Hi! This is Rellbell0011 and I hope you're enjoying Totallyperfect55's and my fanfics so far. Please REVIEW and tell us what ya think. I get so many ideas for fanfics but, this one I liked the most so ENJOY!:3

My life is diffrent from most of my friends' lives. It's more stressful, annoying, and a life more for an adult and not a teen like me. There's many reasons why this life is so stressful but, I'll tell you the main three reasons why.

1) My mom and dad died in a car accident, leaving me with my younger sisters. The docs looked at the bodies and it turned out that Mom had lung and breast cancer.

2) I'm junior, soon to be a senior and off to college.

3) I'm in love and pregnant with an Espada.

Number 1 and 2 you can understand but, #3 I bet you don't. Let me explain. Well, I'm a shiginami, a death god who protect and send spirits to a place called Soul Society, where all the other shiginami live. I don't live there cuz, I'm a substitute so, I don't really have to live there.

But, I do go to Soul Society when needed or to visit my friends and I kill hollows when there's no one to take care of it. Hollows are beings that eat souls or weaker hollows to get stronger.

Rukia Kuchiki, lieutenant of the 13th guard squad is a former friend of mine, and a crazy ass midget that's bitchy as her boyfirend Renji Abarai, who's also a lieutenant but of the 6th squad. Oh! I forgot to tell you that Soul Society is divided into 13 court guard squads.

A few squads have a special job for is known for something or example,

the 2nd Squad- Stealth Force

the 4th Squad- Healing Department

the 11th Squad- Best Fighters

and the 12th Squad- Science Department

But, enough of that, the reason why I'm telling you about my messed up life is because, I'm ethier in the maggot's nest or dead. You'll find out at the end of my story. Well, you could call it that it's my (as most girls say) "love story".

My lover, Grimmjow use to be my sworn enemy but, after the war I found out he was still alive after another espada killed him. We started to visit in secret for our daily spars but, slowly, very slowly, we got to know each other and BAM. We fell in love with each other. After we both realized it, we had some pleasurable, hot sex. Grimmjow just knows how to make me scream louder than a hollow's roar.

Later on, I learned due to being a Vizard, half shiginami, half hollow, that I could get pregnant by a shiginami or hollow. Yep, you guess'd it, I was a preggers. Grimmjow told me that Los Noches was safer since he was always near by. Before I left, I told my closest friend, Rukia about it but, she just ran her bitchy, ass mouth off towards the Commander.

They eventually found us and put us in diffrent cells. Word flew around about my pregnancy and soon the cubs (as Grimmjow called them) were almost ready to pop out of me. My stomach was the size of a basketball. Grimmjow said they grew faster since we have alot of rieatsu to feed them.

Soon I heard that the captains were thinking of executing Grimmjow and it broke my heart dearly. I stopped eating the food the guards would give to me but, I still fed the cubs my rieatsu which was getting smaller by the day. My clothes soon grew baggy to me and my rietsu was so low that the cubs died.

I shut down after that. I stopped everything then. I stopped eating, drinking, sleeping, and I stopped speaking to Rukia who started to visit me. I just turned my back to her and ignored her apologies.

The only thing I did was love the cubs and Grimmjow and stared out the window at the village near Soul Society, watching and listening to the children that I'll never have laugh and play.

Let's stop here so I don't spoil the ending for you. My name is Ichigo Kurosaki and this is MY life.

Once again, this is the reason why I haven't been updating. Sorry, please forgive me^-^. Review please, tell me what ya think and etc.