(Have one sided Jerikyd feels!)

Wykkyd, no longer much of a Kyd, watched from his perch on a tree.

He hadn't been invited. He wasn't surprised. He didn't want to be invited. So, from the very outskirts of this beautiful outdoor wedding, he had sat in a tree, feeling a lump in his throat that wasn't going away.

His scarlet eyes were on the groom, at the very front. His suit was perfect, his purple tie glinting in the sunlight. His blonde curls waved just perfectly, and his emerald eyes glinted in the sun. The Changeling smacked him on the shoulder and obviously made a joke, as the blonde laughed silently.

Wykkyd smiled a little too, to see his smile as well. It was adorable.

He was known as Jericho... although to Wykkyd, he'd always be Joseph.

His friend.

A titan.

And someone he had been in love with since he was sixteen years old.

But Jericho wasn't in love with Wykkyd.

He was in love with Kole. Had been since they were both fifteen.

The whole world called it 'meant to be' and they were voted third cutest couple of the titans three years running, after Nightwing with Starfire and Changeling with Raven.

Wykkyd didn't know how to react to this. He'd been on the sidelines, he'd given Kole the polite hello during peace times and never hurt her in battle. That would break Jericho's heart. And he didn't want to do that.

Suddenly, everyone in the chairs gasped and stood.

Kole was walking down the aisle. She had the perfect white dress, with flower like bead designs on it. A circlet of lilies sat in her pink hair, holding the veil in place.

Even Wykkyd's breath was taken away by her beauty.

As a teenager, Kole had been, well, girlish. Adorable.

Now she was beautiful. Stunning really. Everyone in the tabloids had pictures about her transformation from childhood to adulthood.

But their edited pictures had no effect on her real, natural beauty.

The lump in Wykkyd's throat got worse as he saw the look on Jericho's face as he saw his dazzling bride. He looked like he was in love.

… He was in love.

The ceremony was perfect. As the priest asked if anyone had a reason for these people to not be together, Wykkyd nearly stood up from his perch, but he stayed still.

He didn't have a good enough reason for Jericho not to get his 'happily ever after'.

After the ceremony, Jericho went off to the side, and Wykkyd met him.

Jericho looked shaky. 'I... I'm married now. I saw you in the tree.' He signed.

Wykkyd nodded back. 'I had to watch. I knew the titans wouldn't approve if you had invited me... congratulations. I hope you two are happy together.'

The blonde's face burst into a grin. He gave Wykkyd a half hug and signed, 'Thank you! I better get back to the party.' He walked off, now looking better.

Jericho thankfully didn't look behind him, as Wykkyd blinked hard and a tear slipped down his cheek. He teleported away sorrowfully.

'And in that moment, I understood,'

How he could love her,

And what they shared

Would never be for me...

I understood,

but yet I never really conquered,

That part inside that wishes it had been me...'

(May Queen by Heather Dale was originally written about the Lancelot/Guinevere/King Arthur love triangle, most likely, Lancelot pining after Guinevere being with King Arthur. But the artist said that I could also be taken as Arthur pining after Guinevere because she loves Lancelot, or even this: Lancelot or Arthur feeling love for the other.

She was quoted on that I believe.

Sooooo I got inspired for angst. Ouchy terrible angst. But good angst.

I need to write more Sapphires, Emeralds and Rubies... Kole/Jericho/Kyd Wykkyd. I named it myself! :D

Bye byes, remember to review!)

(Oh, and go check out my new series Der Ritter. AU, really cool, and somewhat freaky.)