I wish that someone would get to know me for me, not some romanticized ideal of what I should be. Is it really that hard?

I should be able to live my life the way that I want to live it, not the way that someone else thinks I should live. There's nothing wrong with me, or with the way that I'm choosing to live my life; I'm not hurting anyone with what I do.

So why do so many have a problem with it? Or is their problem with me?

No, it can't be. I don't do anything to make anyone have a problem with me. I'm not like the other ruffians that have no regard for anyone or anything else around them. In fact, I am the exact opposite of that. I much prefer to keep to myself and stick my face in a good, engrossing book, than do anything else.

I am the quietest one around, no doubt about that.

So why do they care? Someday, the way I live my life will be an accepted way of life- I hope. There is still a lot of prejudice, though. They fear that which they do not understanding, or that which is merely different from their own belief or way of life.

Whether or not it is dangerous or harmful to anyone at all- that does not matter to them at all. What they care about is themselves, and no one or nothing else.

That is not the way I am. I accept everyone, because everyone is equal in my eyes- no matter how weird or annoying I may find them- and that is the way that I want everyone else to treat me.

I cannot help whom it is that I love, whom I have those strongest and most potent of feelings for. Nor can I help who loves me. I am proud when I think that the one that I love with all the love that I can give, is also the one who gives that same honor back to me.

I don't want anyone else but her, and she doesn't want anyone else but me.

Regardless of who or what we are, something as trivial as gender does not matter to either of us. We love each other for who we are, and for no other reason.

It's so magical whenever we are together, and not just because of her magic-using abilities. It's a beautiful thing, and neither of us want to give it up.

If we have our way about it, we never will.

The first time we met was the greatest day of either of our lives; the first time we said we loved each other was pure bliss.

Our love for each other will last forever… even if we do not.