A/N: So this is the last chapter of this story you guys. I know sad times right? Also... I know I should be working on the beast but nothing is coming to me and I don't want to rush that story. The Beast is my baby and I want to make sure everything is going to be perfect and I hope you all understand...
Anyways, don't kill me at the end of the chapter, because I know a few of you will. -hides- But I was trying to be realistic with the ending. Leave some loves and I hope to hear from you guys on my other stories! :)
EDIT: SO, I've decided to put my Christmas story and the sequel together. yay! It's going to be called A Christmas Story: Dark Nights so keep a look out for it because I just recently finished the prologue. Just a fair warning, everything just jumps to when they are finally together and it's kind of sad.
Chapter Ten
"Miroku went to work, so it's just us for a couple of hours." Sango stated as she walked back into the living room and plopped down next to Kagome who was curled up and staring at the TV, not really paying all too much attention to the show that was on.
"So you are just going to mope around the whole time you are going to stay here? How long are you staying here again?" Sango asked as she poked Kagome's leg a couple of times to get her friend's attention.
Kagome turned her head and looked over at her friend who was sitting there and watching her with her eyebrows furrowed. "I just wanted to stay for a couple of days to put some distance between myself and Sesshomaru."
Sango groaned and brushed her hair with her hand and leaned her head back a little in exasperation, "You know you just need to talk it out with him. I can't blame him that he's hurt."
Kagome narrowed her eyes and quickly sat up and pushed her finger into Sango's chest, "You were the one who dared me to sleep with him, so I did! It's not all my fault you know!"
Sango slapped her friend's hand away then waved her own hand in the air as if to swipe away what Kagome had said.
"I dared you to sleep with the first guy you saw, and that was Sesshomaru. I thought it was a perfect pairing and it wasn't so hard to see that he was crazy about you. I thought after rolling around in the hay with him then you would get over Inuyasha like that." She snapped her fingers for emphasis on 'that'.
Kagome shook her head and ran her tiny hands over her face and back through her hair and let out a frustrated sigh. So her best friend was going to put all the blame on her and that everything was her fault? This is ridiculous! Perhaps she should have stayed with Sesshomaru since he would just ignore her and not push and prod like what Sango was doing. "You know emotions and feelings for someone just don't disappear like that! I have never been confused about my feelings…" well not until she started to live with Sesshomaru and really get to know him. Kagome stood up and placed her hands on her hips and glared at her best friend, "You know, you are making it seem like you don't want me here at all. I'll just show myself out." With that she turned on her heel and went to the guest room to grab her bag that was still packed, a few clothes that were on the floor and packed them up.
Kagome didn't want to leave her little safe haven and go back to the hostility of Sesshomaru's home, but her best friend, her only friend really at this point, was treating her like she was such inconvenience and wasn't taking some blame for making her sleep with Sesshomaru.
She could possibly sleep in the car Sesshomaru got her, which would get her away from everyone and have time for herself and think things through. Childish it was for her thinking that, but it sounded like a great idea to get away.
"Kagome, where are you going to go?" Sango asked her with annoyance in her tone.
Kagome turned and faced her friend who was standing in the room now, her arms crossed under her bust and her brown eyes wide. Kagome snipped and flipped her head back so that her hair would go behind her shoulders.
"Away for a bit. Don't worry about me." Kagome slipped on her shoes and grabbed her keys and phone and stepped past Sango and went to the front door. She was stopped when Sango's hand grabbed her shoulder and turned her forcefully.
"Don't be this way Kagome! Jesus, you need to quit being so childish!"
Kagome narrowed her eyes and pulled herself away from her friend and opened the front door, "You know…you aren't being such a great friend Sango. You could have at least apologized for starting this whole mess. You challenged me in the first place… when I was DRUNK. When I lost my place and asked you if I could stay with you, you wouldn't let me!" don't you cry Kagome. She sucked in a shaky breath and left the apartment.
Kagome climbed into her new Honda Civic and leaned her head against the steering wheel; she sucked back some sobs and squeezed onto the chair's edge. She tried to think of the whole thing logically but all she wanted to do was be mad at everyone. She had been in love with Inuyasha and now she didn't know where she stood on that matter, her so called best friend failed to even be a good friend, and Sesshomaru was too pissed to even talk to her and let her explain her feelings and what the hell was going through her mind.
All she wanted at this point was to go see Inuyasha and talk with him and perhaps he would have something to say to help her. She didn't want to see Kikyo but she really needed her old friend and if that meant to deal with his wife then so be it.
Kagome leaned up and turned the key to the ignition and started on her drive to Inuyasha's house. Her hands started to get sweaty and her heart beat hard in her chest as she got closer to his house. What was she going to say to him? Was he going to hate her for sleeping with his half-brother?
Dear God, she didn't want Inuyasha to hate her for sleeping with his half-brother. Maybe she will lie to him and not really give him that much information. She shook her head, no she will break like a dam once she sees him and tell him everything, because he just somehow does that to her.
"Kagome? What the hell are you doing here?" Inuyasha asked as he opened the door to his home.
Kagome stood there with her head bent down a little and her eyes averted away from his. She sucked in her bottom lip and chewed on it nervously.
"I just needed my friend." She said softly.
He raised his eyebrows and he took a step backwards, "Well don't just stand there, get in here." He said gruffly and pulled her in the house.
She looked up at her friend and smiled gently then looked around the house, it was clean and had pictures of him and Kikyo everywhere on the walls. Kagome looked over at Inuyasha and gave him a little smile, he just led her to the kitchen so they could sit down at the round table that was in there.
"She really did a good thing with the place." Kagome said softly and skimmed her fingers over the wooden table.
Inuyasha shrugged and looked around then looked back at Kagome, "Yeah it was a mess before her huh? So what brings you here? You look like you are about to have a break down." He leaned forward a little and narrowed his eyes at her. "What's going on?" he said suspiciously.
Kagome chewed on her lower lip and stared down at the table for a little while then cleared her throat and looked up at Inuyasha, "Where is Kikyo?" she asked trying to change the subject.
He leaned back a little and clicked his long nails on the table, "She's at work. Now spill." He growled lowly.
Kagome chewed on her lower lip and took in a deep breath and let it out, here it goes… she is about to spill her guts to him. "I'm in love with you Inuyasha. I have always been in love with you, why the hell did you marry her and not me?!" She blurted out and felt the traitorous tears fill up her eyes and spill over. She heard him intake some air that hissed between his teeth.
She looked up at him carefully then looked back down and felt a blush heat up her cheeks, "Well… I was in love with you. I don't know anymore." She said quickly and tried to get her thoughts together so she could tell him everything. "I was so upset when you told me you were getting married. Your wedding night, I kind of-" she stumbled and thought about not telling him at all. "Sesshomaru and I-" she stammered again.
"You and Sesshomaru what?" Inuyasha's nails dug into the table and he was leaning forward.
Kagome jumped a little and slumped in her chair and bit down on her lower lip hard, "Well we kind of had sex that night." She blushed more and felt her ears ringing.
"Kagome-" his voice was rough and she didn't want him to yell at her, so she interrupted him.
"Please just let me finish this before I decide not to tell you anymore." She sucked in a breath and looked up at him nervously, "We had sex that night, I was drunk and he was amazing. The next morning I got scared and regretted everything because I was so in love with you. Some things happened and I ended up losing my home, so Sesshomaru brought me under his care and I lived with him. We never did anything but…" she took in another deep breath and felt a little more confident and her thoughts were more clearer, "Everyone said that he was in love with me, I didn't believe so I tried to provoke his feelings for me. I kind of became… interested in him. Now he won't talk to me because he always knew of my feelings for you and was upset about me leaving the next morning without a word. Sango isn't being a great friend because she was the one who dared me to do it. I just need someone to talk to."
Inuyasha leaned back and stared at her for a few moments, his eyes were wide and she didn't know if he was pissed or not. But with him not saying anything or screaming, she got the feeling that he wasn't pissed, or else he would be throwing a fit and throwing shit everywhere.
"So you and Sesshomaru fucked huh? And now you don't know how you feel about him, because of me?"
Kagome nodded and chewed on her lower lip nervously and waited for him to say something more. Anything.
"Well that's shocking that Sesshomaru actually has feelings. For a human no less." He mumbled and had a grim smirk on his lips, as if he knew a private joke.
"I just don't know what is going on with me. I still have feelings for you and yet I have feelings for him as well and I don't know what to do." She said softly.
Inuyasha shrugged and leaned forward again, "Well I'm off the market kid. I'm sorry that I never chose you, but you were always like a sister to me." He said in an almost apologetic tone.
Kagome nodded and pouted out her lip and stared down at the table and let out a little breath. She was hoping that he would give her the best advice and fix everything so her life could go back to normal and she would feel better. She doesn't feel better at all.
"Sesshomaru is a cold hearted bastard and if he opened himself up to you and you pushed him away… he is feeling a little used at this point. Give him some time and space, he will eventually come around." Inuyasha shrugged and scratched his cheek. She knew that he was feeling uncomfortable with giving her relationship advice, or guy advice at that.
A tiny sigh escaped Kagome and she looked up at her friend, "It's been a couple of days since I've seen him. The last time I saw him he was yelling and growling… how much longer will he be pissed?"
Inuyasha raised a dark eyebrow at that comment, "Growling and yelling huh?" he chuckled darkly and leaned back so that the chair was on two legs and he was balancing it, "He's got it bad." He whispered more to himself.
Kagome blushed faintly and she huffed, "I don't know what to do, Inuyasha. I honestly never liked him because he was such a jerk to you when we were in high school. All of a sudden now he likes me? This is all too confusing."
Inuyasha still chuckled softly and balanced the chair on two legs, "You've gotta know kid, that he is never open with his feelings. What has always been between Sesshomaru and I is not your problem. I don't know, the guy is fucked up and if he has feelings for you, then they are going to be pretty strong. If you don't go see him, eventually his is going to sniff you out and find you."
Kagome leaned back and let out a little sigh, "I don't know if I want to be with him or not. But… not being with him feels kind of weird." She whispered, admittedly.
Inuyasha chuckled more to himself and he leaned his head back and had his eyes closed as he laughed. Kagome raised her eyebrows at him and leaned forward, "are you laughing at me, Inuyasha?" she yelled.
Inuyasha kept laughing and shook his head and waved his hands in front of him. He leaned forward so his chair was back on all the legs, "No I'm not laughing at you." He tried to calm his laughter and eventually slowed down and took several deep breaths.
"Better?" she grumbled.
"hm." He chuckled then went quiet and stared at her with a grin on his face. "I think you should go back home, and by that I mean Sesshomaru's. Try to talk it out with him. He won't hurt you, the worst he could do is growl and yell." He said with a knowing smile.
Kagome raised her eyebrows and pout out her lower lip, "I don't know if I want to go back there yet." She grumbled.
Inuyasha stood from his chair and made his way around the table and placed his hand on Kagome's shoulder and squeezed it gently, "You should."
Kagome looked up at her friend and still pouted out her lip, "I really don't think I should. You really don't understand how pissed he was."
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes a little, "Believe me, I know how pissed he gets, but you will be fine. He wouldn't be able to hurt you if he could." He said with another knowing smile.
Kagome raised her eyebrows and let out a heavy sigh; she stood up and straightened her shirt then looked at Inuyasha with a small pout. He just chuckled and pulled her into a bear hug then released her. "You'll be fine kid." He patted her shoulder and walked her to the front door and watched her leave.
Inuyasha grinned and went over to his phone, dialed a number and waited for his mate's voice over the line.
"Hey, seems the ice lord has finally found his mate and having some love drama." He said with humor laced in his voice.
Kagome gently opened the door to Sesshomaru's condo apartment and then gently closed it behind her. She listened hard for any noises if Sesshomaru was home or not, she hadn't even bothered to see if one of his cars were missing from the parking lot. She didn't hear any sounds so she made her way through the living room and went straight to her room and set down her bag and let out a little sigh.
That was such a strange conversation with Inuyasha, it was like he knew something and wouldn't tell her anything.
She grabbed a change of comfortable night clothes and made her way out of the room and went to the bathroom and turned on the water to prepare her shower. She looked at herself in the mirror as she got undressed and stared at her own body. She frowned as she pointed out all the things she hated about herself.
With a sigh, she turned and went into the shower and tried not to think of everything that has happened.
After her shower and getting dressed, Kagome made her way to the kitchen and stopped dead in her track when she saw Sesshomaru already in there with his back to her and he was making some dinner. He turned his head so one eye was on her then he turned and went back doing what he was doing.
She wanted to run out of the kitchen and hide in the kitchen but she tried to stay strong and made her way further into the kitchen and stood next to Sesshomaru.
"Do you need help with anything?" she asked softly.
He shook his head and turned away and worked on something else, just so he wasn't close to her. Kagome closed her eyes and took in a deep breath and bit on her bottom lip.
"I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for running out that morning, I was so scared and confused… I didn't mean to hurt you if I had." She looked at Sesshomaru for a reaction.
His shoulders were tensed up and he paused at what he was doing. She waited for him to say anything, but nothing came. So she slowly went over to him and placed a small hand on his upper arm, "Will you please talk to me?"
He turned his head and glared down at her; Ah, he was still upset with her. She wouldn't have imagined him to be a grudge holder. She removed her hand from his arm when he glared down at her hand then back at her face.
"What is there to say?" he rumbled.
She frowned and still stared up at him, "I just don't want anything to be weird between us. I promise I will behave. I just want to talk." She begged him softly.
He turned away and continued to chop up some onions and ignore her. She stomped her foot and frowned, "Sesshomaru!" she whined.
He froze in his actions once more but didn't turn so he was glaring at her again. "Quit acting like a child, Kagome." He said coldly.
"Well quit ignoring me! I want to explain myself and you get my side of the story when I'm willing to spill my freaking guts!"
A loud bang made Kagome jump; Sesshomaru had slammed his hands down on the counter and he tensed up then turned his head and looked at her, waiting for her to say what she wanted to say.
Kagome took in a deep breath and played with her fingers, "I never got to thank you for allowing me to stay here to get on my feet. It really means a lot and I was too stupid to even mention that when you were helping." She started.
He growled, "Get to the point."
"I really did mean it when I said that I wasn't using you, Sesshomaru. I've been having weird feelings around you and when someone told me that you were… in love with me… I wanted to see for myself." She said quickly.
Sesshomaru closed his eyes and turned his head so that his white hair cascaded around him and made a curtain so that she couldn't see his face anymore. She breathed harshly and waited for whatever he was going to say or do. She hated that about him, she never knew what he was going to do. "So someone told you that I was in love with you?" his voice sounded so unfamiliar and rough.
She nodded but didn't expect him to see that. "yes." She said meekly.
He breathed in harshly and it hissed through his teeth then he let it out slowly and once again hissed. She gulped hard and waited for him to do something, expecting him to turn and throw things around in a fit of anger. He pushed away from the counter and turned so he was facing her, "You wanted to see if it was true that I was in love with you? That somehow you toying around with me and trying to seduce me would give you the answer?"
She nodded meekly and took a step backwards away from him.
He took a step forward and snatched his hands out and grasped onto her cheeks, she expected him to be rough but he was surprisingly gentle with her when he pulled her forward so that he was face to face with her, "I have been in love with you since you were seventeen. While you were head over heels for Inuyasha, I was head over heels for a silly seventeen year old girl who thought I was some kind of 'ice prick'." He growled out. "I'm still in love with you, even after you have repeatedly hurt me and used me."
Kagome gasped at his outburst and his admission that he was indeed in love with her. She swallowed hard and felt her body trembling. She looked into his eyes and expected to see anger but instead she saw something else, it looked to be love with nervousness.
Hesitantly, she reached up and grasped onto his hands on her cheeks and held on. "I'm sorry." She whispered.
He raised his eyebrows and took a step back and removed his hands from her face. He had a hurt look on his face from her apology. He must have thought that she was apologizing for what she was going to say next. She laughed and shook her head and looked down at her bare feet.
"Can we start over? Can we act like everything that happened never happened? A fresh start?" she whispered then looked up at him. "I have some sort of feelings for you, but I don't know what. I guess it's a good start to something." She laughed nervously then looked back down.
He was quiet for a little while; the sound of fabric moving broke the silence. She looked up and saw that he ran his hand through his hair and he let out a defeated sigh, "Dinner will be ready soon."
She nodded and stepped back and started to walk out of the kitchen, she turned her head over her shoulder and smiled at Sesshomaru. She didn't know Sesshomaru very well but what he said was a hidden message of him giving in and agreeing with starting over. She was happy that he was going to act like everything that had happened never happened. She is more than willing to try solve her feelings for him and perhaps maybe date him one day in the future.
"You know Sesshomaru, I kind of like you. Perhaps that is a start to something." She said softly before she left the kitchen.
Please READ: I have read a lot of comments and messages of people sad that this is the end. There is a sequel out for this story called A Christmas Story: Dark Nights where everything continues and there is bunches of new drama. Hope to see you all there and read more of your wonderful reviews! :)