OK so this is my part of a deal that me and my sister Rumad and i made, she would do a story inspired by one of mine and vice versa, she's done a glee story inspired by 'family friends and falling in love' and so this story is inspired by her one shot, 'I'm not gunna teach him how to dance with you'.
When I say bar I imagine like the bar in grey's anatomy or something not a club.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but Scott.
"I can't believe you're getting married in three day" Abby Sciuto squealed.
It was true Jenny Shepard was getting married in three days. The woman herself couldn't believe it. Instead of having a bachelorette party Jenny had asked all of her 'friends' on team Gibbs including Ducky and Abby to join herself and her fiancé at the local bar.
"Can't wait" Jenny grinned as she gave her fiancé Scott a glance as he placed his hand on her shoulder trying to not let him see the second, third and fourth thoughts she was having about it.
"Show us the ring again?" Abby asked excitedly.
Jenny held out her left hand to the two girls, the ring had a big diamond surrounded by little ones, the redhead hadn't liked it at first, thought it was to blingy, to in your face she would have preferred something smaller more elegant perhaps but it had grown on her just like the man in question had.
"You have good taste Scott" Ziva complemented gazing at the diamond ring that adorned her friend's finger.
"Must have cost you a fortune" Tony commented from his place next to Ziva.
"Jenny's worth it" Scott replied giving Jenny a kiss on the lips making the redhead blush.
"I must say I believe you two will be very happy together" Ducky commented seeing that the tall dark haired man really did adore Jenny although he wasn't sure he could say the same about her.
"To Jenny and Scott" Tim proposed raising his glass and every one cheered making the couple smile before kissing again.
Meanwhile over in a booth not far from where the gang and Scott sat at the bar, Gibbs sat downing his second glass of bourbon as he watched Scott undressing the redhead with his eyes and kissing her and touching her and all the girls falling all over him.
He hated Scott for many reasons but one in particular. Minus the fact he was young, a doctor, tall dark hair and dark eyes all if which he knew would attract women and one in particular but he had Jenny something Gibbs could never have again.
Gibbs was jealous, yep he would admit to that, he wanted Jenny, he was in love with her and had been for the past eight years. He has thought that when Jenny had turned up to be director that it was fate giving them another chance but only when he dropped Jenny home after a nice meal he'd had with her as 'friends' had he found out she had someone else.
Abby then noticed Gibbs by himself looking very sad "Hey Gibbs" She said bouncing over to him in and sitting opposite him in an attempt to cheer him up.
"Abs" he grumbled in reply.
"Why don't you come join us at the bar?" Abby asked "You could get to know Scott, he's really nice"
"I've met him Abs" Gibbs said remembering being first introduced to him at the NCIS Christmas party when he'd 'accidently' interrupted him and Jenny under the mistletoe.
"Yeah well you could at least come have a drink, talk to people rather than just sitting her by yourself moping" the bubbly Goth responded with a little irritation in her voice.
"I'm not moping" Gibbs growled "Just go join the others Abs" he said motioning for her to leave him alone.
Abby pouted before getting up and taking her spot next to Tim, as she sat down Scott's pager went off "Sorry I'm on call" he said pulling it out and looking at it "I have to something's wrong with one of my patients" Scott continued "Will you be ok getting home?" he asked Jenny.
"Yeah I'll be fine" She said giving him a quick kiss on the lips "I'll see you at home" Scott nodded in return.
"It's was nice to meet you guys" he said to the team before quickly making his exit.
"Well I must say you know how to pick them" Ziva commented after the man had gone.
"I don't know what you're talking about" Jenny said with a grin motioning to the bartender "Can we get another round of drinks?" she asked.
"Ah not for me my dear, I think I'd better be going mother's nurse will have to leave soon" Ducky commented.
After the ME had said good night to everyone, the gang went to sit with Gibbs at the booth. Tony and Ziva sat next to Gibbs. Abby at Tim sat opposite them and Jenny sat opposite Gibbs.
All of them chatted amongst themselves but Jenny and Gibbs kept staring at each other only shifting their gaze when they took a sip of their bourbon.
"Gibbs are you coming to the wedding?" Abby asked moving his attention from Jenny to herself.
"Yeah" Gibbs grumbled, as much as it pained him to see Jenny get married to someone else she was his best friend, he couldn't not go, he had to be there for her.
An Hour later everyone was leaving not too drunk but pleasantly buzzed. Jenny and Gibbs were last to leave "You want a lift home, cheaper than calling a cab? He suggested as they walked through the dark car park.
"If you don't mind" she said with a smile.
Gibbs nodded before walking her towards his car, his hand naturally going to the small of her back.
As they got to the cross road, going left would take them to Jenny's and right would take them to Gibbs's "You want to come back to mine for a drink?" Gibbs asked.
Jenny thought for a moment, she shouldn't especially with the fact that there were still unresolved feelings between them, but she knew Scott wouldn't be home probably until tomorrow evening and she didn't want to be alone "Sure why not"
Ten minutes later they arrived at Gibbs house and both headed straight for the basement where they both knew the bourbon was kept.
After a while they chatted and drank bourbon and then she helped him with the boat doing as he had told her many years ago, graining with the wood so he hadn't had to stand behind her and guide her hands, Jenny knew what that had always led too and that wasn't an option especially now that she was getting married in three days to another man.
Gibbs offered her another lot of bourbon when he noticed that she was almost empty, she had agreed and then that was it, the rest of the night for both of them was a haze.
The next morning, Jenny woke with a pounding in her head and no idea where she was. All she knew was she was laying somewhere cold, hard and dark but her head was on something warm and squishy. Carefully she sat up, lifting her head.
Her fringe fell in her face so she lifted her left hand to push it out of her face. Her wrist felt heavy and hurt like hell at first she thought she might have broken it but then she looked at her wrist that was in the hair and not only was hers but someone else's. she was handcuffed to someone!
She shifted to look at the body next to her "Oh no" she said out loud, Jenny was handcuffed to Leroy Jethro Gibbs, her head had been on his chest, they were in his basement, she didn't think this could get much worse.
But then she remembered she was getting married in three days to Scott, "Jethro wake up" Jenny said shoving him with her right hand.
"Go back to bed Jen" Gibbs grumbled sleepily trying to turn over only to pull her with him make her straddle his waist.
Gibbs half opened his eyes "Oh I'm having one of these dream ok" he said his hands pulling Jenny's head down to kiss her but then Jenny put her right hand over his mouth.
"Where are the keys to these?" Jenny asked holding her left hand and his right to show them connected with the handcuffs.
"Handcuffs that's new" He commented thinking this was all still some sex dream he was having.
"This isn't a dream Jethro it's real" she screamed at him punching his chest with her right hand, Gibbs was fully awake now. "Give me the key so I can unlock us" she commanded.
Gibbs got up and dragged Jenny with him over to the draw where he kept the key and cuffs when he wasn't a work but it was empty "Ugh Jen, the key's not here" he said.
"What I'm getting married in two days I can't be handcuffed to you" Jenny screamed.
"Well it looks like we're going to be like this for a while" Gibbs commented.
So do you guys like it, do you want more?