Gohan woke several times that night because he was troubled by nightmares. In his nightmares he saw his friends getting hurt by Cell. He tried to help them but suddenly he couldn't see. All he could do was standing and listening to his friend screaming. Then he would wake up all sweaty and shaking. It took him a long time to calm himself enough to fall asleep again. This dream repeated itself over and over. In the end he gave up on getting more sleep that night and got out of bet. He didn't know what time it was but his parents were still asleep so it must have been night or early morning. He walked over to his closet and got dressed. He then sat down on the bet. He didn't know what else to do. He could feel how the hopelessness slowly started to overwhelm him again so he tried to shake the feeling of him.
"You can't allow yourself to give in to the hopelessness", he thought to himself. "You have to be strong and keep on going".
He figured that maybe some meditation would help him regain control over his feelings. He closed his eyes and started to empty his mind. It wasn't easy. He would constantly start to think of something but after a while he managed to clear his mind.
All of a sudden everything seemed to spring to life around him. He could sense the ki of multiple life forms which ki he had never noticed before. The kis all felt different but some of them were similar. Gohan didn't know what the kis belonged to so he looked forward to investigate it as soon as possible.
After breakfast Chichi decided that Gohan had to study and since his new books hadn't arrived jet she had to read aloud for him. Gohan didn't want to listen to his mother reading up from a science book. He was eager to go outside and investigate all these new kis he had discovered. But he had no choice and he soon found himself sitting and listening to his mother's lecture.
"Why do I have to listen to this?" Gohan thought. "I already know everything in that book."
After lunch Gohan was finally allowed to go outside. Chichi didn't really like Gohan walking around on his own outside but she said he could do it if he didn't go too far away from the house. Gohan could feel the adrenalin pumping through his blood when he took the first few steps outside the house.
He then stopped up and searched for the kis he had felt that morning. He found them quickly. There was a carpet of weak kis all around him and he figured that it was grass. Then he searched a little further and he felt a big cluster of kis on his left side and he decided to go over there and investigate it. He knew he was walking in the direction of the forest so he had a pretty good idea of what the kis belonged to.
Gohan walked slowly and carefully. It was still a little scary to walk around outside but not as scary as last time. He remembered haw he a few days ago had been outside on his own. That day he had only walked a few steps away from the house before he had sat down. Today he was walking further away and he also had an idea of where he was walking. That was definitely an improvement.
Comforted by this he began to walk faster and more confidently. He made it all the way to the edge of the ki cluster. He reached his hand out and gently touched on of the kis. He felt the rough bark of the tree in front of him and he knew he had been right about the kis coming from the forest.
"Should I walk into the forest?" Gohan thought. "Mom said that I could not go too far away but how far is that?"
Even though he knew that his mother might get worried he still couldn't resist this chance to explore and try out his newfound ability. He went into the forest. At first he walked slowly reaching out to support himself on every tree he passed but after a few minutes he got more confident and started to walk normally. While he walked he listened to the birds singing and the snapping sound coming from the dry branches he occasionally stepped on.
Then he stopped. He didn't know why but his intuition just told him to stop. He lifted his hand to feel in front of him and his hand touched something hard. Gohan's best guess was that it was a big rock in front of him but the question that filled his mind was how he had known it was there. All he had done was walking and listening. He couldn't have heard the Rock could he. Rocks didn't make sounds but there was something about sound waves being reflected when they hid an object. Maybe it was that he had just been met with. If it was it would be a good thing. If he could hear objects and sense the ki from living things he would be able to move around easily.
Since he couldn't continue forward Gohan turned to the left and started to walk again. He was happier than he had been in days. For the first time since he was blinded he felt that there was hope for his future. He felt like running and so he did zigzagging in and out between the trees. It felt good to be exercising again after such a long time of inactivity. He stopped running when he reached a clearing. He could hear the sound of running water so he knew he was near a river. He liked the clearing and found a tree close to the water that he climbed up in.
With Chichi and Goku
"Goku" Chichi said. "Have you seen Gohan?"
"No I haven't" Goku answered. "Why?"
"He went outside a few hours ago and I can't see him anywhere.
"He probably just walked into the forest."
"But I told him not to go too far away from the house. Chichi said worryingly. "He could get lost or hurt."
"He have played on his own in the forest since he was three years old" Goku said trying to comfort Chichi"
"But he is blind"
"Don't worry Chichi I will go and find him. But I'm sure that he is all right"
Goku started to walk towards the forest searching for his son's ki. He found it easily but was surprised that it was so far away. He started to run towards it.
With Gohan
Gohan could feel his father's ki approaching fast. He figured that his parents were worried about him and he wondered how long he had been gone. It couldn't be that long yet he had to admit that he had no sense of time.
"Hi dad" Gohan said as Goku entered the clearing.
"Hi Gohan" Goku said. "Your mom is worried about you. How did you even get in here?"
"I mostly walked but I also ran a bit." Gohan said as he slowly levitated himself to the ground.
Gohan told his father how he had discovered that he could sense the kis from all living things and how he could here objects. When he was done Goku said:
"That's amazing Gohan"
"Dad" Gohan said. Can we spare?"
Goku looked at his son questioningly and said:
"Are you sure you want to fight?"
"Yes I'm absolutely positive" Gohan answered.
"Well okay then let's fight."
Gohan got into a fighting stance and waited.