Hitman To Hitman
Summary: With an older brother as Decimo, Tsuna became the Dark Lion of Vongola. A ruthless assassin trained by the greatest himself, Reborn. But one stupid mistake has Tsuna running for his life, and into the arms of the man he fell in love with, Reborn. R27.
Chapter 1– The Pain of Regret
"Here is my report. No survivors or evidence as specified." He laid the file on the large mahogany desk silently. Watching the person sitting in the overlarge chair, open the file, skimming it quickly.
"Great work as usual Tsu- Leone Scuro. Your pay will deposited in your-"
"I want cash this time."
He raised an eye brow, "Very well, Euro's?"
"US Dollar."
"Very well. Tomorrow morning it will be ready. You are no longer needed Leo." It was simple order but it held more meaning between the two of them. Tsuna slumped against the seat behind him. Very few people could ever see him like this, guard lowered, relaxing. It was odd for an assassin of his caliber.
"Jesus Christ Tsuna you still scare the living shit out of me when you get so serious. I can't help but pity your victims sometimes."
"Shut up Nowaki. Do you want a wimpy assassin? I'll kill them with bunnies and rainbows in the name of Vongola." Tsuna said tiredly. It was late at night, almost two in the morning.
"Don't you dare! I'll be the laughing stock of the mafia! As my personal assassin you represent me Tsuna. Please don't let me down Tsuna." Nowaki said, looking at his little brother.
Tsuna sighed, "You know I never will."
"You know what I mean, Tsuna. Please don't let me down." Nowaki reminded. Tsuna may be his personal assassin, but he will always be his little brother even though he couldn't protect him anymore. Despite that fact, Tsuna must come back alive. It was one thing he asked, pleaded, from Tsuna when he became his assassin, survive. Come back alive.
"Stupid Nii-chan, relax. Well I'm going to sleep, so should you. I told you, you shouldn't wait for me to return." Tsuna said, standing up from his chair. He shoved one of his hands in his pocket and elegantly made his way to the door.
Nowaki shook his head, "If I don't I start to worry; besides I have paper work to do. If I don't finish it that tutor of yours will kick my ass."
Tsuna chuckled as his hand clutched the doorknob, "Reborn has his ways of solving things."
"You're so much like him you know…"
Tsuna chuckled again, "He trained me to what I am now Nowaki. I would be selfish if I didn't allow change. Goodnight Nowaki…"
Nowaki nodded, "Goodnight Tsuna."
Tsuna started to remove his clothes as soon as he entered his suite, his private wing in the Vongola mansion. He felt dirty, sweaty, and was in good need of shower, but he was tired. He slipped under the covers of his bed, releasing a sigh of content.
"You know invading a person's privacy should be illegal right." Tsuna said, opening one eye to look at the man in his bed.
Reborn gave a short, husky laugh, "Maybe but what about messing with people's lives? It makes great entertainment."
Tsuna snorted, "To you, yes." Tsuna propped his head on his hand, bending his elbow. "So what brings you here tonight Reborn? Trouble sleeping again?" He said softly.
Reborn nodded, turning to face Tsuna, "I have a bad feeling. Something big and bad. I haven't been able to get it out of my mind for days."
Tsuna frowned, "Anything I could do to help?"
"Be my pillow for the night, silly Tsuna." Reborn said, he laid his head on Tsuna's stomach, already asleep.
"Oi Reborn! Agh fine. I'm too tired to argue with you anyway." Tsuna argued, letting his head hit the pillow.
Tsuna let himself run his fingers through Reborn's hair. Soft but spikey, just like his. He couldn't help but remember when he was fourteen, meeting the hitman for the first time. Now he was twenty-three, Reborn's infamous pupil, the only student trained by Reborn to be an assassin. Nobody else. Many wanted to recruit him, offering money, women, power. They knew the power and skill he contained, the fear he could inflict. But he tied himself to Vongola, he could never kill anyone from this Family. Though another reason why he stayed was because of Reborn.
He fell hard for the hitman as years went by. Reborn became more open to him than anyone on this planet. Which explained why he would share his bed with Reborn. Despite how close and open they were with each other, Tsuna was afraid. He was afraid that Reborn would always see him as a student, not as something more.
He loved Reborn.
The hitman who taught everything that he knew, passing it down to him. The man who didn't leave him alone when his brother and guardians left to Italy to be trained by the Ninth. He loved him so much but he was afraid that if he tried to go beyond Teacher-Student/Friendship relationship, he would be rejected. He couldn't face that; it would rip him to shreds.
Finding that his thoughts were going nowhere, Tsuna closed his eyes. Maybe sleep would erase his problems.
"Don't you dare Reborn!"
"Why not? It's been some time since I've done this."
"Let go of my wrists! I have my pay to collect!"
"Oh greedy are we? Guess I have to punish you."
"Do-ON'T s-stop! Th-at ti-tickles!"
"Then get your ass downstairs and make me my breakfast, wench."
Tsuna couldn't help but giggle, "Wench? That's new."
Reborn released Tsuna's wrist but aimed to jag his elbow into Tsuna's ribs, but Tsuna blocked it. "Not rusty at all. Good Tsuna, I'm impressed."
"I don't want to get my ass handed to me again Reborn." Tsuna blushed. A light pink color spreading on his cheeks.
Reborn noticed the blush, "Falling for my charm Tsuna?" Tsuna rolled his eyes.
"In your dreams Reborn." Tsuna said. He didn't notice the slight change in Reborn's posture.
Tsuna got out of bed and went to take shower. As the water rained on his body, he released the deep sigh that he contained. It was getting harder and harder to keep his emotions in check. He couldn't help but get flustered in Reborn's presence. That man knew him better than he did himself. God, he wanted Reborn so bad. He fallen hard and it was starting to hurt.
Tsuna didn't hear when the shower doors opened. He released a sigh once again, one hand placed on the tiled wall and the other hand on his shoulder. A very vivid memory passing through his mind in one tenth of a second, his face scrunched in pain as his hand gripped his shoulder. He could feel the scar under his fingers, the pain, the screams, everything.
His face twisted in further. His fingers on the wall clenched, his teeth visibly gritting, his eyes dilating. He could feel tremors in his body starting to form; he did his best to stop them. That memory replaying like a forwarded movie, everything repeating, everything so clear.
The pain resurfacing from his scar, all the way from his shoulders to his hips. An 'X' marked on his back, the flawless skin torn.
Stop. Stop…
The mission, the sacrifice he did for his brother.
The memory wouldn't stop.
The mental trauma.
Tsuna felt someone embracing him and he held on for dear life. He buried his face in someone's neck, breathing heavily from that memory. He could never fully erase the trauma that mission did to him. True, he was able to live his normal life, his type of normal. But there are just moments when it comes crashing at full force. The rain never ended.
"Breathe Tsuna, breathe."
Thank God it was Reborn. No one else knew of his trauma, how deep it affected him. He could feel the small circles Reborn was doing on his back. He wrapped his arms around Reborn's neck, resting his chin on Reborn's shoulder.
"I'm sorry Reborn…" Tsuna muttered quietly. The shower was still on.
Reborn growled, "It's not your fault Tsuna. Get it through your thick skull; it was never your fault." His clothes were soaked.
"I know…"
Reborn shook his head and slid one arm behind Tsuna's back and the other under his knees. He lifted Tsuna in his arms and made his way into the bedroom. He laid Tsuna on the bed, Leon transforming into a towel, he dried Tsuna's hair. Reborn was wondering if this was his bad feeling, but it wasn't. Something else was going to happen.
Tsuna didn't mind his nakedness; Reborn has seen him naked plenty of times. Once his hair was dried, he leaned against the headboard and brought the covers over his body. Reborn sat himself at the edge of the bed, looking at Tsuna. Giving Tsuna time, time to choose when to speak. It calmed Tsuna a bit.
"I kept seeing his face." Tsuna whispered.
Reborn nodded, "What does he say?"
Tsuna brought his knees to his chin, wrapping his arms around his legs, "He said 'I'll make sure The Sun's gone dim and The Sky turns Black.' I never understood what he meant."
Reborn stiffened a bit, thinking what it could mean. It was a message but he couldn't figure out what it meant.
"I don't know why…but I get so afraid when he says that Reborn." Tsuna admitted. A hand strong softly ruffled his hair.
"As long as I'm here I'll make sure you don't have to be afraid. Understood?" Reborn stated.
Tsuna smiled at Reborn's word, "Thank you Reborn."
By the time Tsuna realized, it was late afternoon. Reborn decided to do a healing session, the Sun flame massaging his back, erasing the non-existent pain, giving him comfort and happiness. The bright flame soothing his worry's and troubles. Though he would always fall asleep during the session and it was the only time Reborn would let him fall asleep without a rude awakening.
Tsuna remembered he needed to get his pay and made his way to his brother's office. He quietly opened the door.
"Nowaki I'm here." Tsuna said, walking to the large desk but stopped mid-step. He smelled liquor. Heavy liquor.
"Ah Tsu-na~! You're here!" Nowaki drunkenly stated.
"Nowaki! You shouldn't be drinking. Where's Gokudera? Shouldn't he be watching your intake?" Tsuna questioned. He was a little worried as he saw how empty the bottle of Scotch was.
Nowaki sneered, "You don't tell me what to fucking do. I do! Here." He tossed Tsuna the brief case who caught it. "You listen to me Tsuna. You're my bitch!"
Tsuna rolled his eyes. He hated when Nowaki gets drunk, he's the angry type of drunk.
"I'm also your little brother Nowaki. So please calm down." Tsuna reasoned.
Nowaki's face morphed to an angry scowl. Tsuna seen that type of scowl…but not directed at him. His hyper intuition telling him to leave.
"You want to know something Tsuna?" Nowaki snarled. "I fucking hate the big brother and little brother shit. You want to know why?"
Tsuna looked taken back. What was going on?
"Do you know how pathetic it looks when your little brother is stronger than you? And you're the fucking Vongola Decimo? I look like damn weakling! Haven't you ever wondered why I asked you to be personal assassin? It's so I can look I have control over you.
Haven't you ever wondered why I always send you on missions that my guardians are supposed to do! It's because I can't stand seeing your face when I fucking hear some shitty family member saying that you would have been a better damn Vongola Decimo!
Did you know Tsuna? That I was hoping you would die on a mission?
Did you know? That I fucking hate you."
Nowaki wickedly smiled at the broken face of his "little brother." He little brother would always be so composed, so damn powerful. It ticked him off to the point where he started hating his brother. He took another swing straight from the bottle, the Scotch giving him a satisfying burn down his throat. He smiled at an idea. He knew how could get rid of his brother.
He walked around his desk, a paper with an orange flame burning on it. It was an official mission. "Here's your mission…"
He gave the paper to Tsuna, who received it numbly. His breath reeked of alcohol, he leaned closer to Tsuna, his lips right next to Tsuna's ear.
"I know your little trauma secret…"
Tsuna felt the world around forming cracks. Breaking and chipping off like glass.
"You're dismissed Leone Scuro."
He turned around frozen. Cold as glaciers themselves, he felt nothing. He walked like he was sentenced to death. He didn't even realize when he arrived at his room or when he sat at the edge of his bed. He started to read the mission. His eyes growing frantic and his hands gripping the paper, his eyes re-reading every word.
The world broke into pieces.
He was sent to annihilate an entire family.
The very one that gave him that trauma.
It was his death sentence.
"Oh my head hurts…I can't remember what I did last night…" Nowaki groaned.
Hayato shook his head, "I leave for one day and this happens!"
The doors burst open and both began to sweat. This aura was sucking the very life out of them, they could barely breathe. Nowaki knew it was only one man who could possibly give such a feel.
Reborn dangerously strolled into the room, his fedora tilted to such a certain angle that it gave his face such a hazardous look.
"I should kill you." He bellowed.
He grabbed Nowaki by his collar. "Do you know what you fucking done? I should murder you." He was positively furious.
"I–I–"Nowaki stammered, he had no idea what Reborn was talking about.
"This you damn moron." Reborn released Nowaki from his hold and nailed the paper hard on Nowaki's face.
Nowaki rubbed his face and started to read the paper. His eyes growing wide, he looked at the flame on it. It was by him. He would never do such a thing.
"W–What is this?" He said, he was shaking.
"You sent Tsuna to completely destroy Vendicare or don't come back alive." Reborn spoke calmly, dangerously.
"Now tell me…" Reborn said.
Nowaki looked up from the document. A cold barrel pressed against his forehead. The one eye sentencing him to death, the other hidden by shadow of the fedora, gleaming a killer yellow.
"One good reason not to kill you."
"You're a fool. But a powerful one none the less, despite what we did to you, you still fought."
Tsuna struggled to get up. He put his arms against the floor and tried with all his might to get up, but it was useless. He was dying in a pool of his own blood. A chain went through his chest, puncturing his lung, and with was clean shot. It went through, leaving a hole, forcing him to lie on his stomach.
Tsuna gasped for air, each breath forcing blood to be released. "At least-" He wheezed. "I was able…to take them all down…"
The hall was littered with corpses. Blood and ash were in the air. But it wasn't just that hall, it was the whole mansion. Bodies laid everywhere. Though only one survived.
"I'm impressed Tsunayoshi. You even won against Jager. A pity for a man of your talent and skill, such a waste."Bermuda said, looking down on Tsuna.
His body was back to its original adult form. Not the zombie like body he had, but his true body. He could see that Tsuna was about to die. Though he had another idea.
Tsuna gave a choked laugh, "It doesn't matter anymore. I failed…" Coughs of blood escaped from his mouth, the copper taste overwhelming his mouth. "It was either get rid of all of you or die…Either way it's the same…"
Tsuna laid his head against the floor, letting his body relax. There's no point in fighting, he lost. He could feel the detachment from his body, but all of a sudden he yanked back. Tsuna looked alarmed, he was on his back and he could feel a disgust power enter him. He coughed blood once again, his blurry eyes regaining their focus.
"Wha–what are you doing!" Tsuna panicked. His felt something twist and morph inside him. He felt his flame change.
Bermuda pressed his palm further into the wound, "Making sure The Sky turns Black."
"Your brother made me look like a fool and you took my revenge." A dark black flame entering Tsuna's body and he didn't have the energy to fight. He was utterly weak all he could do was barely struggle. His face was painted with pain; his Orange flame was being corrupted. Turning to a black he's never seen.
"But this is my revenge on him…but my apology to you." Bermuda admitted. "If it wasn't for you, I would still be trapped in that infant body."
Tsuna started to struggle more, eyes filled with horror, "Please stop! Your killing my my-"
"Your flame. I know that. Your brother is to blame for all this. But I do not wish to kill you and this is the only way I can keep you alive."
Tears ran down Tsuna's face. It hurts. It hurts so bad. Gathering enough energy, with both hands he tries to pry Bermuda's hand off of him but no vale. "Please stop! Just let die…please…" He pleaded.
He could feel the dark flame taking over. Barely a scrap of orange left.
No no no no no. A mantra Tsuna repeated in his head.
Barely a flicker.
No no no no no…
"You'll be reborn with a new power and a new life. Goodbye Tsunayoshi."
It went out like a wisp. Tsuna went slump on the floor, a peaceful smile on his face, as his he was sleeping.
Lost to the world, just for a moment of peace.
Reborn, Nowaki, and guardians trudged their way to Vendicare mansion. But they didn't expect to see the sight waiting for them. The cold winds paused for a moment, noises disappeared, and the world stopped.
At the very doorway of the Vendicare estate was Bermuda, with a dead Tsuna in his arms.
Reborn was the first to reach him, tearing Tsuna from Bermuda's arm. One hand touching Tsuna's cold face, he couldn't believe this. Reborn whipped his head around to murder someone when he noticed Bermuda's form. He was injured as well.
Bermuda looked at the now kneeling Nowaki, crying his eyes out. "Your assassin fought and almost completed his mission. But your brother paid the price for your idiocy. Now leave, and give the boy a proper resting place." Bermuda disappeared.
Nowaki slowly got up and made his way to Reborn, with a shaking hand reaching to touch his brother but Reborn pulled away.
Reborn looked at Nowaki venoumously, "You don't even deserve to touch him." He spat.
Nowaki looked on the verge of having a panic attack, "Reborn…please…let me touch him."
Reborn turned around and walked away, clutching Tsuna close to his own body, "You won't see him ever again."
Nowaki passed out but Takeshi caught him. His guardians look saddened and defeated. They didn't know what to do.
Reborn never felt so much pain in his heart before. He should have told Tsuna yesterday. He should have told Tsuna that he loved him. But it was too late. He was afraid that Tsuna wouldn't feel the same though he could see the suggestions Tsuna was making. Maybe Tsuna loved him too. He waited patiently for Tsuna to come and say it first but he was equally afraid as he was. But it was too late.
He glanced down at the person in his arms.
His heart just broke into pieces.
The Sun's Gone Dim and The Sky's Turned Black.
He looked down on to the street from his mansionette in Tokyo.
It's already been one year?
Since he faked his death.
AN: New fic, different concept.
Inspired by the song: The Sun's Gone Dim and The Sky's Turned Black by Johann Johannsson.
Please, please, please review.
It decides whether this story gets deleted or it should be continued.
*Passes out cookies*