Hii! This would be my very first Fairy Tail Fanfic! Yes I'm still working on "Your Attention" and I will try to update that ASAP as well. I'm almost finished with the 12th chapter:)

Anyways hope you like this. just another random idea for a fanfic that popped into my mind x)

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail

Chapter 1: The Perfect Boyfriend

Lucy wasn't one to think so much about love, romance, or boys in general, with the exception of the novels she writes. She has never had a boyfriend and wasn't even thinking of having one until recently. It wasn't exactly her idea, more like the other girls' idea. More like, their ideas.

The stellar mage only noticed her feelings for her dragon slayer friend when Mirajane's younger sister had returned to Earthland with them from Edolas. It was only to be expected that Natsu and Lisanna would spend time to bond with each other, but it would seem that the more time they spend together, the greater the distance between Lucy and Natsu. It even came to the point when the spirit mage would take on missions alone. Lisanna had taken her place in Fairy Tail's strongest team.

At first she shrugged it off, understanding that her former teammates were a lot closer to Lisanna compared to her. They practically grew up together, while she, on the other hand has only been in Fairy Tail for less than a year. Although there was a pang of sorrow that seems to crawl in her heart and mind when she slept alone at night, she made sure no one would notice it the next morning. She was still not used to not having Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Happy crashing at her place.

Almost two months after the tournament between the guilds, Natsu walked in the doors of the guild with the said take-over mage, an arm wrapped around her shoulder. Lucy watched, unable to move, as Natsu announced to the guild members that he and Lisanna were officially together. Lucy felt as if a single knife stabbed her heart repeatedly. She quickly turned away and excused herself from the bar and left the guild.

Mirajane waved goodbye to Lucy without a smile. She knew how Lucy felt about the ever so dense Natsu, and it was pretty obvious that Natsu had a thing for Lucy. What she didn't understand is why Natsu is suddenly with her younger sister. As much as she loves her sister, she has always been in favor of Lucy and Natsu being together.

That night Lucy spent half the time trying to convince herself that what she was feeling would soon come to an end, but the very image of Natsu and Lisanna together shattered the already broken pieces of her heart to even more tiny fragments. After drowning herself in tears, Lucy finally fell asleep, but only to wake up a few hours later, early in the morning.

Giving up on the thoughts of getting any more sleep, she took a shower, skipping breakfast, and made her way to the guild. She wasn't surprised to find that half the guild members were scattered on the floor, dead drunk from possibly celebrating the newest couple.

"Good morning Lucy," she was greeted with a warm smile by Mirajane as she made her way to the bar.

"Morning Mira," Lucy smiled, having practiced countless times in front of her bathroom mirror. "Everyone sure seems like they had a blast last night." She couldn't help but frown at the thought of the main reason why a party was held in the first place.

"Yeah, but let's not talk about that," Lucy inched away from Mirajane she felt a dark aura suddenly surround the guild's poster girl. "Lucy, don't be upset about Natsu. He's just really dense. Lucy, I think you and Gray make a really cute couple."

Lucy was about to run away when she felt two small hands hold on to her arm, "Lu-chan! I think you and Loke would make a great couple!" Lucy's jaw fell open as her blue-haired best friend pushed her back to the bar and sat her on the stool. She was afraid, but even more so when she saw the sparkle in Mirajane's eyes. Lucy knew she was planning something that involved her almost non-existent love life.

"What are you girls talking about?" the three girls turned to Cana, who was finishing up drinking another barrel of beer. "You ladies couldn't be more wrong. If Lucy needs a boyfriend to get over the pink idiot, it has to be Laxus."

Lucy slammed her head on the bar table as the three girls argued about who was best suited to be her boyfriend. She could care less about getting a boyfriend, and she could simply do what she does best: Ignore the pain until it goes away. What she didn't understand is why the girls suddenly took an interest in her love life. It was no surprise that Mirajane would eventually continue her matchmaking habit, but as for the other two…it was still a mystery.

"Juvia also thinks that Lucy would look great together with Gray-sama," the three girls and Lucy turned to Juvia, who had just walked in. Surprise and shock clear on their faces. They watched as she strode towards them, her blue hair that was usually curled at the ends was simply let loose in waves. "Juvia is sorry. Juvia truly did love Gray-sama, but Lyon-sama, he…" There was a tint of pink on her cheeks and hearts dancing in her eyes, as she talked about how they ended up getting together last night.

Lucy could only smile and congratulate the water mage, trying desperately to forget about love or anything that reminded her of Natsu. There were so many couples in the guild: Natsu and Lisanna, Cana and Bickslow, Evergreen and Elfman, Happy and Carla, Wendy and Romeo, Erza and Jellal, even Levy and Gajeel (Although, they still try to hide their feelings for one another).

"I remember I have a few errands to do. I'll see you guys later!" Lucy waved goodbye to the girls as she walked away. Frustration and disappointment on their faces due to their failed attempt at invading Lucy's love life.

He watched as his friends looked around the shops, while he on the other hand sat on the roof of a building. He wondered if Magnolia was always like this; vendors, food stands, and a lot of people on the streets. It seemed to the observer as if it was the time of the year for the city's festivities.

"Oi, Sting! Aren't coming down from there? There's lots of food!" The blond-haired dragon slayer looked down to his exceed partner, Lector. In his little paws was a grilled fish, joy plastered on his face.

"Nah. Why are we here anyway? Isn't that stupid guild Fairy Tail in this city? I've had about enough of their idiotic faces from the tournament," Sting recalled the events from the tournament. The strongest guild was never decided after having been disrupted by the Eclipse plan. At that thought, he remembered the Celestial spirit mage that was put through pain and torture, not just by Sabertooth's Minerva, but from the Eclipse plan as well. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

Sting decided against walking on the streets, but he eventually jumped down, landing on the solid, concrete ground. He looked around, trying to locate his three teammates. Rogue was nowhere to be found, the same for Frosh and Lector. With so many people around, it was difficult for him to track them through scent.

The dragon slayer fought through a large crowd, trying to worm his way out. As soon as he pushed past the group of people, he felt his body push another, "Ouch. Oww," He looked down to find the blond stellar mage rubbing her sore bottom, muttering about how people don't seem to look at where they are going. Sting felt heat rising to his face at the sight before him.

Lucy was on her hands and knees, but one hand was rubbing her bottom. She was making her way to the bookstore when someone had carelessly bumped into her, causing her to land on the hard ground on her ass. She looked up, only to be surprised to see who had bumped into her. One of Sabertooth's third generation dragon slayers was standing before her. He was partially covering his face with one hand. She stood up, "What? Do I smell bad or something?"

Sting looked at the Fairy Tail mage with bewilderment and astonishment, "You know, normally, people would ask for an apology first." He made sure to keep his hand on his face to hide the blush forming on his cheeks.

Lucy stood up and scoffed, "Whatever. What are you doing here anyways?" She eyed the dragon slayer, his blond hair in its usual spikes, his chest and defined abs exposed, as were the muscles on his shoulders and arms.

Sting was too busy examining the female in front of him to notice she was doing the same. Her chest and ass seem to stand out more than anything else. Her clothes were tight, exposing and hugging the curves on her body. Her golden hair was longer than before from what he could remember. "Beats me. Rogue dragged me here."

"Tell me you're not planning on attacking Fairy Tail," Lucy instinctively reached for her keys, ready for an attack.

"We're not planning on attacking Fairy Tail," there was a hint of humor and mockery in his voice. Lucy scowled at him. She didn't find it amusing at all.

"Lucy, there you are!" The two blond mages looked behind Lucy. Mirajane was out of breath, her head lowered, and hands on her bent knees. "I've been looking everywhere for you!" she didn't notice the Sabertooth mage standing behind Lucy.

"I'm sorry Mira. What is it? Is something wrong?" Lucy's scowl change into a worried expression.

"Ah, no. The girls just want to discuss operation get Natsu super jealous until he confesses his feelings for you or until you get over him, A.K.A Operation GNSJUHCHFFYOUYGOH." Lucy's face turned tomato red, realizing that what Mirajane said was heard by Sting. She turned to him; he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"I-it's nothing like that! Y-you see I uhh," Lucy waved her hands in front of her, trying to deny what Mirajane had said, but it was obvious it was too late; the smirk on his lips wouldn't leave.

Sting couldn't help but smirk. The Celestial spirit mage had developed feelings for the pink-haired idiot of a dragon slayer and she was trying to make him jealous. From his observations from the tournament, it was all too obvious that Natsu had feeling for her as well. It would seem that the fire dragon slayer, oblivious to Lucy's emotions, had found someone else. Without hesitating, the dragon slayer placed an arm around Lucy's shoulder.

It was at that moment that Mirajane looked up to find Sabertooth's Sting Eucliffe holding onto their Lucy Heartfilia. Her eyes sparkled in delight. "Lucy, that's perfect! You and Sting together!"

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Reviews inspire me to write more:D