So this story was for a dokuga challenge and I decided I might as well put up on here. I hope you all enjoy and a huge warning to you all: THERE IS A LOT OF ANGST AND DRAMA.

Leave some love!

Chapter One
"Damsel in Dread"

Kagome pouted as she watched her long time crush and best friend, Inuyasha, laugh with his fiancé Kikyo. She was looking at him with a blush on her cheeks and a delicate hand covered her mouth as she giggled at something he had said to her. It made Kagome sick to her stomach just watching everything play out and she couldn't do anything about it.

She couldn't believe herself that she was at the rehearsal dinner when she wanted nothing to do with their wedding. She never told Inuyasha how she felt about him but she thought she made it very clear in her actions that she loved him. But look where that got her: sitting at the far end, away from Inuyasha and pouting.

The restaurant was a five star place and Kagome knew that if she were here by herself, she wouldn't be able to afford anything. She was seated with people she didn't know and they all talked amongst themselves or yelled across the table to talk to the couple who was going to get married in two days. Two days before their dreadful wedding and she was miserable while everyone else was cheering, laughing and congratulating the happy couple.

She met Inuyasha while in high school and automatically fell in love with him. He was the bad boy that everyone wanted and she knew she wanted him bad. He treated her like his own sister, which at the time she didn't mind because she wanted to get closer to him. She was a freshman, he was a sophomore and it seemed like it could have worked. But as time went on, he met Kikyo and they automatically started to date. It appalled Kagome and she tried to find whatever she could about her that she hated. The girl was flawless and could have been a fucking a saint. She couldn't tell Inuyasha how she felt about the pairing; she didn't want to embarrass herself or him getting mad. She watched as the couple became inseparable and soon enough she started to become the third wheel and shortly after she only to talk to him over the phone for a few minutes before he would hang up to run off and hang out with Kikyo.

Kikyo, Kikyo, Kikyo.

Kagome grumbled under her breath as she fumbled and glared at the napkin that was in her hands. She was truly heart broken and when Inuyasha told her about their engagement, she was glad that it was over the phone so he didn't see the face she made and the sobbing after they hung up. She knew she had to be strong to be there for him, after all she didn't want to give up the friendship she had with him. But she was selfish and she wanted all of him, not just a little.

She looked up at the couple and watched Inuyasha as he chatted away, probably telling a joke or some funny story. Her lips lifted slowly into a weak smile then they fell back in her pout. She looked back down at her hands, her fingers still working away at the napkin. She thought about eating her food, thanking and congratulating Inuyasha then bailing out of there so she didn't have to listen to the sickening sweet stories of marriage and worse, Inuyasha and Kikyo and the fun times they have had together.

"You treat this as if it were a funeral."

Kagome glanced up to her side and realized the whole time she had been there; she had been seated next to Inuyasha's older brother, Sesshomaru. He sat there with no imperfections in his seated posture; his golden eyes stared at her and a tiny smirk was graced on his lips. He wore a nice and probably expensive dark navy blue suit, his long silver hair pushed back behind him so it was not in the way. She looked away from him and back down to her hands. "I do not." She bit out.

"You can wallow in your despair, but Inuyasha will not save you." She watched him from the corner of her eye as he ran his long lean fingers through his silver hair, making it seem like he was playing with it rather than pushing it away from his face.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Sesshomaru." She gritted out, irritated that he was butting into her feelings. No one knew about her deep love for Inuyasha and yet Sesshomaru acted like he knew the whole time.


Kagome lifted her head and looked over at Sesshomaru who had already looked away from her. His long elf like ears poked out of his silver hair, his magenta stripes gleamed in the soft candle lit room and his white skin looked soft. His skin always looked soft. She shook her head to get those thoughts out as quick as they came. She let out a little sigh and glanced over at Inuyasha who was talking to Kikyo's parents. He had a smile on his lips and his eyes were full and bright and very golden, much like his brother's.

She looked away and stared at the empty spot between her fork and knife and her blasted mind started to veer off and think about things she shouldn't. When she had first met Sesshomaru, she was amazed to see some similarities between them but yet seem so different. They both had the golden eyes and silver hair. But Sesshomaru had a much softer looking face and had a very stoic and intimidating aura, both seeming very contradicting to each other and it promised something, but she didn't know what.

Sesshomaru was long gone out of high school and had his own successful business when she first met him. Each year his business grew larger and he became more successful. Inuyasha had different ideas rather than run a business of his own. He was big into music, guitar was his preference, and he wanted to start a band and travel around beat up bars and jam. She laughed about it often; still she hoped that his dream would come true. She admired that about Inuyasha and she also admired Sesshomaru for doing something and always being so successful in it. But that was all she thought of Sesshomaru, everything else about the man irritated her and she had no idea why. She tapped her finger and glanced over at Sesshomaru who was taking a sip of his wine. The man was arrogant, full of himself and had little to nothing nice to say especially to Inuyasha. It seemed like he looked down his nose at her and Inuyasha and she never understood why.

She cringed and gritted her teeth when she heard Kikyo's laughter then Inuyasha's that followed behind. She felt her face flush and her hands went numb with tingles. She gripped the table and stood up abruptly without giving it much thought. She gasped as she felt hands grip her waist then pull her back down, but onto a lap.

"You don't want to cause a scene do you? Especially before their special day?" Sesshomaru's silky voice whispered in her ear. She could have sworn his lips brushed against the shell of her ear, and it sent chills through her.

Her eyes widened and she felt herself growing hot and could feel her ears were on fire from the burning blush that was taking over. No one seemed to notice what had just happened and her new seating arrangement.

"That color looks much better on you." His arm snuck more around her waist and rested on her belly.

Kagome sucked in a breath and turned her head to look at Sesshomaru who in return stared at her with only his amusement being shown through his eyes, but his lips were set in the usual straight line. "What are you doing? Let go of me." She whispered harshly as she attempted to push his arm off of her.

"Not letting you make a fool of yourself. Now calm down." He spoke in a soothing voice, his arms tightened around her.

She looked away from Sesshomaru, back to the table where no one even noticed what was happening. She blushed and slumped against him giving in. He was right, she didn't want to start a scene.

"That's a good girl. Now, sit back in your seat and eat. After we can go to the bar." He released his arms slowly, his hands skimming over her, once again giving her chills.

She got off his lap and sat back in her seat and looked at Sesshomaru with narrowed eyes, "Go to the bar?"

He adjusted his jacket and flicked back some hair then looked at her with his piercing gold eyes, "Drinks are on me."

"You can't just tell me we are going. Maybe I have plans." She dug her nails in her lap and glared at Sesshomaru, reminding herself not to raise her voice.

Sesshomaru quirked an eyebrow and a small smirk graced his lips, it made Kagome shut her mouth with a sound snap when she was about to speak and noticed that sexy smirk. That looked good on him.

"Fine. I'm not cheap, just so you know." She huffed and looked away from him. Just in time the waiters had arrived and started to set down the plates of food.

She could have sworn that she heard Sesshomaru whisper, "Oh, believe me I know." But she didn't pay too much attention and started to indulge in her plate of food. If she was going to get drunk out of her mind tonight and not pay a dime, she needed some food on her stomach.