Finding Heaven on Earth: Every Heart

AN: I am going ahead and starting this while I wait for inspiration for Kaguya Island to kick back in gear. Don't worry, I am still working on that one, it's just on the back burner right now.


Everything was quiet. So quiet. Too quiet. The air was cold as it blew through her dark hair. It was eerie and Raye didn't like it one bit. She looked around as suddenly the city appeared before her. Everything seemed to be petrified somehow. Her friends stood there like garden statues. They were in their battle poses. Sailor Moon even held her scepter in her outstretched hand. But nothing was moving. Everything seemed dead.

"What's going on here? What is this?" she asked as she looked around at the desolation. She was reminded of the Moon Kingdom and the war that destroyed everything. She crouched down and shuddered as she fought to not focus on those memories. Her eyes fell on the figure of her boyfriend, frozen in time like the others. "Jadeite!" she ran to him. "Jadeite no, wake up! Snap out of it!"

As she tried to stir him, the entire city began to shake and rumble, yet without a solitary sound, crumbling before her very eyes. She screamed as her friends crumbled with it. Jadeite crumbled last, turning into mere dust in her arms.

"NO!" she screamed. Three bright lights shot from behind her and into the sky, hovering over an ominous, feminine figure.

"NO!" her scream tore through the temple, sending her guardian crows, Phobos and Deimos, into wailing cries. Raye sat bolt upright in her bed as she looked around. She looked out the window. It was still night. She wrapped her arms around herself in a pale imitation of what she knew she needed right then. She shook like a leaf and even jumped when her door slid open.

"Raye!" Jadeite shouted as he rushed in the room. "Are you alright? What happened?" He immediately knew what she needed, she didn't have to tell him. He wrapped his own arms around her, replacing hers. She shook in his embrace and he pet her hair soothingly. "Shh, it's alright. Whatever happened, it's gone now. It's over." He correctly deduced she'd had a night terror. She wasn't prone to them but everyone had them now and again.

She held onto his robe, clinging for dear life as though reassuring herself that he was alive. She needed to know that it was just a terrible dream. Normally, she was the strong one, always pushing away what was hurting her but this time she couldn't help it. She needed his arms and his reassuring words. The thought of losing her friends was bad enough but the idea that she could lose him, so soon after getting him back was horrifying. The one who let her know that she was loved.

Eventually, she was able to come to her senses and slowly pulled away. "I'm okay, Jadeite. It was just a bad dream..." she tried to downplay it.

He gave her a skeptical look. "That wasn't a normal bad dream, Raye. You can tell me. We all have dreams that scare the crap out of us," he ran a hand through her bed-head hair.

She smiled a little at his remark. "I'm okay really, Jadeite. You can go back to bed now..."

It bothered him that she wasn't her normal snarky self. That dream must have been bad to make her so sedate. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! I'm sure damn it! Just go back to bed and let me get back to sleep, alright!" she snapped at him. That was better, he thought.

He kissed the top of her forehead. "Okay, but if you need me, you know where I sleep." He got up to leave.

"Jadeite..." Raye stopped him as he was in the doorway. "Um, thank you...for comforting me..."

He turned back to her. "Domo aishiteru," was the only answer he gave. It was the only answer he needed to give.

AN: As usual, tell me what you think. Detailed reviews are best. I am also looking title pictures if anyone is interested in helping, since we can now put pictures on our stories. A title picture would be just what the doctor ordered.

Next Chapter: Small recap of season 1, filling in those who are new to the story line.

Ah, yes, warning. I will not be sticking with the contrived idea that no one can tell that Haruka is a fricking female! I'm not sexist or anything, but really, it's not that hard to tell a man from a woman, even if she's wearing clothing typically made for males. Heck, women wear suits and ties all the time anymore, how is Haruka different from any other female in the modern world (that isn't in a country where they believe women must wear dresses).

Also warning for SerenaxDarien fans or haters of the ShitennouxSenshi pairings. You can choose not to read if that is your desire, but don't put it in the review that the pairings are the reason you're choosing not to read. Really? All that is saying is that if I change the pairings, you'll read it. I'm not changing the pairings, so putting that in the review won't change anything.

This will also not cover all the filler characters that they used as pure heart targets in the anime. We will be covering the main characters, Molly, the Shitennou, the Black Moon Clan, and Phoebus. Somewhere in between we will reveal Haruka, Michiru and even Setsuna are the talisman holders. Not that this is a revelation, we all knew this.

Sorry for the extensive note, but I felt it necessary to provide at least some warning. I've got BIG plans for this story. Big, BIG plans.