Saturday, 8:29 a.m.

The hospital was finally quite, saved for the beeping of the heart monitors that could be heard. The nurses that replaced the evening shift came in well over an hour ago and where already brought up to speed of the new patient and the old ones.

A male nurse started his rounds. He walked down the right side of the hallway. He entered a room with an elderly woman with a new cast on her foot.

"Good morning Mrs. Nesbit, how are we feeling today?" The male nurse asked with a smile as he gave her a new fluffy pillow.

"Doing well sweetie, just waiting on my breakfast." She smiled.

"Ahh, what is your husband going to bring this time?" He asked with a sly smirk.

"He is bringing her favorite pancakes with strawberries and our lovely homemade syrup." An elderly man walked in with a tray with a plate of steaming hot pancakes topped with syrup and strawberries, with grape juice and milk on the side.

As the elderly man went to his wife, the male nurse said his good byes and went to his next patient, who was still sleeping, a gentleman with pneumonia, the nurse checked the gentleman's oxygen tank as well as the man's forehead. He noted that the fever has gone down slightly. The male nurse had to gently shake the gentleman awake.

"Mr. Shishkoff, it's time to give you your inhaler."

The gentleman woke up and he didn't look happy. "Don't know why you couldn't let an old man sleep!" He suddenly started coughing loudly and quite harshly, when he breathed in it sounded like he was in pain.

"I could call your daughter to come and wake you up from now on." The male nurse smirked when the gentleman grumbled as he sat up slowly.

After fifteen minutes of the inhaler the male nurse turned on the TV to the news channel and left the room to head to his last patient. As he walked down the hallway the nurse could hear news caster talking about the teenagers that have been caught street racing after a girl got into a car accident a few miles away from the hospital.

And speaking of which, was his next patient to attend.

The male nurse gently knocked on the door as he came in. He saw his supervisor was curled up on a chair with a blanket over her, her short blonde hair was a mess, and her cheeks were puffy from crying herself to sleep. He went over to her and gently laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Suzi?" He shook her a little bit. "Suzi?"

Suzi was startled awake. "What? Did something happen?" Suzi quickly looked towards Charlie who was still sleeping soundly, she had a bandage wrapped around her forehead where a little blood seeped through the bandage, while her right arm was in a sling.

The heart beat monitor gently beeped in the background as Suzi stood up and stretched her back in pain.

"You could have slept in the empty beds downstairs…"

Suzi smiled. "Thanks Isaac but…" Suzi looked towards her daughter.

Isaac, the male nurse, nodded. "I understand."

"Did you finish checking on her?" Suzi asked as she held out her hand for the paper work on her daughter.

Isaac handed over the paperwork as he spoke. "I was about to, but I thought I wake you up, just in case you decided to attack me." He chuckled as he made his way over to Charlie; he checked her pulse first, before he started to unwrap her bandage on her head.

He placed a new piece of gauze over the laceration on her head; he taped it down before wrapping a new bandage around.

"Her cut is healing nicely," Isaac mentioned as he went to check on the sling to make sure nothing was out of place.

Once Isaac was finished, his clipboard was handed back to him from Suzi. "Do you want me to get you anything?"

Suzi shook her head. "No, I will be heading down stairs to get me something to eat pretty soon, I just want to make sure she was doing okay since last night."

"When are the police coming?" Isaac asked as he wrote his notes down.

"They were supposed to come last night to get the hospital's statement but no one showed up…" Suzi had an annoyed tone in her voice.

"I am sure they went to check the scene of the accident." Isaac mentioned before he started to leave. "Call me when she wake up." Right before Isaac disappeared through the door he turned back around. "Make sure you eat something Suzi, you won't be much help to your daughter if you don't."

Suzi smiled. "Don't patronize me newbie."

Isaac smirked and finally went back to his desk, while Suzi sat back down in her chair; she was about to turn on the TV when a knock came to the door.

Suzi looked over and saw an African American man standing in the door frame with a slight smile on his face, his short black curly hair seemed to be all over the place, like the man just woke up as well and not only was he about a foot taller than Suzi, he was rounder as well. But Suzi saw seniority in his eyes; this was a man who saw action and a lot of it.

"Hello, may I help you?" Suzi asked nicely.

"Hello Ms. Okey, my name is Special Agent William Fowler, "

"Long name…" Suzi smiles weakly, as if trying to keep her spirits up.

Agent Fowler chuckled. "Yes it is, thankfully they just put 'William Fowler' on the badge." Soon Agent Fowler's demeanor changed. "My apologies on your daughter's condition."

Suzi nodded. "Thank you…now you did say 'special agent', does that mean the police found something that was connected with my daughter's accident?"

"I do not believe she was in an accident Ms. Okey." Fowler gestured towards the chair that Suzi was previously sitting in before.

"What do you mean?"

"I had some reason to believe that Charlie was about to participate in an underground street race." At the mention of racing Suzi inhaled sharply, but before she could get anything out Fowler continued. "But she did not participate, we tracked down several people who were connected to the race last night and we were told that your daughter was going to race, but it turned out she changed her mind because she was seen arguing with a Cara Flemings?"

Fowler didn't know if pronounced the came correctly but the mention of Cara made Suzi's nose crinkle.

"I assume you know her?" Fowler asked gently.

"She is a friend of my daughter…"

"…Was…" A voice weakly sprouted out of nowhere.

Suzi whipped her head towards her daughter's bed, whom had her eyes barely opened.


Suzi sprang to her feet and rushed to Charlie's side.

"Charlie baby, how are you feeling?" Suzi asked gently, resisting the urge to hold her baby in her arms.

"Sore…" Charlie tried to sit up, but Suzi put a firm hand on her left shoulder.

"Stay still sweetie, okay?" Suzi said gently.

Charlie nodded. "What happened?"

"I was kind of wondering you would tell me…" Charlie took notice in Agent Fowler again. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

Charlie thought back. "I was meeting up with Cara…" Charlie tears up a little. "I am sorry I lied mom…I was going to race but I decided not to at the last minute because I didn't want this to happen…"

Suzi shook her head. "It's…alright sweetie, we will talk about this a different time, just for now answer Agent Fowler's questions."

Charlie nodded very slowly and looked back towards him.

"As I said, I was going to, but I changed my mind. At first I called her to tell her I wasn't going to race, but like Cara, she didn't answer her phone, I was worried about her and decided to tell her in person. We had an argument, she wanted me to race so badly, I figured because she has a rap sheet..."

Agent Fowler nodded. "So I have read…"

"I told her 'have a good life, because I am not going to be apart of it' and I left." Charlie strained. "I pulled over to blow off some steam, I was so angry, than I calmed down and went back in my car…"

Charlie gasped as she remembered her car and sat up too quickly. A flash of hot pain stung her right shoulder. "Ahh!"

Suzi gently made Charlie lay back down.

"You have to stay calm Charlie."

Charlie nodded as she looked through pained eyes.

"My car, is it totaled?" Charlie asked with fear in her voice.

Agent Fowler shook his head. "It is not, when my men found it, it only had a few dings and a cracked front window."

Charlie sighed in relief. "Thank goodness…is it outside the hospital?"

Agent Fowler seemed to have beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "No, it's…at your place, at least I assume, because my men delivered there. But anyways, Charlie, have you noticed anything different about your vehicle?"

"No, I mean nothing unusual about any car, why?" Charlie asked with concern. "Are you going to take it away?"

Agent Fowler shook his head. "Of course not, it's just routine questionnaire." The sweat seemed to dry but few remained. "Please, continue with your story."

After another ten minutes Charlie finally finished her side of the story.

"And that's it, that's all I remember."

"So, it wasn't an accident, someone tried to run you off?" Suzi asked with concern and than anger. "Was it Cara?!"

Charlie was going to say something but Fowler pitched in. "It was not, she was one of the many that were arrested last night and no one said anything if she told someone to go after you…" Fowler held back something though.

"What is it?" Suzi asked a little too sharply. "If you know anything…"

Agent Fowler reached in his pocket and pulled out a tape recorder before Suzi could finish. "I would like you to listen to this tape recorder, as you know Suzi someone dropped Charlie off last night."

Suzi nodded. "I am aware…do you think it was the people that tired to run her off the road?"

Charlie had confusion on her face. "If that is true…why did they save me?"

"My guess is there was another vehicle behind the two that where trying to run you off but he did mention he was a friend of yours, so to speak."

Agent Fowler than let the tape speak of it's self before Charlie could say anything more about her mysterious rescuer.

The first thing that Charlie heard was a woman's calm and collected voice.

"This is Aspirus Wausau Hospital ER, how may I place your call?"

Suddenly a panic voice almost interrupted the nurse's question.

"My companion is hurt! I need assistance!"

"Sir, you have to remain calm…"

The voice was male and it was certainly not a voice Charlie has heard before, but the voice was shaken and scared, and something in Charlie's heart couldn't help but tighten in her chest. Whoever this person was, seemed very concerned for her safety, but wouldn't you be if you saw someone in an accident? But be as it may, why would he say she was a companion of his?

The tape continued.

"She is bleeding from her head, she has many cuts and some abrasions on her arms. And I believe she was shocked!"

At the mere mention of getting shocked Charlie couldn't help the slight gasp of pain that ran up her spine. Images of last night popped in her mind. Blurred images of a field and something big held her body, she could feel the vibrations of something underneath her shaking and remembered heavy breathing, she also heard some distant chatter, some far and some awful close. Than it went dark and than she felt another shock of pain run down her back than a sharp scream.


Suzi gripped her daughter's hand. "Charlie…what is it, do you remember something?"

Charlie snapped out of her daydream as she stared at her mother and Agent Fowler who was on the opposite side of her bed. Charlie shook her head no.

"Sorry, just had some pain…"

Suzi looked up at Agent Fowler. "Can we do this another time?" Suzi asked with pleading eyes.

"I just want her to listen to the voice one more time." Agent Fowler raised his hands. "And than I will leave, no problem."

Charlie nodded towards her mother that it was all right, who in turn took a hold of her daughter's hand. Both ladies and gentleman listened to the rest of the tape, once it went quite Agent Fowler looked back up at Charlie.

"The voice…doesn't seem familiar at all to you?"

Charlie shook her head. "No…"

After another five minutes of questioning Agent Fowler finally got up out of his seat and headed towards the door, he seemed more relaxed down, more than ever, Suzi than followed after him to be polite.

"If anything comes up on who did this, you will let me know, right?" Suzi asked with a pleading voice.

Agent Fowler smiled and nodded. "Of course, have a speedy recovery Charlie."

Charlie raised her left hand. "Thank you Agent Fowler."

Agent Fowler nodded and waved his goodbyes.

Charlie relaxed back in the hospital bed more, thinking over that voice she heard. Suzi came back over to Charlie and raised her bed more for her after she was done; Suzi kissed her daughter's forehead gently. "I will go and get you something to eat."

Charlie smiled. "Thanks ma."

Suzi smiled back. "I will be right back."

Charlie looked back out the window and saw Agent Fowler; he looked like he was talking on his cellphone as he headed towards a black BMW. Right before he climbed into his car a motorcycle pulled along side him. Charlie was about to look away when the rider took of his helmet. Charlie's eyes widen, as it was that boy at the dealership last week.

"What the hell?" Charlie said weakly.

There was a light knock on her door, she turned and saw it was Isaac, her mother's assistant, and he had a vase of small pot of pink and purple Saintpaulias, African Violets.

"These just came for you." Isaac came over and set them on her bedside table.

"Very pretty…" Charlie smiled at the Violets. "Who are they from?"

Isaac looked for the small card that was nicely tucked in all the green leaves. He opened up the envelop gently as not to rip the card, once safely out of the paper covering, he handed the card to Charlie, before Charlie could read the paper Isaac abruptly left the room when his pager went off.

Charlie went back to the little card in her hand and it simply said.

'I'm sorry…I never meant to get you hurt…'

Charlie looked at it confused. She turned it over and than looked back at the writing again. Was it from the person who saved her last night? Charlie looked back down in the parking lot, she saw Agent Fowler has left but the boy was still there on his motorcycle, he seemed to be talking but Charlie couldn't tell if he was talking on a cellphone or not because he wasn't near anyone, soon he too left the parking lot.

"What is going on?"


A few minutes earlier, down in the semi vacant parking lot, Jack saw Fowler walking towards his vehicle. He only had to raise his leg as Arcee rolled over to the Autobot Liaison. When Jack came to a stop near Fowler he took off his helmet.

"Well?" Jack asked with some worry.

"She is fine kid. Just a broken collarbone and nice cut on the head." Fowler said as he hung up his phone.

"Does she know?" Arcee asked with some concern. "Does she know that her car might be a Cybertronian?"

"Speaking of which, was her car the bot we Prime and the others are looking for?" Jack asked.

"From the scanners we received from Ratchet it doesn't seem like it." Fowler had some relief in his voice, Jack figured he didn't want to have another civilian know about Team Prime or the their enemies.

"Are you sure you knew how that scanner worked?" Arcee wanted to make absolute sure that they weren't missing anything.

"Ratchet gave me instructions through the com-link and still nothing." Fowler said gently and at Jack to make sure he didn't raise suspicion but there wasn't really anyone around the lot to over hear anything.

"I will meet you two back at base, I have to give my report to my superiors and to Prime." Fowler fully climbed into his car and soon drove off.

Jack sighed in relief. "Well, that is good news that her car wasn't a Cybertronian."

"Yeah, but you and I both saw the scene of the wreck after they took that car away, that crater wasn't made by a car rolling down a small hill, something or someone made it…" Arcee started to move to leave.

"So, do you think the cons where responsible for that wreck?" Jack asked with a serious tone.

"They probably thought it was one of us or they were having sport, but I do not believe in coincidences." Arcee sped towards the interstate. "We will just have to ask Ratchet to keep a close eye on this area for anymore activities for now."

Once the two where by themselves on the interstate a swirling vortex of greens, blue and yellow appeared in front of them and they disappeared in seconds. The swirling vortex than led them back to the Autobot base, where Ratchet and the other waited for their return.

Once Arcee transformed back into her bot form she walked towards her team.

Optimus turned his metal head around to welcome back his friends. "I just received Agent Fowler's report on the situation in Wisconsin."

Arcee nodded. "So, is it true that the scanners didn't pick anything up?"

Optimus shook his head. "As frustrating as it is, the scanners didn't pick up any Cybertronian life from the vehicle but there was Cybertronian activity in the area. Rafael and Agent Fowler are now trying to pull up any satellite or possible surveillance footage."

"But the wreck was in a middle of a field, how will you get any surveillance footage?" Jack asked with sincerity.

"Rafael mentioned that Agent Fowler's men saw a hunting perch not too far away with a camera inside, we will know a few hours if it saw anything during the incident." Optimus was about to turn when Miko, who was sitting on top of Bulkhead's shoulder, chimed in.

"Will we be adding a new bot to the team if we find out he is the bot we are looking for?" Miko got excited about the possibility of a new autobot joining the team. "And if that is the case, that girl who 'owns' the car can be his new partner! And we will have another girl on the team!"

Miko gave Arcee the thumbs up but than Miko grumbled.

"But I bet she is one of those preppy, know-it-all…ugh…okay we don't need that in our grill!" Miko motioned towards Bulkhead who actually agreed with her, he saw all those scrappy television shows of these women being repulsive and he thanked every star in the galaxy that Miko wasn't one of them.

"All I know right now Miko, is that we have an Autobot out there who is in need of an assistance and we are not going stand by and let a fellow autobot suffer alone." Optimus looked at a portrait on the big screen of Shortrange with an arm around Bumblebee's shoulders in what seemed like a graduation photo with other scouts and soldiers.