In which Loki fixes Bifrost, gets banished to Midguard and tastes pudding for the first time.

A week had elapsed since Loki had been confined to his room.

He is trying to intimidate me and unsettle my nerves by making me wait long and imagine the horrors he can do to me, but I won't let him. I can withstand any punishment he gives me, Loki thought with a fierce determination to stay brave.

The truth was that Loki was feeling tense and trying to convince himself that everything was going to be alright, but after a week of anticipation, boredom and deep thinking Loki was tearing his mind to shreds.

A single tear slid down his cheek as if his bravery was draining from his soul.
Loki gritted his teeth and frowned and regained his courage.
Then Loki heard a knock on the door.

"Enter." Loki said with a non committal voice.
A palace guard opened the door and announced.

"Prince Loki, King Odin requests your presence in the audience hall. Please follow me."
Loki said nothing and followed the palace guard towards the hall.
That is so typical father doesn't even trust me to follow simple instructions and believes I need an escort all the time. Loki thought in disgust and sighed internally.

They soon arrived at the audience hall. Odin was seated on his throne, but this time he had the Teseract cube in a glass container on his lap. He held it firmly.
The guard kneeled, as did Loki having learned from his experience of Thor dragging him to his knees.

Loki saw the cube and panicked. His pupils dilated, he began to sweat, his heart beat faster and his breathing quickened.
Adrenalin coursed through his veins and Loki felt a terrible knot in his stomach.
He would kill his own son to punish him? Loki thought in horror.

Well he did banish Thor for his actions, I don't see why killing would be any different, a paranoid voice in his head told him.
No he wouldn't kill me, if he is going to punish me, it is going to be long lasting to teach me a lesson. The logical voice in his head thought bitterly.
While Loki was contemplating Odin began to speak.

"Loki, I trust that the week in confinement has made you reflect and seen the errors of your ways?"
Loki, still wanting to defy Odin said nothing. Odin then gave him an intense frown as if to say this isn't the time to play with me Loki, now answer me.

Upon seeing the frown Loki reacted and answered.

"It has." Loki said succinctly.

"I have decided that as punishment for attacking Midguard you will fix Bifrost. Upon completion of this task, you will travel to Midguard and help repair the damage you have done. You will fix Bifrost with this. Now rise"
Odin said and presented the Teseract cube to Loki.
Loki rose but protested.

"But I do not know how to fix Bifrost with the cube."

"You thought yourself so mighty and able to conquer Midguard, so you should have no problem solving how to fix Bifrost."
Odin replied with a dangerous tone that implied that Loki had no choice.
Loki frowned but took the cube anyway. The palace guard then escorted Loki to Bifrost.
Odin had allowed Loki to use his sceptre as it was a more efficient way to fix Bifrost, but only with strict supervision.

Loki had been fitted with a magic tether to stop him from jumping into the abyss.
Loki walked up near the edge of Bifrost kneeled down. He tapped a part of the edge with the sceptre. New white strands of Bifrost began to grow. They began to intertwine, resembling writhing snakes. They then settled with a dull crack, creating a new component of the bridge. The crack caused a ripple of colour to spread, permeating the new white material.

Once the rainbow colours had permeated the new component, the component emitted a blinding white flash and then faded. The new component of the bridge had mottled rainbow colours which faded and glowed. Loki had successfully built a new part of Bifrost.
Loki's eyes widened in and Loki let out a whisper of awe. It was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

A month passed and Loki had fixed Bifrost. It was time for Loki to leave.
Thor and Frigga had said their goodbyes and now it was Odin's turn.
Odin had wanted their goodbye to be private so they went to his chamber.

"My people know that I have punished you for your actions, they want a strong leader who does not make exceptions.
I expect you to learn from your actions and to repair the damage that you have caused. I also want you to know that I am proud of you Loki. You have repaired Bifrost and you will soon repair the damage you inflicted upon Midguard. Your actions have the quality of a worthy leader." Odin praised Loki

Loki was taken aback by this. This was not what he was expecting at all. Loki then recovered from the shock and nodded.

Loki was then sent to Midguard. Loki was wearing a white shirt, a black tie and suit and a green and yellow scarf with circular patterns on it. He had also been forced to wear a ring to diminish his powers.
This made him only be able to conjure up the necessities such as water, clothes and food and to prevent him from causing mischief.

It also masked his identity, it made him not be recognized, made him have no identifying marks of any kind and left no lasting memory with anyone he encountered.
The hours of repairing Bifrost had left Loki slightly weak and famished and Odin has sent him straight to Midguard after repairing Bifrost.

Loki had arrived in Midguard near the edge of the city of New York. After a few minutes of walking he arrived near a food court.
Loki was too tired to conjure food but strong enough to conjure some small coins of Midguard currency. He entered a café and sat down on some leather seats.
He was thinking of what he could order when he heard a woman order something interesting.

Loki turned around. The woman was slightly chubby and had a huge smile on her face.
Loki deduced that this 'pudding' must taste very good.
If I'm going to get used to Midguardian food I might as well try some pudding.
I'm so tired right now, I deserve something good to eat Loki thought.
After the woman had made her order, Loki asked for the same order and payed.

After a few minutes the puddings had been made. A delicious aroma permeated the café.
Loki thanked the waiter, picked up a spoon, scooped a piece and ate it.
Loki closed his eyes, let out a soft audible sound of pleasure and a huge smile spread across his face; the first in many days.
I'm going to love my time at Midguard Loki thought happily.