A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait I won't give you any excuses just my writers block. Anyway hope you like the chapter please excuse the errors I don't have "Word" and I'm still looking for a BETA. As always please review but no flames, thanks =)
"Lord Inutaisho..."Kagome breathlessly said as she looked up only to get dizzy with her position on the porch. "careful dear " He helped her sit up right and took a seat next to her on the step."I didn't realize you were home." Kagome mumbled quietly as she fidgeted with her hands in her nervousness."Yes well it is late dear." He replied with a smile noting her downcast gaze. Silence ensued as the two looked up at the stars."Taisho" He said braking the spell."What?" she asked bewildered at his meaning. "My name, I prefer you call me by name." He chuckled as he looked at her only receiving a small nod from her."I know it will take time I would however like very much if you could one day consider me family."
She gave a small smile at the thought of actually having a full family to call her own. Though she didn't know them all that long she felt at home with all the residents of the house and Taisho was fast becoming a father figure she never knew she wanted. "Kagome...may i ask you something?" She nodded in response."I know I embarrassed you a bit this morning but is there truly no romantic feelings for my son?" Kagome a bit taken aback by his question, sat quiet for a few more moments before softly replying."Truthfully I am unsure, I have never been with a man or any person for that mater. I know it sounds strange but I'm just now getting use to having friends and any form of family. I'm sorry but I can't answer your question fully." She finished softly as her voice gave away her uncertainty.
"No worries dear I'm just a curious old fool. No need to get upset over my nosiness." Taisho jokingly said after catching the undertone in her voice."Well I'm off to bed don't stay up to late dear." Standing he leaned down to kiss her forehead before opening the door once more and disappearing in to the house leaving Kagome alone to her thoughts.
Upstairs above the back porch stood an increasingly frustrated Sesshomaru. He heard everything and wondered why his father was interrogating Kagome about her relationship (or in this case lack there of )with him. Was he against him courting her? It certainly seemed that way to the young lord but for what reason? He himself had taken a human wife so why not allow his son? What was even more frustrating was his Instincts as of late, he had become even more possessive over Kagome. If only his father knew the true extent of his beast's infatuation with the young girl, he knew he would have been forbidden to go anywhere near her. It did bother him a bit to know that he felt so much more for her then she seemed to for him but knew that in time he could sway her if ever given the opportunity.
It was his last thought as he heard her coming up the stairs and knew he had to catch her before she went to her room. Making Quick strides he crossed his room to the door in no time. He Quietly called out to her as he leaned out his door causing her stooped mid stride and turned towards him. She debated on ignoring him and going to her room but thought better of it lest he become irritated and wake the sleeping owner of the home.
"What?" She softly whispered still not moving any closer to his door where he leaned carelessly against the frame."I wish to speak to you." He finally said after a small pause but when she still made no move towards him he elaborated."I wish to apologize." She debated once more on ignoring him but thought what it must have took for him to say any words of remorse given his character or what she knew of it anyway. "Okay but just for a moment it's getting late and we both need to rest." She quietly moved across the hall and in to his room.
The door made a soft "Click" as he closed it with gentle force. "Will you sit?" He asked motioning to the bed when he saw her rub her arm with unease. Giving a small nod she took a seat at the end of the bed and silence ensued. "This really is not necessary...I overrated today." She mumbled and moved to get off of the bed when suddenly he grab her arm halting her attempts to flee, taking a seat next to her on the bed.
The dip in the bed and warmth coming from his hand on her arm signified his closeness. She was not sure she was fully comfortable with it yet but stayed completely still anyway.
"I should not have been so careless with my words, you are not familiar with a man's eye. I shall keep that in mind in the future." He spoke to her directly even when she turned away from him. "I don't fully understand you but your apology is accepted non the less." She finished as she once again tried to stand only to have him tug her back.
She gave him a questioning look when he refused to release her."I mean to say I find you attractive." Not knowing how to respond she searched his eyes for answers only to find none. "Thank you." Was all she could manage as her head swam in confusion and her heart skipped several beats." What a strange thing to say after someone confesses to you." Is what he thought but was Quickly caught off guard as she attempted to stand for the third time.
"Stay"He quickly said reaching for the arm that somehow escaped his grasp without notice. Being ready this time she was faster and moved her way from the bed. she saw him rise to his full height, which was a lot now that he had fully matured."I need to sleep and your father..." She trailed off quietly as she finally made it to the door. She turned towards it grabbing the knob as he rushed behind her, effectively re-closed the slightly open door.
" Just for a little while longer." She was in a state of panic as she felt him behind her and heard his deep voice in her ear. So close was he that she could feel his words against her neck causing goose bumps to rise on her previously heated skin. "I don't think that's a good idea." she tried to reason as she moved to pull open the door once again sighing when it didn't budge, his hand still holding it closed. "Please...Just a while longer." he pleaded Something he never did before but found it worth it when she slowly nodded and made to turn around.
"Just a little while and then I'm going to bed deal?" She asked hoping to leave soon so she could sort through her own confusion."Hn" He nodded as he ushered her back to her seat on the bed. They sat in what could only be described as awkward could he have practically begged her to stay only for him to have nothing to do and nothing to say? If he was truthful he wasn't expecting to actually plead, it was beneath him. What's more is she actually agreed something else he wasn't planning for.
Luckily for him as he sorted through the mess that he called a mind, she was noticing the change in his demeanor. Though not sure why he was getting out of sorts, she felt bad none the less for his out of the norm behavior and chose to spare them both by breaking the silence.
"How does it feel? I mean since your change." He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and thought about how to respond truthfully. He couldn't exactly say "It feels like I'm spiraling in to an emotional whirlpool where you are the only salvation." No, that would definitely freak her out but he wouldn't lie either. Turning towards her he carefully said."It is uncomfortable for me most of the time. I am not accustomed to so many emotions or instincts at once. My body is also different now so I have to adapt both mentally and physically." He paused before continuing ."I feel more comfortable when you are near."
"Oh" was all she manage to say when he looked at her as he was now. So full of depth like he was trying to portray something to her with is eyes alone but she was unsure."Why do I make you uncomfortable now?" He practically blurted out, an unusual habit he was finding only happened when near her. He never meant for the words to leave his mouth but they seemed to against his will. Looking at him with questioning eyes, she tilted her head to the side in confusion.
"Even if I could not smell your nervousness or hear your accelerated heart rate, you fidget more then before when in my presence." He stopped making sure he held her full attention, something else he found he wanted more of. "I at first wrote it off as your inexperience with people for extended periods of time. You did just move in, I was certain it would take time for you become use to so many people in one home. That is what I thought but I notice you do not get uncomfortable around your cousin, my brother or father...just me."
She was both amazed and a bit taken aback by his observations of her, it was almost intimate the detail he put in to it. It left her feeling oddly exposed in a way she was unfamiliar with. Lost in her thoughts she gasped in surprise when she looked to him and saw that his intense gaze was fixated on her. It was clear he was waiting for her to respond but with what she didn't know.
"It's not because you matured at least not directly I don't think." When he didn't advert his gaze she continued. "You act differently towards me than before. You use to just annoy me and pick at my words with sarcasm but now...I catch you stare at me when you think I'm not looking, your demeanor has changed. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it is a result of your maturity but I noticed some of the small changes before this I'm not sure how to interpret it. Then there is Mr Taisho's concern about our relationship to consider..."
"My father should mind his own business" he all but hissed as he stood and ran his hand through is long silver mane. "This is his home he has a right." "He has no right to interfere." Sesshomaru interjected none to happy with her complacent attitude towards his fathers interference. "lets agree to disagree then." was all she could say at his out burst and went to stand up. Staying in his room turned out to be just as she expected unbeneficial to both parties. she was left with more confusion about him then before and it was frustrating.
Seeing her stand his eyes became panic ridden. " Had he scared her with his outburst? Was she just board, was she board with him? Did she really prefer the company of others to him? Why could he not be still? why could he not be calm like before and control himself?"
He did not know the answers to any of the questions in his mind but he Knew she had to stay. He had to make her stay. It was this moment that he noticed her getting closer to his door, closer to leaving him. Not knowing what to do his instincts kicked in and with speed unknown to her, Kagome found her self away from the door and instead pinned to a bed with a red eyed Sesshomaru on top.
She gasped in surprise and moved to get up but was unable to move the heavy mass that was his body. Hearing her gasp, his heart beat quickened if it were even possible. She was at a loss of what to do she was a mix between nervous,panicked and bewildered. Why was he acting this way? Did she do something wrong to make him angry? It was then what Kikyo had said struck her. " He will have urges he can not control" Maybe she just needed to calm down so that he would.
He was aware of her every move and was pleased when she seemed to calm but when she nervously licked her lips he couldn't hold back. His mouth was on hers before her tongue could retreat back behind her lips. She sucked in air heavily thru her nose to get some kind of oxygen in to her lungs. Having never been kissed before, she was not prepared for the onslaught on her mouth and fought fiercely to regain her release.
He felt her struggles and tightened his hold on her further not ready to let go yet, if ever. Her taste was so unique, so addicting and he was certain she was create just for him. Suddenly his vision of her face morphed in something else. He saw her lying naked in his bed then another of her pregnant with his child and finally her with him watching as their child slept.
He was brought out of his delusion by the sent of tears and before he could register what was happening he was catapulted in to the air by her energy. Landing ruffly against the opposite wall, he was slow to get up not fully sure what happened.
Taisho was quick to bust open the door to his eldest son's room. What he saw made him pause in stride. His son was slowly rising from a hole in the wall made apparently by him when Kagome's Miko energy threw him across the room. Kagome was in a sphere of energy looking panic stricken and then he smelt it. The Smell of his son's arousal and Kagome's fear confirmed what he prayed was not true. "What have you Done!" Taisho furiously yelled to his confused son.
Kikyo and Inuyasha soon emerged thru the door to find the same seen. "I need you to calm her she has lost control." Taisho sternly called to Kikyo as he rushed his son holding him by the neck against the remaining part of the wall.
"Inuyasha you need to leave." Kikyo said slowly never removing her gaze from her panicked Cousin. "the hell I am." was his crass reply as he stepped further in the room. "Do as you are told." Taisho yelled to his youngest as he tried to restrain Sesshomaru who was now trying to release himself. "dammit" Inuyasha cursed as he left the room to stand in the hallway.
"you need to calm down Kagome your loosing control." Kikyo softly spoke to her cousin in an attempt to bring her down from her sphere. "I can't...I'm scared." Kagome cried to her cousin trying to gain some kind of control of herself but still failing. "You can Kagome I know you can. You just need to calm down. Here take my hand,let me help."
A growl was heard as Kikyo closed the gap between her and the sphere her cousin was within. "Stay away from her!" Sesshomaru yelled as his eyes once again bled red and he fought with more force to be released from his father's grasp. Taisho knew he had to control his son if he was going to get Kagome to calm down and began to apply more pressure to the struggling demon's neck until finally he was out cold.
"See your doing just fine just keep looking at me ok?" Kikyo said slowly lowering Kagome from her sphere until the energy dissipated all together Kagome exhausted past out. "Inuyasha." Kikyo called to the half demon as she quickly grabbed the unconscious Miko before she hit the ground.
"where you want her." Inuyasha asked as he effortlessly picked Kagome up and turned to leave the room. "Put her in with me I don't want her out of my sight." Kikyo said looking at his father in warning before turning to follow Inuyasha out.
Taisho sighed at the look given from the Miko though misdirected it was well deserved. He held no misconceptions on her opinion of his kind and knew from this incident it would take a miracle to convince her otherwise.
In the distance the sound of a camera could be heard as a dark figure dialed on a phone. "Sir I have what you needed it happened just like you said, no sir I was not seen, I'm heading back now with the evidence, yes sir I understand."