Hey everyone. This is one of the projects I was doing. It should be considered a one-shot but probably a two-shot. Anyways, it's been a while since I updated something like this so it makes me happy that I can so something like this again. Well, I hope you enjoy this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. If I did, I would probably make another season for it and have more hints for Yamamoto and Tsuna in it. But I can't.

Chapter One: Lie To Pretend

Tsuna sat on the stool as Shamal's reluctantly treats the bruises. Yamamoto and Gokudera are not going to like it if they found out. For the past few weeks, Tsuna is being bullied constantly. Whether it's a girl or guy, it doesn't matter. Of course the reason is obvious. Lately, Yamamoto and Gokudera have been gaining a lot of admires every day. And because of that Tsuna is considered a nuisance. That led everyone to ambush the innocent boy whenever they get a chance. So far he was tripped, punched, kicked to having dirty water poured, paper thrown, and harassed directly at him. But it only occurs when Gokudera and Yamamoto are not around to see. The glaring became noticeable though.

"Seriously, I told you that I don't treat men many times… Why are you always getting bruises?" Shamal growled.

"Reborn's training have been getting more intense." He lied sheepishly.

"Che, Reborn isn't the type to make a wound like that revealing."

Tsuna's shoulders immediately tense. Has he been discovered already? He always knew that he was never a good liar. Shamal notice the action and sighed. "Whatever, doesn't matter to me. You're all done so get out already." He ordered tiringly. Tsuna quickly stood and walked away as fast as he could without seeming suspicious. Out of sight, Shamal scratched the back of his neck.

"He's a terrible at lying… You know that, Reborn?"


Reborn, stepping out of his hiding place, jumps to the table near Shamal. The baby hitman crossed his arms in disappointment. "I've been watching him for a few weeks now. It looks like he's getting bullied." He sighed. Shamal could only lean down on his seat with his arm plopping on the desk. The flirty doctor assumed as much. Wounds like that don't appear from what he's training for.

"Do you know the reason for it?"

"Apparently, his classmates don't like him hanging around Yamamoto and Gokudera. They only see him as a burden."

Shamal searched in his pocket to find what he wanted. Opening it swiftly, the doctor pulled out a cigarette. He proceeds to place it on his lips and lighting it. He inhales the burning tobacco and exhales the smoke. Base on the brunet's behavior, it was easy to say that he didn't tell the others willingly either. Not that Reborn or himself would blame for. No one wants a rampaging bomber or swordsman on the loose.

"When do you think he's going to 'fess up?"

"Don't know… But it won't be long though. We'll back out of this one. Until he finds out."

Shamal pulls away the cigar with widen eyes. Then he calmed down after thinking it out. "Heh, I suppose so. But it's going to turn ugly if he does." Shamal chuckled. Reborn smirks devilishly before jumping off the desk. The doctor asked the baby where he was heading off to. Fully knowing the answer already. Reborn continues to walk away with his fedora tipping down without saying a single word.

He sighed.

"Same as always…"


Tsuna pulled on his sleeve harshly to hide the bandage. There is no way that he's going to exhibit it. Especially, with Yamamoto or Gokudera are around. There were times where they got suspicious, but Tsuna managed to lie the best he could. In the end, he succeeded. Or so he thought he did. He could see Gokudera and Yamamoto running toward him. He held up a strained smile.

"Hey Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto. What are you guys doing here?"

"We were worried about you Tsuna." Yamamoto answered with concern.

"Lately, Tenth been visiting that bastard more than normal. Is everything okay?" Gokudera pressed his hand on Tsuna's shoulder.

The brunet held his hands up in defeat and told the two that 'it's nothing'. His two trusted Guardians look at each other in disbelief before dismissing the topic. Tsuna didn't let his smile fade in order to reassure the two. Previously, Tsuna had many chances to tell his best friends about it. But he didn't have the heart to do it. Yamamoto and Gokudera already have their own problems. Just adding his on their list would cause nothing but stress and complications… So he kept quiet.

"We need to get back to class. We're probably late again."

The three nodded and return to their class together. In silence, Tsuna loosen his smile and tug on his sleeve. He hope that no one find out about this or tell the two. This problem will go away soon. He can handle it himself. Or so he thinks…


Tsuna continue his way down the hallway with heavy piles of boxes, books, and paper. Of course, he and his companion were late to class. And the teacher did not like it one bit. So, he let it out on the poor brunet while the other two got off the hook. He was ordered to take all this to the teachers' office. Yamamoto and Gokudera tried to help but Tsuna refused saying he could handle it. They agreed to meet each other at the rooftop once Tsuna was done with the errand.

So far, he's not even close and lunch break is almost over. Not only that, the things he's holding are unstable and shaking with every step. He was too focused on his task that he didn't notice a hand behind his back. Within that second, he felt his body drift down the stairs that he was right next to. Time became slow as the things scatters midair.

Then common sense dropped in. Tsuna is falling. He's falling down the stairs! Someone pushed him! It was too late when his skull connects first to the solid stairs. After that, he just continued to fall. His body bruised up whenever he lands on the stairs as he goes downward. It hurts terribly. But it all ended when he stopped on the first floor, string of blood forming from his head and mouth.

He couldn't move his body; much less his hands or legs… He could hear someone calling his name in worry. But it didn't sound like Gokudera or Yamamoto. It sounded like…


Ryohei… It was his 'big brother' calling to him. But he couldn't stay awake for some reason. Tsuna feels a bit sleepy right now. After that, Tsuna became unconscious. Ryohei came rushing over as he held the brunet's head and hands. He tried to see if there was a pulse, but couldn't find any. Well it's reasonable because the boxer himself is in panic to look for one.

He lifts Tsuna bride-style in his arms to carry him to the nurse. "Hang extremely in there Sawada! Don't extremely go to sleep on me, you hear!" But Tsuna didn't listen as he rest lifelessly. Ryohei continues to run in full speed to the nurse's office. Along the way, he shouted Tsuna's name and extreme.


Tsuna groan lightly as he opens his eyes. He looks around him. Where is he? Is this the nurse's office? He saw white curtains surrounding him, proving his theory. Why is he here? He lifts his body to find pain embracing him as a welcoming present. He screamed. "You're already awake?" He heard a voice said boringly.

The curtains flew to the side to reveal Shamal. He had an irritated frown on his lips with a cigarette in between. "You really know how to bruise up your own body. Seriously…" He growled at the brunet. The younger male only winces at the harsh words.

"Just lay down. If you don't, you're just going to make it worse for yourself." He ordered with a sigh.

Tsuna nods in agreement. "H-How did I get here?" He asked. Shamal only scratch the back of his neck, thinking of a way to explain what happened. Instead, he steps aside for Tsuna to see a sleeping Ryohei not too far from him. Tsuna looks back at Shamal.

"Don't look at me. He was the one that got you here all bloody and broken. Ask him if you want to know." He informs, taking his cigarette out of his mouth.

Tsuna nod his head. Shamal just left the room. Guessing right, he's probably looking for girls. No, it's a definite. He wouldn't give up a chance to flirt with girls. Then again, it won't go to his favor though…

With the sound of the door closing, it woke Ryohei up. He grumbles to himself before stretching. He turns to see Tsuna finally awake. He stood up and held the brunet's hands. "You're extremely awake! Are you okay Sawada?" Tsuna nods his head. He smiles back and places his other hand on Ryohei's.

"Big brother, what happened to me?"

"Uh…Well you… I…"

Ryohei pulls away his hand and scratch his cheek sheepishly. How can he explain this? Foremost, he's the one that wants the explanation here. Seeing his friends falling down the stairs all bloody isn't as great like others would think. Then again, no one thinks like that to begin with. "I was walking to my class to see you falling down the stairs to the extreme. I didn't know who did it though… So I brought you here." He explains.

"I see. I'm sorry for bothering you Big brother."

"It's okay. But what happen? Who did that to you? I can go after them if you want."

Tsuna quickly took hold on Ryohei's shirt in order to stop him. "N-no! It's okay… I'm fine right? There's no need to do something like that." He said hastily.

If something like this is found out by Gokudera and Yamamoto, who knows what might happen. "Big brother, I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this. Especially not to Yamamoto and Gokudera-kun!" He asked. Ryohei, taken aback, agrees reluctantly to the favor. He told the brunet to get some rest, which Tsuna agreed to. He left Tsuna alone as he said goodbye.

Tsuna watch till the door close. He sighed in relief. Thank goodness that it didn't go bad. Now, his main problem is his two best friends. From the look Ryohei gave him, the news would definitely get to them with witnesses watching the incident. Tsuna slowly sit up on the white plain bed. What should he say to them? The 'I was clumsy' excuse doesn't seem to work well as it used to. He thought back to the incident.

"Someone did push me down… But who…"

"Who is correct, Dame-Tsuna." A babyish voice called out to him.

Tsuna turn to the voice to see his tutor, Reborn. "R-Reborn, what are you doing here?" He shouted. Reborn only cross his arms. The look he gave Tsuna said 'I'm always nearby Useless Tsuna…' The brunet tries to think of something to tell the Spartan tutor.

"It's not what you think it is! I was not watching what I was doing and slipped."

"Drop it already… I know what happen so don't bother lying to me."

Tsuna silence himself. Reborn shook his head in disappointment at his student. There is no way that what his useless student is going to say next would make him believe anything. And it was obvious that Tsuna knew that too.

"You've been getting bullied by students here because of Yamamoto and Gokudera right?"


Tsuna lowered his head, darkening half of his face during the process. Reborn watch as it plays out. So his suspicions are right like he thought. Now, all that he needs to do is come up with something to stop it altogether. That's when an idea form inside of his mind. He smirks devilishly. This is going to fun for him mostly than for others.


That's it for Other Half Of Me. It seems like it going to need a second chapter to finish it all off. Or you guys can think this is the ending if you want. Anyways, I'm going to start on the second chapter.