Ice Age: Love's Grasp by


Chapter 1: Aftermath

A/N: Here is my first story outside of KFP! Hope you all love it! It's following Shira mainly, and occurs one month after the events of Continental Drift. And now for the first chapter!

The Saber Tooth Tiger smiled as she watched the snow fall, the ground already covered with it. She extended her paw and opened her palm, letting a snowflake fall into it. She put her paw back on the snow covered ground and looked at the white landscape around her.

Shira remembered another night that she had seen the landscape like this…one that was the last night she saw her brother.

"I have to go, Nick." Shira said sternly.

Her brother's face fell, as the snow fell around them. Nick was a large and strong saber like her, looking just like her in resemblance but having a ferocity that made even the strongest warrior become intimidating. A red scar went from his right eyebrow, over his eyelid and down to the top of his cheek, a reminder of a fierce battle with a rival pack. His sister had been betrothed to a man she hated with a passion; the leader of her pack, since she was the most beautiful woman there. The evil leader's name was Kravon. She refused to marry him, and would do whatever it took to escape the marriage.

"This is the life our parents wanted for us, Shira." Nick said. "What would they think of you running off?"

"They would respect me for running away from him." Shira responded.

Nick bowed his head and sighed. "Shira…I cannot go."

"What do you mean?" Shira asked, tears forming in her eyes.

"Brianna is pregnant…I'm going to be a father soon. She cannot come on the long journey south, and I will not leave her...I'm sorry, Shira." Nick said, just as upset about not coming with her as she was.

"But you're my brother." Shira said. "You swore to my father before he died that you would protect me no matter what."

"And by protecting you, I must say that you should leave on your own, and escape him."

"Please come with me." Shira begged.

"I cannot, sister. You know that." Nick said, and rubbed his head against hers. "I love you, Shira."

"I love you too, Nick." Shira said, rubbing her head against his strong neck.

He slowly pulled away from her, and looked into her blue eyes.

"Be strong, find a good life, and a good husband; one that can protect you as I have done all my life."

"I will, Nick." Shira said, and wrapped her paw around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

He patted her on the back, and they slowly pulled away from each other.

"But what about you? Once they see that I'm gone, they will come after you and Brianna!" Shira exclaimed.

"I will hide them in the Caves of our Ancestors; and I'll deal with Kravon." Nick said.

Little did they know that Kravon himself was standing on a hill near them, most of the pack behind him. He turned to his comrades.

"Drego, Andro, find Brianna; you know what to do." Kravon said, the two bowing and hurrying off to find Nikolai's wife.

"I knew that saber would get on my nerves." Kravon growled.

Nikolai's ears perked up, turning to see the tigers glaring down at them. Shira turned also, her eyes widening.

"Shira, run!" Nick said as he and his sister ran down the hill as fast as they could, kicking the snow up as they ran.

The pack was hot on their heels, and the river came into view.

"That's your only way out, Shira." Nick said as the two of them reached it, Shira crossing the small strip of frozen ice.

"Nick, please! Come with me!" Shira begged.

"Forgive me, sister." Nikolai said and broke the ice with his paws, letting the water begin to flow.

Shira reached the other side, seeing her brother still standing at the other side. He mouthed the words "Goodbye" and turned his back to her, facing the pack.

Shira felt another tear go down her cheek, and ran into the forest, knowing that though her brother had broken the only passage to the river, Kravon and the pack would find a way to chase after her.

Nikolai snarled, dodging an attacking tiger and swiping another with his paw before he was tackled by Kravon.

"Nikolai, you fool." Kravon said, snarling.

"Kill me if you wish, but do not harm my mate." Nikolai said.

Kravon laughed, and got off of him, the tiger then being surrounded by three tigers.

"Only death is not severe enough for you, Nikolai." Kravon said evilly.

Nikolai turned and saw Brianna, tears in her eyes as she was surrounded by three Sabers.

"Kravon, please-"

"You should have thought of the consequences of your actions before you helped Shira." Kravon said. "Know this, Nikolai; I will find her; and I will kill her. As I will your wife."

"NO!" Nikolai yelled, and the earth suddenly began to shake.

"Son of a Mitch, what is going on?" Kravon roared, trees beginning to fall around them.

Little did they know that Scrat had once again caused the world's problems, this time causing the continental drift. Cracks began to appear in the ground, the Saber Tooth Tigers looking around at the strange occurrence. Then the ground was ripped open into pieces, splitting everyone apart. The two Sabers guarding Brianna fell into one of the cracks to their deaths, while she struggled to hold on. Nikolai knocked two of the tigers over the edge and thought of jumping to Brianna's piece, but they were too far apart.

They both looked into each other's eyes as they were pulled more and more apart from each other.

Meanwhile, Shira struggled to run from the earthquakes, evading falling rocks and trees. She then came to the coast, realizing that there was no escape now…except for what lay in the ocean.

"Saber, get on board if you value your life." Gutt yelled from the ship, Shira running as fast as she could down the coast and jumping off of a rock, landing on the side of the ship.

The ice made her slip, beginning to fall off of the boat until Gutt pulled her onto the ship, the two watching as the landscape was torn apart.

"Thank you…sir." Shira said. "Why did you save me?"

"To give you an…opportunity." Gutt grinned.

"What kind of opportunity?" Shira asked.

"Be my first mate and sail with me as we plunder the always shifting ice, and never go hungry! It's a good life, the only good life you can have with the world always shifting."

Shira debated the thought. She didn't know what to do on her own with what was happening, and joining Gutt seemed to be the only choice.

"Alright, I'm in." Shira said, knowing that she might regret it.

Gutt smiled. "Good girl."

They found more crew members on the way, and managed to find more than enough food than they would ever need. However, Shira forgot about what her brother had told her and her values…until he showed up. Diego changed her, and after the final battle where Shira turned against Gutt, she stayed with him and his friends.

A month had passed since she had last seen her brother, bowing her head in remembrance.

"Shira, are you alright?" Diego asked, walking up to her side.

Shira sighed. "Yeah, Diego; I'm fine."

"You don't seem like it, Shira." Diego said, making her look into her eyes.

She smiled at seeing her love's face, managing to cheer her up.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Diego." Shira said.

"Like what?" Diego asked, curious.

Shira looked at him. "You don't know my past."

"Is it rough?"

Shira nodded solemnly.

"I'm sorry, Shira." Diego said, rubbing his head against her neck to comfort her.

"Thanks, Diego; but it doesn't matter now, because I have you." Shira said.

She purred as she rubbed her muzzle against his, the solemn night now turning into that of love.

Not far from them, a powerful paw crunched the snow beneath it, looking over the landscape. He turned to see the rest of his pack, some missing from the continental drift.

Kravon wanted revenge. And he could feel her presence drawing all the more closer.

A/N: Shira remembers her past as Kravon draws closer to her. Please leave your thoughts on the first chapter in the reviews! Next chapter: A Not So Normal Day. A tiger from Shira's past returns, bringing about his ferocity. Please review, share, comment, and please, no flames!