Chptr 5: What happens to that one guy, that other guy, and those two girls? (A/N: I finally hit the 4k mark I set up for myself! Thnx for reading and thnx to my 3 followers and to the 7 ppl who reviewed. The eighth one doesn't count cus it was some guy being a dick. On the subject of the lemon story, you guys are 13 reviews away, it's not alot. Sorry bout not posting up earlier but my exgirlfriend is flirting with my friends boyfriend and a lot of bs is going on in my life because I used to date the girl who's guy she's flirting with. If this chptr sucks ass then u know who to blame ( my ex and that guy who was being a dick). To those of u wondering, no I did not have a break up, I am still dating my girlfriend, Stephanie. I'll try to focus on the quest in this chptr and i know I've said that a lot in the past but i am honest that they will finally hear the prophecy and head out in this chptr. This chptr was started on the 8th of august 2012. Let the stuff begin!) Percy's pov: after we left Agustin and Thalia alone, we headed to my cabin .I thought I was gonna get some more action but guess what? She was more worried about the quest. I mean who can blame me? The only time we've been alone(A/N: I think. Shitty memory.) was to do it! Well anyway annabeth finally told me that one guys prophecy. "Annabeth, what are you so worried about?" "Didn't you pay attention to his prophecy at all Percy?" "Nope." I answer. "Well it says: A descendant of two of the skies children, will have to go to the monster mothers den, his company is two of the 3's children one on water the other with lightning, four may go but only three may return but nobody knows the ending." "I only understood the part wher me, and either Thalia or Jason have to go. The rest was just weird and confusing." "Percy, I don't want you to go. This may be too dangerous. Besides y don't you let frank go? That way we have more time to ourselves," she finishes with a nibble on my earlobe. " U are mean! Using sex to make me stay? U are naughty! But I won't stay. Who's gonna help newbie? I still haven't seen his skill level and that way he has some good backup." "Then you need to take me with you" "Annabeth, just stop! I won't let you be in harms way!" She stands up and says," Fine, be an ass!" she grabs her stuff and leaves me there feeling hurt. (A/N: I know that prophecy sucked but my life is being retarded and this one guy decide to be a dick. My response to him is, then Y the FUCK ARE U READING IT?!. Anyway, back to the story.) Agustins pov: I wake up and I feel kinda cold. I try to reach for my blanket, but I feel something soft( I wonder what it is?) I hear a yelp and open my eyes. I realize 4 things: 1. I'm hugging a girl. 2. She's NAKED! 3. I'm naked! 4. I accidentally grabbed her hair. After seeing I had pulled her hair I let go and I start to get some "memory" of what happened. I really dont believe it for shit, but the evidence points to the unbelievable. I just fucked Thalia! Then I remember the last thing I heard before passing out; " I love you Agustin" Agustin: " Holy shit! Did we do what I think we did?" Thalia:" No, we're naked and ur dick is in my pussy because we were playing monopoly. Of course u turd!" " U need to relax ninja," I told my sarcastic partner. "No, what I need is a shower and an answer. Are we gonna go out now or what?" " let me think about it Thalia." " Really Agustin, we just had sex and u have to think about it?" " I'm just playing, chill dudett. Obviously we are gonna go out." " ok then, what r we gonna do for the rest of the day?" " I don't know but I think we should tell annabeth and Percy we're going out now I mean they did get us together for our fun. If u want to, tell annabeth about us doing it but I'm not telling Percy" " fine. Where do u think they could be?" " Thalia, they're probably at Percy's cabin" Later after getting dressed and heading to the poseidon cabin: " hey, Percy Anna-, dude where's ur girl?" " I don't know." " wow, u lost ur chick? That's a damn shame." " Yes it is sir, yes it is." " anyway, guess what Percy? Me and Thalia gonna be a couple!" " (Percy in a sarcastic tone) good for u man, good for u." "(Agustin pissed) niggardly please, suck a nut." "(Thalia sounding mad) u both need to take a chill pill!" (A/N: I know I use old ass terms but guess what? IDGAF! Jk ppl :p ) "Now, what was the last thing she told u?" "Well she wanted to come on the quest but I said no because she could get hurt." " ok. Percy u need to see it through her eyes. Her boyfriend is heading out on a mission that could be suicide while she just stays here worrying about whether or not he will come back alive." Percy : " I really don't care Thalia. I just want her to be safe" Agustin:" then we should leave tonight after everyone has gone to bed." Later that night: I meet up with Percy and Thalia just outside the camp borders. There was one thing bothering me though, where was annabeth all day? " u guys ready? ", I ask. " yeah , let's go!" " Wait, did u guys leave the notes explaining y we left? Percy did u leave annabeth the extra one?" Percy:" yeah but I left it outside her cabin." " Ok, lets roll my ninjas!" (A/N: I know this is really short seeing how long it took me to write this but I have less alone time between my girl and school and then my job. Anyway, I know the prophecy is really shitty but I wanted to upload soon so that ppl wouldn't get mad u know. Clarifications: when I told mookeypoop that I was mad, I was just fucking around. Thnx again ppl for reading. I've decided that this story will have 20 something chptrs. Anyway, on the subject of the lemon story, series that I'm a "nerd" on : soul eater, pokemon, pjo, Harry potter, Artemis fowl, the secrets of the immortal Nicholas flamel, kingdom hearts( 1-3d), heroes of Olympus, the Kane chronicles, narnia, inheritance(eragon), I am number four, avatar the last airbender and that's all I can remember. I don't do gay or shemale, it's not my thing, but I might do some group sex. Anyway thnx again for reading! Especially u ppl who have reviewed! ~MothaFuckerJones