You know you're obsessed with Sherlock when…

Hello everybody, it's me again! I have been really REALLY busy this summer, so I haven't gotten the chance to update Chemical Reactions, but never fear, I'm getting to work on it this evening! A new chapter of it should be up by tomorrow, but if it isn't, yell all you like. Now, I made this list because, frankly, I needed some down-time from the writing of a Johnlock story which involves cake, cutesy Sherlock, and more. It should be a good read! I will possibly add onto this if I can think of anything. Enjoy!

-You start to hum the theme song at random points of the day

-You start paying more attention to the little details

-You buy purple shirts and way too much jam

-You wear a scarf no matter the circumstance

-You start observing things

-You cry every time somebody mentions skydiving

-You cry when someone mentions Watson's wife

-You start painting smiley faces on your walls

-You scream bored at random hours

-You avoid everything named Anderson

-You take a sudden new interest in murders

-You set your passcode to SHER locked (or for shippers, JOHN locked)

-You begin to insult others more than usual

-When your parents or boss ask you to do something, you respond with 'Not my division'

-You wear a deerstalker or a trenchcoat

-You take up smoking while thinking (or slapping on some patches)

-You carry around an umbrella for no reason

-You wear jumpers

-You start a blog on your daily life

-You start to realize how relatable the show is

-You quote the show, word for word

-Your grades begin to go up

-You know how to play the theme on an instrument

-You started lessons on violin playing and praying that Sherlock was your teacher

-You knocked a bully out for your friend who would've gotten seriously hurt

-You have a new love for otters and hedgehogs

-You write Johnlock fanfiction instead of taking notes in class

-You doodle Mycroft Poppins all over your notebooks

-You eat large amounts of jam on your toast with tea

-You get scared of going into a cab

-You can't go to an Italian restaurant without asking for a candle for you and your 'Not His/Her Date.'

-You forget your friends name and think they're lying when they tell you

-You make extremely sweet coffee

-You tell your friends to punch you in the face

-You laugh your ass off when you hear something involving queens

-You sing 'God Save the Queen' as 'God Save Queen Mycroft'

-You imagine yourself covered in jewelry and riches

-You wrap yourself in a big white sheet for no good reason

-You steal your friend's apples to carve IOU into them

-You get a pink or English flag ipod case

-You start calling yourself a boyish name.

-You make fun of the quietest boy in class by calling him a 'freak'

-You separate yourself from people other than your closest friend

-You have a STRONG dislike for a sibling who acts like a snob (or is one)

-You read all of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works numerous times

-You use red lipstick frequently

-Your mom tells you to clean up, you respond with 'I'm your daughter, not your housekeeper!' even though it ends badly for you.

-You get fascinated at a crime in your neighborhood

-You experiment on dead things like bugs

-You become a candy stripper to investigate people and their diseases

-You run around your town with your best friend tailing you

-You spend all your time reading or learning.

-You go into your mind palace and clean up every once in a while

-You watch Sherlock over and over and over and over and over again

-You get angry at Gatiss and Moffat for being such trolls

-You hide in a corner thinking of Martin or Benedict seeing your drawings

-Then you give up and let out a huge fansquee

-You want nothing more than a hedgehog for a pet

-You go to aquariums to look at the otters

- You wrap yourself up in a sheet and call it your sheet palace.

Like I said before, I'm probably going to add on to this later! Tell me what you think of it, reviews would be kinda sorta awesome too!