Hi, InDecisiveArsenal here.

CryoBlaster and I have decided to let me write a chapter every once in a while. (That's why I didn't submit an OC) So… here you go:

Last time on Totally Evil Island, there was war. And then there was randomness. Either way, Chandler was sent home due to Volodarskii changing the votes. Will drama start to arise? Will the island continue to be evil? Will the randomness also continue? Find all that out on TOTALLY EVIL ISLAND!

Flare and Dew went back to their team to tell the news of another eliminated teammate. By then, all those who were "dead" in the last challenge had also returned to their cabins.

"What! But how does Chandler get out so easily?!" Blade exclaimed.

"Yeah! That doesn't make sense," Harvey said. "I'm pretty sure most of us voted for Volodarskii."


Flare shrugged. "I don't know how but it happened."


"Well then… I should be careful with this voting switching thing. I don't get how some villains can pull this off so many times. Seriously, that is just bulls**t. That being said, I can't let them know I'm responsible for Chandler's elimination. Though I am happy that the pesky ornament-thing is gone.


"Well whatever the case is, we now have two less people than the other team," Travis said. "So we have to try extra hard." Once that was over, everyone went to sleep quickly due to the exhausting, coming-from-the-dead, day.

{Somewhere deep in the forest}

A figure emerged out of the bushes to see only more forest.

"Darn, I thought this was the way out."

He had to fight to stay alive, and had heard the sound of gunshots and screams earlier today. All he can do now is to find a place to sleep.

"This is what happens when you take the blame for things isn't it," he muttered as he drifted asleep.

{The next day}

"RISE AND SHINE PEOPLE!" Rhydon yelled. And as usual, there were groans and moans. "Now yesterday, you may have noticed some intruders on this island.

"Like Captain America?" Flare responded.

"And Solid Snake" Jet also responded.

"S**t, they're here too? Ah well. Who we're talking about is that blasted sponge and starfish." Azelf said.

"Aactually, I hearrd thay wurre calld see staurs," Ryan replied.

"Yeah, me too," Arthur followed.

"Shut up! They're called starfishes. Anyway, our challenge today involves you guys going back into the forest-"

"That's filled with danger," Arthur interrupted.

"And capture those overrated characters" Azelf finished.

"Alright, "Rhydon began. "Black Kyurems, you will try to capture the starfish-"

"Sea Star"

"… and the White Kyurems will catch the sponge. Now go!" Everyone headed back into the forest that they all feared.

{White Kyurems}

"Oh come on! Why do they have to send us to this accursed jungle!" Volodarskii whined.

"Just shut up and keep your eyes peeled!" Zeshan snapped.

"Make me!" Zeshan glared at him before finally rushing in to beat him up. "Aaaaahhhhh!"


That idiot is gone the next chance I get!


Zeshan is really becoming a pain to everyone. He's the reason why Jason went missing, too! Huh, I wonder if he's still out there…


Everyone watched as Zeshan mercilessly beat Volodarskii.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to actually do this challenge," Soru said. A few nods went up and a group followed him including Nina. Jet took notice of this and followed them as well. After they left, all that was left was Zeshan, Volodarskii, Arthur, Ryan, Ken, and Drew.

"Well, as enjoying as this is, we really should start searching, " Ken explained as he took Arthur, Ryan, and Drew.


Ken sure is a good leader. But you know what I do to leaders? I make them my pawn. It's only a matter of time…


"Hey Ken!"

"Huh, Drew? What do you want" Ken answered.

"I'm just wondering how far you could get with your leadership skills."

"Hmm… Perhaps."

"Also I was thinking how much further you could get if you had an alliance."

"An alliance?"


"That could just might work! So you want to join my alliance," Ken asked.

"Definitely!" Drew responded


It's just too easy!


I'm not stupid. I won't be any other alliance leader. I will actually do good! I'm serious! Why won't you believe me!


Ken went to Arthur and Ryan. "Hey! About you guys join me and Drew in an alliance!"

"Well…" Ryan started.

"We'd love to, "Arthur finished, "As long as you guys help us prank Azelf later.


{Black Kyurems}

"Look guys, "Blade explained, "The best way to do this is to split up. Once a group of us finds Patrick and captures him, they yell so we all can hear and we return to this spot. Agreed?"

"Agreed!" Everyone said in unison.

So they split up with Cano, Vixen, Luna, and Dew heading towards the caverns; Swift, Harvey, John, and Travis searching the beaches and shorelines; Flare, Kai, and Blade stayed in the forest; and Lilly, Morgan, and Aurora was sent to the campgrounds.

{Flare, Kai, and Blade}

"So… You think this will work?" Flare asked her other two teammates. Kai shrugged.

"Do you ever talk?"


"Guys, this is no time to be talking, we need to find the tubby starfish." Blade said.

"Nobody calls me tubby!"

"Wait, what-" was all Blade could say before being knocked into the sky by Patrick Star (with a fedora formerly belonging to Swift).

"Huh, I feel like I should say something," Flare said.

"Blade Owned Count – 7?" Kai asked.

"Yup, that's it." Flare and Kai looked over and saw Patrick running towards the caves.

"Let's chase after him."

{Most of the White Kyurems}

"So does anyone have any idea where to look?" Sapphire questioned.

"Yeah, "Jet said. "Great idea wondering off without a plan."

"I'm thinking about it!" Soru said defending himself.


Man! It's like Jet doesn't like me!




I don't get it.


"I have an idea!" An annoying voice spoke out somewhere within the team.

"Alright SpongeBob, what's your idea?" Soru asked.

"Look over there!" Everyone did as so until they realized they were duped by him.

"After him!" Phoenix commanded as they followed him to the caves.

{Swift, Destroy, Harvey, and Travis}

"We looked everywhere!" Travis complained. "But they're not here! Let's go back!"

"Guys, we might have missed something," John said.

"Yeah, "Swift agreed, "Blade counted on us to find him here.

"Yeah, but Blade is also up there!" Harvey exclaimed. They all looked up in the nearby palm tree and surely found the Bisharp hanging by a few vines until they snapped and he landed on the ground with a heavy THUD!

"Blade, you OK?" Swift asked helping him up to his feet.

"Yeah, but don't worry about me! We found Patrick and he is in there in the forest. I think he is headed for those caves."

{Zeshan and Volodarskii}

"And that ought to teach you to mess with me." Zeshan said as he spat on Volodarskii's limped body. At that moment Patrick ran by them, bumping into Zeshan while at it.

"Oh! It's on! Come on Volodarskii!" Zeshan said as he dragged the Spiritomb as he ran after Patrick.

{Cano, Vixen, Sparky, and Dew}

They searched and found nothing, unaware that everyone was heading their way.

"Let's head back. "Vixen suggested. When they reached the entrance of the cave, they were immediately trampled by SpongeBob and Patrick.

"There they are!" Luna exclaimed and their group ran back inside as they were followed by Kai, Flare, Zeshan, Volodarskii, Swift, Blade, Harvey, John, and Travis of the Black Kyurems and pretty much everyone in the White Kyurems minus Ken, Drew, Arthur, and Ryan.

Eventually SpongeBob and Patrick came to a dead end in the form of a dark hole. The kinda hole you can't see the bottom of. Everyone caught up with them.

"Alright, just come with us and it will be easy for both of us." Swift reasoned. He then noticed Patrick had his fedora on. "And give me back my fedora!"

"NEVER!" SpongeBob and Patrick yelled as they both grabbed the nearest contestants and threatened to drop them down the hole. And those contestants just so happened to be Vixen and Luna. "Everyone leave otherwise we'll drop them."

Cano growled loudly until Zeshan stepped up and said, "Who cares? You're bluffing anyway!"

Zeshan lunged at them and they dropped Vixen and Luna down the chasm.

"Aaaahhhh!" was what was heard as the cries lessened until nothing. Everyone was silent. Cano was the first one to do anything as he mortally ripped the Bikini Bottom residents apart in pure rage (of course they were still alive through the logic of cartoons).

Cano lifted the near dead bodies in his mouth and ran back to camp with everyone behind them.

"And Cano wins the challenge for the team!" Rhydon said happily. While a few members happy. Others, especially Cano, was heart-broken.

"It's alright," Flare said trying to lift up his spirits. With Vixen gone, no one can communicate for Cano anymore.

"Wait," Swift starts to say, "Wasn't it Zeshan who made them drop Vixen and Luna." All eyes went on the other team's Zoroark. The White Kyurems were also glaring at him.

"Man, you are f***ed" Volodarskii laughed. Zeshan decided to beat him up one more time.

"Wait!" Azelf interrupted. "You guys apparently left some people behind"

Everyone was confused until they thought about it. A magnet was brought out by Rhydon and pulled Drew, Ken, Arthur, Ryan, Morgan, Aurora, and Lilly.


"Shouldn't we do something?" Morgan asked Lilly.

"Nah… they'll do it for us," she responded.

"That'll give me more time to prank you" Aurora said to herself.

"What was that?"


{End of Flashback}

"What were you guys doing?" Soru asked Drew, Ken, Arthur, and Ryan.

"Oh nothing." Drew replied.


"Alright White Kyurems," Rhydon explained, "This is your first elimination, but I will assume you know what you're doing"


Well seeing how obvious this elimination is, there should be no harm in voting for him.


It's like he's asking to be kicked out of society


I told him he would be next


Well, something was going on that we missed. But that doesn't matter, me and the alliance votes for Volodarskii


If anyone votes for me, I will rip out their-


Rhydon began giving out poffins. First one goes to… Mia. Then it's Nina, Sally, Phoenix, and Ken.


-and then I'll feed them to-


A poffin goes to Drew, Sapphire, Ryan, Rosie and Blare. Two more also goes to Arthur and Jet.


Anyway, I vote for Volodarskii


Rhydon looked at Volodarskii, Zeshan, and Soru. "You all received votes."

"Wait, who voted for me!" Soru exclaimed. Jet looked down. Nina noticed this.

"No need to worry Soru, because you got the least amount of votes." Rhydon explained. "And now it's down to the bottom two: Volodarskii, you are obnoxious. Zeshan, we all know why you're here."

"I don't know!" Ryan interrupted.

"Well no one cares!" Azelf shouted at the raccoon.

"Anyways, the person leaving the competition is…

*Volodarskii was looking panicked*

*Zeshan was glaring at the other contestants who didn't look back*

… Zeshan.


"Dude," Soru said, "Don't tell me you didn't see that one coming."


"Take him away." Rhydon commanded his two Aggron interns.


{later that evening}

Azelf was about to go sleep when he heard some groaning and scratching on the window. Azelf immediately pressed a button which made a defensive barrier around his cabin.

Arthur and Ryan came to his cabin to prank him only to find that he was currently prank-proof.


So… the island has claimed two more victims. Will Vixen and Luna ever return? Will Cano get over his loss? Will we ever get to do a normal challenge? Will Arthur and Ryan ever prank Azelf again? Find most of that out on the next exciting installment of TOTALLY. EVIL. ISLAND!