A/N: This is Part Two! The last part of this story, at first I was just going to make it a really long one-shot. But splitting it up seemed to be better.
Thank you for reviewing and following the story everyone! After I finish Master And His Slave I might re-write this, because to me it needs some work. But thanks again!

Also I posted another chapter of Master And His Slave last night, go check it out yet if you haven't! I also have re-wrote a few parts, and corrected a ton of spelling errors. I will be posting another chapter up next weekend, depending on how everything goes. Its the weekend before my birthday, so I can't make any promises just yet.

But I will update soon, I'm hooked on the story. More then any other I have written in the past. And no its not coming to an end for awhile. Don't freak out people! Only this story is ending.

But enjoy!


The One That Got Away :: Part Two :: Simple And Clean


It had been over two years since I last saw him.

Over those two years, I was sent to a college that I did not want to attend. I was already a drinker and a girl who loved to party. But with a broken heart, a broken spirit who was lonely. Missing my friends and my home. My old job and my dream career of being a vet. Everything was just not how it should have been. I missed Vegeta the most. He sent a few letters, once every other month. Telling me to get over my weakness, and just grow up and live life. To get college done, just like he had to get his shit done.

The letters had made me feel guilty. But I alway wrote back, asking how he was doing and if he was okay. Telling him how I was passing all of my courses with ease, but no one really bothered to befriend me, no one really bothered to talk to me.

The last one he sent back had told me to stop complaining, that my life wasn't as hard as I thought it was. How I was taking everything for granted. How he watched people die from being shot, cars being blown up by bombs. How he would love to see me in his place. Doing what he was doing.

I had cried when I finished reading his last letter. It had also said that he would be staying more then he planned. His crew were dying off, and his general needed him.

I had wrote back, simply telling him that I hoped he stayed safe. Always be careful. And no matter what I would always love him and he had a home to return too when he would be sent back.

I never got a response from him. His letters had been keeping me sane so to speak.

In college, I found the guts to go to a party that was off campus. I had plenty of shots, but that wasn't enough to make me happy. Someone had walked by me, grabbing my arm and whispering into my ear to come in the back room to have some fun with their friends. My switch blade was in my back pocket, but I had wanted to make some friends. So I decided to go and see what would be so fun.

The girl pulled me into one of the rooms, and then quickly shut the door behind us. There was two couches and five people not including myself or the girl in the room. They were rolling up dollar bills and snorting up a white line of power. They were doing cocaine. And I had no will to say no. I wanted to party, and have fun. So I sat down and joined them. Getting high. I enjoyed it at first.

I had smoked a joint or two in high school. But I knew it was not as dangerous as cocaine. But I didn't care. I didn't have a fuck in the world.

My father sent me to this hell, my boyfriend had left me without saying goodbye, and I had no one. I was all alone.

I had gone to a few more parties, I hated needles, so I never tried the heroine that some guy always brought.

I never had sex. That was one thing I never wanted. I didn't want to date anyone else. And I always brought my blade just in case a guy tried to pull anything.

After a while, the depression just became too much for me. I stopped going to the parties disgusted with myself that I was doing drugs in the first place.

My friends would have killed me if they saw what I had been doing.

I had called Chi and Juu letting them know when I had done, but as soon as I told them they hung up. I didn't get a chance to say that I had stopped. I was done with parties.

I even wrote a letter to Vegeta, telling him everything I had done. I still never got a response back.

I realized more then ever, that I was now alone for good.

That's when the cutting began.

I had used my switched blade many times, starting on my legs, then moving to my thighs. I would even cut my wrists as well. Sitting in the bath tub, just letting the blood form a puddle.

One night I cut too deep on my wrist.

Way to deep. The blood wouldn't stop.

I had called Chi, scared and crying. She didn't answer and I called her again and again til she picked up.

"What do you want?" She had snapped into the phone.

"Chi," I let out a sob, "Chi you have to get here, please I cut too deep, it won' stop!" My body was shaking with sobs. Blood was all over my tile floor. I was bleeding from my legs from new cuts, but the one on my wrist was the one that was bleeding the most.

"What? What the fuck have you been doing?" She had started to yell.

She had continued to yell out but I fell to the floor, dropping the phone beside me my eyes grew heavy. My head was spinning.

"Please help me Chi." I had cried out before everything went black.

I had awoken at a hospital, seeing my mother and father. Chi Goku and Juu beside me.

I told them everything. I yelled and cried at m father that I did not want to return to that school, if he wanted me to run Capsule Corp that was fine. But I couldn't be alone anymore. I wanted to return home. I wanted to see my friends, I wanted to be by my family, I just wanted to be happy.

My father had hugged me and cried himself saying that I didn't have to go back.

My mother was in too much shock to say anything.

I had gone to a therapist for all of my problems. I was living back at my old house, and Chi, Juu and Goku would visit me from time to time. I worked two jobs. At the vets and also at Capsule Corp. My father had praised me and told me how proud he was of me.

It felt good.

One day I had asked Goku when Vegeta would return. He said he wasn't sure. He had stopped receiving letters the same time I had. We haven't heard anything about him on the news or in the newspaper. So we knew he wasn't dead.

Then last week I had gotten a letter from Vegeta.

He had wrote that he was to be coming home next week on Tuesday. And to wait for him at the West City Train Station.

That was now today, Goku had received a letter as well. Everyone was at the train station waiting for it to arrive, shaking with nerves, Chi tried to calm me down.

So many things are running through my head right now.

What if he hates me for what I have done?

What if he's disgusted by all of my scars?

What if he doesn't forgive me?

My bottom lip started to tremble as the train pulled up, its doors opened up letting passengers off.

Silent tears started to fall from my eyes. Looking down at the ground I started to wipe away the fallen tears.

"Stop crying Bulma," a gruff voice called out. I snapped my head upwards, letting more tears fall.

The dark haired man smirked at me.

"Well? Are you going to give me a fucking hug or just stand there like a moron?" My eyes roamed his body. He had a cast around his arm. He was more built and toned with muscle. His skin was a darker tan, and he had a scar on his neck.

I ran forward, grabbing him into a tight hug. My body shook with sobs. I cried into his chest.

His good arm wrapped itself around me as he let his bags fall to the floor.

"I missed you so much." I whispered kissing his cheek.

"I know. I didn't want to say goodbye." He grunted back.

"Why? Why didn't you?" I calmed myself down. He hated me crying.

"Because I have my reasons. I did not want that to be my last goodbye in case something happened." He growled back. He was back for not even five minutes and being bombed with questions.

"Something did happen, your arm is hurt and what happened to your neck?" I demanded. Stepping back from him, folding my arms against my chest.

"I could ask you the same thing. I don't recall you ever having that many scars on your arms." His smirk vanished from his face.

"Well its going to a be a long ride home, at least a half an hour. We might as well leave now!" Goku had stepped in before things got ugly in public. He picked up Vegeta's bags and slung them on his shoulder. "Vegeta you and Bulma will share a car ride home. We'll take the van." And with that being said Goku stuffed Vegeta's bags into my trunk of my Kia.

"Whatever happened Woman, you better fucking tell me everything." Vegeta growled out, walking past me and heading towards my car. I licked my lips and followed after him.

This was going to be a long ride home.

Getting into the driver's seat, he sat himself into the passenger side.

"Did you even get any of my letters?" I had asked while starting up my car.

"No. Not after the last one I sent telling you to grow up." He growled out. This was not what he expected on his first day home.

"Oh." I muttered out. This wasn't good. That means he doesn't know of my drug problem either.

"Are you returning to college tomorrow?" He grunted out. Shaking my head I took a deep breath.

"Vegeta, my father has agreed for me to stay here, a lot has happened since you left." I waited for him to say something, anything. But he kept silent.

"Vegeta. In college I started to do cocaine." I said. Not looking at him.

"You fucking did what?!" He growled out slamming his fist into the dashboard.

"I did drugs Vegeta, just cocaine nothing else. I stopped though, after I called and told Juu and Chi what I was doing wrong, they hung up and refused to talk to me. I had been disgusted with myself. I started.. I started." I felt my eyes starting to burn once more.

"You started what Woman?" he growled out again.

"These scars.. Vegeta I started to cut myself. I cut my wrist too deep one night and called Chi, she called 911 for help and next thing I knew I was in the hospital with everyone standing by my bed."

I took another deep breath.

"That was all over a year ago. After that I had started therapy. My father agreed to come let me come home after seeing what I had done to myself."

Taking another deep breath.

"I'm better now. I'm okay."

"Why the fuck did you even pull these stunts? What the fuck happened to you?" His voice was getting louder.

"I was alone so-" I started but was cut off.

"Oh. So that means if your fucking alone for awhile you can just do whatever the fuck you want when you want? Act like a spoiled brat! You could have just fucking called Chi or Juu even Goku to come and see you. You could have fucking taken a weekend off to come visit your home."


"No buts Woman! You didn't do any of that! You fucking got high and hurt yourself because of your own stupidity. What the fuck? So that means me being millions of miles away from my friends and whats left of my family, I can go on a fucking rampage and just tell myself fuck the world! Who gives a shit! Not me!"


"Shut the fuck up! I risked my life out there, in Egypt! I saw people being killed, murdered for war! Don't you fucking get it?! People are dying everyday out there risking their lives so everyone else can live in peace! I thought you were some kind of genius or something Bulma! You could have fucking died!"

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't give a shit if you are sorry or not! You still fucking did it! You fucking idiot! You know what, fuck this. Fuck you. Pull over. NOW."

"Vegeta, wait." My body was shaking with fear. I didn't want to lose him over this.

"My arm is broken because I fucking jumped out of a car before it was blown up. You can't see but my ribs are fractured as well from that stunt. The scar on my neck is from being captured by a terrorist and his knife digging into my neck. I could have let him killed me. To say fuck the world. I could have stayed in the car because I missed everyone and I was alone. BUT I FUCKING DIDN'T. I jumped out because I wanted to live. I escaped, fought, and killed the terrorist so I could see you and Kakarot once again. But you, you fucking purposely try to fucking end it all. What the fuck is wrong with you! I said PULL OVER BULMA!"

"No! I'm not going to pull over! Yes you are right. You are so right. I was selfish. I didn't care. I didn't think. I'm sorry! If I could take everything back I would. I didn't think about how severe your situation was. I just didn't think and I just should have. I just should have grown up like you said Vegeta. I am sorry." I was sobbing again.

"Whatever Woman-"

"No! I am sorry! It was over a year ago. I changed myself for the better. I don't want to lose you. I love you damn it! I fucking missed you. I wrote to you and told you everything I did. I don't know why you didn't get my letters but I fucking sent them. Even ask Goku! He knows I sent them, and he sent you letters as well telling you what happened and that I was still okay. Its not our fault you didn't get them! But I am sorry!"

He just let out a grunt and did not say anything else that whole ride home.

I didn't say anything either, but I noticed how tense his body was. He was angry.

He didn't trust me anymore.

Pulling up to Capsule Corp, he opened up the car door and jumped out, slamming the door behind him with such force it made my whole car shake. Yeah, he was really mad at me.

"KAKAROT!" He yelled as the van pulled up.

Goku got out of the car casually, "Whats up man?"

"We need. To talk. NOW." He growled out clenching his fists.

"Sure, no thing. Lets go grab a burger or something real quick while everyone settles in. Mrs. Briefs is cooking us up a huge dinner for your return!" Goku said simply, ignoring Vegeta's glares.

The got into one of the company's cars and pulled away.

I still hadn't gotten out of my car yet. I was too much in a shock.

Chi pulled my door open and gave me a big hug. "Don't worry Goku will let him know everything is okay."

I just nodded, she helped me get out of the car and walked me inside the house. There was a lot of cooking to be done for tonight.



The two men sat down at a booth at the local Burger King.

Goku sat and ate his burger, waiting for Vegeta to explode.

"You were supposed to protect her and watch over her!" Vegeta refused to touch his food. He was disgusted with his cousin and his girlfriend.

"I did Vegeta, I had called, Chi and I tried to visit a couple times but she was never home. When she called Chi about the drugs, I called Bulma back. She had told me she stopped." Goku said while taking another bite of his burger.

"And?" Vegeta growled. He knew the woman stopped taking drugs.

"No one could have guessed that Sin-" Vegeta let out a growl, "Oh right, that Bulma, would have started to hurt herself. I didn't even know about it Vegeta."

"So you just let it happen?" Vegeta questioned his cousin. His food was now growing cold.

"No. I don't think you get it Vegeta, maybe if you told her goodbye or that you loved her back maybe it wouldn't have gotten this bad. You hurt her a lot you know. We tried to comfort her and she distanced herself from us. When she started college everything just went downhill. Everything happened within a matter of months Vegeta. She returned home over a year and a half ago. She's better. She's ashamed of herself, but she's better. And she missed you more then anything. She told me that when she stopped receiving the letters from you, she started to lose hope. Her heart was broken." Goku said with a stern tone of voice.

"But I did fucking send you both letters. Every other month." Vegeta snapped.

"We sent you letters as well but you never got them. Thats not our fault, something must have just happened with the mail service out there. Just a bunch of miscommunication." Goku said, noticing that Vegeta was starting to lighten up a bit. "Bulma did tell you she was sorry right Vegeta?"

"Yes. Many times." Vegeta said softly.

"Then what is there to worry about?" Goku asked while scratching his head.

"Is she really okay Kakarot?" Vegeta asked while folding his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, shes better then ever. She calmed down with the drinking too. She just wants to be happy. Look when she came back Chi, Juu and I all took turns staying weeks over her house to make sure she was okay. And that she got better. And she did." Goku said sternly. He had finished his food but was still hungry. He wanted to go back to the party at Capsule Corp.

"Hmph, I'll take your word for it." Vegeta said as he stood up, Goku grabbed Vegeta's uneaten burger and started to eat that as well, following Vegeta out to the car they made their way back to the party.


Vegeta and Goku had been gone for about an hour. Bulma wasn't very good at cooking, so she just decorated a bit more and set out the plates around the table. She decided to take a walk around the compound to enjoy the cool air.

She let out a scream as she felt an arm wrap around her. Soft lips kissed the back of her head.

The man chuckled.

"Stop screaming Woman." Vegeta had said softly.

"Vegeta?" Bulma whispered as she turned to face the dark haired man.

"Woman. I am very annoyed about what you fucking did." He growled out, Bulma let out a sigh, "I'm sorry Vegeta. It won't happen again."

"I know it won't. Kakarot gave me his word about what had happened. As of right now I trust him more then I trust you." He said with a glare.

Bulma just wiped away unshed tears.

"That won't ever happen again because I will be here to make sure it won't happen." Vegeta stated.

Bulma hugged him and gave him a kiss on his lips. "So that means that you're staying? Staying with me?" She said softly.

"Yes Woman. I don't have much trust in you, but we can work on that. We can work on many things. But just enjoy tonight Woman." He growled out as she smiled and hugged him tighter. Giving him another kiss, which he now returned.

Bulma was his woman, and he would be damned if something like that would happen again.


A/N: The End! Kind of a cheesy ending, but Vegeta has someone to protect now. And just a reminder his was an AU, characters were OOC, and Vegeta trusted Goku more then anything in this story.

Now someone had asked why I had named the story Sin, well this chapter would be my answer to that. Because Bulma sin's in this story. A lot.
But the more I thought about it, the more the title didn't seem to fit, so I changed it to The One That Got Away.

I hope that clears up some confusion and questions people might have had.

Thanks for reading guys!

Review please!

Until next time!
