So I decided to re upload my story, after my story got removed Rhydon, Azelf, the producers, and the interns were all sent to jail because they made a dangerous show. Plus if your OC was here last time please send it again because I can't remember it.

Rhydon and Azelf were in their cell angry." Why did the producer have to come up with this idea", Azelf said with an angry tone in her voice.

Rhydon just grumbled and walked around the cell. There was a bunk bed, a dirty toilet, a sink, and a TV. This was a rich jail. Even though there was only the news and the Total Pokémon Island channel. He didn't want to watch it because it had a marathon of Total Pokémon shows he was furious his wasn't up there.

"Come on Rhydon let's watch TV", Azelf insisted. They just continued to walk around the cell until Azelf picked up something from his back. It was a CD, Rhydon looked at the cover and it read "Totally Evil Island". They both smiled.

Chapter 1: Sign up

"Hello viewers" said a big bipedal rhino that was made of stone, "I'm your host Rhydon and here's your co-host Azelf… Azelf say hi."

"Let's skip the intro and tell the viewers what they want to hear", Azelf rudely interrupted," The producers were too lazy to make OCs so the viewers will. We will select 26 OCs and they will come to hell to complete challenges.

"It's not hell", Rhydon started to say.

"The contestants will compete in life threatening challenges and be given poor luxury and dining", Azelf continued to ignore Rhydon," They will live in filthy cabins and-

"SHUT UP!" Rhydon screamed," Totally Evil Island is a good place where Pokémon come to make friends and relationships and all of the challenges had been tested by unpaid interns."

"You couldn't imagine the heath bill", Azelf muttered.

"Do you want to be fired", Rhydon continued to yell.

"It would be my dream", Azelf said in a deadpan voice.

"Anyway let's look at the form", Rhydon said trying to change the subject.





Age: Between 14 and 21

Nickname (Optional):









What will they say when they arrive:

How they will react to being voted off first:

How they would react to being vote off before the merge:

How they would react to being voted off after the merge:

How they would react to winning:

My forms

Name: Arthur

Species: Poochyena

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Nickname (Optional): N/A

Personality: Arthur is a fun-loving person who is a born prankster. He always will prank anyone who he doesn't like especially grumpy people. He is capable of doing many challenges. He will never cheat except to get a bad guy out. If someone messes with him he will make your life miserable.

History: When he was born two Mightyenas drew over his face and he learns to prank.

Likes: Pranking, video games, nachos, and spray paint

Dislikes: Reading, school, boring people, and falling for pranks

Fears: living in the olden days

Relationship: with a pretty prankster girl

Talent: Scaring others

Other: he's an American

What will they say when they arrive: Sup losers

How they will react to being voted off first: I don't need you I'm already awesome

How they would react to being vote off before the merge: I'm going to miss almost all of you

How they would react to being voted off after the merge: I've made it pretty far

How they would react to winning: I'm such a boss

Name: Zeshan

Species: Zoroark

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Nickname (Optional): Z

Personality: He's a mean and cruel person he usually don't be mean on front of people. He tricks people with illusions. He is pretty psychotic when it comes to violence. As a master of illusions he will lie to get people out.

History: He was introduced to crime after he and some friends of his robbed a bank and killed some people.

Likes: Beating up people behind cameras

Dislikes: nice people

Fears: World peace

Relationship: No one

Talent: destroying stuff

Other: he has a small British accent when his true colors are being show

What will they say when they arrive: Some challenge this will be

How they will react to being voted off first: Beats up the host

How they would react to being vote off before the merge: Same thing

How they would react to being voted off after the merge: Same thing

How they would react to winning: Run away with the prize

Last rule no legendary Pokémon we will select 26+our 2= 28 Pokémon competing.