The Ninja World is at a time of peace. True peace? Who knows? But peace nevertheless.
Naruto falls on his bed after a long exhausting day. His feet float in mid-air as his bed no longer suits him. He has grown very much during the Fourth Shinobi World War, both mentally and physically. His hair has grown a tad longer and his body has reached its most appealing physique.
"Oi, tired already? I swear..humans are such weak beings."
"Heh maybe you're right, but why aren't foxes wearing humans as coats then?"
"...Good night, asshole."
Naruto gives a slight smirk, "Sweet dreams."
The sun starts to rise turning its bright face to Konoha, all but a few ninja are caught by surprise. One of those ninjas being Naruto, who is already fully focused and drenched in his sweat, training for the day Konoha isn't so peaceful anymore.
Walking through the forest to find her usual training spot, Sakura hears a faint grunt. Deciding it would be best to have a small break from her daily routine she decides to investigate. She stops behind a tree to the sight of a familiar friend of hers. Shirtless and sweaty, with his hair thrown back she can't stop herself from staring.
The moves fluid and beautiful. The flips, the kicks, the punches, the sweat flying off his skin when he lands. Bruce Lee would be proud of this sight. Her mouth now dry due to complete awe. Waiting for the blush to leave her face she decides to greet him.
"Ah? Tenten!"
Sakura backs off as she realized she was too late.
Tenten? What is she doing here? What luck I have.. Whatever. All I wanted to do is say hi. Maybe I should stick around though. Just to have some gossip for Ino later. Right? Ugh.
Naruto digs his kunai in the dirt and stands up.
"Naruto, wow. You've been training more than Rock Lee. I'm impressed."
"All for you, baby."
"Haha, that's a good one."
"Heh thanks, been working on my jokes. How are you? The last I saw you was after the Pain incident."
"Really good lately, the war was really stressful, but we won. And I would say it was all because of you...hero."
"Oh no, I couldn't do it without all of my friends, I'm no hero. I was just lucky enough to deliver the finishing blow."
"Whoa, you're also modest now? Who are you?"
Naruto looks at Tenten and they make eye contact for a few seconds before bursting in simultaneous laughter.
"Listen Naruto...Are you doing anything tonight?" Tenten's eyes move to the side.
"Oooh, Tenten. Are you asking me out on a date?"
"NO! No! I mean, just to hang know since it's been a while, heh heh.."
"I'm just teasing you! When and where?"
"Uhm, the new restaurant next to the academy, in the evening?"
"Will do!"
"See you then, Naruto."
Wha- What just happened? A DATE? SHE ASKED HIM OUT ON A FUCKING DATE? That little.. Eh, why am I so mad? Because she interrupted my greeting of course! That was rude.
Sakura sighs...
I don't care, I have my own training to do.
"Seems you finally got a date, punk."
"Kurama*, it isn't a date we're just catching up."
"You may have gotten better at talking to women, but you are still a total idiot when it comes to understanding them..."
Naruto shakes off Kurama's words, picks up his kunai and starts to train once more.
* Kurama is the name of the Nine Tailed Fox.
Not much of a spoiler so don't hate me too much.
Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter out soon.