Hi lovelies! This is a brand new story I'm gonna be working on! A few things first: I originally made a separate account to post this story, and then I realized I want it under this account, even though it's VERY different than what I might normally write. It's AU and slash and rated M, so all of my younger readers, run and never look back. This is probably the deepest, most meaningful thing I have written and I hope you guys understand I'm 22 and not everything I write is going to be all cute and stuff, because usually what I post is pretty tame. But I'd love it so much if everyone gives this story a chance, aside from my babies, or my babies can just read the non-dirty chapters ;) This means you, Caitee.
Summary: Kendall Knight is a small town gardener, musician and preachers son, but he holds some pretty dark secrets. He's just trying to get by with the help of his friends Carlos and James, trying to escape his cursed and closed-minded town. His life is turned upside down though-for better and for worse- when mysterious, kind hearted, yet bad-ass Logan arrives. Can Kendall hide who he really is forever? Will his father ever let him survive?
I really hope you guys like this story and give it a chance!
Small River, Oklahoma. August 19th, 1966.
Kendall's worn white tennis shoes kicked up a sea of red dirt as he walked along the unpaved winding road to absolutely nowhere.
That was what he hated most about living here, was that all the roads, all the jobs, and all the schools lead to all the same spot: Nowhere. Everyone stayed in the most tiny, fucked up town imaginable. They fell in their trap, brainwashed into believing that only their ways were right and that life outside of Small River, Oklahoma was a sin.
It disgusted Kendall.
Sun shone hot, high in the sky as Kendall Knight made his way down the road. He paused to wipe some sweat off of his brow with his favorite red bandana that he kept in his pocket, the placed his hand back on his sore wrist, rubbing the bruises tenderly and wincing. Even though he had just dried his overheated forehead, more sweat immediately started dripping down, stinging at his eyes and mixing with the fat tears that slowly leaked out. He didn't bother blinking them away. Nobody was around to see him cry anyway, and certainly nobody cared.
It was so damn hot. God, he hated this town.
He wasn't stupid to be walking around in this intense heat in the middle of August, because if he had it his way, he would be in the pond with his friends James and Carlos, cooling off and splashing around, or at the towns diner with a cold soda and the fans blowing right on him.
But instead, his father had another one of his fits lost his temper, already drunk even though it was 3 o' clock in the afternoon. As punishment (Kendall was given those daily for, well, no good reason at all) he was forced to walk to the next town for some car parts his father needed and was too lazy to go get himself, bruises on his wrist from where his father had grabbed him in a fit of rage and butt sore from the whippin' he received. He was just walking back from town now. After two hours of walking, Kendall's legs felt like mush and his tongue was dry and rough from dehydration. He was near his own town when he heard laughter like wind chimes ringing through the trees, and several splashes and yells of excitement.
Despite his misery, Kendall's chapped lips formed a small smile and he ran through the trees, recognizing those voices anywhere. He set down the supplies he had bought, ripped off his t-shirt, and, with a howl only a male could produce, jumped into the pond, dowsing his friend's small bodies with waves of water.
"Aggghhh!" His friends yelled, shaking water from their hair and rubbing their eyes, trying to find the culprit, though they had a pretty good idea who it was anyway.
"Kendall Knight, you goof!" James' voice yelled, playfully annoyed as he watched Kendall's blonde head pop out of the water. Kendall giggled, a silly grin plastered to his face. He couldn't help but to be happy when he was with his best buddies, and the cool spring water felt heavenly on his flushed skin.
"Kendall, where have you been all day?" Carlos asked joyously, hopping onto Kendall's back for some water piggy back rides. Kendall held onto Carlos' legs protectively and floated around with the small boy on his back.
"Ah, the old man was at it again, of course," Kendall said, trying to make it sound like it wasn't such a big deal. James and Carlos were the only ones who knew that Kendall's dad was a big meanie. They were the only ones who knew a lot of things about Kendall.
"Did he hurt you?" James asked immediately, trying to sound all tough. Kendall rolled his eyes.
"Not real bad, James. And ain't I the one who's supposed to be worryin' about you, not the other way around?"
James scoffed. "I'm not the one who gets beat every night, Kendall Knight." For some reason, James liked to use Kendall's full name whenever he was trying to be stern. "I have reason to worry 'bout you."
"Shit, the things you two come up with together and the stunts you pull, you'll be dead quicker than me," Kendall said, gesturing to his two loveable, but dangerous, best friends. "Gotta keep my eye on you."
James just rolled his eyes. "Ya know, Kendall, you don't always have to be the one doin' the protectin' around here," he said crawling out of the pond. Crystal water rolled off his bronzed skin, splashing to the ground as he shook himself dry. "Hey, Carlitos, wanna see who can jump off the rope and somersault the furthest distance into the water?"
"Yeah!" Carlos cheered, jumping off of Kendall's back and scrambling out of the water.
"Okay, gimme your ankle, we'll go head first!" James said, trying to tie the rope around Carlos' ankle.
"No!" Kendall said, swimming to the edge and getting out of the pond to stop his friends, imagining smashed faces, broken necks, and possible drowning. He untied Carlos' ankle. "I rest my case."
James' eyes sparkled. "Whatever, dude!"
"I better get home you guys, I gotta fix up my dad's car and iron his suit for church tomorrow."
"Awe, come on! You're the only kid in town who can't stay out late Saturday nights!" Carlos pouted. James elbowed him.
"I know, I know… See ya guys at church tomorrow, ok?"
"Yeah, see ya," James said as Kendall dressed. Before the blonde could leave, though, he caught him gently by the arm.
"What's up, James?"
"You alright?" James asked, voice sincere, sweet. Kendall blushed and nodded.
"I swear, James. I'm always alright, ain't I?"
James nodded and released Kendall's arm, but as Kendall picked up his car parts and began to leave, he heard James whisper,
"Not Always."
A/N So what do you think? Shall I continue? :D