First things first, I need to apologize for not updating in centuries. I lost a lot of inspiration for this story and I was really busy with school. However, thanks to sherlollians dot tumblr dot com who put me on their favourite Sherlolly fanfic list, to the countless people who followed the story afterwards, and particularly to AloneProtectsMe for their very concerned PM making sure I was okay I finally dug up the inspiration to come back. I had a lot of loose ends to tie up as far as plot goes and now have a very complicated chart of events in a notebook. Thank you for all the reviews and kind words because it's you who all brought me back. If I ever stop updating like that again you all have full permission to send me angry PM's okay? Okay.

There are so many reviewers to thank as well but I've rambled on for a while. So if you've reviewed, have yourself a kitten from me.

Again, apologies for disappearing I hope I can make it up to you eventually. -E

Molly Hooper was given half an hour to pack her things and come with Sherlock back to 221B in the dead of night. She was scared. She had dug herself too deep into this and it was going to be much too hard to climb her way out now.

"For God's sake, how much do you possibly need?" Sherlock exclaimed clearly agitated.

"I don't know how long I'll be there." A small voice belonging to Molly replied from the bathroom.

Finally she emerged with a bag that looked about the same size as the mousy pathologist carrying. "Okay I'm ready." She said with a faint smile.

"This is going to be complicated so I need you to be listening carefully." Sherlock looked at her for a sign of acknowledgement before continuing rapidly. "One can assume that Moriarty or his daughter are going to be watching this building. I appeared first and I will leave first. I will take a cab back to 221B. Now you, you are much more difficult because it's you they're after. Your cab will pull up exactly 15 minutes after I leave. Be ready. You are to get in that cab and tell him you'd like to do some shopping, nothing else, and nothing more. That cabbie will then take you to the nearest shopping mall and it will take an extremely complicated route. As you are in the cab change clothes, put on a hat and disguise yourself. Assuming Moriarty or Marissa's men are still on to you it will come to a very brief stop beside a black sedan, you are to transfer cars as quickly and discreetly as possible and without notice. This car will take you 221B. Is that clear?"

Molly looked up at him blankly. "I'm supposed to remember all of that?"

"It's simple, you'll do fine." Sherlock assured her as he walked towards the door.

"Wait!" Molly piped up, stopping the detective dead in his tracks. "Wha-what do I do if they catch me?"

Sherlock noticed the slight tremble in her hands and her quickened breath. She was scared. I've done too much comforting Sherlock thought remembering the events of the past few days. Hesitant on his actions, Sherlock walked forward and placed a quick and gentle kiss on her forehead.

"They won't catch you. Remember 15 minutes." He said before walking out of the door.

Molly checked the oven clock, 6:04. She paced nervously before she came upon Toby meowing at his empty dish. "And what am I supposed to do with you?" She couldn't bear the thought of leaving him here alone but she couldn't figure out how to bring him with her. She'd have to ask someone to bring him later. So Molly filled up his dishes with extra food and water. "Don't eat this all tonight, okay?" She told him scratching behind his ears.

She checked the clock again, 6:10. Molly tried to sit down she wiped her palms on her jeans and tried to calm herself down a bit. It took Sherlock an amazing 10 minutes of quick texts and one brief phone call to Mycroft to plan her transferal to 221B. And she had to not botch it up or else her life would be on the line. How could Sherlock have been so sure that she wouldn't screw up?

6:15. She had four minutes left before her cab came. Molly did a sweep of the flat to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. 6:17. Two more minutes. Now she waited downstairs by the door.

6:18. What if it doesn't show up?

6:19. A cab pulls up. Molly goes to it as calmly as possible and closes the door as she sits down in it. "I'd like to do some shopping." Molly told the cabbie in a polite manner. A brief "Okay, miss" came from the front. She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a different set of clothes just as she had been told. After she had changed she ran through the plan another three times in her head.

Phase one had gone by without a hitch.

A/N: I was worried that it's been too long and I wouldn't capture them in the same way as I did before. I re-read the previous chapters ten times before coming back. Again, if you can review that'd be lovely. They're what brought me back. Love you all and thanks for sticking with it.