Disclaimer: Nothing.
A/N: Ties in with Lucifer.
She serves him.
That much is clear to the legendaries. Even the renegade, with her wings of shadows and dark nature, serves the Original One.
What they can't quite get is why.
For the sake of the Heavens, she is a renegade. It is in her description, her volatile nature, her history itself! Everything about her screams fallen, rebel, dark one.
So why is she one of his servants?
The members of the Hall mutter and question, but none can quite grasp the right answer.
Once, she was proud. Arrogant. Vain. Haughty. She knew the One was attracted to her, and that just gave her the delusions of being ultimate.
Once, she sinned. Rebelled. Destroyed. Mutinied. Defied. She wanted power, more power than any in the entire world!
Once, she fell. Thrown off the Heavens by someone she thought would do anything for her.
She learned her lesson, her actions repented in the times of purgatory, promising to never plan another uprising against the Original One.
She became more humble. Never again did she stand right at the front, her head held high and demanding. Instead, she lurked in the shadows, where she belonged, the Queen of Ghosts.
The strangest lesson was, she supposed, love. For in the worst pains, the pure flames burning away her sins to cleanse her with excruciating agony, she learned that he had truly loved her, to give her another chance, and she loved him.
He most likely did not anymore, not after what she tried to do so long ago. She held back, serving from afar, and buried feelings inside the scorched and barren conscious of hers, not wanting to sin again.
And she tried to satisfy herself as his dark servant.
And no one is happy, but they lie and pretend to be blissful.
Sources: Wikipedia entry for Satan.