A/N This is the first epic I'm going to post on this site. I started another one, and I'm going to start working on that one more once I've finished writing this one. I believe I'm about halfway done with this one. Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.

"I love you."

A young woman walked circles around her room, repeating the words out loud like a mantra.

"I love you. I love you." She used different fluctuations of her voice each time, made different gestures with her arms and hands, and altered her facial expressions many times before sighing in exasperation.

"Ugh, I can't do this! I can't! Maybe I should just give up." The woman collapsed to the floor in frustration and mild exhaustion. "But she does mean a lot to me.

"If she doesn't accept me, it could ruin our friendship. If she does and it doesn't work out, that could ruin our friendship as well. But she could cordially accept my feelings. We've been friends for so long, I doubt she'd want to hurt me. There's still a possiblity of her being completely disgusted by me and never wanting to talk to me again, though. I don't know if I could handle that. I suppose saying something is better than never knowing, though.

"And talking to her is certainly less crazy than sitting here talking to myself."

As the woman sat thinking to herself in silence, her cell phone rang. She picked up without looking at the ID, knowing that only one of two people would call her cell at this time of night, and one of them was out galavanting around with her prince on the first parent-approved date of her life, probably giving no thought to the miko kneeling on the floor of her bedroom.


"Omg Rei! Guess what!"

"What is it, Minako?"

"Remember that girl I told you about?"

Rei thought about it for a while, but no one came to mind immediately. "No, who are you talking about, Mina?"

"Geez, Rei! You have the memory of an old man! I'm talking about Yuuko! The girl I told you I was going to be working with for a while!"

Rei had absolutely no recolletion of the name, but she decided to lie, lest she get more middle of the night haggleing from her blond friend. "Oh, yeah, her. What about her?"

"You totally don't remember anything I said about her, but that's not the point, right now."

"Then get to the point, Minako!" The older woman was getting tired of the mindless banter and wanted to get back to silently pining for the woman on the other end of the call in peace. The irony completely slipping over the miko's head.

"You need more patience, Rei! Geez!"

"Minako-" Rei was warning her friend. Both of them knew it; the fiery miko was on the verge of hanging up the phone.

"Haha okay, Rei, calm down. Anyway, she asked me to go out with her."

Rei paled. She was glad her friend wasn't there to see it. She continued the conversation as though nothing were wrong with her, though. "What did you say?"

"I asked her what in the hell she meant, of course! Haha and she said that she wanted to take me out for dinner sometime. I wasn't sure what to make of it, though."

"When is it?"

"It's already over."

Rei raised an eyebrow, even though Minako couldn't see it. Her friend really told her things out of order sometimes, but she was used to it. "Then how was it?"

"It was nice. A little too romantic for me, but it was nice."

Rei was feeling slightly nauseous. "That's good."



"That's still not quite what I called to tell you."

"Spit it out already, Minako! It's late."

Minako hesitated. She wasn't sure how her friend would handle hearing this news over the phone, but fearing her reaction, couldn't bring herself to tell her in person. "I -"

When no more words were said, Rei checked her phone to see if it had disconnected. It hadn't. That meant her friend was about to tell her something she didn't want to hear.

Figuring that she would rather hear it now, since her thought process was interrupted in the middle of the night, than later from someone who was not Minako, she gently coaxed the confession from her blond companion. "Minako, just tell me."

The silence reind for a few seconds more before the younger of the two spoke again. "Promise me that you won't get mad at me."

"Why do I need to make such a promise? What did you do?"

"You're getting angry and I haven't even begun to tell you yet! I don't think I want to talk to you any more, Rei."

Rei's heart sank a little. She softly asked, "Is that what you called to tell me?"

Minako didn't expect such a sudden softness to come from the other line, but figured that she may as well speak her mind before her friend got angry again. "No, that's not it. It's... well, I think I'm a lesbian, Rei."

Rei froze for a moment. Why was this supposed to make her angry? A feeling of foreboding washed over her for seemingly no reason, but she ignored it. "Okay, then. Now I can promise you that I won't get angry, Minako." The miko laughed. She stopped when she realized she was alone in her laughter. Did she make her promise too early? "That wasn't all of it, was it, Minako?"

"No. It wasn't."

Rei sighed. She did promise too early. "What is it, then, Minako?" Rei had asked this question a lot in the past twenty minutes, and as of yet had nothing at all to show for it.

Minako hesitated for a moment more, before remembering that Rei had promised. If she was nothing else, the miko was a person of her word, even if she hadn't know the full implications of them. At least she had something to throw in Rei's face if she blew up at her. "I slept with Yuuko, Rei."

Rei felt numb. She didn't hesitate to ask her questions, though. "When?"

Minako flinched, closing her eyes before she gave her response. She really wasn't prepared for this. "About a half hour before I called you."


Minako didn't have a clear answer for that one. Not one she wanted to give her friend, anyway. "Because."

Rei waited for more. When none came, she felt her promise was on the verge of being broken. "That's not an answer, Minako. Why did you do it?"

Minako always heard those questions when she told Rei about a nightly bed related conquest. And her friend was always upset about it. Minako figured it had to do with Rei's hatred for men and high regard for preserved dignity. Her answer to the time varied, but the answer to why was always the same. "I like sex, Rei. It's been a while, and we both wanted it, and we like each other, and we see each other all the time. We know lots about each other -"

"Shut up." Rei's interruption to Minako's nervous rambling was low and cold. Minako wisely followed the advice that was given. "I don't care that you're horny, that you're with a friend, that you're with a girl, that you're with a co-woker, or how you feel about her. Tell me that your first date wasn't tonight, Minako."

"It wasn't. Tonight was our sixth."

Better than usual, Rei thought. "How long have you two been together?"

Rei's questions never changed, but Minako was never prepared to answer them. Why did she tell her about all of her love life again? "A little over a month."

"And you only went out six times?"

"We're busy, people. We saw each other more than that, but only had six official dates."

"Hmm, and why are you calling me right now to tell me about it?"

That was a new one, Minako thought. "I like talking to you." She hoped it was a good enough answer.

"Not good enough." Minako cursed; Rei saw through her easily.

"Because I wanted to talk to you about my new found homosexuality."

"Talk to your girlfriend, Minako."

"I'd rather talk to you! We haven't talked in a while. I missed you."

Rei silently wished those words were said under different circumstances. "I missed you, too, Minako, but I'd rather talk about something other than your love life."

"But this is an important issue in my life! I need your opinion. You know I value it over everything else in my life."

"Stop kissing my ass. You just wanted to talk about your sex life and thought for some bizzare reason decided to call me, despite my reaction and the fact that I tell you not to."

You tell me not to have sex, or not to tell you? I'm not a prude like you, nor am I afraid of your reactions when I tell you. Over the phone. From across the city. Minako sighed; her thoughts were becoming less sensible. "I really need your advice, Rei."

Rei audibly sighed, wishing to every diety ever believed in that she could deny Minako even one thing. "What is it, Mina?"

"The thing is, I liked it. Being with her, you know." Rei had no idea, so she wisely stayed silent. "I didn't know what to expect from a woman, you know. It was new to me. But it was enjoyable. I think I want to do it again."

Rei still didn't see a problem, but was becoming annoyed with hearing about her compitition. "And your problem is...?"

"I don't know. I just don't feel quite right."

"What's wrong?" It was getting late, but the miko paid no attention to the time. She had to be awake before sunrise the next morning, but she would rather spend her night talking to the object of her affection than getting much needed and much deserved sleep.

"I'm not sure. I really like her, and the sex was amazing," Rei cringed at that; Minako, unknowing, continued, "and we're really close, but something isn't right about the whole thing."

"Maybe your conscience has finally gotten to you."

Minako silently waited for her cryptic friend to continue.

"Do you," Rei gulped before she finished her sentence, sounding much like a hurt child, "want to continue to be her girlfriend, or was she really just a one night stand?"

"I'm not sure of that, Rei. We both know that I don't do relationships."

"You've never done one before; that doesn't make you incapable."

"But she's a girl!"

So am I... Rei didn't know what she was thinking. Minko was obviously uninterested; both in her, and the prospect of being a lesbian. "Why is that an issue?"

"It shouldn't be, but it is."

"You're not making any sense. If you like her, and you've already dated and slept with her, what's the point of reluctance now?"

"I've been reluctant the whole time. I did it to satisfy my own curiosity and to give her a chance."

"Okay, so what's your next step? There's nothing more you should be curious about."

"I don't know what I want to do. I mean-" Minako was cut off as a groggy voice called her name. Rei listened silently to the interaction.

"Who're you talking to?" an unidentified person in the background asked Minako.

"My best friend, Rei. Want to talk to her?"

"Nah, just tell her I said hey. Are you coming back to bed anytime soon?"

"Yeah, I should be there in a few."

"Alright. Don't forget about me. It's kinda lonely without you in my arms, you know."

Minako just kissed the girl in response and patted her on the behind as she retreated to the bedroom.


"I'm here. Who was that?"

"That was Yuuko, she says hey."

The miko made no move to respond to her friend's lover. "Why is she with you?"

"I'm at her place right now. Why do you sound upset about it?"

"Because, Minako!"

"Adding my name to your response doesn't make it any more of an answer."

The miko wasn't sure if right now was a good time to tell Minako how she felt, and since she wasn't feel particularly courageous tonight, she decided against it. "I worry about your safety, Minako."

"I'm perfectly safe. You and I both know that I can beat almost any human on the planet with little effort."

It was the honest truth. With their abilities, there were few that could beat the women in their circle. "Now why are you really upset?"

"I told you why. You shouldn't take your powers for granted, Minako. You need to be more careful."

"I'm always careful, and you know that. I'm perfectly safe, and you know that. I can and will take care of myself, and you know that, too. I've been in far more dangerous situations than this. I always pull through. Now tell me what's really bothering you."

Minako was being unusually pushy tonight. It wasn't completely out of character, but she didn't usually talk Rei into discussion of her feelings. It never ended well when she did. "I've already told you Minako."

"I'm not relenting, Rei. What's wrong with you? Do I have to come over there and drag the words out of you?"

Rei wasn't sure the girl was bluffing. She had been known to show up in Rei's room for any number of reasons at any given time, and never left until she was satisfied with her visit. The fact that she had no idea where the blond was currently did nothing to change her trust in Minako's insanity. "I'd rather have you here with me than there with her, anyway. Try as you may, you'll never get me to say anything other than that I'm worried about your safety."

"You don't have to say anything more than what you've already said. Your meaning is perfectly clear now."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're jealous."

Rei blushed. She was glad Minako was unable to see it. It would have debuffed her words. "I am no such thing. I'd rather have you here than there because you're safe here."

"So you're jealous and you want to protect me."

"That is not what I said."

"But it is what you meant."

"Stop twisting my words."

"I'm not. Just say what you mean, Rei. I'm tired of translating your words to you."

Rei shook her head. Her friend really was completely batshit. "That doesn't make sense, Minako."

"Yes, it does. You say what you feel, but cover it up with unnecessary logic, and I take all the logic out of it and leave your feelings exposed. Then you get all defensive and act like what I say isn't true. You should stop hiding your feelings, Rei. Whatever they may be, you shouldn't hide them because they are important and need to be voiced, at least once in a while. It's a shame you still don't trust me enough to at least allow me that luxury after all these years."

"Minako, it's late, you're in a strange place, with a strange person, talking nonesense. Go to bed. Your bed."

"You really want me out of here that bad?"

Rei saw no reason to lie. "I do."

"Then can I come to your bed instead of mine?"

Rei blushed again. "Why?"

"Because you live closer, and I happen to be on my way there now, anyway."

"Then why did you even ask?"

"Because if you say no then I'll turn around and go back."

Rei sighed. "Of course you can come here. You know how to get in. I'll see you when you get here, if I'm not asleep by then."

When Minako got to Rei's room, the miko was sitting on the futon in the corner of her room staring at the wall. She walked in the room uncertainly when her friend didn't invite her in. Upon seeing Minako's movement, Rei broke from her trance and took in her friends appearance.

"Where on Earth are your clothes?" The blond was wearing a thin, transulencient nighty, with only a thong underneath.

Minako walked over to Rei's bed and sat beside her friend. "I left them at Yuuko's house. Don't worry, I wore a coat over it when I walked here."

Rei visibly relaxed, but only momentarily. "You can't sleep in that."

"Why not?"

Rei was already in the drawer pulling out some more sensible pajamas for her friend. Rei held them out to her friend.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? Why can I not sleep in this?"

"Minako, put these on, or get out. I'm not arguing with you tonight."

The younger of the two took the clothes, but didn't move to put them on, and did not cease her argument. "I don't see anything wrong with my sleep wear. I'm comfortable in this. I'll smother in those."

"At the very least put the top on. What you're wearing is absolutely inappropriate."

"I sleep like this even when I'm alone. I don't want to change."

"I'm not saying it again. Change, or leave."

The blond stood and pulled the pants up to her waist, walked to the drawer and put the top back in it's place. "Is this better?"

Rei ignored her friend and laid down on her futon facing the wall, leaving most of the space for Minako.

Minako lay down close to her friend, approximately in the middle of the futon, and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong, Rei? Am I too sexy for you?"

Minako was joking, and Rei knew it, but she was still upset with her friend. She had no clue as to why, since the blond owed nothing to her. Still, the fact that her friend had just seduced someone with such a choice of clothing bothered her.

"Rei, at least look at me." No response. "I know you're not sleeping." No response. "Rei!" Nothing. Minako moved closer to Rei so that she was directly behind her friend and looked at her face. It was red. Never being able to resist teasing, Minako leaned into Rei's ear and whispered, "Why is your face red? Don't tell me that you're over there having sexy thoughts about me." Still no response. "Are you?" Rei continued ignoring her friend.

Minako looked at Rei's face once more. Still red as a tomato, eyes still staring at the wall, and expression looking for all the world uncomfortable. Minako spoke quietly, her teasing mood completely gone. "Do you not want me here? I can leave." Rei looked her friend in the eye, blush finally dying down.

"I don't want you to leave, Minako. I want you to be safe, and you're safe here."

"Then why are you acting so cold if you want me to be here? Your actions don't match your words, Rei."


Minako waited for more, but no more was forthcoming. "You always tell me that that isn't a good answer, and yet you use it all the time. You're such a hypocrite."

Rei sighed. She did that a lot when dealing with the girl behind her. "I don't want to talk about it. I won't tell you that nothing is bothering me, but I don't want to tell you what it is, and I want you to stop asking me about it."

"I only want to help."

"You're only making things worse."

Minako sighed and rolled to the other edge of the futon, hoping she wouldn't roll off in the middle of the night. "I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone, now. Good night."

Rei didn't like the way her friend sounded or looked at the moment. "You can't sleep on the edge. You'll fall off."

"I figured you wanted space. So I'm giving that to you."

"Still, I'd feel bad if you face-planted on the floor in the middle of the night. Scoot over."

Minako looked at her friend who was now lying on her back, and laid on her back as well. "Just tell me that whatever is wrong with you will be okay, and I'll be okay."

"I'm sure it will be, and I know you'll be okay." Rei gave a reassuring smile to her friend, but that did little to alleviate Minako's worry.

"Why is it that you worry about me but you won't allow me to worry about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You never tell me anything that bothers you. You just try to deal with everything on your own. Everyone needs someone, Rei. Let me help you."

Rei sighed. She really shouldn't have considered talking to Minako all night. Now it seemed that would definitely become a reality.

"I like someone."

Minako was unphased. "About time. Who is it?"

"It's a girl."

That got no response from the blond, either. "So, what? We both know I just slept with one. Who is it?"

"That, I am not going to tell you."

Minako sat up, disturbed by this fact. "Tell me."


"Rei! Tell me! I want to know!"

"Don't push, Minako. I'm not going to tell you."

Minako had other methods of figuring out what she wanted to know. "So you're gay."

"Apparently. Does it bother you?"

"We already talked about that. I'm fine with it. I may be gay, too."

"You're just curious, Minako."

"That doesn't mean that I'm not gay. How do you know you're not curious?"

"Because I hate men, and I like girls. Well, one, in particular."

"Is it Usagi?"

Rei coughed. "No. It's not Usagi."

"Do I know her?"

"Stop asking who it is. I'm not telling." After a slight pause, she added, "Or hinting."

"Damn it, Rei! Just tell me!"

"Stop swearing. You're in a shrine. And no. I didn't want to talk about it in the first palce, but I wanted you to stop pouting. I should have let you pout and fall off of the bed."

"If you feel that strongly about it then why don't I just leave?"

Rei didn't look at her as her next statement was made. "Why don't you?"

Minako stared at Rei in shock, unsure if she was serious. The younger woman laid back down beside her friend and joined her in staring at the ceiling. "I would rather stay. If it doesn't bother you."

Rei sighed yet again. "It doesn't bother me if you stay, but prying into my life does bother me. Just let me be, Mina." With that Rei turned back to the wall and tried to sleep. After a while she was successful, leaving Minako to her musings and staring at the paint on the ceiling. Once pondering and staring at an unchanging surface became stagnant, Minako, too, drifted of into the land of the unconscious.