Hi, guys! First of all, I want to say I'm sorry, I know it has been too long since my last update and I wanted to apologize, I have no excuse apart from losing a little of my inspiration for this story, but I have thought about it and I have decided to give it another shot at writing it, so I hope you can be a little patient with me.
I also apologize for any spelling and grammar mistakes, because as I've said before English is not my native language.
I own nothing, Harry Potter franchise belongs to the amazing J.K Rowling.
"Speaking" "Thoughts" ~Parseltongue~ 'Flashback'
Remus groaned and closed his eyes. He didn't know what the world had against him, but he was sure the Sun hated his guts, there was no other explanation for waking him up that way otherwise. He opened his eyes carefully this time and glared at his open curtain, he was certain that he had closed it last night. In that moment he heard the sound of a pan hitting the stove, and he sighed, it must have been Harry, he smiled, it had been four years since he started living with his little cub and those years were some of the best of his life.
He got up from his bed and made his way towards the bathroom, he wanted to get ready for work before he went to eat whatever delicious meal his cub had made for breakfast. Once he had donned his jeans, blue shirt and brown vest he emerged from his room to find the breakfast served on the small two-seat table in front of the kitchen with Harry seated in one of the seats with a teacup in one hand and a book in the other, the latter capturing all the boy's attention. He walked forward, messed his boy's black hair and took a plate before seating himself in the other chair and filling his plate.
"How was your morning?" Asked the little boy without taking his attention from the book.
"It would have been better if the Sun had refrained from trying to blind me" He answered gaining a snort from the brat in front of him
"I'm sure that wasn't his intention, but you'll never believe me. I wonder why all creatures of the night think the Sun has a particular hate for them" The little boy sent a smirk towards the werewolf.
"Brat" He glared mockingly to his little cub who still was reading his book.
"You love me and you know it" Harry winked at Moony from above his book, and Remus laughed, he should stop letting Mellanie near Harry, she was making a Slytherin out of his little hellion.
"What are you reading?"
"It's a book about Oriental Magic, it's really interesting you should read it after" Harry responded marking the page he was at and leaving the book on the table.
"Oh, what's about?"
"It explains how Occidental magic differs from Oriental magic, while Occidental is faster and more varied than the other, Oriental takes the cup in scope and versatility, while the first can supply several spells for one thing the other can apply changes to one spell to do the same thing. As you know Occidental magic is heavily based on Arithmancy while Oriental magic is based on Runes, this is what makes them fundamentally different even if they both can reach the same goal. For example, Occidental magic spells are made of a combination of magic numbers that can be changed and still have the same end with little variation, like the spell Wingardium Leviosa and the Locomotion Charm, both of them levitate objects with the only difference being the height and the amount of magic required to cast the spell but both reach the same end even if the arithmantic formulas completely differs from one and other. On the other hand, an Oriental Levitation spell has as the base a magic circle, being one or two runes inside the circle the ones that work as variables that change the height and amount of power needed, but the circle remains essentially the same" Explained Harry enthusiastically with a twinkle in his eyes.
"So what it means is that one has more spells of one type but different from each other and the other one has just one spell that changes according to the desires of the caster, right?" Confirmed Remus making Harry nod and smile at him in delight before taking his book again, Remus shook his head in fond exasperation, He had a Genius bookworm living in his house.
Remus finished his breakfast in companiable silence, the only sound being the rapidly changing pages of a book and the usual morning noises from outside the window, once he had nothing more on his plate he stood up and placed the plates used on the sink where they started to wash themselves with magic, Harry stood from the table, nose glued to the book and moved to the door of the apartment where a messenger bag and a school back were placed, he passed the messenger bag to Remus who took it and settled it on his shoulder while Harry took the backpack. The adult took his keys from a wooden key box on the wall and opened the door letting the boy pass first, he closed the door once they were outside and both walked down the stairs of the apartment building, both climbed onto a dark blue Seat Leon. Before starting the car Remus turned to look at Harry.
"Are you ready for your first day at College?" Asked Remus, Harry put down his book, which cover now appeared to be of a History book and gave Remus an excited look.
"Yeah, I can't wait to have my first class. I know it's going to be difficult, with how much younger I am compared to the other students, but I will keep my promise..." Harry gave him a determined look "Someday I will find a cure for Lycanthropy, even if it takes me years I will find a way to relieve you of this curse"
Remus sighed, although he couldn't feel more proud or loved with the words his little prodigy had just pronounced, he hated the idea of chaining his cub to a goal that had no hope, not that he doubted his godson's abilities, because there was no one other than him that could know the real extent of Harry's talent, but he was worried about the fact that he could have somehow been forcing his problem on him, a problem which could give him social and political backlash in the future. He was certainly not a stranger to the amount of hate those of the Britain's Magical Community had towards all things even remotely unknown, he knew that even if somehow his cub managed to convince the Ministry to give him funds for the investigation, the people would ostracize him for wanting to help a dark creature, no matter the fact that the majority of the existent werewolves in Great Britain had no desire to wreak havoc and cause fear, but fought daily to be able to have even the more basic rights. He opened his mouth to try and convince Harry to somehow think deeper about it but he was beaten by said brat.
"Before you say something ludicrous such as 'Don't do it, it will ruin your future, you should think more about it or don't do it just for me, you have to follow your own dream'" Said Harry with a deadpan face " I just want you to know that this really is MY dream, I have watched how much you have suffered since I was a little kid, all those hard days, all those harder nights...I've been wishing for nothing more than to find a way to help you, the only person that actually loves me for who I am, so stop talking and just accept the facts" He finished with a hard stare to the werewolf who had moisture in his eyes.
"I have no idea what have I done to deserve a cub like you" He gave Harry a wet laugh
"I think that after all you've been through you have earned the right to have someone as amazing as me in your life" Harry smirked and winked at him mischievously making Remus laugh.
"You really should stop listening to Mellanie, she is taking you to the evil side and giving you a big head along the way" Remus shook his head in mock disappointment "But seriously, what about your dream of traveling the world and learning all you can about magic?"
"Who said I couldn't do both at the same time? I would expect that finding a cure would be easier knowing more about magic and it's roots, maybe there's already a cure out there in one of the ancient cultures, I've read that there are a lot of legends about men turning into beasts across the pond"
"So it seems you have it all worked up," Said a fond and amused Remus "and you said you're not a control freak"
"Hey! To like having a plan doesn't mean I need everything under control, I can be quite reckless too, it's just that I try not to be so as to not make wrong conclusions" Harry pouted, Remus smirked it was good to see his tyke acting like a kid his age for once instead of his usually grown up mindset.
"If that helps you sleep at night..." Harry puffed up making an indignant noise and turning his head towards the window, for a couple of seconds Remus watched amusedly at Harry, who gave him a brief glance before both started laughing animatedly
"Okay, okay, let's go, I don't want you arriving late on your first day" Remus said after catching a stray tear from his eye, and starting the car "Don't forget you have money in your back for any emergencies, Mellanie will pass for you after your last class, and you'll have to do your homework, if you have any, at the library until Mrs. Webber comes for the night shift understood?"
"Yes I understood, I really don't think I will have any homework today, but I have been dying to read those new Botanic books that arrived last week" Said Harry excitedly, Remus arched an eyebrow
"Is reading all the books of the Bodleian Library a life goal of yours? How many books have you already read?"
"As a matter of fact it is one of my goals to achieve in the future, and I've read about 4,020 books of the Bodleian Library" Remus did a double take at that number, giving his godson a surprised look, he knew the boy could read extremely fast and that he read for the entirety of his hours waiting for him at the library, but he hadn't imagined the amount of books that entailed.
"Considering that I've been accompanying you to work after all my classes and extra classes, meaning about three hours per day for 335 days, taking a month off because of vacations, and multiplying it by the four years I've spent with you, it gives me an estimate of the number of books I've read"
"That would mean you read a book per hour"
"That is the average, it can differ taking into account the length of the book and the difficulty of it"
"You are really incredible cub" Remus gave the boy a proud look, making him go red in the face but with a blinding smile for the praise. After that
After that, both stayed in silence, with Remus driving and Harry looking outside through the window, after 10 minutes Remus started slowing down before stopping in front of the Medical Sciences Teaching Center
"Have a great day cub"
"I'll try" Harry opened the door of the car, but before leaving he turned to Remus with a loving look and gave him a big hug which was returned by the werewolf "I'll see you later...Dad" With that said Harry got out, closed the door and ran to the big building. Remus watched with fond amusement his sometimes timid son-in-all-but-blood start another big stage of his life and couldn't help but be grateful for his presence in his life, who would have thought that a fight with his past best-friends would be one of his best decisions, he would always remember that fight...
' "Thank you!...I love you...Dad"
Remus couldn't stop the overwhelming happiness he felt when he heard those words leave his cub's mouth neither could he stop the tears. He finally had the thing he had always wanted, a family, and a real one, one he knew wouldn't grow apart from him. He smiled at Harry who was struggling to stay awake, he still had a smile on his lips, he kept watching until his cub's eyes finally dropped and deeps breaths moved the little one's body. His eyes softened watching him sleep in peace. After some time he looked up, called Winky and asked her to take Harry to his room.
He saw the clock, 5:30, the party would be in full swing, but he didn't care, he was going to talk to James and Lily. His eyes hardened, and nothing would stop him. He left the library and headed to the ballroom, where the party was held, with certain steps. Once he arrived at the door of the room he took a deep breath to calm himself slightly and opened the door forcefully, the people near to the door jumped in fright at the loud noise and cringed at the sight of a furious Remus.
"James!" He yelled making said man jump a little from the suddenness of the sound
"Moony, you finally join us," Said James besides Lily oblivious to his friend's mood
"James, Lily I need to talk to you"
"Then talk..."
"In private" Interrupted Remus giving both parents a hard and angry look, James finally noticing the tone nodded seriously while Lily left Logan who she had been holding in the arms of Sirius. The three left the room and Remus guided them to another room a little away from the ballroom, once inside Remus stopped just before reaching the wall opposite to the entrance with his back towards James and Lily.
"Remus...ehm...¿Could you tell us what's going on" Asked a nervous Lily after a couple of minutes in uncomfortable silence
"What's going on?" scoffed Remus turning toward the couple "What's going on is that I finally got tired of your arrogant attitudes"
"Remus!"Exclaimed the couple
"How could you say that?!" Asked Lily scandalized
"How can I said that you ask? I say it because it's the truth, both of you have become the type of person I hate the most, egotistical, arrogant, and hypocritical" spatted Remus
"Don't you dare talk to us like that! What is the bloody hell happening to you? You've been acting distant and hostile since a little more than a year, and even more lately" Said James angrily grabbing the werewolf by the collar, Remus laughed contemptuously and with a little shove pushed James apart from him
"I've been behaving distant? please don't make me laugh if there's someone who has been distant, although neglectful would be the best description, are you and Lily"
"Remus! I really don't know what has gotten into you, but if you been feeling unwell, you shouldn't have come to the party!" Yelled Lily
"You know what you are right, I shouldn't have come" Remus conceded "But not because I've been feeling bad, but because YOU make me feel bad. Yet I came and do you want to know why? I came because of your son,because it is an important day to him"
"Because of Logan, you say? If you say it's because of him then why weren't you downstairs congratulating him" Asked James heatedly, Remus felt the fury he had been trying to contain start to make him see red and probably making his eyes more wolf-like if the fearful look Lily had was an indication
"I was with your son"
"What are you talking about? you weren't..."
"May I remind you that you have another son, another son who is MY godson and who also happens to share the birthday with his TWIN" James and Lily had a look of realization
"Oh, you are talking about Harry? don't worry he didn't even want..."
"Don't give me that bullshit! I was just with him, consoling my cub because of how his parents apparently forgot about the fact he existed in favor of his famous little brother, and it isn't the first time I have to clean his tears so don't come and tell me that it was just a single mistake, because you perfectly know that since Logan acquired that fucking title you have done nothing for your other son. The house elves have been raising him because you are too fucking busy giving interviews and posing for the papers with Britan's supposedly savior that you simply didn't care for Harry's well-being!" Remus took deep breaths after the rant and realized that he had practically stalked the shocked couple till they were pressed to the doore sighed, he wouldn't achieve what he wanted with more yells, he had to convince them somehow to give him full guardianship
He sighed, he wouldn't achieve what he wanted with more yells, he had to convince them somehow to give him full guardianship
"Look, I know that the reason you stated giving more attention to Logan was because of the fright his near-dead caused you, and that the reason of the earlier interviews was a strategy to somehow calm the people and reassure them that they were finally safe, but along the way you lost the true intention of those actions and started forgetting what was really important and what made me so proud of being called your friend. I know that in some way you still love Harry, but you have done him more harm than what is acceptable...You chose me to make sure he was safe, not only physically but also psychologically, and that's what I am doing, and I think that for my duties to be achieved I have to take Harry away from you..." Said Remus calmly
"Remus we...if we give Harry away what will the people say" Started Lily, Remus gave her a disappointed look making Lily and James who had nodded alongside her cringe
"Are you really more worried about what the people would say than about the fact that I am taking Harry away? I really don't know what happened to you" Remus shaked his head in incredulity "Look if the press is what bothers you then don't worry, you said that Harry hasn't shown any hint of magic right? " Both parents nodded starting to make Remus angry again because of their obliviousness towards their prodigeous son "Then you could say that he is a squib and that because you didn't want to expose your son to something he wouldn't be part of you thought he would be better-taken care of with your sister, as I won't be able to get a job in the magical world I will get one in the Muggle one, so the press won't know he is with me instead, and if he ends having magic then you could say he showed it just a little before his 11 birthday"
"For the last time, please do something good for your son" Remus begged, both parents looked at each other with a slight glint of guilt in their eyes, after 10 minutes of silent discussion both nodded and Remus sighed relieved
"I will be gone by the end of the party, and as another favor don't ever bother to contact him or me, I don't want him to feel any more pain because of you..." Remus gave them one last hard look and left the room, once outside he finally smiled and headed to the kitchen to tell the elves to gather his son's stuff...'
Remus sighed and smiled, even if he had lost his friends, he got something even better. He started his car again and gave one last look towards the building before driving to his work, he would see his precious son in the afternoon, just like the day before, and just like the tomorrow.
And here is another chapter, I want to apologize again for any grammar mistakes and for my tardiness in updating. I will try to update sooner from now on, but please have patience with me and give me some reviews, feedback on the story would help me with it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)