Hi guys!


Wow...I haven't realized...How time flies... I started this fanfic last year, summer time and now...

This is the final chapter.

1) I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that it's this late. But the last break I spent with my family up in the mountains.. WITH NO INTERNET AND NO COMPUTER... TT ^ TT

2)... I really don't know what to say... I just love this story. I want this to be a big chapter, big, long, doesn't matter how I say it, but sadly I can't promise anything.. I will miss writing this story and god, I'm rambling again...

I just wanted to say thank you.

For all of you that have reviewed, favorited and I don't know what else.

But thank you.

You know... I never got to say "YAY I GOT 100 REVIEWS!" "YAY I GOT MORE THAN 200 REVIEWS!"

And even though I haven't said it (mainly, because I...well...forgot.. = w =") I was really happy.

To all the amazing people that haven't given up on my not so fantastic updating and for the critics who made me rethink on my style and made it better.

So...Without further ado... Here's Chapter 40 of Everything Changes.

I hope you like it.

Normal POV

Natsume glared at the telephone in his hand.


They went out TOGETHER!

He was irritated.

No, scratch that, he was angry.

Just as he was about to do something that would affect everyones' lives, they go and loose her again!

That stupid Alice, she probably forced Imai into some stupid clothes in Hot Topic...

That stupid Imai, she probably forgot about Mikan while she was cursing Alice for making her change.

"That stupid Ruka, he has to keep his girlfriend on a leash!" He said without thinking...


Wait for it...


Was he stupid?...

"Are you stupid or something or too much thinking isn't good for your brain..." He heard a voice beside him.

He, Personna and Yuichi were practically running to the town to meet up with Hotaru and Alice.

After Hotaru said that Mikan was lost the girls heard three very confused and now angry voices on the other side of the phone.

Personna said that they will be with them shortly so they just have to stay in ONE place until they get there.

That wasn't too hard for then was it?


While they were running down the road, trying to look for them, the girls were slowly walking down the path to the cemetery. They knew where Mikan was...But still, having to worry those three was fun.

The streets were starting anew. People were starting to clean them, plant trees and flowers, they were going to rebuild some of the buildings so they wouldn't look like they would fall any moment. But still... They were empty.

Alice still carried her shopping bags while Hotaru was looking ahead.

"... It seems that...Oh god..This is just so funny.." Alice said sad yet happy. It confused Hotaru, who had never seen her in this state.

"What's so funny?"

"Well...Look all around us." Alice twirled and the gentle breeze made her hair follow the movement. The sun was shining brightly, the smell of the flowers that were planted was calming and the peace and quiet that these streets provided made them feel like they have their time without interruptions. It smelled like early summer. They were going to see what they were going to do during the summer.

So much plans, so much thoughts.

Hotaru followed the order. What she saw kind of calmed her.

Before she didn't really care. Her lab was her home. Her boyfriend and her "Torture Ruka Nogi" plans was all she needed.

But...Things have changed.

Mikan was here. And she wasn't going to move or be sent away to some distant country. She was staying here.

Her friends were with her. Her friends were her family.

This was her home.

" You understand now?" Alice was watching Hotaru as she thought. The teen idol was thinking the same.

All of them had changed.

For the better.

"You mean the too much drama?"

"It has a little bit of that too.."

Both girls continued to walk in silence, enjoying the company one brought to another and the breeze gently meeting their skin.

"WAIT FOR US!" They stopped walking as soon as they heard Yuichi's voice come from behind. The boys were running after them for quite some time now but since it was hot and the girls didn't hear them it was harder than they thought.

They stopped, panting heavily, and rested their hands on their knees as each was trying to get some air in their lungs.

This continued for two minutes or less and the groups slowly started to walk again.

"What the hell Alice! Why did you scare us like that?!" Natsume yelled frustrated. To that Alice only giggled.

"Where's Jake?"

"Couldn't wake him up."

"... I knew 've used a heavy book on him. Or just a simple prank. Yep, that would be just fine." Usually Alice would have that mischievous glint in her eyes but now it was just a joke. They all laughed as they continued their journey.

Mikan's POV

Okay, now...

There are no more weeds and the grave is nice and clean. I smiled as I put down my tools.

Mr. Jackson...

You are dear to me indeed. And I just forgot about you because I thought that things would get better.

The thought made me sigh heavily and my hands dropped to the ground.

Why couldn't they just get along...

Was it my fault?

I put away the tools and continued to stand there, on my knees, in front of the grave.

Somehow it was calming.

Normal POV

"There she is."

The group stood in a safe distance and had a perfect view of Mikan...Well...at least her back. She was slouching and her clothes were dirty and wrinkled but she didn't seem to mind. They thought that she just didn't care at all.

"Oh Kami-sama, I am going to whack you with the first heavy thing I see until you have a mountain on your head." A voice startled them all and they turned to see an old man, frowning, as her had his arms crossed.

"Mr. Jackson."

"We have a winner."

"No need for sarcasm sir.."

"Now you listen here. I know this girl." He pointed towards his grave where Mikan was still on her knees, a sad look on his face.

"She has so much passion, so much talent that you can't even imagine. She HAS to smile. That's her nature.

Personna and Yuichi sighed. That old man didn't understand at all huh?

He was very important to Mikan.

"Can't you see that she's in pain?" Natsume asked, hands in pockets. That man was really something. Most people were forgotten a few years after they are buried. That's life. It goes with the living and ends for the dead.

Mr. Jackson raised his hand and whacked the back of all the three boys' heads.

"Are you stupid? She IS in pain. But that's the reason she came here. I'm a side memory. I'm not important nor will I ever be. I am still in her heart but not in the way that she thinks. Mikan-chan needs to let me 's clinging on my memory so much right now that I'm here. She needs to let me go so I can rest in peace, knowing that she will find strength in HERSELF not in an old grave stone." The ghost looked at the group with a glare. That was not expectable.

Things were going to change.

"You know...I kind of already knew that..." Alice's quiet voice came. At times she really was a baby but now she was just as serious as Mr. Jackson.

Everyone looked at her surprised as she continued. "I really did know that.. Mikan-nee always relied on something or someone other than her. She is strong, we have to hand her that, but at times she can be just as defenseless as a baby. Mr. Jackson has a point. Natsume, it's your job to make her believe in herself. But that time in you apartment you blew it by letting your pride get the best of you. You idiot." Another smack was heard, not loud enough for Mikan to hear.

The ghost nodded and placed his pale hand on Natsume's shoulder.

"You know what to do. Just do it."

"I know, I know, quit nagging." Natsume's childish way was in display as he pouted but soon regained his stoic face and with slow steps made his way over to Mikan, five pairs of eyes watching his every movement.

Natsume was thinking over everything that he was going to say. He really did screw it up, they covered that... too many times in his opinion but it was a fact and he couldn't say anything about that. His feet were making their way closer and closer to Mikan who was still.. staring at the grave.


Mikan jumped up, ready for anything that was behind her back but soon she relaxed when she saw Natsume, her sad look telling him that she was now remembering what happened with her family.

"I guess I knew that you would be here."

"...Yeah.. I .. I just didn't feel like trying clothes now.."

"Yeah...Sure." The raven haired man couldn't form his next sentence let alone say it but he was determined to try. He took a deep breath and exhaled, repeating the motion a few times before opening his mouth again.

"Look... I know I blew it up-"

"Big time."

Natsume gritted his teeth. "Yes, big time. BUT-" He empathized on the "BUT" part, " I know that what i did was very stupid of me and my pride got the best of me. Personna and Yuichi were only trying to protect you and I wasn't giving them much of a chance since I just popped up out of nowhere demanding to be accepted." He could practically feel how a few meters behind the said males were nodding. "And...

I'm sorry."

Mikan's eyes widened as she heard the last sentence. Did he just say sorry to her?...The brown haired woman was sure that her eats were fine but she still couldn't believe her hearing hazel eyes were locked with his red ones making her nearly impossible to break free. Natsume was even more surprised as her as he heard those words come out of his lips without permission. Mikan wasn't going to let him live it down. Anfter she realizes it of course but by then he would forget and deny until otherwise proven.

"Mikan...You can't just... You ran away from Hotaru and Alice to get here.. Why?"

"Because Mr. Jackson-"

" - was the first thing you could think of at times like these. Think about it. You only think about him when you have something heavy in you chest or you feel like crying. Mr. Jackson knew that he wasn't going to be there for you every time we have a fight yet you continue to worry him. He just wanted you to believe in yourself as much as you believe in him..Let him rest in peace knowing that you will take good care of yourself." Natsume let that out in one breath. He didn't think that he could say that, he didn't even have the courage to say that to her face, he was talking to her back.

But it didn't matter.

Mikan got the point.

She slowly turned around, her face stained with tears, yet she was smiling happily. The woman hugged Natsume tight, making him blush, and buried her face in the crook of his neck. The sun had managed to break a little bit of the fog that always seemed to be a part of the graveyard and it didn't look scary anymore. On the contrary: It looked like yellow smoke and to young people hugging in front of a grave stone. The sight was in a strange way even relaxing.

A few meters away the gang had held their breaths to hear what they had to say and were stunned by Natsume's little speech. He had really said it. But that didn't matter. Mikan got the point and they were glad that it all worked out. Behind them a man was smiling as he slowly started to fade away, his eyes never leaving the couple. He knew that Mikan was going to be okay.

It was time for him to go.

"Thank you Mikan." The faint whisper made it's way to Mikan and the only answer was a faint smile.

"Let's go home. April is waiting."

"Yes, we better go."

With entwined hands they walked out of the cemetery, leaving the little group that Natsume came in with.

Of course, they took the car, so the rest were left to walk back, Alice cursing with her shopping bags.

Later that night..

Mikan looked at him surprised, she had just walked out of the shower when he came in and told her something.

"We are going out to eat? Why?" Natsume had his hands in his pockets again as he walked out of the door.

"No backing out, I made reservations. I have my reasons." Mikan thought that he was acting strange, the whole day he was talking on the phone and when he was not, he was either staring at her which usually would make her giggle a bit but now it was just down right creepy because he could bore holes in her scalp. The other option was that he would leave and return in an hour or so and then go back from where he came and again and again for four times. It made Mikan wonder if he needed help.

But still, it was nice to go out. They had spent the rest of the day with April, teaching her how to play the violin. They had a lot of fun... Well.. The girls had a lot of fun, Natsume was only spacing out...

She walked to her wardrobe and looked through her black, too loose, too official, too casual, too open..

She dug again, searching deeper and deeper without success. This was not going to be an easy job. Mikan huffed and crossed her arms.

"Really...I usually always find what I need and now... I can't find a single thing." She pouted as her eyes scanned the racks and she glanced at a corner.

"Hey..." She reached and pulled the dress form the end.

It was white with black lines in the ends and a bow that was near her heart. It was one of the first dresses that she bought and it was special to her.

"Black and white it is."

The brunette also did something she wouldn't usually do: She curled her hear.

It was a simple thing that girls do almost everyday but Mikan had only curled her hear once, on Personna's birthday when she took him out, just the two of them, to celebrate.

She put on a little white shadow and lip gloss and that was it for her.

Koko came in bouncing like he usually did, without knocking of course...

He stopped in mid-way as he took the image of Mikan. She didn't wear any goth or emo or anything black and he didn't really see how MIkan had changed until now. Her curves, her face, her impression. She was no longer the bad girl, she was just herself.

He smiled a little as he started to dig in Natsume's things.

"Wha are you doing?" He heard the woman behind him ask as he started to throw his clothes behind his back, not really caring if he hit anything or in this case ruin Mikan's he did.

"Watch it! What the hell are you doing anyway?!" She huffed as he got out one of Natsume's suits. It was a formal black suit with a red dress shirt and a black tie. Koko smiled.

"Natsume asked me if I can get his clothes for him. You are going out tonight so he wanted it to be special."

They didn't need anymore words but neither of them wanted to leave the room so they both sat on the huge bed.

"You know...I guess it's my turn now?" After a few minutes the usually silly man spoke, breaking the silence.

In return he got a puzzled expression.

"Both Natsume and Hotaru apologized right? I didn't even look guilt enough...But I am. I really am. I shouldn't have said that. My father is dead, like it or not, that's it. And...I took it out on you. I am so-"

"Shut up."

Koko looked at her shocked. This was the closest to an apology he was giving her and she just blew him off?!

"I heard that so many times. It's beginning to annoy me. So shut up. I know all of this already. But.." She trailed of, giving him a smile, " Thank you. I get it all now. We have changed. We change. And we will continue to change. We are who we are. We are human. It's alright as long as we realize that we can get back on our feet and try hard to prove that we can make it. Koko, I am really sorry that you lost your father. I know how much he means to you."

"It's...it's okay. It is a long time ago. Life continues for us and he will be in my long as he's in there, he is close to me and he will never leave me." Koko spoke with a smile, things really were changing. Their minds were beginning to realize how much things meant to each and every one of them. The breeze rushed through the open window and cooled them down a little as both were now laying on the bed, a small smile on pair of lips.

Koko's pocket began to vibrate and he pouted when he was who was calling.

Natsume was going to scold him because he was late.

"Well...that was nice. BUT. I have to go or Natsume is going to burn my behind."

The sweet melody of Mikan's laugher followed him as he exited the room.

April was with Hotaru for the whole night so the couple could spend the night together.

She went down the stairs to her boyfriend who was impatiently waiting in front of the exit. The silence that surrounded him was making the man even more frustrated as his girl was getting closer to him.

"Hey...Did you wait long?"

His ruby eyes lay on her figure and widened.

She was smiling softly to him as her hair was flowing with the wind.

"You look...beautiful." He barely managed to whisper, he just couldn't stop staring. That girl in front of him was his. And he still couldn't believe it. She was his. The girl who could beat him to a pulp, the girl who saved an innocent life and took April in, the girl who fought with enraged parents. The girl who was almost raped in front of him. No...Not a girl. A woman. So strong yet so fragile.

She was his.

"Shall we?" He offered his hand and she took it, the smile never leaving her face.

At the restaurant.

The reservation was at a table in a separate room, candles and a beautiful view of the little town they called home.

"It's great here. I never knew this place existed."

"I actually came across it while I was working on something. I was out of town and while driving, I saw some lights. I figured that it was just an old house but who knew that this place was a restaurant." They sat across each other and talked for a while before the waitress, a woman in her forties, came to take their orders. Mikan wanted spaghetti and Natsume was the same.

It was silent for a while as both stared at each other. It wasn't necessary to talk just the fact that they were close was enough for them.

"Mikan... I know I'm not good at this. I'm not very original. Not to mention I'm not the type of a happy cheerful guy. But...we've been through a lot. I really don't know what's gotten into me. You are everything I see, think or want. My eyes constantly look for you in a room, my heart beats fast, my legs are actually shaking, believe it or not. " The said woman giggled and he pouted. It was such a good start, he had breathed it out as one but it was getting harder. "I know this isn't the beginning but this isn't the end either."

From his pocket he pulled out a small white velvet box and Mikan's breath caught up in her throat. Was he going to...? No... It couldn't be...

"Are you still wondering if it's true? Because it is. The only one I need is you. And because of you I am willing to try and have a family. The three of us. You, April and me. Together. So...Will you marry me?"

BY the time he finished his speech, hot tears were dripping down the brunette's cheeks as she desperately tried to wipe them away.

She was just so happy. This was all she ever wanted. All she ever needed.

She was loved.


Natsume's face lit up and a smile made it's way to his lips and eyes.

Right now he never wanted this moment to end. If he could just hold onto it tight...He was never going to let it go.

"Thank you."

April's POV



I was currently hiding behind a pile of papers and other useless things, trying not to get caught.

"Oh, just come out child, I won't hurt you. I wouldn't forgive myself if I do that." A voice that belonged to the scientist came from the other side. I pouted as I got out of my hiding place.

"How did you know where I was hiding?"

"I know my lab better than you I'm sure." She smiled softly at me as her hand was holding what seemed to be an album.

"Would you like to see your mother and father as young stupid kids?"

I forgot what I was going to do and went to look through the photos.

Well, this is interesting... Oh...wow...Mom...Dad...This is just...

"You are going to get married?"

We were getting ready for bed in mom's big bedroom. Until they furniture my new room I was going to sleep with them. Not that I mind, I actually love it when they hold me and whisper "Good night."

"Yep." My Dad replied as he smiled at mom. Even a child like me could see that they were in love.

"Now hop into bed. We have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow. You have lessons, we are going shopping and then there is paper work to sign...We are enrolling you here, is that okay?" Mommy asked me as I nodded, happy that I could start school and have friends.

They switched off the light and I crawled onto bed with them, mom hugging me from behind and dad was in front of me. They were staring at each other and I snuggled closer to them.

They are my family.

This is where I belong.

No one know what the future could bring us. Even us kids know that the future is something scary and we are too young to think about it. But we fear it. I used to fear it too. I had nobody. I was alone. And suddenly they come and turn my world upside down. That's a very good example of how life and the future can change.

I used to fear the morning.

And now...Suddenly they don't seem so scary.

Because I have someone who I love and who loves me.

That's how I know I will enjoy waking up in the morning.

"By the way...Auntie Hotaru showed me some photos...Mom...Dad..." Both faces went pale.

"Oh no..."


So...yeah. I guess that this is it. I didn't rush it right? If I did, you HAVE to let me know. I'm drop dead serious.

So... This part of the story ends here.

You know how I thought about a sequel of this story about April when she is a teen, well... I decided that I am going to do it. But. I have to wait until summer...I hope sooner because I hate school.

So that's the generally all I wanted to say. If you didn't read the stuff I said on the top, go and read them because they are important and I want you to do . :D

See you next time I update.