Note: So everybody, here we are, the last chapter. But don't worry, I have already started writing the third story in the Dog Heaven series and I hope you all will be around to read it once it's posted. Also, thank you all who've supported this story and I greatly appreciate all the reviews and everything. :D

Part Nine

"Jack! Slow down!" Daniel barked, chasing the other man down the hall while carrying a pair of forearm crutches under his arm.

"Doc said I hadta ride this thing to the surface, but she did not specify at what speed, Danny-boy!" Jack called back to him, cackling.

Sam laughed softly and shook her head as Jack propelled his wheelchair as fast as he could toward the elevators. She hobbled along on her crutches with Teal'c beside her at a much more sedate pace.

By the time Jack's chair came skidding to a halt at the elevator, he swung around, grinning impishly as Daniel caught up, but Sam could see that the burst of energy had drained him. She frowned down at him with concern as Teal'c helped her into the elevator.

By the time they switched elevators and reached the surface, Jack was quiet and uncharacteristically compliant, allowing Daniel to push him all the way to Teal'c's borrowed government SUV.

It was clear to Sam that Jack's strained knees were still causing him a fair amount of pain as Daniel offered one of the forearm crutches to help him get into the back seat. Jack's forehead crinkled as he winced, attempting to settle as Sam got in the opposite side after a gentle boost from Teal'c.

"Put your feet on my lap," Sam said softly, seeing Jack was uncomfortable with his knees bent at such an angle, crammed into the seat.


She smiled gently. "Sit sideways and put your feet up on my lap so your legs are up."

"Nah, I'm fine," Jack murmured dismissively, not wanting to make a fuss.

Teal'c and Daniel got in the SUV up front, and soon they were pulling out of the SGC parking lot.

"Jack." Sam eyed him sternly and patted her lap. "Come on."

With a sigh and a groan, Jack twisted sideways, then slowly and carefully used his hands to help swing his battered legs up on the seat, resting his slipper-clad feet in Sam's lap. He heaved another sigh, this one of relief.

Sam put her hands on his ankles and then gently began massaging his lower legs, avoiding getting too close to his painful knees. "Feel a little better?"

Jack groaned and leaned his head back against the window, closing his eyes. "Mm." His eyes opened again a few minutes later. She knew he hadn't been dozing. "How's your ankle?"

"Not too bad," Sam answered honestly. "I took a painkiller before we left, unlike someone else I know," she said pointedly with a wink.

He snorted softly and closed his eyes again.

When they got home Daniel helped her hobble into the house while Teal'c stayed beside Jack who was having more trouble than she was. She grimaced as she watched him struggle up the walkway using the forearm crutches and almost wished they'd taken the wheelchair with them even though in all likelihood Jack would've refused to use it.


Feeling tired after Daniel and Teal'c had finally gone, Sam hobbled into the bedroom to take a nap and prop up her mildly-throbbing ankle. Daniel had changed the bandage for her after lunch when she'd taken her antibiotics, but she wanted to wait a bit before having another painkiller.

Sam got settled in bed with a pillow elevating her left leg, wishing Jack was beside her. He'd fallen asleep on the couch with some ice packs over his aching knees before the guys left, and she hadn't wanted to wake him. He'd finally taken some painkillers and was really out for good at the moment.

She drifted off as the pain in her ankle was subdued because of her resting position, falling into a pleasant slumber.

Feeling something warm and furry against her right arm sometime later, Sam woke, her head turning to the side as she slowly opened her eyes. She was greeted by the sight of Jack in wolf form, lying pressed up against her. Gasping, she propped herself up on her elbows. "Jack!" she cried out with a frown.

He just lifted his big furry head and blinked at her with those familiar brown eyes that she loved so much.

Sam glared at him. "Why Jack? You know Janet said you weren't supposed to shift for a while. It took too much out of you the last time." She frowned, angry and worried.

He rested his muzzle on top of her thigh. I had to, Sam. I'm sorry. My knees were killing me and I figured this was the only thing that would help.

Sam pursed her lips in response as she got flashes of his pain from before, helping her to understand why he desperately wanted to shift forms. She looked at him with empathy in her eyes, but heaved an exasperated sigh. "You should've waited until you got your strength back."

Jack huffed softly. I know, but I think I'll be okay as long as I don't try to shift forms too soon. I'm pretty sure it's the shifting back and forth without much of a break in-between that's been leaving me so worn out after.

Tilting her head, she gazed at him appraisingly. "So how long are you going to stay like this?"

He nuzzled her hand with his head, and she obligingly began gently scratching him behind the ears. I suppose a day should be long enough.

Sam sighed, pouting slightly even though he couldn't see it. "I'm still mad at you, you know," she said petulantly.

Jack grunted. I'm sorry, Sam.

"I know." She sighed again, as she honestly did know just how bad Jack's knees had to have been hurting him for him to do something so drastic and against medical advice. "Are you feeling better at least?" Sam continued scratching him behind the ears.

Yeah. Still kinda wiped out but my knees don't hurt.

"That's good." Sam smiled down at him, then Jack wiggled up to rest his head on her stomach.

It's nice that we're not confined to base anymore, Jack thought sleepily as her hand moved to his neck, fiddling with the chain of his dog tags.

"You know, I didn't even think of that." She laughed softly, amused at the turn of events. "At least something good came of all this."

Jack snorted. Yep. He was quiet for a long while, and Sam felt herself drifting off to sleep again when she heard his voice in her head. We should probably invest in a doggy door and some dog bowls. Maybe get a dog.

Sam rose an eyebrow at his abrupt thought, not quite sure if he meant for her to hear that or not. "A dog?"

Yeah. That way when people come over they won't get really confused when they see all the dog stuff and no dog. Jack shrugged as best as he could in his current furry form.

Sam laughed, shaking her head. She could tell Jack was thinking something but keeping it from her and gave one of his ears a light tug. "What?"

Er… I was kinda just realizing that if we got a dog…whether or not if it's a male or female, one of us is probably gonna hafta fight for dominance.

The dead serious manner in which he shared that thought made Sam burst into laughter. "That could get complicated."

Jack was quiet for about half a minute. So…uh…no dog?

"No dog." Sam shook her head emphatically and then went back to rubbing Jack's neck. "We'll figure something out about the dog bowls if anyone other than SG-1 or Janet and Cassie come over."

Yeah. Cross that bridge when we come to it.

Sam got an image of Jack smiling and smiled back when he looked at her where his head still lay on her stomach.

Hey Sam?

"What is it?" she murmured tiredly, still feeling a strong pull toward sleep. Her eyes were closed as she absently continued to play with his thick, soft fur.

What's gonna happen if we ever have kids? …Puppies?

Sam felt her face drain of color as her jaw dropped. "Ohboy."
