It was just another average Akatsuki day, you know when everyone was too lazy to go searching for Jinchuriki or just do anything important really. There was the normal maniac laughing from Hidan as he sacrificed to Lord Jashin, the crazed giggling of Deidara as he blew up crap, the annoying voice of Tobi as he whined Deidara up, Kakuzu's shouting at Hidan spilling blood over the carpet. And more. It was a miracle that no one had found their base considering how loud it was.

However there was something not so average for once. An owl hooted loudly and flew across the base dropping a letter at the doorstep, however the poor owl was never to get past that as gleaming yellow eyes were following it and in a flash, the owl was swallowed whole by a hungry black and white mouth.

Zetsu licked his lips and spat out some stray feathers, he coughed out an envelope. He looked at the envelope and shrugged and decided to present it to the Leader. He found their 'beloved' Leader sat upon his throne in the dining room, he was just that vain sometimes.

"Post."Zetsu said throwing it at Pein, and tried hard to resist laughing his head off as it hit his face and trailed down his face, sticking to it using Zetsu's saliva where he had spat it out. Pein glared at Zetsu displeased and looking disgusted as he pulled it off his face and looked at it.

Shuddering he opened it, looking interestedly at the sealed crest which was of a badger, snake, raven and lion. He had not seen that before, he looked at the sharp writing as he read off parchment (who uses parchment nowadays? It was all scrolls, this was a weird letter.)

'The Akatsuki are invited to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.' Pein stopped reading, what kind of spam mail was this?