Changes In Fate
By: DarkReaper8095
I don't own Naruto.
Chapter 1 – Destruction and Reversal
Silence. That was all anyone would be able to hear at the moment. Two figures could be seen sitting on the Yondaime's head on the Hokage monument. The monument was all that was seen for miles besides the ruins that lay before them. All around them lay death and destruction. No cries of anguish or sorrow. No cheers of victory or happiness. Just pure silence...
The figures were motionless. The only thing that was making the slightest movement was their yellow and pink hair blowing softly in the wind. Naruto was sitting up with his arms around Sakura who was laying her back against his chest. They were the only two left alive after the war against Madara Uchiha. All their friends lay dead in the ruins of The Village Hidden in the Leaves. Konohagakure. Sakura leaned her head further into Naruto's chest as she spoke softly.
"What do we do now?" Tears started to fall from her eyes as she suddenly turned and wailed into Naruto's chest. Naruto frowned sadly as he embraced her tightly. He knew that she was keeping her emotions locked away for the past few weeks since they started going out. They didn't get that much time together however because of the constant demand of missions that went on during the war. A lot of their friends started dying one by one and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
The war came to a final stand at Konoha and everyone fought for their lives against the Zetsu army and the undead ninja of the past revived by the Edo Tensei. Naruto and Sakura immediately got attacked by Sasuke after he had killed Ino and Shikamaru in a surprise attack. He was working for Madara because he still thought the leaf caused Itachi's death. Naruto and Sakura finally killed him after he had drained most of his chakra using Susanoo. They immediately went after the rest of the Zetsu army and undead and after hours of fighting they finally defeated them all, sending the souls of the undead back to the afterlife. After they defeated them they rushed to where Madara was, only to find something that almost crushed their spirits.
Naruto and Sakura finally made it to Madara and froze right in their tracks. The rest of their friend and allies were lying on the ground with no light in their eyes. Sakura trembled in rage along with Naruto, both of them keeping their sadness inside. Naruto yelled at Madara. "You fucking bastard! I'll kill you!" He went into his tailed beast mode and immediately flashed towards Madara and sent a punch towards him. Madara blocked and chuckled evilly at Naruto. "You can't do anything to stop me from reaching my final goal. You and your little girlfriend are going to die just like the rest of those pathetic worms." Naruto glared coldly at Madara along with Sakura. Suddenly they both had hard, determined looks on their faces while Naruto spoke once more. "You went too far Madara-teme. You will pay for killing our friends!" Sakura just nodded because she couldn't speak just yet. They both charged.
~Flashback End~
After a 3 hour battle Naruto and Sakura had finally won, Madara's dead body was lying in front of them while they both had plenty of injuries and were almost passing out from exhaustion. It was finally over, but the price was too high. WAY too high. Naruto set Madara's body on fire watching it burn with no remorse. Naruto and Sakura then silently buried the bodies of everyone they found.
Villagers, friends, family... All of them were dead. Sakura was still crying into Naruto's chest while he rubbed her back gently. All the while whispering sweet and reassuring words in her ear that it would be alright. Even if he was doubting himself as well. Sakura slowly brought her head up and looked into his eyes. Naruto stared back as they both leaned forward and kissed tenderly. It was actually their first kiss, and it was perfect for both of them.
After a while they broke apart, eyes still on the other. Suddenly they both felt a pulling sensation and found themselves in front of Kurama's cage. He did not insult them or antagonize them. He just looked at them with a serious look on his face. Naruto was about to speak his objections but Kurama beat him to it. "Shut up for one second Naruto. This is extremely important."
Naruto bit back a retort as Sakura just looked at Kurama with wide eyes. She had never seen him this close before. They were almost right in front of the cage. "I know a way you can save all of your friends, but it's something only you two can do." Both Naruto and Sakura were looking at him with eyes the size of dinner plates. Surprisingly it was Sakura who spoke first. "What! What is it! Please tell us!" She was right in front of Kurama's face with excitement and hope appearing on her own. Naruto just nodded with a serious face. "I can send you back in time."
"WHAT!" They both bellowed in surprise. Kurama raised his hand... er... paw and spoke once more. "Now don't interrupt me. The reason I haven't told you this before was because this is a one time only thing for me. You know what that means right?" Naruto got a sad look on his face along with Sakura. "You'll..." Kurama nodded seriously. "Yes. I will die. But I can give you both gifts before I send you back in time and finally pass on to my wife and kits." Naruto nodded with a sad smile.
"I will fuse my chakra with both of you and turn you both into a half demon. Something we demons call a hanyou. You will both gain a tail, fox ears, very sensitive hearing and smell, sharper than normal canines, and you will be immune to fire. You will both eventually learn how to use all the other elements through harsh training by gaining more tails and you will need to learn how to control your hanyou bodies. You will both eventually have nine tails. You will also be able to talk to each other through telepathy and be able to feel what the other is feeling, along with being able to tell where the other is at all times. Understand so far?"
Naruto and Sakura nodded excitedly. "Both of your muscle masses will become ten times stronger than any human and you will gain extremely fast reflexes. But remember, just because you have fast reflexes doesn't mean your mind will be able to catch up right away. You will have to train. A lot. Do you understand?" They both nodded. "You will also have something else that's new with your bodies, but you'll just have to find that out yourself."
Kurama then proceeded to giggle perversely with a sly smile on his face. Naruto and Sakura just looked at each other and rolled their eyes at Kurama's actions. Oh they had no idea... "Oh I almost forgot, you will probably gain the different elements at random, but your first affinity will probably be your main affinity you have right now. That means you, Naruto, will have wind and you, Sakura, will have earth I presume?" Sakura nodded with a light blush and smile on her face, glad that Kurama paid attention to what her affinity was.
"Also, Sakura, you will probably have as much chakra as Naruto now, so you're going to have to work a lot harder to get your perfect chakra control back." Sakura nodded with a serious look on her face. "Actually, the amount of chakra you're both going to have is going to be higher than what Naruto has now, because the demon chakra will fuse with your normal chakra, making it denser. Now, there's only one thing that I have to tell you. You're probably both going to feel a little bit of pain during the transformation, so I would brace myself if I were you."
They both nodded as Kurama started to concentrate. Red bubbles of chakra then started to seep out of the cage and surround both Naruto and Sakura in a tornado of sorts. Then they felt the pain. They both started screaming as their muscles proceeded to tear and grow over and over again as they grew ten times denser. They felt their ears shift to the top of their heads and become pointed like a fox and covered in their hair. They both felt a little scratch in their tailbone and then a shock of pain as tails burst out of their tailbones and grew fur. Naruto's had a black tip and Sakura's had a red tip. Their nails grew sharpened and they felt their canines grow longer and sharper.
After the transformation was over they looked around the mindscape with slitted eyes to see everything like it was in High Definition. Then they remembered it was actually a little dark in the mindscape so they had a night vision of sorts now. They heard the telltale sounds of water dripping into the water and Kurama's heavy breathing. They felt a little stronger than usual, but they were in for a surprise when they started training.
They both admired each other's appearance as Naruto reached out and pet Sakura's tail. Sakura stiffened a bit and moaned a little as Naruto pet her tail. She gave out what sounded like a purr and growl at the same time, which surprised Naruto and herself immensely. Sakura pet Naruto's tail and he had the same reaction. Sakura had to resist the urge to scream 'KAWAII!' when she saw Naruto's ears twitch and his tail sway back and forth in happiness. They both turned back towards Kurama. "Now when you get back, you will be the age you were at that time, so don't be surprised if you're smaller than usual." They both nodded. "Thanks Kurama. For everything." Kurama smiled a soft smile. Well, as soft a smile that a gigantic nine-tailed fox can have. "You're welcome Naruto, Sakura. Now, it's time. Are you ready?"
Naruto and Sakura looked at each other with a smile and held hands. Both squeezed each other's hand in reassurance as they sent the same thoughts to each other. 'We will change the future this time. And we will change it for good!' The last thing they heard was a soft "Goodbye, Son and Daughter of mine." as they felt their bodies start to twist and turn as they travelled through time and space, all the while holding each other's hand, never letting go until they felt a tug as they went into their past bodies.
Konohagakure – A week before the Genin Exams
Naruto and Sakura's past selves were both in their own rooms just waking up about to get ready for school when they both felt a surge of pain through their bodies. Their minds and bodies were switched with those of their older selves except for their height and age. They both came to at the same time and smiled extremely happy smiles. Both of them had the same thoughts going through their minds. 'We're back!'
And done! I always wanted to make a fanfiction, so here it is. Hope you like it. Please, no flames. This is my story, so guess what... DEAL WITH IT!