here's an update! hope you guys will enjoys this chapter.
sorry for the wrong grammar and/ or spelling errors. I'm too sleepy to actually review this chapter to look for the errors. hehe~ ;p
read and review guys, thanks ! :))
ps: i'll try to update Thin Bridge and Just Like the Movies if ever i have spare time ;)
DISCLAIMER: i do own the characters involved
Together, as one
Chapter 18
"I just have a bad feeling about this Naruto" Sakura said all of a sudden. "But I hope everything will be alright. That Ino is alright."
Naruto walked towards her and pulled the pinkette on his arms, "you don't have to stress yourself over that matter. Both Sasuke and Ino will overcome this mess." He assured her; Sakura slightly pulled away only to be greeted by a warm smile from Naruto.
"Yeah`" Sakura smiled at him as well and tiptoed to place a kiss on his lips.
"Let's get going or else Tsunade-baachan would surely be pissed if we're late." He said and grabbed his girlfriend's hand and the couple walked out of the house.
The week became months; Ino just wrote a letter for Tsunade and apologized that she still couldn't decided and needed more time for herself. She even told her master that once she gets back to the village, she will take whatever consequence the Hokage would bestow on her.
As the blond woman perched on the wooden chair that was situated at the balcony of Temari's place, she can't help but think about Konoha; her father, Sakura and the Naras. She was fairly sure that Shikamaru's parents were now asking her husband of her whereabouts, she just don't know what Shikamaru would tell them. Of course, her jounin husband would be suspicious and would demand some information about her from Tsunade, she just hopes that the older blond would have some sort of explanation for her genius husband.
Her thoughts now trailed to her lover, the man whose child was growing on her stomach- Uchiha Sasuke. She was still wondering how to have contact with him and how to tell him that they were going to have a baby, and how would the raven-haired man react once he learned about it.
She can't help but smile as she felt slight pain on her lower abdomen, she soothingly caressed it. Her stomach was now slightly bulging; she needed to move out of Suna before she hit her fifth month to avoid questions especially from Gaara. She was just thankful that Temari was still in Konoha, though there's still some inkling why the ferocious blond wants to stay more to Konoha than in her own village.
Just as she was about to pack her things, she heard the door opened and Temari came in.
"You're here, how's your trip?" Ino asked as she walked towards the other blond
"It's fine, just tired." Temari replied as she took off her cloak "the weather here becomes more severe" she commented
"Yeah; everyday becomes hotter than the day before" Ino agreed "hey~ Temari" Ino grinned at her all of a sudden.
"What?" Temari looked at her with a creased eyebrow, she was curious as to why the hell Ino was giving her that look.
"Tell me who you are messing with!" Ino squealed at the inquisitive blond as she immediately hugged her and began jumping like an excited toddler
"Ino stop jumping!" Temari demanded before she pushed the excited blond away. Ino started to catch her breath but her smile never leave her flushed face
"So, tell me!" Ino asked eagerly "who's the lucky guy?!"
"heh~ why would you ask something like that?" Temari asked back, she was more curious as to why Ino brought such a topic. Ino's smile only grew wider as she tapped her chin
"I wouldn't ask that I if didn't see that hickey on your neck!" she exclaimed as she pointed on the Sand kunoichi's neck. "and I must say, he must be a real sucker huh~" she added as she looked at the older kunoichi that rushed towards her mirror to check on her neck.
After a couple of seconds, Temari walked over her leaning against the thrilled blond
"You want to know who did this to me." Temari asked, a dark smile was spread on her face but Ino didn't noticed as she was busy squealing at her friend's love life.
Oh dear, I don't know what will you do if you know Temari darkly thought as she looked over Ino who was still giving her a love sick stare.
"You're killing me Temari, tell me who your lover is!" she asked eagerly, the other blond shook her head as she walked away from Ino towards the bathroom
"I wouldn't tell you, silly" she said before she shut the door behind her, earning a disappointed groan from the younger blond.
As Temari looked at the red mark that Shikamaru gave her, she can't help but smirked at her reflection
Ino dear, you're so eager to know who I'm messing with. Just wait until the bomb explode right through your very own eyes. She thought as she started to undress and dipped her body on the tub.
Let's just hope we will both get what we really want; you, to be with your lover and me with your husband.
Ino heard the older blond kunoichi laugh and she was left wondering why Temari would laugh like that. It was as if she was on something wicked that Ino suppressed a shiver that ran through her spine. She just hoped it was just hallucination due to her pregnancy.
Sasuke sat at the farthest corner of the bar and gulped down the sake he ordered a minute ago. The images of Shikamaru messing with the Kazekage's older sister never left his mind. He gulp down the remaining of his drink before ordering another bottle; he wanted to erase that event on his mind but it was as if the whole scene glued on his very mind and kept on repeating on his head.
"Stupid Nara!" he cursed, he clenched and unclenched the cup on his hand before he took another shot. Hell, he wanted to be wasted just this one time.
He wanted to take revenge on the Nara for taking Ino away from him only to mess on her back. But then he suddenly realized, why would he extract revenge on the man? If Ino and their family would learn about her husband's affair, then their marriage would be void and she would be free to be with him.
It was just a matter of when. Sasuke thought as he finished his drink and went straight to his house to rest.
As the sole Uchiha laid at his bed, the images of Ino under him came flashing on his mind. Their first night together was the most memorable night in his life; it covered the night when Itachi murdered their clan and gave hope to his next goal- the rebuilding of the new Uchiha clan. His body became hotter and he stood up to have some shower to cool his body down but the images of their first time together kept repeating on his mind
"Ino~" he utter as he relieved himself with only the memory of his lovely blond lover; "you're mine and you will be mine" he said in between heavy breaths. "I'm going to get you from that Nara" he vowed as he looked at the mirror, eyes becomes red as the Sharingan activates.
Temari was out of her house to get some goods; she asked Ino to come along but the bubbly woman refused because she has some things to do and so the vicious older blond walked alone.
As she walked around towards the village's market center, she felt someone was following her. The Suna kunoichi turned to an alley and waited for her follower to reveal
"Took you long enough to sense my presence" Temari was surprised to be face to face with Uchiha Sasuke but she didn't let it be noticed. She gave the raven haired a smirk before she walked towards him
"What a pleasant surprise Uchiha Sasuke." she replied, ignoring his earlier remarks. "I know you're not here just to have a chitchat with me or anyone in this village" she said, Sasuke smiled arrogantly at the blond before him before advancing towards Temari who took a step backwards as the Uchiha took a step towards her.
"Why?" Sasuke taunted as he continued walking "scared of me? I wouldn't kill you" he said as he cornered Temari at the end of the alley "I know your dirty secret" he whispered and leaned back to look at Temari's shocked expression. "If your brother and Konoha would know about it, I don't know what will happen to you"
"Dirty secret huh~" Temari mocked as she relaxed her body on the wall, looking at the Uchiha with mischievous grin on her face. "And what's that dirty secret mr. talkative?" she dared to ask
"You're messing with Nara. I saw the both of you at the woods" he stated effortlessly. Temari smirked at his statement
"You have mine I have yours. What do you really want Sasuke-kun~" she asked in a seductive tone just to mocked the Uchiha.
"You don't have anything against me woman." Sasuke said, activating his Sharingan
"Oh no Sasuke-kun, I do have a secret too. Is the fact that I know you're still alive not a secret?" Temari sweet talk to him as her smile grew wider "and I know where Ino is" she said and gave the Uchiha a triumphant smirk upon seeing the raven-haired man's change of expression. "So we have a deal?"
"That's the reason why I'm here" Sasuke replied, still smirking and with glowing red eyes.