"Pokémon: Poké Highschool"
Chapter 1 – First Day at School:
I just had this idea, and i wanted to test it out ^_^ I hope you like it, and i hope you review it as well.
"Yaaaaawwwwnnnn…" I sat down on my bed, waking up by the sunshine coming from my window, right next to my bed. I looked towards my alarm clock, which was on my little desk, right next to my bed. It had 06:30 written in bright green light characters. "Uh… I hate getting up so early… This is what I get for spending every night of summer going out and staying at the chatroom with friends…" I said to myself, walking out of bed, twitching my blue long ears a bit. I looked at the mirror at the end of my bed, and noticed my long blue hair all unkempt and messed up. I hate when that happens. My deep blue eyes were still seeing everything a bit foggy, and I did take a good time finding the way to my bathroom. Luckily, I managed to find it quickly. I entered the bathroom and undressed my night groom. I took from the dresser a white long sleeved shirt, with a long V-shaped collar, with a red thin lace at the point of the V. Underneath, I wore a light blue T-shirt, and then wore a blue sailor skirt. Then, dressed my long deep-blue socks and my white shoes, and picked up the brush, so I could finally brush my hair and tail. Oh! I forgot to tell you, I do have a tail. I began to brush my hair, until I finally had my hair ready: two loosen pigtails on the sides that reached my shoulders, and the remaining hair short, but with a bit of volume.
"Who is it?"
"Glaceon, wake up, time to go to school."
"I'm already awake, Flareon."
"Don't call me that. Call me mom."
"But you're technically not my mom." I said, coming out of the room, finding Flareon right in front of me. I wondered how she, already in her thirties, was still in her splendid figure: her deep-red eyes, yellow-cream hair, spiky backwards, with a tip on the top front of it, the red and black pointy ears, and her soft tail, with the same color as the hair, which is different than me, since my hair is darker than my tail. Though, I was always embarrassed by the way she dressed up: she dressed up like a youngster, with brown boots that reached her knees, orange shorts, and an orange top, though, it was mostly covered by her mane, and most people think that she's not wearing anything…
"I'm married to your dad, so I'm your mom."
"But my mom is also married to dad!" Yes… It's a bit strange. Our family is very peculiar. I went towards the kitchen, finding the rest of my family in there. My dad, Jolteon, was a tall man, already in his thirties, but still remaining his young face and attitude, just like Flareon. He always wore brown short boots, dark yellow pants, a yellow shirt that in the end was pointy, which matched perfectly with his white pointy mane. He had cool bright blue eyes, brighter than mine, and yellow pointy hair, plus yellow pointy ears.
"Can you two stop the argument? Glaceon, your breakfast's ready." My mom said. My mom's Vaporeon and she's married to my father, Jolteon, just like Flareon. Once again, it's all strange. Vaporeon, just like dad and Flareon, though being in her thirties, she remained her attitude and face young. She had ocean-blue eyes, and long wavy hair, reaching her top back, and had a marine long tail, which was perfect for swimming. What she wears makes me even more embarrassed than Flareon does. She always wears a two piece dark-blue bikini, and her mane-fin was always covering her chest, so in the beach every man would try to peep… I would rather be with Flareon in those cases.
"Thanks mom." I said, as I sat down and started eating "Snow Flakes", the best cold cereal flakes in the market. Dad began to eat his pop candy (I never really knew the name of those), as my elder sisters entered the room: Espeon and Umbreon. Umbreon's my direct sister, meaning that her mom is Vaporeon, while Espeon's mom is Flareon. Both of them had the same age, since they were born at the exact same time. We call the twin sisters, even though the mothers are different. Both Espeon and Umbreon are two years older than me. They're both 16 years old, while I'm only 14. Umbreon has yellow bright eyes, and dark short hair, that, just like mine (excluding the pigtails), only reached her neck, and also had dark ears with a yellow stripe each. She always wore the same outfit: a dark attire, dark sleeves without neither connection to the attire itself nor gloves for the hands, but they did had a yellow circle on the top part of them, long dark socks with yellow circles on the exterior sides, on the top, just like the sleeves. She was still brushing her dark tail which had a yellow stripe around it.
Espeon is probably the most beautiful of us. Her pink hair was simply beautiful. It reached her shoulders, and it matches amazingly well with her deep purple eyes and her pink ears, which were green in the inside part, unlike the rest of us, which was dark. Her oufit was exactly the same as Umbreon's, but it was pink and didn't had any yellow circles. And just like Umbreon, she was still brushing her two tails.
"Espeon, your breakfast's here." Flareon said, handing Espeon a bowl of cereal and milk.
"Thanks mom." Espeon was never a girl of talking too much, and she was mostly silent.
"Hey, Flareon, where's Leafeon?" I asked, noticing that Leafeon was the only one missing.
"She went up ahead to school."
"What? But she said she would wait for me!" I quickly finished my bowl of cereal and dashed through the front door. Umbreon and Espeon kept staring at me from the front door, amazed by my speed in the morning. They didn't have to dash like me. They go to a different school. Leafeon and I go to the same school. Just like I'm Umbreon's younger sister, Leafeon is Espeon's younger sister, and, just like Umbreon and Espeon, we were born at the same exact time, so we're almost like twin sisters. "Leafeon! Wait up!"
"Uh?" I finally caught up with her. We were already halfway to school. "Why did you scream?" she asked, looking stoic like always.
"What do you mean "Why?"? You said you would walk to school with me!"
"Oh… I forgot about that. I was talking to Kadabra until midnight and I fell asleep, so I forgot to take note of that." Leafeon, as serious and intelligent as she looked, she was always a bit easy to distract. She can confuse everyone with those deep brown eye and blond hair. She has leaf-shaped ears, a leaf at the front of her hair, which had the shape of the moon when in crescent quarter. She usually wears brown boots and long brown gloves, along with a yellow attire, but green at the collar above her chest and at the lower part of the skirt. Both had a ripped effect, which somewhat resembled leaves. Her tail was a long leaf, shaped like mine, but with bits missing (it's a leaf, after all).
"Oh yeah… How's Kadabra doing? I heard she was going to move away."
"It's just a rumor. Krabby is the one moving away."
"What? The one from sixth grade?"
"Yup." She answered, as we continued to walk through the path to school. We continued to talk about our colleagues and stuff like that, when I remembered something…
"How many student will our class have? Counting you and me."
"I heard that it will be only 14."
"14? But previously we were just 13. Is someone joining the class?"
"The school. A new student. No one knows who it is. The only thing we know is that it's joining our class." Leafeon clarified. There hasn't been that much news in our class. It has always been the one with less students and less changes. We even kept the same teacher for three years. I hated professor Victreebel. She was always catching the attention of all the boys in class, and as a result, none of the girls could have a boyfriend… Teach. Victreebel was always on that outrageous outfit: a loosen yellow attire with green spots and three big leafs, two at the bottom, and one at the top of her head. She was always showing her big cleavage to the boys, and making the girls jealous. Her blond long hair and green pesky eyes simply made me furious. Leafeon never really cared about Victreebel-sensei, but I know she had the same opinion as me. Luckily, we would be having new teachers this year. This is the first day of school, and I'm in the ninth grade. "OH NO!"
"What's the matter?"
"I forgot my science book! They say that the new science teacher is a punisher! I have to go!" Leafeon quickly dashed towards home and I sweatdropped, since I didn't have enough time to say that I had a cellphone and we could call Espeon or Umbreon to bring it for us. Luckily, I didn't forget any book. I continued to walk through the deserted path. Leafeon always woke up very early, and I dashed to catch up with her, so I wouldn't see no one in a while. I continued to walk towards the school, until I reached the point of putting my backpack on the front and closing my eyes and I began to spin aroun while I walked towards the school. I was imagining how the new student would be: tall, short, fat, slim, blonde, brunette… I didn't even know if it was male or female. Before I could realize, I was already at the schools entrance. Then, it seemed that I hit something… or someone…
It seemed that I fell into the ground, bottom first, dropping my backpack. When I opened my eyes, recovering from the shock, I saw a gigantic blade stabbed in the ground, right between my legs, pointing the sharp edge towards me. My eyes were widened out, and my teeth were clenched, in fear of the big blade. It had the same size as me standing up.
"Are you hurt?" a male voice asked, as a hand from the right was extended to me. I was surprised by seeing it, but I grabbed onto it. I was pulled up quite easily. I looked towards the figure picking the sword up. He had dark short hair and dark cute eyes. He had an armor covering his head and back, but most of his face was still visible. He had grey armor on his chest, arms and lower legs, while the rest were dark-grey clothes, and a silver armor belt. He seemed like a knight.
"No… thanks…" I said, looking to the side, with my face blushing lightly pink, and my long ears twitching a bit. "I'm Glaceon. Who are you?"
"I'm Lairon. I'm new here." Lairon said, introducing himself. He then saved the blade on his back. "My blade didn't hit you, right?"
"Not at all. You're in which class?"
"9A. Excuse me, but, could you help me a bit? I don't know anything about this school. I don't even know if I'm late for class or not." He said, scratching the back of the head a bit.
"It's still early. I'm only here right now because of my sis. I could show you around."
"Thanks. That's very nice of you." He said, smiling. My ears twitched again and I blushed slightly again.
About 1 hour and a half later, about 08:15 AM:
Lairon was introduced by our new teacher and, unluckily, he didn't sat by my side. I couldn't blame him or the teacher: Leafeon had already sat down next to me. The teacher was really strange. Sharpedo-sensei had sharp teeth, scary clear eyes, and the hairstyle which seemed to resemble two fins by the side and one on the top was terrifying. His gangster blue clothes didn't help at all too. The class began, and Sharpedo-sensei immediately started making questions about almost anything he could use to ask.
"Who can tell the complete description of the attack "Trick Room"?"
Kadabra, a friend of mine, raised her hand. She's the smartest of us all. Two words: Straight-As. She has deep dark-brown eyes and blonde hair, which had two pointy ear shapes at the top, and a very long and thick ponytail. She also has a red star-shaped symbol on her forehead. She normally wears a brown short-sleeved shirt with a red lace like me, and a yellow skirt, along with yellow boots. "I can sir."
"Start off."
"Trick Room consists on spreading the energy on one's body through the battlefield, twisting the existing dimensions, making the slower attacker much faster than the opponent." She explained, with a perfect description of the attack.
"Correct. Now, can anyone…" After that, I simply began to draw on my notebook, bored by the rest of the lesson.
At lunchtime, about 13:30 PM:
"Finally!" I said, stretching myself a bit, tired from being sat down for many hours in a row.
"Let's go lunch at Kadabra's table." Lefeon said, walking towards the table of our friend. We both took some chairs and sat down next to Kadabra.
"Hi." Kadabra said, happy for seeing us. We took out our lunchboxes and prepared our chopsticks to start eating. Kadabra's purple lunchbox was filled with multiple types of sushi, while mine and Leafeon's was filled with rice and takoyaki (octopus balls). We began to eat and talk, while waiting for the others, who went to the bathroom.
"The class hasn't change that much. Some were switched with some of the other grades, but still." I said.
"Let's see… This class has the three of us, the new kid Lairon, Gallade, Gardevoir, Boldore, Deerling, Pikachu, Ambipom, Pansear, Ratata, Magikarp and Machoke." Leafeon counted down.
"I wish Machoke would simply change of class." I said, looking at the guy with a stupid haircut, wearing nothing but black champion thighs. He thinks he's not because of the muscles he has, but I'm simply sick of him. "He keeps looking at the girl's bathroom!"
"Calm down." Said Kadabra, with her usual emotionless tone. "He's not the only guy in this class. Why don't you try your luck with Pansear or Bolder?"
"I already have someone in mind." I said, eating one of my takoyaki, with my eyes closed. When I looked up, both Kadabra's and Leafeon's face were right in front of mine. I almost threw up the takoyaki I've just swallowed, from the scare, but I managed to keep it down my throat. Both of them had similar serious looks, that simply creped my out, and that made me wonder why I'm friends with Kadabra in the first place. Leafeon I really didn't have any choice: she was my sister. "WHAT?"
"You…" Leafeon started.
"Have a crush on the new guy, don't you?" Kadabra continued, making my ears twitch, a slight pink blush appeared on my face, and I began to cough.
"Where did that come from?" I asked, taking out a glass of Oran Berry juice. Then, I put a metal spoon in the glass and I touched it, making it freeze into an ice cream. Then, I took it out of the glass and began to lick it, tasting my desert.
"You've known every guy of the ninth grade since you were in the fifth grade, and you never said "I have someone in mind.". This either means you like that Lairon boy, or that you're turning…" Kadabra explained, but by the looks of it, I knew what she was about to say.
"NO! NEVER!" I yelled, blushing red. Kadabra simply shook her hand in front of her own nose, saying "Ochitsuku, Ochitsuku…" (means, Calm Down).
"Um…" Lairon started, interrupting the conversation. "Is this seat occupied?" he asked, pointing towards the empty chair.
"No. Sit down, if you want." I said, with my ears twitching a bit, and a pink slight blush appearing on my face.
How is it? Do you see future in this? Who else will appear? Review (really people, review it, please), love, ask for more, and…
Bye, remember, BEAST OUT!