AN- Thanks to those who've read this story! I hope you enjoy this and Big Bad Wolf! Remember, I don't own anything you recognize and I love reviews. Enjoy!

Chapter 2

Ianto, still dressed in his previous day's clothing came screeching into the parking lot with Paul and Vaughn clinging to anything they could hold onto in fear of their lives.

"Do you always drive like that?" Paul asked worried about his future safety.

"No, just when I'm late or there's trouble," Ianto said coolly as he slid out of the SUV.

"Now that I don't think Ianto is about to kill us, I think that was kind of fun," Vaughn said cheerfully skipping ahead to the fake tourist office.

The three made their way silently into the Hub, though Vaughn was bouncing with energy that made Ianto envious.

"I'm going to have to find a school for you two," he said walking over to his computer. "Most of the time you will probably be here with me, I don't trust you alone, but you will need an education which is something Torchwood Three doesn't have."

"I have found the perfect place," Gwen said coming down from Jack's office. "It's close by to the Hub and it's known for it's amazing test scores and brilliant kids. It's called Blaidd Drwg International School for the Gifted and serves all levels of schooling. You lot have an appointment in half an hour, so Ianto, go make yourself presentable."

"What about you?" Ianto asked her suspiciously. "What are you up to today?"

"I'm going to create their records for now and the do the computer updates and what not while you lot are gone."

"Fine, I'll be back in a minute," he grumbled before making his way to where he kept a back up suit.

"Alright, I'm going to need your names, ages, birthdays, and all of that," Gwen said smiling at the children.

"I'm Vaughn Riley Jones, and I'm 9, but I was born 15 October in 2007," Vaughn said hesitantly. "But it's only 2012 now, so-" she trailed off unsure.

"I'll get it fixed. You're going to have the same birthday, just in 2003 instead, okay?" Gwen said with a slight frown as she looked over at the girl. "Right, what about you?"

"Paul Ryan Jones, and right now I think I'm about 14, but we didn't keep up very well in the Tardis all the time, and my birthday is the 23 of Halibter in 2003."

"Halibter?" Vaughn asked confused.

"Yeah, you know, last month of the year? January February, March, Kistra, May, June, July, August, April, October, November, Halibter." Vaughn and Paul both had matching looks of being unimpressed with the other.

"That's not how the months work here," Vaughn said haughtily.

"It's okay, Paul," Gwen said kindly. "It's just called December here."

"What about the festival of Halibter?" Paul asked outraged. "That's my favorite holiday!"

"We do have a big holiday in December called Christmas," Gwen said kindly. "Maybe it's similar."

"Don't be daft," Paul said rolling his eyes. "Everyone knows what Christmas is, but I like the festival of Halibter so much better. Everyone does."

"Alright then, you can explain it later and we'll celebrate it here," Gwen said trying to finish their records. "There! You are now orphans who have been adopted by Ianto about a month ago and just moved in with him here in Cardiff."

"Ready to go?" Ianto said coming back into the room looking presentable.

"Yup!" Vaughn said happily. "I haven't been to real school in a long time!"

"Me either," Paul said happily. "And it was in a whole 'nother univerise!"

Ianto, Paul, and Vaughn made their way down a couple of blocks to an old and large brick building claiming to be Blaidd Drwg School. The group quickly made their way up the steps before the rain that was threatening to fall began.

"Welcome," said a short, chubby, and happy Welsh woman sitting at the front desk. "I'm Miss Milkins. Let me go fetch the Headmistress." Before any of them could respond she was gone with surprising speed for someone her size.

Seconds later Miss Milkins was back and followed by a woman who was almost her opposite. Though she didn't look unkind, she wore an expression of boredom and indifference. Tall and skinny she was very intimidating. "Hello, I'm Miss Yates, the Headmistress," she said in a voice with almost nasal qualities.

"It's very nice to meet you, Miss Yates," Ianto said going forward. "I'm Ianto Jones and these are my, um, children, Vaughn and Paul."

"Pleasure," she said with a sniff. "The children will take placement exams while I give you a tour of the school. If at the end we find each other satisfactory, they may join in with their classes the rest of the day." She then looked over at Miss Milkins and commanded, "Please take the children to begin their testing."

"Right away, ma'am," she smiled. "Right this way children," she said leading them to a room where a test booklet and pencil were already waiting.

"Mr. Jones," Miss Yates began. "If you'll follow me I'll begin." Ianto did as he was told and fell into step with the intimidating woman. "Blaidd Drwg was began in the late-" Ianto bit back a sigh. This was going to be boring and domestic and unbearable.

An hour and a half later Ianto was back with his charges and their test results. "Well, Mr. Jones, you are the guardian of two very bright children. Vaughn's age would have her in Grade 5 but I'd like to place her in Grade 7, I should think."

"That's fine with me if it's fine with Vaughn," Ianto said looking at the girl who looked very proud of herself.

"I knew I was brilliant," she beamed causing the stern woman's façade to break for a moment as she smiled at Vaughn.

"Now for Paul, his scores show him to be able to do grade work actually three years ahead of his age, but he must do his GCSE course work, so he'll only be able to skip a year and be in Grade 10, so long as that's okay with you."

"If I can't skip as far ahead as I am, won't I be bored?" Paul asked disappointed and worried.

"Yes, but its how it will have to be. In two years we can give you some more options, but you must do the GCSEs."

"I'll keep you busy with something," Ianto said trying hard to keep Paul from being too disappointed. The boy was going to go through a lot of changes and Ianto thought that it was probably a good thing that he wasn't skipping too far ahead so that he could really understand the universe he had been thrown head first into.

"If I'm going to be bored, then let me be bored in Grade 9 with people my own age," Paul decided. "It'll be interesting."

"If that's what you want, then that's alright," the Headmistress said looking at him like he was crazy.

"Are you sure?" Ianto asked surprised at the boy's choice.

"You said you'd keep me busy with something, sir," Paul said with a smile. "I have a lot of things in mind that you could teach me about your job."

"You'll be three years ahead of your classmates, though," Ianto said trying to help him.

"And I'd be two years ahead if I chose the other option," Paul shot back. "Besides, I'll just keep up my own studies and continue from what I was being taught."

"If you're sure, then I'm okay with it," Ianto conceded.

"I'm sure, and if I hate it, then I'll just ask to move up later or something."

"So, would you children like to go sit in with your classes?" Miss Milkins asked them with her warm smile.

"I actually would like to go home," Vaughn pouted, turning to look at Ianto. Ianto wasn't sure, but he thought he could see a glimmer of mischief in her eyes.

"That's fine, dearie," Miss Milkins smiled before turning to look at Ianto. "The school uniforms are black bottoms, shoes, and socks with a white collard shirt and one of our school jumpers, if the children get cold."

"We'll find those and they will be here to begin classes tomorrow," Ianto said giving a fake smile at the enthusiastic woman. He was tired and still worried about the next few years.

"Alright then, come here tomorrow for your schedules."

"Bye!" Vaughn waved cheerfully before the trio exited the building.

"Right," Ianto said as they made their way down the steps of the school. "Why did you want to leave?"

"I wanted to learn more about you and Gwen today since we're going to be almost family for a long time," Vaughn said with a smile.

"That doesn't sound unreasonable," Ianto said with a smile. He knew very little about these two children placed into his charge and wanted to fix that. "Tell you what, we'll get a pizza and take it back to the Hub and we can have a lunch with all of us."

"I love pizza!" Paul said with a fist pump in the air. Once again, Ianto really wished he had half of the energy these children displayed in five minutes.

There was an ice cream shop called Mr. Smith's Old Fashioned Ice Cream and Fudge Shoppe and was beginning to get a long line as the people on their way back to their jobs got their quick sugar fix. About midway in the line there was a young dark blonde and impatient looking doctor who kept checking the time on her watch and tapping her foot. "Just want an ice cream cone," she was mumbling to herself. "Was that too much to ask?"

All of the sudden, out of no where there was a massive explosion from the back of the shop. Everyone in the shop was knocked to the ground and people started panicking. Out of the corner of the doctor's eye she could see strange looking creatures behind the cash counter.

That, however, was pushed to the back of her mind as following out of the back of the shop came four figures that looked like they knew what was going on. And she was going to be damned if she let them get away.