his protest in his mind.

'You evil tutor from hell.' The young Decimo muttered silently, cursing his home tutor with slightly irritated manner.

"I heard that. You forgot to add 'from the deepest level of hell'." Reborn said in a prideful manner, making the brunette to sigh in exasperation. Who was he fooling too? This was Reborn, after all. Forget he even mentioned that.

'Evil sadistic tutor from the deepest level of hell. An incarnation of Satan. Or maybe he's Satan's one and only son? Or can Satan take place in baby form? Child abuser. Mean. Just a plain mean two years old baby.' Tsuna kept grumbling lowly to himself. Though this time, Reborn decided to let it slide and tolerate it.

"Aside from that, since you keep messing everything on your own, I guess it's time for me to take matters in my own hand." Reborn said in determination which made Tsuna to stiffen a little after knowing that there's more in his tutor's repertoire.

It also made Tsuna stop his face-stuffing on his pillow and slightly tilted his head to the side in order to look at Reborn with his peripherals. His face was bright red thanks to that.

"Yeah? Do what you want." the young Decimo threw his hand aimlessly, showing a gesture that he didn't care with what his tutor would do, "Just don't involve me with your—" not even be able to finish his sentence, Tsuna's eyes widened in shock just when he laid his eyes on what Reborn was holding.

"Hieeeee!" he screeched his favorite scream, "Re-Reborn! What are you intending to do with that?!"

"It's time for a plan B, Dame-Tsuna." Reborn explained matter-of-factly. He seemed secretive of his new plan. "Besides, you don't have any pride left, right? Doing this will be a piece of cake."

Tsuna gapped his mouth wide open for a short while, flabbergasted of what his tutor intended to do. He knew that this wouldn't bode well. That's why he's trying his best to protest.

"Well, news flash! I'm not going to do that!" Tsuna protested, refusing to do such embarrassing thing that his tutor 'suggested' to do.

"Ohh?"Reborn exclaimed a little in reply to the young Vongola's protest. His voice tone was filled with amusement, "But you don't have a choice," the baby said it with a smile in his face, "And I wasn't asking for your permission either…"

After hearing such answer from his home tutor, Tsuna knew that it's going to be final. Reborn would guarantee him to do that, no matter what happened. He knew that mischievous look of his evil tutor long ago. He knew that there's no changing it back once Reborn made such look.

"Besides, talking about cake," Reborn added. He put his best, signature, probably copyrighted, evil grin and said again, "I think we are going to need one too. For Yamamoto to eat…"

To Be Continued─