Immortal Warrior Scholar

AN: Hey guys I did a slight re-write of chapter one, fixing some grammar/spellings and explaining in the AN that Harry's immortality is Eternal youth, he can still die, just doesn't age. Feel free to re-read, not much changes that aren't also covered in this chapter.

Chapter Two:
Fairy Tail

Me and Erza were walking down the main road towards the guild hall, Erza had lent me some money, called jewels, to buy some clothes, seeing as mine were torn badly from the cave wall imploding and then the doctors ripping them of in a hurry to close the bleeding.

My current attire consisted of an open front black robe, similar to my old Hogwarts one, a simple white shirt, with the top two buttons undone, black pants, red boots and gloves. The only thing to really survive the wall and doctor clothes killing frenzy was his belt, and underwear. His belt was two in one, placed like a cross shaped with the middle being the buckler. The belt was red and some gold studs.

This was my special belt, each stud was a trunk, and each trunk was roughly 100x100 meters inside, sadly it was mostly empty at the moment, so he could carries loads of items with no extra weight or large luggage.

Unlike Erza who was carrying the horn of the monster rhino, which somehow was decorated, he didn't care enough to ask why.

"That's Fairy Tails Guild." Erza said, pointing to a building at the end of the road. It was different from the rest of the buildings in design, a mix of pagoda with some Arabian elements thrown in (1), with a flag on a golden dome on top, and a large square one above the door with what looks to be the guild symbol, seeing as it matched the one on Erza's arm, it had 3 floors.

Erza's face got stern and her hand hit the door, it flew open, inside was a lot of table and chairs, a staircase leading up to the second floor which you could seen from the doorway, a bar and a board with notes all over it.

"I'm back." Erza placed her trophy on the ground, making a loud noise. "Is master here?"

"Welcome back. Master is at the Regular meeting." A girl near the bar, with white hair and a long maroon dress, with a pink bow and some pink trimmings, answered Erza.

"I see."

"Erza-san, who is the guy and what is that huge thing?" asked some blonde dude to my left, to bad I was busy looking at all the girls, seriously there's not one that can be even considered plain here.

"The Horn of a monster I slew, the villagers decorated it and gave me it as a souvenir." 'Wait, the damn villagers best not have been in my cave.' "And this guy is someone I met on that job and wants to join the guild, guess we have to wait till the master is back." I shrugged; honestly, I just want to repay the life debt… too many humans.

"You Guys!" Erza addressed the guild. "I heard some rumors while travelling. About Fairy Tail causing trouble again. Even if master forgave you, I won't. Cana in what manner do you drink?" was that girl chugging a barrel? "Bigitar do your dancing outside." A weird dude in some tight costume froze in a awkward position.

"Wakaba, you are scattering the ashes." Guess that's the dude with the pipe and Elvis due. "Nabu, are you wondering in front of the request board as always?" ahh so that's what it is? And why does that dude look like a voodoo man. "Do a job." Looking at a dude with white trench coat and a S shaped necklace. "Makao!" Erza just sighed.

"Say something!" Makao shouted in response.

"Really you guys are helpless. I won't say anything for today." 'Ok is she crazy? She just had a mini rant right there.'

"Are Natsu and Gray here?" she asked looking around.

"Aye"" 'Is that a blue cat… with wings? I think I've now seen everything.'

"H-Hi Erza. We are getting along as always." The topless one said.

"Aye!" The pink haired dude sounded like the flying cat.

"Natsu sounded like Happy?" 'Ah, so that's the cats name, but who is the blond girl?'

"I see, close friends might fight sometime… But I like to see you guys getting along as well."

"No we aren't that close."

"Aye." Natsu sounded depressed.

"I've never seen Natsu like this." The blonde girl said.

"Natsu once challenged Erza in a duel and got beaten up." The white haired girl from earlier explained.

"Natsu was?"

"She found Gray walking around naked and beat him up." Makao inputted.

"Loki tried to charm her and got beaten up as well." Cana said. "He reaped what he sowed."

"Natsu, Gray, I wish to ask you something."

"Huh?" huh, cool unitization.

"I heard some troublesome rumors during my job. Normal I would wait for Master's decision… but I decided its better to settle this early. I want you two to help me out. Will you come with me?" The two in question looked at each other confused.

"What is happening?" "Erza asking for help on a job?" was the few mumblings I heard from the other people in the guild.

"We are leaving tomorrow, so be ready for it."

"Erza, Natsu and Gray…. I never would have imagined it. This might be the strongest team in Fairy tail."

Erza then walked over to the bar, as I followed. We both took a seat as the white haired girl came over.

"so Erza who is the new guy?" she asked with a cheerful smile.

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you." It was rude to cut in, but I realized I didn't give me name to Erza yet.

"Mirijane. So I heard you want to join the guild, sadly we need masters permission, but you can fill out your application now." I simply nodded. She handed me a pen and paper I looked at the form.

Date of birth:
Place of Birth:
Magical skills:
Have you been in any Previous Guilds? If yes why did you leave?

With a bit of tweaking to my answers, as I cant exactly put an unused calander system, a place that no longer exists, and a stupid age, my form looked like this.

Name: Harry James Potter
Date of birth:
31st July X764
Place of Birth:
Unknown (orphan)
Magical skills:
Various skills I picked up on my travels, such as Runes, Destruction, and Shielding.
Have you been in any Previous Guilds? If yes why did you leave?

Handing the form back, she nodded, and placed it to one side.

"Erza, as your going on this job, mind if go back and grabs so things? I left a few things behind in the rush."

"That's fine, I don't know enough of your skills to bring you along, I wish to duel if you get accepted in Fairy tail to see how good you are though."

"Sure, see you when you get back." And with that I got up and left, walking down the street, I entered an empty alleyway and apparated back to my cave.


Appearing where the hole in the mountainside should be, I instantly noticed that the doorway into the rest of the mine/cave I called home was blocked by rubble; it seemed the impact caused a cave in.

Waving my hand and thinking the spell 'repairo' I watched as the room fixed itself, the wall reforming behind me and rocks replacing themselves in the ceiling as well, soon after the table and chair reformed along with the drawer I kept most of my plans. Sadly it seemed the paper didn't fix itself as was still scattered everywhere in various pieces.

Shrugging I just ignored it and went through the now revealed archway, to go further into the mountain. The papers were more of a tool to work out the details more than anything else, occlumency is a great tool.

After a walk down the hallway, I didn't notice anything else wrong, I entered the ward room. In the middle was a broken gem with pieces and fractures scattered around the room. This gem powered the wards, whatever Erza did overpowered it and it shattered.

"Great, looks like I'm moving, again." Leaving this room behind I began to pack all I needed, mostly the rare seeds for now extinct plants I sometimes need for potions.

After I was done I turned around a created a living fire, it will destroy all I left behind and the heat will cause a cave in, burying all traces of me being here behind.


After apparating back to Magnolia, I decided to head to multiple jewelry stores and sold some of the gems and gold coins I had left over from the small fortune I took with me from the Potter vaults.

A small stop at the bank to make a new account, and cash in the cheques I was officially ready to re-enter the world. I bought a house on the outskirts of town with half the money I made. Walking to the house I noticed it was in big disrepair, judging from the holes in the roof and broken windows.

I summoned my magic, I had a job to do.


A few hours later most of the damages were repaired, as well as creating a small minor notice me not ward around it, only people who knew I lived there could enter, the rest would just ignore it. Well non magicals anyway.

Looking at the house, it was a simple two story house, the outside walls painted a simply earthen red, like brick, with the roof being a dark grey, not my design but I could care less.

Looking at the cupboard under the stairs, I decided to dig down and make a basement, for creating potions. Deciding it could be done later, I simply began to unpack.


In reference to the date, Lucy joined the guild on the second of July, X784 so end of the month is Harry's birthday.

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