Deciding that TYL Tsuna will be pretty bored stuck in a big, white machine, Irie decided to implement a 3D simulation of a very popular anime to appease the Vongola's inner animefreak.

"Player 1: Sawada Tsunayoshi. Adventure: Marine Admiral."

Rating: T for slight coarse language.

/Edit: Lost inspiration for this fic but seeing how people are still reading this (Didn't know this many were) I will still be continuing this and probably the next chapter will come sooner. Than never. I wasn't joking when I have the plot set out, I just didn't write it out yet and my writing style has matured since then so hopefully you won't mind the change. Thanks for even reading this. Tama is happy. Btw, I red-edited this chapter. Accidentally left something blank and meant to fill it in but never embarrassing.

Oh, I have read your reviews and will be using your ideas! (You will be credited) I haven't replied because my internet is capped, and I get frustrated easily. Really easily.

CHAPTER 3: Marineford

Previously... Gathering what's left of his pride and dignity he strolled out of the office to a welcoming scene of blood and swords. He would cry out and welcome this familiar scene with open arms if it wasn't for a man trying to stab him.

"I would release that weapon if I were you." Tsuna tried to reconcile with the delusional man. Obviously it wasn't working.

"DIE MARINE SCUM!" He's scum now? A quick knee to the stomach and chop to the back of the neck sent the man into unconsciousness.

"Only Xanxus can call me that."

Walking away from the body he dodged all the potential fights and searched for a familiar pink head. Spotting her alone on the opposite ship surrounded by men he shouted for her to run away.

Unexpectedly they all fell due to a cage that was suddenly erected upon them. Confused but amazed, he smiled at her when she turned around to see his annoying face smiling oh-so-innocently at her.

Tsuna opened his mouth to tell her to come back he saw a remaining pirate hidden on top of the mast, aiming at her with his gun.

Without thinking he pulled on his gloves and raced to Hina using his soft flames and grabbed her before the bullet could reach her. Settling her down on her own ship he decided to end this battle once and for all.

Rapidly circling the ship from bottom to top, the whole ship was trapped in a tornado of sky flames.

"Hyper X-Stream." The whole ship was engulfed in flames and reduced to ashes as Tsuna turned his back and returned to the ship.

Settling down next to Hina he took off his glove and pocketed them before realising that he did not need his ring to produce his flames. His musings were cut short by a slap from Hina.

"O-Ow…" Hina looked furious.

'That boy is an idiot.' She fumed inwardly. 'How dare he take Hina's target. How dare Hina get saved by this incompetent prick. How dare he-'

She glanced to his face swiftly before turning her head away. 'How dare he have such a handsome face.'

Her cheeks flamed at that response. Coughing slightly she turned back to him, deciding to tell him the reason for her actions.

"Are you okay Madame? You acted so suddenly, I was worried that I caused you harm or displeasure in any way. If I did, be sure you may inflict on my body any punishment. It is the least I can do to mend your beautiful soul."

The whole crew stopped what they were doing and gaped at the suicidal man. He was asking to die!

"I-It's okay. Hina should be the one a-apologising." Cue fainting. Roses bloomed around her as her pheromones danced and pranced around the area.

"No. I was at fault. My heart was too overwhelmed at seeing you being trapped by those thugs. Forgive me kind maiden. I was hoping to just-"She pressed a single finger to his lips.

"Speak no more Tsuna-sama. Hina is your slave." Tsuna inwardly partied hard at her comment. Thinking it was in her good nature that she was offering herself he approached her with a request.

"I was wondering if…you could teach me more about where I am…And if I could be sent to the closest island." His eyes sparkled, voice entrancing, movements too captivating.

He had her hook, line and sinker.

"Of course. Anything you want Tsuna-sama. Come to Hina's office." Leaving the crew with no indication of what to do or what the fuck was happening, they started gossiping.

This was the first time that it ever happened, a magical prince that would sweep the ice queen off her feet. Hina was tamed.

Relaxing into a chair comfortably, Hina answered all his questions. Not that there was many. He watched One Piece a few years ago but remembered as if it was yesterday as it was his all-time favourite. Luffy, Zoro and Law were his favourite characters but he knew there was a slim chance of meeting them.

Well, slim chance staying alive before he could meet them. It seemed like he arrived a few years before Luffy started on his journey as his wanted poster wasn't out yet and Arlong's still was there.

A few weeks has gone by before they approached Marineford.

"Marineford? That was the closest bloody island?" Hina looked worriedly at Tsuna.

They had become close during those few weeks, well in Tsuna's point of view. Hina fawned over him whereas he thought of her as a great and trustworthy friend like Kyoko and Haru. She was likeable and funny in his opinion which is the total opposite of the crew's opinion.

Even if Hina is reliving her teenage dreams and fantasies her attitude towards her crew stayed the same.

"Useless, idiotic bunch. I am so sorry Tsuna-sama that this ship cannot go any faster." She started to remind him of a certain octopus head before he shook his mind out of depressing thoughts.

"No, it's okay. Don't blame your crew, they are trying their hardest already." The crew blushed and thanked Tsuna for the compliment before Hina glared and dared them to try anything else to her beloved.

"Tsuna-sama, we can go to a different island…there's one not far from here and Hina thinks it's better if you go there because Marineford isn't really tourist friendly…and Hina doesn't want you to get hurt." Pouting slightly, Hina wanted to spend more time with Tsuna and what is a better place than Sabaody Archipelago.

"I do not want to burden you and your crew any further and you have to give in a few reports remember?" Smiling, Tsuna ruffled Hina's hair since he was a few inches taller than her. "Don't let me disturb your duty."

Tsuna left the deck to go into his given room for the time being, he needed a plan and fast. Hina didn't mention that they were heading towards Marineford at all, she didn't even drop hints...or maybe Tsuna didn't really pick them up since showing him a map should be enough indication that the closest island is Marineford so obviously they would arrive there.

Not in Tsuna's logic obviously. He bit the side of his cheek before taking out the manual Irie gave him and was still in top condition despite all the situations it has been through. Trust him to be prepared.

Earlier when he just arrived in One Piece, he remembers a voice telling him that he would become an Admiral which was impossible because first, he is a Mafia Boss, and second he does not even exist in this world and thirdly, he didn't eat a devil fruit giving him a big disadvantage against all those other strong characters.

He doesn't even have Haki though he can use a bit of it but that is just manipulating his aura. His flames won't be enough to kill Blackbeard for sure…but he can swim, albeit horribly but that gives him a slight better chance against these strong devil fruit users.

He bashed his head against the wall. It always happened to him doesn't it?

Feeling the ship gradually slow down he exited his room to see Marineford, larger than what it appears on his laptop. The gate led to a wide expanse of sea that was bordered by already docked ships.

Mentally preparing himself for incoming headache, he reviewed his plan in his mind again, going over the details thoroughly like how Reborn taught him too. His plan wasn't fool proof, he can see the holes here and there but he had plans to back up if one mistake happened, and not just one back up plan.

Straightening his new suit that Hina kindly gave him, he cleared his throat and fixed his tie.

This is going to be one hell of a headache.


Player Count: 1

Tama's Row: Updates, q&a and opinions.

Been a while since I updated cause I totally forgot to! Sorry my darlings. Anyway, the next update won't be for awhile because it hasn't been typed up yet... though I got the plot set out and everything. I'll try my best before I flip my table.

Have any interesting ideas or plot twists that you would like me to include? Review or PM me and I'll get back to you.

Pairings? My mind changes constantly and so does my taste but yaoi, yuri, het, I am fine with all. I do not discriminate.

Random opinion: I'm a ghost reader as well. Don't worry.