A/N: Hey! It's another one-shot! Awesome, right? Anyways, Austin & Ally are dating in this one.
In Your Arms
"Guitars are over there. No sir, this isn't the eye doctor. Don't go up there!" I said in a long slur feeling exhausted and quite frankly, annoyed. Today was a particularly annoying day, for it was the day my father had left to an accordion convention, leaving me the only one working. Trish and Dez were nowhere to be found. She probably convinced Dez to go shopping with her. Austin, on the other hand, was up in the practice room, rehearsing for his performance on South Beach Sound next weekend. He had offered to help, but he's not exactly…helpful. Last time, he dropped boxes of instruments because he was trying to show off how much he could carry. My father was most certainly not pleased with having to spend more money on inventory. There goes the four dollars he saves.
I was frustrated. I mean, seriously? What eye doctor has instruments?! Well, he had vision problems so he probably couldn't see them, but still. Someone should've been supervising him. After handling a few more customers, the store was empty. Thank God. It'll probably be full again though in like 2 hours… As if sensing now was a time to talk to me, Austin came down.
"Looks like things have calmed down here finally. Ready to go?" he said.
"Ready to go? Where?" I asked confused. I don't remember any plans.
"The beach!" he said enthusiastically.
"Austin, you know I don't like the beach."
"It'll be different this time. Come on. For me?" he said, pouting.
No, no. Don't cave. Don't cave. "Fine." Damn.
"Yay! I love you." he said, walking over to hug me and kiss my cheek.
I sighed. "I love you too." I said, making him smile wide while I went to switch the sign to "Closed".
We began walking together in step when a thought occurred to me. What about my swimsuit? Oh well. I won't swim then. Then, I continued walking with Austin hand in hand.
Preceding the short walk, we arrived at a secluded area of the beach. Well, this is good. I won't have to worry about seeing any guys in thongs. Austin walked ahead and sat down on one of two blankets lying underneath an umbrella, patting on the one beside him signaling me to lie next to him. I did so and didn't bother asking how this was here. He probably had it planned and set it up earlier before coming to Sonic Boom.
The weather was actually fairly nice, save the chilling wind. It really wasn't cold, but when you're used to the warm weather like I am, it can be. I hugged my knees, shivering a bit. Austin noticed this and slid over next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I shifted into a more comfortable position and leaned back into him. I was far away enough from under the umbrella to see some passing clouds. I began watching them to see what I could make out of them. It had become an instinct, being in the Cloudwatching Club and all. Austin never really liked the idea, but once we started dating, he began watching them with me.
"Look, it's a bunny on a bicycle!" he said, pointing at a nearby cloud that was indeed a bunny on a bicycle.
"Good job! See? You are getting better at this." I said, making a smile play across his lips.
We continued with that for about a half hour until I got a little bored. I mean, I love cloud watching, but you can only do it for so long.
"I love you." I said, looking up at him.
"I love you too. Are you still cold?" he said, kissing the top of my head.
"No, actually. Your arms are keeping me warm. They keep me warm and they do so much more." I said, thinking about the things they make me feel.
"Like what?" he asked with a genuine puzzled look on his face.
"They make me feel safe. They make me happy. When I'm in your arms, the rest of the world goes away and it's just us. The way I like it. When I'm in your arms, everything bad goes away. Like today: I was so frustrated with work, but now, I feel so happy. My troubles are forgotten." I said, sighing out of content. He then hugged me tighter.
"Good," he begins," I want to make you feel that way. Ally, you deserve to be happy. I hate seeing you stressed. I knew your dad would be gone today, so that's why I planned this." he said, looking at me adoringly. I leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. When I pulled away, I leaned back into him again.
"Well, I'm not stressed anymore, so mission accomplished." I said.
He glanced at his watch quickly. "More customers should be headed to the store in a bit…" he said hesitantly. "Umm, I know you really care about your job, so did you want to get going or…?" he trailed off.
"No. The customers can wait." I said. "My dad left me alone to deal with them, so he obviously didn't care too much."
"That's true, I guess." he responded.
"Yup. I'd rather be here anyways, in your arms."
"That's the way I like it." he said, kissing my head again.
"Can we do this again?" I asked.
"Of course. I'll always be your hero. I'll be there to make you feel safe and loved whenever you need me."
"My hero… I like that."
"I do too." he said, leaning in for a kiss.
A/N: This was really short… Umm, I don't know what to say. Nicole told me to write this, so I guess this is for her…? Idk. Anyways, I hope you liked it!
Don't forget to review! :D