Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.

Sam shoved his way through the cheering crowd, his voice lost in the roar. He had to get to the front, he had to stop this. He couldn't lose him, not after all this.

He looked up, looked at the gallows, and spotted Gabriel. He looked defeated, not the proud pirate captain Sam had fallen in love with. His shoulders were slumped, and he was staring at the ground, as the charges against him were read, Sam couldn't hear the voice over the sounds of the crowds jeering, but he could see the younger man's lips moving as he read the off the list in his hands.

"Gabriel!" Sam shouted, even as his voice was lost in the crowd. He was going to lose him to the hangman's noose.

Sam gasped, as his eyes snapped open, and Gabriel looked at him. As usual Gabe was on the edge of the bed, the sheets thrown off. Gabriel grabbed one and tossed over them both when Sam shivered at the air.

"You know, I'm getting sick of these nightmares." He informed him, as he moved so that he could cuddle with Sam. "For various reasons."

"Me too." Sam whispered, still shaking a little. Gabriel hummed softly, and Sam sighed.

"What about you? I know you said The Daemon troubled you sometimes."

Gabriel shook his head, moving so that one hand rested on Sam's bare chest next to Gabe's face. "No nightmares. It's just; I came so close to losing you. To losing this."

Sam wrapped his arm around Gabriel. "I know. That's why my nightmares scare me."

Gabriel looked up at him. "I'm too good to be caught."

Sam swallowed, and grinned. "Of course you are."

At that romantic moment the door slammed open, and Matt stood there grinning.

"Good morning!" he thundered, and Gabriel raised his head.

"Screw you Matt."

"Is that an invitation, because for two men as fine as you two I would gladly…"


Matt pouted. "You're no fun Sam. Don't you want to share Gabriel?"

Gabriel shoved himself up slightly, the sheet covering him and Sam below the waist. His hand was spread across Sam's chest and he was glaring at the Navigator.

"No, I won't share him. Now get out."

Matt sighed, looking crestfallen. "Yes, Captain." He hurried off, not bothering to shut the door.

"Matt, you bastard!" Gabriel shouted after him.

"Are you sure he's illegimate?" Sam questioned and Gabriel snorted.

"No, but he is a bastard."

Sam chuckled. "Tell that to Andy."

"Someone needs to tell Andy to kiss Matt." Gabriel grumbled. "It's driving everyone crazy."

"Tell Matt to kiss Andy." Sam offered, eyeing the door. "You know Matt just gave us a very good reason not to get out of bed." Since they were both nude.

Gabriel grinned down at him. "That is true. That is very true."

Someone cleared their throats causing Sam and Gabriel to look up again.

"I swear I'm going to start charging viewing fees." Gabriel snapped. "What now?"

"No need to bite my head off." Val commented, his accent filling his voice. "I drew the short straw to come over here and shut the door."

"Short straw? Why?" Gabriel glanced at Sam. "It's not like you and Luke aren't-"

"That's different." Val colored slightly. "Castiel requests that you are out of bed by noon and Dean said to tell you if you're not he will drag Cas off and…" Val chuckled. "Whatever he's going to do, it made Castiel turn bright red."

Gabe laughed. "All right fine. We'll be along shortly."

Val grinned, nodded and shut the door.

"For Cas's sake we really ought to stay in bed." Gabriel mused, kissing Sam's neck.

Sam smiled contently, running his hand through Gabe's hair. "I don't know, I'm craving breakfast,"

Gabe got off Sam, and ran a hand over his face. "Where did we throw our clothes?"

Sam looked around the room. "That is an excellent question." There was no sign of yesterday's clothes. He made his way over to the trunk of clean clothes, and quickly got dressed, throwing articles of clothing at Gabriel as he did so.

"Okay, let's grace them with our presence." Gabriel grinned at Sam's look. "I'm captain; I can go shirtless if I want to. Now come on, if you want to eat. You know how Matt and Luke are."

Some breakfast was left when Gabriel and Sam entered the hold. The crew was sitting around eating and joking. Matt, Andy, Luke and Val were all on one side of the table. They spotted Gabriel and simultaneously leaned backwards to look at his back.

Gabriel glanced at them and smirked. Sam was mortified; they were examining the marks on Gabriel's back from last night.

"Nice." Matt stated, and the four leaned forward to enjoy breakfast once more.

Dean was ignoring Gabriel steadily, but greeted Sam. "Good morning."

"It was until someone barged in."

Matt looked innocent. "Who, me?"

"No, his father." Andy shoved Matt, and Matt shoved him back.

"Matt's Sam's father?"

Everyone turned to look at Val, calmly slicing an apple. Luke started laughing first; Val glanced across the table at Sam, Dean, Cas and Gabe and smirked.

"Just like Crowley." Gabriel commented over the sounds of the rest of the crew laughing. Dean had snorted, finishing his biscuit.

"So, where we headed Captain?" Matt asked, having sufficiently calmed down.

Gabriel eyed him warily, and replied, "Not sure yet. I haven't heard about any ships that need pillaging. Oi! I'm eating here."

Luke and Val were going at it, Matt groaned as they continued to kiss.

"I thought you two finished that last night."

"What, when you told us if we didn't stop… How did you phrase that?"

"I believe Matt stated that if you didn't remove your tongue from Val's throat he was likely to scale the hammocks and remove it from your mouth." Cas answered, and Dean grinned.

"He said it a little differently." He told Sam and Gabe. "But what were you two doing?"

"Annoying Matt obviously." Val kissed Luke quickly, and slipped away. Luke got up, grinning widely. "Matt, you're just jealous."

Matt scoffed. "Please." He grumbled. "Tell me that after you didn't spend the night kissing Val."

Luke shrugged and hurried up the stairs. Matt followed, ignorant of the fact Andy kept glancing at him.

"What?" Andy asked self-consciously, as his captain, first mate and their partners were staring at him.

"Why don't you just make a move or something other than stare at him?" Gabriel asked.

Andy let out a rush of air. "Because every time I try Matt ignores it." He got to his feet, and nodded. "Not all of us have your luck in love Cap'n."

Andy flinched when he heard Matt and Luke singing a sea chantey, and bounded up the steps.

Sam looked surprised. "Matt ignores it? I'm sorry; I'm not the only one that thinks he stares at Andy right?"

"Matt has a rough past." Castiel admitted. "He relies on himself too much to trust anyone else to care for him. At least care for him intimately."

Dean looked disturbed. "Do we have to discuss this when I'm eating?"

"You should hear Ellen and Jo." The four jumped when Ash spoke, the cook grinned at them. "They never stop talking about you."

Sam had finished and stretched as he rose.

Dean glanced at Ash, but turned to Sam. "Hey Sammy?"

"Yes Dean?"

Dean shrugged. "Are you all right? You don't look like your sleeping well, and worse than if you know." He glanced at Gabriel, who looked innocently confused.

"No Dean, I don't know."

"You do too know."

"I do not."

Dean blushed, "I'm not talking about it. Sam…"

"I'm all right Dean." Sam murmured. "Just a nightmare."

Dean looked worried. "That's not all right Sam."

"It's not about what happened to me though."

Sam confessed. "It's something else."

"He dreams of my execution." Gabriel stated. "Almost shoves me out of bed when he does."

Sam glanced at Gabriel. "I don't mean to."

Gabriel looked up at him. "I didn't say you did." He glanced up at Sam. "You thrash Sam. Believe me I know. I woke up to you muttering my name as you squirmed like an octopus just today."

Dean looked concerned. "Sam, that sounds…"

"Vaguely foreboding."

"Not what I was going to say. I think." Dean glanced at Cas. "Look Sam-"

"I'm fine Dean." Sam insisted.

Gabriel nodded. "Good enough for me." He stated, cutting Dean off. "Now, we have work to do."

Dean didn't look convinced, but Sam gave Gabriel a grateful look. Gabe gave him a gentle smile, which Sam appreciated. Dean gave him a clap on the shoulder as he passed, and Castiel nodded.

Gabriel glanced at Sam, and went over to him. "You're lucky to have so many people that worry about you."

Sam smiled. "I'd be lucky if I had only you."

"That is true." Gabriel gave him a quick kiss. "Now come on, I don't need Matt joking about where he can eat."

It took Sam to realize what Gabriel was implying Matt would imply but then he laughed. "After you Captain."

Gabriel did lead the way up the stairs, followed closely by Sam.


Me: Hey guys! We're back! You miss us?

PB: They better have.

Me: Also, I'd like to apologize to Wolfgrowl. He's my best bud, fellow Loki fan, deals with my every Slash addiction, reading whatever I shove at him, and the guy helps with my fiction. He offered some great advice during I'm Still Here and as Luke and Matt were his characters originally, given to me months before I'm Still Here was written, I'd like to thank him.

PB: Are you quite done?

Me: No. I've got some reviewers to thank.

PB: * throws Sam and Dean at them * Now then, let's move on. KZ, give me the sound check DJ!

Casey: What did you just call me?

PB: KZ… it sounds like Casey.

Casey: Anyway, sound check is Anime wrote this chapter to I'm Still Here.

PB: Oh.

Me: We'll see some of my music taste later.

PB: Onward!